TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Big thank you to my girl Renu!!

    Renu, I know you have been having a tough time with injuries and health issues with your feet and legs this last little while. The last few days I've been a little demotivated about working out. I think it's cuz I finally hit the 30lbs loss that I had been looking forward to so my brain started whispering "take a break - you deserve it" even when I still have a long way to go to reach my end goal and I don't want to lose steam now. Anyways, I didn't do much yesterday and I did my 30ds grudgingly this morning but I just didn't have the "go get em" attitude I normally do. Anyways, I'm at work, bored out of my skull so I'm checking in on MFP again and I see that Renu is so dedicated that she is alternating walking at a mid-pace for 20 mins and resting her aching foot to get her exercise in. That dedication blew me away! I was inspired enough to go for a powerwalk at lunch (albeit a short one due to time contraints) and to jog the 6 flights of stairs to my office twice! And I enjoyed every second of it. I am offically out of the workout funk I was in and am so inspired to keep going! Thank you Renu, for being a leader and setting a phenomenal example!! :flowerforyou:


    Oh Wow Lynda..I didn't expect that I inspired you so much... Thanks for those lovely words... :-) I dont think someone ever told me such things before... :-))) I was feeling so bad when I see everyone burning those calories and me doing nothing... You are a sweetheart... :happy:

    To be honest, I was feeling so low in the night and suddenly I read your post, I was fully charged to take a walk but i couldnt again.. But I did my strength of 25 pushups.. will do the rest today.. :-)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    So here is my emotional challenge...

    Many times my hubby used to tell me that I need to lose... But I would try to reduce for a week and give off... Probably I was never serious on losing... It was during the time of my b'day and I bought few tops for myself.. I wore them and saw myself in the mirror and i looked awful... Was just thinking..when did i become so fat, my tummy was looking ugly, it still is, but its much better... I wanted to wear my Indian dress, Sari... I always look better in sari, but this time i was looking so fat.. and my top was not fitting me.. It was stitched just 2 months before and its not fitting me... I was looking horribly bad...

    I now realize why everyone kept telling me that I need to reduce.. Often I used to browse through other dancer's profiles and they look so slim and well maintained.. Curves are clearly visible.. Even I was the same at some point.. Now I don't look like a dancer at all...I have always been very emotional about my dancing... I like it so much and I don't look good on the stage anymore.. Of course, everyone appreciated the other day, may be cuz of my expressions and my presentation, but general audience what they first notice is the dancer's personality and I am so awful now...

    So I promised to myself, that before I go back to India, may be for a vacation or something, I will get back to shape and people who criticized me on my personality will have no words to say this time...
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    where are my green teamers at? hope you girls are having a good weekend! :happy:
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    where are my green teamers at? hope you girls are having a good weekend! :happy:

    Hello Lynda,

    I am still
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    where are my green teamers at? hope you girls are having a good weekend! :happy:

    Hello Lynda,

    I am still

    Glad to hear it! I'm not sure where all our fellow SAHMU-ers are... How's the foot today? Hope you enjoyed your mall walk. I did that a lot last winter with my son because where I'm from it is COLD in the winter so it was a great way to get out of the house without freezing to death.

    I went to a family BBQ today. I was so pleased because my Mom made turkey burgers in addition to the regular beef burgers as well as had a big salad and jello for dessert (in addition to cake and ice cream). I was so touched that she did all those extras just for my hubby and I since she knows how hard we are working at eating healthy. It's great to know how proud both my parents are of my progress.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    where are my green teamers at? hope you girls are having a good weekend! :happy:

    Hello Lynda,

    I am still

    Glad to hear it! I'm not sure where all our fellow SAHMU-ers are... How's the foot today? Hope you enjoyed your mall walk. I did that a lot last winter with my son because where I'm from it is COLD in the winter so it was a great way to get out of the house without freezing to death.

    I went to a family BBQ today. I was so pleased because my Mom made turkey burgers in addition to the regular beef burgers as well as had a big salad and jello for dessert (in addition to cake and ice cream). I was so touched that she did all those extras just for my hubby and I since she knows how hard we are working at eating healthy. It's great to know how proud both my parents are of my progress.


    yeah.. probably missing Karie here... Foot is a bit better cuz one of the wart (boils) broke out and bit relaxed.. but the pain is due to the one underneath my foot.. Tomorrow, have an appointment with the Dermatologist, hopefully he will help me out... But i did enjoy my two hours walk at the mall.. i burned few calories there..just completed my strength for today... :-)

    Its always good to meet your family, I am missing them here...They stay back in India, so it would be like once a year kind of... I keep telling my hubby that we will go back.. but his work needs him here... and yes when they prepare the meals exp for you, you feel someone special... So keep going and make them proud.. :-)
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hello again Green Team,

    Just checked in on the calorie burn spreadsheet and I'm seeing a lot of empty spaces by our group. I assume KArie will fill hers in wupon her return form her trip tomorrow but we need to see some numbers from linake11 & babydbones. The spreadsheet can be found here :

    Please take a moment to fill in your numbers cuz right now it looks like we are getting blown out of the water. Let's do this girls!

  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey Girlies!! Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days. I've been so busy these last days getting my family ready for school, and also my daycare ready for all the new little ones coming back this fall. I've got a few spare minutes to say hi and to get my numbers on the spread sheet. Thank you all for your emails and your kind encouragement. You mean sooooo much to me. :)
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hey girlies! Glad to see everyone got their calories posted. Remember to update that spreadsheet with tomorrow's burn as well and then add your weekly points to the tally. Links are below:

    Report in here:

    Week 6 Points = 16 possible per person
    Cardio-1 per person
    Strength- 7 per person
    Food- 7 per person
    Emotion-1 per person
    Week 6 Team point = 4 possible for Team(this goes in the Team point line)
    Your Team earns 1 point for each challenge the whole Team completed ( your Team only gets the Team Point for the strength and food challenge if everyone completes all the daily challenges.)

    Any Week Picture Point=1 per person
    Anyone who posts a before pic will earn this extra point to add to there normal week points.

    Highest Weight Loss Point= 1 for the Team with the highest weight loss for this week.
    Highest Calorie Burn- 1 point for the Team with the highest Calorie Burn

    Can't wait to see how everyone did! Make sure to fill in your daily calorie burn numbers for the week as well so we can name the winning team Wednesday morning. Calorie Burn Spreadsheet can be found here:

    I won't be on much tomorrow as I have a training thing out of town. I'll be back on in the evening to check our tallies so please get your numbers up there! I'll also be posting the WEEK 7 challenge tomorrow evening. Have a great day tomorrow ladies!

  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    WEEK 6 TOTALS (pls copy and paste your numbers in)
    Lynda - 16 total!
    Cardio - 1
    Strength- 7
    Nutrition - 7





    Go Green!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge:
    I would have to say my I had many AHA moments, looking a pictures, wanting to be healthy for my son, but I would have to say my sister coming to visit really did it, she had been working out and eating less for 3 months and she had lost 25 lbs and she looked great! Her and I have always been the big sisters our other 4 sisters are average. It almost was a comfort to me that we were both big but when I saw that she was changing her lifestyle, I thought to myself I would be the fat sister and I know it may sound shallow but it really made me want to get up and change my life.

    I hope you ladies have a great day tomorrow, I will be traveling all day but I will be here for weigh in for sure!

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    WEEK 6 TOTALS (pls copy and paste your numbers in)
    Lynda - 16 total!
    Cardio - 1
    Strength- 7
    Nutrition - 7


    Karie- 14 Total



    Go Green!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    WEEK 6 TOTALS (pls copy and paste your numbers in)
    Lynda - 16 total!
    Cardio - 1
    Strength- 7
    Nutrition - 7

    Renu- 15 total
    Cardio- 0 (I'm gonna try to complete my goal)
    Nutrition- 7

    Karie- 14 Total



    Go Green!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    WEEK 6 TOTALS (pls copy and paste your numbers in)
    Lynda - 16 total!
    Cardio - 1
    Strength- 7
    Nutrition - 7

    Renu- 16 total
    Cardio- 1 (completed..yippee!)
    Nutrition- 7

    Karie- 14 Total



    Go Green!
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Emotional Challenge:

    I've mentioned on the team purple forum about my AHA moment. It happend one night while my husband and daughter and I had gone to Lane Bryant to buy me some MUCH needed clothes. My daughter who is 5, wanted to go into the dressing room with me because she didn't want to stand around with dad in the store waiting for me. Well, while I was in there, trying on a pair of pants that were 2 sizes bigger than the pants I had on, and feeling like CRAP by the way because of the jump in size, my daughter looks at me and says, "You're fat mommy!" At that moment I teared up, called for my husband to come and get our daughter so that I could change back into my other clothes. I sat in the dressing room for about 10 minutes just sobbing. I remember the clerk asking me if I was ok, and I said "no, my 5 year old daughter just said the most honest thing to me, and I need to make a change." I politely gave the clerk back the pants, while wiping mascars off my face, and walked out of the store. I have not been there since, and my goal is to never have to set foot back in there. As a good thing of course. :)
    So thanks to my beautiful daughter and her honesty, I decided that night, right then and there, that this was my time to make a difference for the better for myself.
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Cardio- 1
    Nutrition- 5

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Wednesday Weigh Ins:

    Starting: 244.8
    Starting SAHMU: 233.8
    Week 5: 221.8
    Week 6: 219.4
    Weekly +/- : -2.4 lbs :bigsmile:
    Total +/- : -25.4lbs! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Finally I am out of the 220's for good! I am so happy I didn't gain any weight on my work trip, eating out for every meal made it harder but I did pretty well. I just tried to skip the bread and extras.
    I hope you all have a great day!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Congrats Karie!

    Starting: 261
    Starting SAHMU: 241
    Week 6: 229-9
    Weekly +/- : -.7bs
    Total +/- : -31.1lbs!
    Goal: I guess technically I met last week's goal since all IWa tned to do was get out of the 230s. So techincally I've squeaked out a win here, but it hardly feels that way. I honestly thought I would've lost more because I workedout HARD this week. Sigh... I did however get a lot of comments on how my body has changed so I guess this week was less about the number on the scale and more about the loss in inches.

    Tomorrow morning is my date with the tape measure. I haven't taken measurements yet because when I started 3 months ago I was too scared to see how big I was. But I know there has been significant cahnge and I want to start tracking it. I think it will be especially beneficial when I have moments like this where I do not lose as much weight as I hoped. So I'm gonna start monthly measurements.

    My goal for this week is to stay motivated, workout daily and watch portion size. Measure, measure, measure! I'm determiend to put some distance between me and the 230s

    In other news: today is my 3 month anniversary of changing my lifestyle. With 31 lbs lost I am so proud of myself! I feel better, I look better and I honestly feel like I am a becoming a better version of myself. Thank you to each and every one of you for being my friend and keeping me motivated!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Week 5- 160
    Week 6- 158.4
    Weekly loss- -1.6..Yay!! I didnt expect I would lose this week...

    However, nice to see that the scale is moving down...

    Karie- Congrats on that weight loss!!

    Lynda- I am sure you have toned your body well.. Congrats on those NSVs...yippeee... :-)
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Starting: 288
    Week 5:268.0
    Week 6: 269.0
    Total: +1 lb.

    Girls...... I've been stressing out so much this week. I need some help!! :(