

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did one segment of the 10 Minute Solution Slim & Sculpt Pilates DVD then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Work It Off DVD (this is a new one for me).

    Welcome everyone new! This is THE place to be!

    KJ – how right you are about mindset. I had made this lasagna, one time Vince had it and that night he has a very upset stomach. The next time I gave it to him he said “oh, that’s the lasagna that I get sick from”. I just said to him “don’t get it in your mind ‘it’s gonna make me sick’, you don’t know”. He had the lasagna and guess what? He didn’t get sick. He probably had some sort of stomach bug (which is what I told him probably happened) that day. He’s like his father – everything, and I do mean everything, has to do with what you ate. So I totally agree that the mind is very powerful.

    Yesterday Jess called (honing her skills) to ask if I wanted to go for a mani and pedi. What she really means is if I’d like to go and PAY, she’ll go. Personally, the place is EXPENSIVE and I’d rather apply that money towards something else that I want (like getting the tree removed or the grass planted)

    Class reunions – truthfully, I don’t care about a high school reunion. I wouldn’t drive to NJ for it. Now a grammar school reunion – that I’d attend. Maybe it’s because we spent 8 years together whereas high school was only 4 and there were lots of kids from other schools and some that came in during the 4 years because a school closed.

    Margaret – your husband isn’t the only one who can’t see something in the refrigerator. Sometimes Vince can’t see something even when it’s in front of him!!! Many is the times when something he wants is behind something and I have to get it for him.

    You have to be SUPER explicit if you tell Vince something.

    Karen – do some yoga at the DMV and you’ll be doing hot yoga….lol

    After exercise stopped at the Salvation Army. Got this one dressy shirt that I really didn’t need but it was ½ off so it was only $1. Then to Aldi. Bowling in a few and then ceramics tonight then mahjongg.

    Kate – lovely dress. I really like the material. I don’t care for dark things

    Rita – wow! On those jeans. Wonderful!

    Lenora – so good to see you. I was wondering about you!

    Started on this turtle for Pete. Boy, did he change his mind a lot as to the colors! I finally texted him back with what I understood the colors to be. Personally, I find it a little boring, so much green. But that’s what he wants

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) When we bought our house in 2011 we didn't like the fact that the second bathroom had carpet on the floor. Today we finally talked to our beloved handyman about replacing the carpet with good flooring. By the time he left, we'd decided to replace the sink and vanity, paint the walls, get rid of the medicine chest, replace the mirror and replace the light fixture and towel racks.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Oh boy, oh boy I LOVE remodel pictures. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    Michele - Rodger is the same way. I had to take him to emergency a couple weeks ago because I was worried he had a blocked bowel. He didn’t but was extremely constipated. He has blamed it on anything he ate the week before. Now this week he thinks it’s spicy food. Heaven forbid if he would go to a doctor and get to the root of his issues

    Barbie - I can’t wait to see pictures of your bathroom remodel. Don’t forget the before pictures!

    Today I feel like I have managed to keep my eating in check for the first time in weeks! Day one is done onto day two!

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,514 Member
    Lanette, Katla, Heather, Karen in VA, Lisa, Machka et al thanks for missing me!
    Have no good excuse for not checking in for two weeks, just couldn't seem to find the time. Logged every day (with some trouble) but didn't always meet activity or CICO goals. Hooked the replacement Wii up and committed to daily weigh in, and at least 10 minutes of games, including either a yoga or strenghth training exercise. Wii says I'm down 2.2 lbs... BUT . . .
    At Friday's follow up with the MD, my weight was same as it was in February, and balance was even worse than in 2018. The good news is total cholesterol down from 241 to 216, LDL down from 161 to 140, iron is super good and fasting blood sugar under 100 so no need to prick for A1C. Yay! If cholesterols continue downward trend, he'll stop hinting at rx. My homework is to try to shave ANOTHER 150-300 cals from net CICO, get HR up to 120 during dancing and restrict eating to an eight hour window. I just love this doctor!

    Machka, cleaning and husbands. Well you all know how much I loathe to clean, but sometimes I just must. Joe dislikes the sound of the vacuum (who doesn't?) so I have that great excuse until he goes to town. How is it that guys LOVE noisy power tools, motorcycles, trucks but cringe at the vacuum cleaner? Could they be afraid we might ask them to use it???
    Lisa didn't realize I'd have to dance widdershins around the cauldron to save grant apps in progress. Any hope of prepping blocks of info in Wordpad and pasting in? "unrepentant, incurable happy person with a snarky streak" may I borrow your description? Sure seems to fit. ;) 30 ft of intestine? Oh My God.
    Karen in VA A DIFFERENT fridge error code? :noway: Belated happy birthday to you! Another apple not far from her lovely grandma's tree. What a loving gift (museum membership) for your gifted brother.
    Heather Haven't made your tandoori kebabs yet, but got some frozen naan at the semiannual pilgrimage to Trader Joe's so it will be soon. Can green beans be tandoori cooked too?
    Beth so thankful for the non-lupus diagnosis. Whew!
    Michele $16 Avias? Score!!!
    SueBDew v. thankful to hear good news from your retina specialist.
    Machka lately sweet peppers have been giving me the same itchy roof of mouth reaction, never bothered me before...
    Tracey tell us more about your new job?
    Welcome @jennietm2014 Jennie! Love your rescue longhar chi and clever westies. Here are my Skyes
    Welcome @juliestarr6926 and con VERY gratulations on being smoke free for almost a year. That is the ONE MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do for your health. Beating type 2 and looking forward to the cruise will be great motivators.
    JanetR "... crave kale and cardio..." ROTFLMAO!
    Margaret "brushing my teeth for my computer" Yes!
    Rita thanks for posting MFP's explanation of recent troubles.
    Ginger in TX good to see you post!
    Connie in KY Kim, Barbie, Rita and others said it before I could post. You've done well to provide your daughter with a second parent/dad and grandma, glad you like your "MIL by proxy".
    Viv congrats on the win and hope it was a bunch. Here in remote Oregon IF you can get a contractor to bid/work a simple kitchen remodel (floors, cabinets, countertops, appliances) not changing floor plan in any way is about US$25,000. Not gonna happen here any time soon. :(
    Katla the very happiest of birthday wishes, belatedly.
    Barbie :love: Sasha in the mirror pic. Brilliant!
    Rebecca Brava for sticking to your boundaries. Otherwise there's little incentive to change behavior.
    Rori (((hugs))) held extra long. Hoping your DH can tolerate some Adult Day Care/Respite care for you.
    Welcome @VitaBailey Jac in S. Jersey!
    Machka I too ended up in IT and was treated as "one of the boys". Learned much more about men act in all male groups than I wanted or needed to. ;{

    Makeup: lip balm, yes. Otherwise lucky if I can remember sunscreen and moisturizer. When I was hospitalized for pneumonia, (decades ago) one of the nurses called me her "little granola bar".

    Up to pg 70, but stiffening up, time to move.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    will update these later too, haven't been keeping up on my metrics. Meditate 0/31, knee exercises 0/31, CO>CI 5/31, vits+rx 3/31, play with Tumble 2/31, AF 2/31, steps: Tues:5770, Wed:3425 :{ Thur: 5949 so far
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for July: consistency.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did one segment of the 10 Minute Solution Slim & Sculpt Pilates DVD then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Work It Off DVD (this is a new one for me).

    Welcome everyone new! This is THE place to be!

    KJ – how right you are about mindset. I had made this lasagna, one time Vince had it and that night he has a very upset stomach. The next time I gave it to him he said “oh, that’s the lasagna that I get sick from”. I just said to him “don’t get it in your mind ‘it’s gonna make me sick’, you don’t know”. He had the lasagna and guess what? He didn’t get sick. He probably had some sort of stomach bug (which is what I told him probably happened) that day. He’s like his father – everything, and I do mean everything, has to do with what you ate. So I totally agree that the mind is very powerful.

    Yesterday Jess called (honing her skills) to ask if I wanted to go for a mani and pedi. What she really means is if I’d like to go and PAY, she’ll go. Personally, the place is EXPENSIVE and I’d rather apply that money towards something else that I want (like getting the tree removed or the grass planted)

    Class reunions – truthfully, I don’t care about a high school reunion. I wouldn’t drive to NJ for it. Now a grammar school reunion – that I’d attend. Maybe it’s because we spent 8 years together whereas high school was only 4 and there were lots of kids from other schools and some that came in during the 4 years because a school closed.

    Margaret – your husband isn’t the only one who can’t see something in the refrigerator. Sometimes Vince can’t see something even when it’s in front of him!!! Many is the times when something he wants is behind something and I have to get it for him.

    You have to be SUPER explicit if you tell Vince something.

    Karen – do some yoga at the DMV and you’ll be doing hot yoga….lol

    After exercise stopped at the Salvation Army. Got this one dressy shirt that I really didn’t need but it was ½ off so it was only $1. Then to Aldi. Bowling in a few and then ceramics tonight then mahjongg.

    Kate – lovely dress. I really like the material. I don’t care for dark things

    Rita – wow! On those jeans. Wonderful!

    Lenora – so good to see you. I was wondering about you!

    Started on this turtle for Pete. Boy, did he change his mind a lot as to the colors! I finally texted him back with what I understood the colors to be. Personally, I find it a little boring, so much green. But that’s what he wants

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    barbie - was it wall-to-wall carpeting in your bathroom?

    Raining cats & dogs right now.

    Michele in NC
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited July 2019
    July Goals

    1. Write what I'm grateful for here daily ✔️
    2. At least 30 min exercise 6 days a week✔️
    3.Track all 0
    4. Five minutes meditation 5 days a week 0
    5. Average 1100 calories net 0
    6. Lose 1-2 kilos possibly lost average 0.41 in 23 days (average weights noted over past 7 days on July 1 and today), but could easily be fluctuation. I haven't been weighing self regularly in last week or so.
    7. Take measurements every 2 weeks (?) 0
    8. Go to free coaching session ✔️
    9. Try one class per week at gym (I had signed up-annual sign up- for the 7 euros a month extra for classes and havent gone since the "zen" stretching classes weren't great.) Try different classes.
    10. Use city bike 1x a week (I also signed up many months ago at about 3-4 euros per month, there was no bike free the first time I wanted to use it and I had completely forgotten about it, it's not in my habits).
    11. eat fresh leafy greens 4 days a week 0

    Long term writing
    12. Spend at least 2h/day on long term writing project average 0
    13. Produce at least 3 rough pages per day average 0

    14. Average at least 15 min/day of cleaning 0

    15. Make a list of short term tasks, etc and prioritise them, and do them 0
    16. Take care of at least 2 short term (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill per week ✔️
    17. Taxes 0
    18. 1 h per week filing 0

    19. 1 hour on art project (other than sketching) per week 0

    20. do one work-related thing per week other than the above, to progress (I have to network and take initiative etc, in my job and I haven't been doing so much since focusing on thesis) ✔️

    Remaining from May to do in July : Make appointment with dentist 2

    -good meeting yesterday, productive and present
    -pleasant seeming evening event planned at present
    -meeting colleague for lunch
    -lovely day with colleague on Sunday
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited July 2019
    Gosh it's hot, almost unbearable! I think we are going out today to York Maze I'm going to make a picnic as to buy food there is too expensive.

    It was so hot yesterday that when I took Leah out for a little walk she peed and poo'd quite quickly and then dragged me home! We'd only gone to the end of the street, but she made it clear she did not want to go any further, I could only think it was too hot for her. We took her for her main walk around 7pm and it was still a bit hot, but cooled down by the time we were on our way home thank goodness. I don't seem to cope with the heat as much these days. I've saved a fortune on heating bills since the menopause :D

    We have a man coming on Thursday to measure the kitchen, then on Friday I go into the showroom and they will show me what they can do on the computer. I'm looking forward to it.

    Best get a move on, have a great day everyone!

    <3 Viv UK
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    7.2 km (90 minutes) of walking outside today! Up hill and down dale. Fortunately it wasn't too cold, wet or windy.

    Medical appointments

    Trying to tick things off the list without adding more than there was before.

    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Doctor's appointment this morning, so have to take a quick shower before I go into town. Will take my laptop and get my big grant printed out while I'm there. For edits, easier to look at it in print, and more likely to see errors--and 40-some pages is way too much to print out on my dinky little home printer. :)

    Other than that, another quiet day.

    Hope for everyone it's a lovely, peaceful, cool, calm and collected day.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    edited July 2019
    *** Wellness ***


    The chart above shows 7 dimensions of wellness, but I've thought about them expanded them out ...

    Recreation - My husband and I go to the symphony and plays, we travel and exercise, of course. These things do help relieve stress and maintain an element of normality in our lives. We were fortunate to be able to take 4 days at the beginning of July and spend them at a favourite place of ours owned by a favourite cat.

    Financial & Occupational
    Preparation - We're getting there. We've got wills and are making preparations for retirement and injury or illness. This is a big area on my list given my husband's situation. Lots to do.

    Work - I'm still working fulltime, taking on more tasks, learning new things. Continued extreme busy-ness ahead and maybe some long days.

    Learning - I'm in uni going for my Master's Degree ... one course a time. This semester's course is Human Computer Interaction. More on that below.

    Creativity - My creative hobby is photography ... which I don't do nearly enough.

    Spirituality - YES!!

    Family - Good relationship with my family, fortunately.

    I'm also my husband's carer since he had a workplace accident on March 22, 2018 which resulted in a severe brain injury. He has made a remarkable recovery given the severity of the injury, but still has many issues including things like epilepsy, memory loss and cognition difficulties, weak left leg, lack of smell and taste, and so on. Our weeks are full of appointments.

    Involvement - I'm president, communications officer, and ride organiser for one of our local cycling clubs. And I do need to get on top of what's involved in the job of president over the winter!! We've just had our ride planning meeting for the upcoming season. That went well, so now I need to get the details of "my" rides together.

    The local brain injury association has also dropped a hint that there might be room for more involvement by me.

    Environment - We're slowly organising the house and making attempts to simplify things. I'm working madly on my half of the dressing room.

    Health - I'm working with health professionals to address various issues before they become big issues. Three different physiotherapists!

    Exercise - I do a variety of active things regularly ... just about daily. Pilates, Rowing, Walking, Cycling ...

    Eating - I'm trying to eat a generally healthy diet and keep my weight down.

    Sleep - I have created a "cocoon of silence" that seems to be working quite well. Most nights I sleep deeply. I didn't anticipate it would be as comfortable as it is.

    Alcohol & Smoking - NOPE!!

    Regarding my course, Human Computer Interaction, I'm thinking of using something like the "7 dimensions of wellness" for my project. :grin:

    Machka in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    barbara your wellness numbers are moving in the right directions. Like you, I am working on lowering cholesterol HDL to avoid not Rx.

    Finally the rains have come to lift the heat wave. Grateful B)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    Stage 16 of the Tour de France ... and we still don't know who will win it! Exciting! :smiley:

    M in Oz ... closely watching SBS every evening. :)
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,407 Member
    Kate - LOVE that dress! Very becoming style :) . Neat to know dresses are coming back in fashion, I have a girlfriend that is beating the bushes for dress and apron patterns. I see them at the thrift stores at times. Sorry to hear about your tomatoes. Last year mine didn't do well, I think it was too hot for them. This year the bushes are loaded - I used "Miracle Grow" garden soil to amend the dirt in the planting holes so maybe that's helping along with our more moderate temps. We need a little heat to get them to ripen.

    - way to go girl!! Isn't it fun to go clothes shopping now?

    Michele - our DH's are definitely related when it comes to "what you fixed made me sick". Riigghhtt....

    Tracey - ditto on the DH scene. Does Rodger eat any fresh fruits and veggies? My DH will eat a peeled fresh apple a couple times a year. :s and that's about it.

    Lisa - I really liked your thoughts on mono-tasking and multi-tasking. Thanks for sharing with it, LOTS of food for thought there. B)

    Heather - did you have any idea your DH would get along so well with grandchildren? Maybe he's a kid at heart. <3 Hope his hip is doing better.

    - How exiting for you and your bathroom remodel. A good handyman is worth his weight in gold.

    Have to be at the hospital this morning at 8:15 for ultrasound on my belly button. Hoping they can figure out what it is and fix it. Quickly.

    Got my new 10" Fire tablet yesterday and spent most of the day setting up apps and just playing on it a little. Was going to look at it this morning (I was up at 4) and when I turned it on, the screen said to check out "Show Mode". So I did.... a VERY LOUD voice came on and started yapping about it. I couldn't get the volume turned down so I gave up and switched it off for now, until DH gets up.

    Make it a great Tuesday, ladies! <3 Keep as cool as you can!

    Warmish and cloudy SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    Jan-19 ... 241.6 km (150.1 miles) = 27 hours 2 minutes
    Feb-19 ... 175.5 km (109 miles) = 19 hours 8 minutes
    Mar-19 ... 170.3 km (105.8 miles) = 28 hours 21 minutes
    Apr-19 ... 160.3 km (99.6 miles) = 25 hours 4 minutes
    May-19 ... 164.0 km (101.9 miles) = 29 hours 10 minutes
    Jun-19 ... 246.2 km (153 miles) = 25 hours 40 minutes

    Goal: More than June!!

    Monday, 1 July 2019 … 2.2 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 16 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 2 July 2019 … 4.3 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 8 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 3 July 2019 … 6.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 6 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 4 July 2019 … 6.2 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 6 flights of stairs
    Friday, 5 July 2019 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 6 July 2019 … 0.5 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 7 July 2019 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs

    Monday, 8 July 2019 … 3.1 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 9 July 2019 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 2.5 km rowing + 6 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 10 July 2019 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 2.8 km rowing + 5 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 11 July 2019 … 3.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 3.2 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Friday, 12 July 2019 … 2.5 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 13 July 2019 … 2.6 km walking + 1.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 14 July 2019 … 3.6 km walking + 9.0 km cycling + 3.3 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs

    Monday, 15 July 2019 … 6.5 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs + 30 min pilates!
    Tuesday, 16 July 2019 … 7.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 17 July 2019 … 2.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 15 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 18 July 2019 … 2.0 km walking + 5.0 km cycling + 2.3 km rowing + 14 flights of stairs
    Friday, 19 July 2019 … 5.3 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 1.0 km rowing + 14 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 20 July 2019 … 2.0 km walking + 11.4 km cycling + 1.5 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 21 July 2019 … 2.0 km walking + 18.4 km cycling + 1.6 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs

    Monday, 22 July 2019 … 4.9 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs + 30 min pilates!
    Tuesday, 23 July 2019 … 7.2 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs

    2019 Monthly July
    Walking Distance (km): 77.2
    Walking Time (min): 954.3
    Cycling Distance (km): 44.8
    Cycling Time (min): 149.5
    Flights Stairs Climbed Number: 114.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Time (min): 91.2
    Rowing Distance (km): 18.2
    Rowing Time (min): 119.0
    Other Distance: 0.0
    Other Time: 60.0

    Total Distance (km): 140.2
    Total Distance (miles): 87.1
    Total Time (min): 1374.0
    Total Time (hr): 22:53:57
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Julie ~ Welcome!