

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    Suzie - the dancers taught line dancing, which DH didn't attend. The ballroom had two old men teaching, but only on the two sea days. They were the 'gentlemen hosts' , who are hired to push old single ladies round the dance floor. DH really didn't get on with one of them! However, we did learn a new sequence from them, which was very useful. I think his improvement was mainly practice, before and after dinner every day, with an audience!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx back on her tablet, which us a lot easier than her phone. :D
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Machka ~ Glad you are getting your glasses. I would be blind as a bat without mine.

    Carol in GA

    I was using an older pair that weren't as good ... without glasses, I can read a book fairly close up but nothing else. Without glasses, I couldn't recognise my husband if we were a shopping centre, had gotten separated, and I was looking for him. I could barely walk!

    Happily I have my glasses back ... and the new lenses should arrive next week.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Pumpkin: In my family, we have no desire to eat the beloved pumpkin and can't understand why so many people adore it. Instead, we love sweet potatoes in pie and casseroles. Another strange thing about me is that I love fruit cake and mince meat pie at Christmas.

    Carol in GA
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I was just suddenly reminded ... it's Thanksgiving on Monday!!

    If I were really energetic I'd bake a pumpkin pie and take it into work for my coworkers who have likely never had pumpkin pie. :grin:

    Pumpkin is not a "dessert" vegetable here ... it's a ... well, a vegetable.

    Machka in Oz

    I agree. I think it's a vegetable, too. I mean, pie and muffins and lattes are fine, as I sit here right now drinking a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte, but pumpkins are veggies.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    In Canada, I grew up with pumpkin as a thing you'd put in sweet pies and muffins etc. and never really liked it.

    Then I came to Australia, and started eating pumpkin soup, pumpkin in muffins as savoury (pumpkin, feta and spinach muffins -- yummo!), pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin in pies as savoury (pumpkin, feta, spinach and curry pies), and things like that. Now I really like pumpkin!

    Machka in Oz
  • Latestarter2018
    Latestarter2018 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi All - I have just figured out how to post in this thread - I think :-).
    I posted this morning about the lovely breakfast my husband brings me each morning, and realized I had created a whole new discussion topic under the Motivation & Support category!! how embarrassing!!! - a few nice women have put in some sweet replies. I am an IT idiot!.
    Have loved looking and reading all the conversations - I am at the starting post at the moment, with about 26 odd pounds to loose. I have a super busy job and find it hard to carve time out of the day to exercise. I feel so self conscious at the gym as I am out of shape. I think I am going to focus on keeping to my calorie goal each day for a few weeks - then I will feel a bit more confident.
    Its night time over here in New Zealand - so good night all.
    Sarah :-)
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hi Sarah.

    Welcome to the group. You successfully posted!

    I am crazy-busy at work too (11 hours a day - prepping, getting to and from, and actual work 9 hours; no lunch). I went from complete couch potato to now actively fitting in some exercise every day. I started with very small baby steps like walking in place during conference calls or commercials, putting away one type of clothing at a time by type, and stepping in place while washing dishes or prepping food. It really helped not thinking about an hour of exercise. Instead, I looked at 10-minute bouts which not only made it a easier to start; it also made it easier to get in at least 30 minutes a day. And, let's face it we all have 10 minutes somewhere. I never really like the gym. I would rather workout at home because it is more efficient.

    Meal planning and prep on my days off has helped me keep on track on the food front. I am a stress eater and work is my number one stress machine. :)

    Wishing you well on your journey!
    SuziQ - FL where it is 5:40 am and it's now time to start getting ready for work.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    Flea in the Willamette - it's good advice.

    Having a hard time adjusting back to five-day workweeks, after two months of taking every Friday off in order to burn my vacation days. I really enjoyed that, but it's hard to go back, and now the workweek seems to take forever to be finished.

    Loving the fall weather, but am beginning to wonder if it's put everyone around me on tilt. The gym was jam-packed at 5:30 a.m. yesterday, almost as if it were January resolution season. All the crying at work was unusual as well. Weird.

    Got lots to get done... and want to get to the gym earlier today, so I'm off.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR (with what has become a fairly common name, all in all)
  • Latestarter2018
    Latestarter2018 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks SuziQ - good strategies for me to put in place. I am a stress eater also, eating when I am a bit unsettled or angry/ frustrated is so hardwired into my brain. I know I can change though. I like the idea of 10 min bouts of exercise, and the meal prepping. Thanks for sharing these tips with me!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    Took a day off from work and it has been quite a day!

    First, my husband and I went to the local rescue helicopter "open day". He has been wanting to do something like that for some time ... to say "thank you" and to help fill the gap in his memory about what happened.

    On March 22, 2018 my husband had a workplace accident on the orchard of which he was a General Manager. The orchard is located on an island off mainland Tasmania. One of his coworkers found him, rang the island ambulance who came and immediately rang the rescue helicopter service to get my husband off the island as quickly as possible. The doctor on the rescue helicopter drilled a burr hole into my husband's head, prepped him, and got him onto the helicopter to be delivered to hospital.

    My husband remembers none of that. He doesn't have much memory of anything 3 or 4 months before the accident and certainly not for a couple months after.

    So, going to see the helicopter and meet the pilot was a big thing for him. It was a good, and emotionally charged event.

    Second, we went to a seminar (kind of a lunch lecture) at Institute for Medical Research and School of Medicine presented by one of my bosses. They have these seminars every Thursday, presented by people in a wide range of medical and medically-related fields. Occasionally they are interesting (to me) and I'll go. When this one was announced, I was interested because it is directly related to what I do. I would have preferred it be on a Thursday that I was at work, but I figured that we were out and about anyway, so we might as well stop by.

    It was interesting ... a good overview of where my work connects into the whole system.

    Third, since we were right in the area, my husband requested that we stop in at the hospital where he "lived" for 2 months. He wanted to try to get a glimpse of the ICU. He's been back to the ED and the Neuro Ward, but not to ICU. So ... we got into the waiting area, and then after a bit of time, managed to get into the entry area of the ICU to take a little peek.

    The nurses were great and a couple there remembered my husband and were so glad to see him upright, walking and talking. He thanked them profusely! That was emotional for him as well, but good, I think.

    Then it was time for lunch! We went to a place I've only been once before. Many cafes around here are a bit disappointing. Rather ordinary food. This place was actually good! They had an excellent chicken pesto in a toastie. And the gluten-free orange-choc cake was lovely.

    And then ... a bunch of errands. I picked up my glasses (Woo-Hoo!). I talked to my podiatrist about my orthotics which are falling apart. And we stopped at "our" hardware store to get a number of things for the garden and a small floor lamp for me.

    Now I'll continue working on my assignment. :) Tomorrow will be assignment day to finish it off!!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    edited October 2019
    Take time to focus on yourself. :)


    Done!! :)

    1. Pursuing further education.
    2. Cycling.
    3. Photography.

    Machka in Oz
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,345 Member
    Very busy with week. Have been able to skim and keep up with the thread.

    Machka so glad you got glasses back. I have worn them since 9th grade (needed them before that but mom couldn't afford them so my oldest brother and his wife bought me my first pair). I keep a second set in my car (current prescription) and always keep the last prescription pair on hand. I have a pair just for computer and will keep that up-while switching is a bit awkward the impact on eye strain is worth it.

    One of my friends welcomed a new grandson into the world late Wednesday. She texted me a picture (he looks beautiful), but evidently he has a congenital digestive problem and they are taking him to a Children's Hospital Friday to determine surgery. Will get more details from her today. So scary when the newborns have problems.

    Busy day on the schedule again today. Got treadmill in this morning. Have lunch meeting today and choir tonight so hitting the 10,000 step goal may be tough, but I have some extras in so I have already hit over average of 10,000 for week so that should balance out.

    Welcome to everyone who is new-this is a very interesting and supportive thread and you just never know what topics may be discussed!

    Have a good day all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • dandl1986
    dandl1986 Posts: 94 Member
    so much pumpkin speak....pumpkin spice doughnuts are one of my biggest temptation triggers. I have only fallen prey to them once so far this Fall. avoiding the great pumpkin at all costs!!!
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Karen in VA - any further word on Josephine the ballerina? She's stayed on my mind.

    Back from the gym, jiggety-jig

    Free wts - 10 lbs, biceps curls, shoulder press, chest row, 2x15
    Super plies - 4 positions, 1x15
    Hip Adduction/Induction - 160# - 2x15
    Glutes Machine - 25# - 2 x15
    Arc Trainer - 9 minutes

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    dandl1986 wrote: »
    so much pumpkin speak....pumpkin spice doughnuts are one of my biggest temptation triggers. I have only fallen prey to them once so far this Fall. avoiding the great pumpkin at all costs!!!

    Pumpkin soup is nice and not very high calorie ... add salt and pepper or curry for some extra flavour and you've got a nice lunch. Throw in some veggies, brown rice and chicken and you've got dinner! :)

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,640 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Barbie ~ Great looking bath remodel. I know y'all will enjoy it.

    Karen VA ~ Josephine is indeed a doll and we will all keep praying for a total recovery.

    Welcome to all and wishing all a great Thursday!