
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Lynette - thanks so much for the information. If I could get Silver Sneakers, that would save us about $700/year. Do gyms that accept Silver Sneakers also accept Silver & Fit? I'd like to be able to attend any class. Vince's company offers this service where they help you determine the best for you. And if they have to arrange a conference call with a provider, they will. They've been very helpful to Vince.

    Michele in NC

    Michele - I am guessing yes, a gym that takes one will take the other. But please call around and check with gyms to really make sure; I don't think it's a given. The service Vince's company provides sounds great, I'd take advantage of it too.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    expectations. I remember my dad saying this to us at some point when we were teens, joking around but also seriously. He must have been close to 50. He (who was rather ambitious and did rather well professionally by many standards, but was always disheartened that it wasn't better) said a colleague had recently said to him: "When you are young you want to conquer the world and when you are older you are glad just to have a good poop" (though he used the word *kitten*.) He laughed in a way I knew he must have partially felt that way, that it somewhat rang true to him then. My younger sister (now 50ish) pointed out to me what was interesting was that I remembered that, and it struck me enough to remember it. Of all the myriad conversations had only a few bits stick with us I guess 40 years later (for most of us). It was possibly the vulgarness of the joke (slightly uncomfortable to hear father speaking like that to us, though he didn't hesitate to swear plenty back then, and it was not out of character really.maybe it was to hear that his colleagues, all dressed up in suits and always polite and proper to us, also spoke like that). But the wiser moral stuck too. I think they were management at a conference, in the 70s, so kind of ambitious guys, but also probably around 50 and realising that they weren't going to all reach all ambitions, and had to bring some realism into their perspective.

    Or in other words ...


  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,228 Member
    I struggle with writing a novel. Not sure if that's a goal or expectation or what. Sometimes I give it up entirely, but then it haunts me.

    Sugar also haunts me. I was thinking I could manage to sneak in some chocolate under 1200 calories, but mostly it leads to more bad snacking. I don't seem to lose at 1200, I need to be closer to 1100 because I am very idle, especially with my hip issue. Oh well, another day is another chance.

    I'm feeling disappointed because I joined a challenge to hit 156 by Oct1 and 150 by Nov 1. But I am stuck at 161, so five pounds in two weeks seems like a dream. I've never been good at setting goals which is why I hurt my hip.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebecca: Athena is adorable! :heart:

    Karen in VA: Josephine the ballerina is lovely. I hope her biopsy results come out well and she is able to go home sooner rather than later. :heart:

    Michele: Chocolate is loaded with fat. Luckily, it is the good kind of fat. :star: Regarding chicken pox, DH and I both had it as children. We both have a chicken pox scar in one of our eyebrows as well. Having chicken pox puts people at risk for shingles. I’ve had my shingles vaccinations; it is a series of two. DH is being an idiot about it. :ohwell:

    Dr. Katie: I love the photo of you and your granddaughter. :star:

    Dandi1986: You are doing a great job and deserve to be proud of your accomplishments. WTG!!! :flowerforyou:

    Kim: “But as long as my loved one is safe and happy I never comment to them or to anyone else.” Perfect! :star:

    Machka: I drink peppermint tea when I have a cold. It soothes and reduces my congestion. Chamomile tea works, too, but I like peppermint better. I hope you have something available that works for you. :flowerforyou:

    We are having a rainy morning. I think this will be a day of rest indoors.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Michele ~ Why are you afraid of the Medicare Advantage plan? We are on it along with United Health Care and have been for several years.

    Lisa ~ I like that paneling you have chosen.

    Don't read if you are tired of talking about wedding rings!
    Wedding Rings: I have my MnL's really nice wedding ring that she got later in life and the other SnL got another really nice ring filled with diamonds. I cherish mine and never take it off and she never wears hers probably because it's too fancy. My mother gave my sister our Aunt's and Grandmother's rings when they passed and when mom passed my sister got her very expensive wedding ring. Kind of Shows a bit of, "I like one daughter better than the other"...Huh? I got a smaller diamond that my Father bought her before they divorced and I am happy with that. When my son first got engaged (not to his wife now) he gave her my original wedding set. After they broke up, we got it back. Now his wife has a nice wedding ring they had made from the diamonds from one of my husband's aunt's rings.

    Yesterday, I had a very bad reaction to getting the flu shot on Friday. I threw up Friday night and the next day my arm was very sore where I had gotten the shot and I was achy all over. Today, I am fine.

    Sorry not to comment to other posts very much but I am far behind. Wishing all a good Sunday and week to come.

    Carol from Ga
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katiebug - You look absolutely terrific girl. Good job. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Had to skim the last few pages as didn't check in yesterday. Welcome to all our newbies.
    REBECCA Athena is gorgeous <3

    HEATHER we have been so lucky here although we had thunder, lightning and torrential rain we didn't have it nearly as bad as inland areas. Benidorm is protected by a mountain range today we have been sheltering from the scorching sun instead of rain. Looks as though our last couple of days are going to be fine.

    Interesting topic re wills etc. DH and I have mirror wills but our kids know if we have our way we'll have spent most of our money and our house isn't worth a lot. We struggled when the kids were young as we sent them both to private school until they were 11 then they both got into good Grammar schools. My inlaws criticised us but DH said we would never be able to leave them a fortune so we gave them the means to make their own way. It worked

    Kate in sunny Spain <3
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Just skimming today. In a mood..... finished reading up to pg. 52

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,067 Member
    Rho97070 wrote: »
    Sharon LglSec Welcome :smile:

    Snowflake1968 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :smiley:

    Pip Was that a black lab in the photo yours?

    Beth near Buffalo Re: it sounds like you've got a good handle on the subject of your parents :wink:

    KK - KetoneKaren I sure hope what's happening is figured out and they're able to administer the help Josephine needs very soon. What a sweetheart of a girl <3

    Heather UK
    I have a friend whose daughter had encephalitis at around 20. She had to relearn everything. She is now a doctor.
    Wow! That is incredibly amazing! Good on her ! <3!

    Reinventing Rhonda - Day 14
    Scale was up a bit today. Oh, well, it will go down again.
    I walked this morning, a bunch looking at "new" used cars with my BF this afternoon, and took an evening walk together after dinner. Pretty tired from yesterday's excitement and from today.

    Heading to bed early
    - _ -

    Rho (south of PDX)

    yup, that's my youngest, yogi
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :)Michele, We went to a local insurance agent who knew about Medicare, Supplements, Advantage Plans, and prescription plans. We told him what we were looking for and he pointed us to a plan that would work for each of us. If someone at Vince's work can do that for you, I highly recommend getting help from a professional or someone with experience.

    <3 Barbie
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    :) All caught up.

    RV Rita
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,916 Member
    Kim - when my Dad was sick he asked our opinion on services. He said he didn’t need one and that we shouldn’t spend money on it. I told him that services aren’t for the dead they are for the ones left behind. One thing we did do that he would probably laugh at was, he was a general contractor and licensed electrician and carpenter. He didn’t see the sense in putting a casket in the ground for wood to rot. When we had to Choi’s wan urn for his ashes we chose a wood one that reminded my Sister in Law and I of the jewelry boxes he made for us.

    Gotta run
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Michelle you are going to love the instant pot-yogurt and applesauce are 2 routine things I make and bone broth, soup and chili, and hard boiled eggs. I haven’t used fairlife milk, but I strain my yogurt to make it thicker. You can leave it in longer to make it even tangier, yum!

    Kelly you are quite the “flipper” this weekend ;) turns out my DH ran the mower today, I did spend time picking up debris so I was burning some calories. Hope the sink/dish washer troubles are quickly fixed.

    My schoolwork is computer related so I have to take a lot of breaks—so tedious! It will be worth it when it is done.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,605 Member
    Dr Katie - Looking goooood! :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    KJ – as silly as this sounds, I enjoy mowing the lawn/weeds. I like using the walk behind. Vince likes using the tractor so I let him. I have pork tenderloin that Vince needs to grill. Sometimes pork tenderloin can be a bit dry, so I marinated it in soy sauce and honey. We shall see how it comes out. Do you have a disposal? We had a disposal at the condo and when we ran the d/w the water would back up into the sink. We just removed the disposal since we never really used it. Good luck getting a new phone. Vince hates an apple, feels it’s too limiting. But I wouldn’t mind it since the kids have one.

    Got dinner ready so all I have to do is microwave it. It looks nice so I’ll probably go in the pool then maybe string some more popcorn.

    Went in the pool then strung popcorn. I have found that I do a little stringing, get hot, go in the pool and cool off, then do a little more stringing and repeat. Vince is grilling a pork tenderloin for us to have during the week and for me to put some in the freezer

    Katla – it was the powdered chocolate. Admitted there were chocolate chips in it, but not that many. IDK

    Carol – the reason I do not want Advantage is because you have to go to only doctors who are in network. Our insurance had that once before, and it was a real pain. I don’t want to go thru that again. Fortunately, our insurance changed to a PPO. So glad to hear that you are fine now

    Barbie – I’ve already made an appointment with ViaBenefits (from Mars) for Oct. 18 where we will discuss the different parts of medicare.

    Michele in NC