

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Took the deep water class. The plan for tomorrow is to do the 10MS Blast Off Belly Fat DVD

    Tracey – if it’s hard to keep up and work…well..you know what should be done….lol Glad it wasn’t a heart attack for Rodger and that he sees the importance of taking care of himself. That’ll also make it easier for you

    Heather – we had this spot at the condo where I wanted an end table next to the bed. Before this we’d been using a chair. Well, I found some at this junkyard. They buy things at estate sales. I got the part that goes next to the bed. Now I’m sorry I didn’t take the hamper that matched. It would have matched the condo colors.

    Has anyone else noticed that lately there have been fewer and fewer things on sale and fewer and fewer coupons? Also, that they seem to have shorter expiration dates

    Lisa AR – what sorts of things can you make with that small loom? A scarf maybe?

    Exercised, stopped at the Salvation Army to see what they had (didn’t get anything) then stopped at one of the gyms that I go to so they can get me on the Silver & Fit, then bought gas, then to Target to get more litter, bought honey (I like it because it’s VERY local), then the soup kitchen, then Food Lion to get meat for dinner tonight, now home.

    They had a ham & cheese sandwich with broccoli soup and chocolate cake at the soup kitchen. I think Miss Sourpuss just wants to stay away from me (which is fine by me). She asked me where I was working. I could have been snarky and said "look on the board”, but I was nice and just said “#3”. Perhaps she feels that wherever I am, that’s where she shouldn’t be.

    Regarding traveling: Vince did a lot of traveling when he worked – I stayed home with the kids. Now that he’s retired, he doesn’t like to travel, he’s more of a homebody. I do wish we traveled more, but I really don’t want to travel by myself. So I’ve just accepted this

    Lucy NC – I’m sure that not wanting to throw something out is from my childhood. We were always told to clean our plate. But one of the good things about eating as a child, we very seldom had pies/cakes/cookies, etc for dessert. Dessert was almost always a piece of fruit. Not that I never had sweets, just that that wasn’t a regular thing in my family, fruit was the regular thing. It really surprised me when I started dating Vince and their desserts were always cake/pie/ice cream, etc.

    Pip – how maddening!

    I felt really bad. There was this one lady at the soup kitchen who I served, she left, but then she came back. Seems she couldn’t breathe. When I asked her if she had an inhaler she said “I can’t afford it”. When I got my inhaler it was only $10 but that might have been because I had insurance. Maybe she doesn’t. She seems like a really nice lady, I just felt bad that she couldn’t afford an inhaler.

    I’m on hold right now with CVS Caremark. They are going to fill a prescription of mine but not the one I need filled. Why is it so difficult to talk to a person??? Update: I was told that they're waiting for a payment from me, if I don't pay they won't send out the prescription, which suits me just fine since I don't need it. I did call the doctor's office and explained how I won't be getting anything from them but to please call in a prescription to my local pharmacy and I will pick it up. This home delivery is such a PITA that I don't even want to be bothered any more.

    Katla – you should see how Vince has the decorations! Remember, he’s somewhat OCD. I can’t even begin to tell you how many totes we have. Each tote has a label on it telling you what’s inside the tote. Plus, he built these “shelves” to put them on out of PVC pipe.

    I wouldn’t even try keto. Like you, Tina, I love my fruits and veggies too much

    Michele NC
    exermom wrote: »
    Took the deep water class. The plan for tomorrow is to do the 10MS Blast Off Belly Fat DVD

    Tracey – if it’s hard to keep up and work…well..you know what should be done….lol Glad it wasn’t a heart attack for Rodger and that he sees the importance of taking care of himself. That’ll also make it easier for you

    Heather – we had this spot at the condo where I wanted an end table next to the bed. Before this we’d been using a chair. Well, I found some at this junkyard. They buy things at estate sales. I got the part that goes next to the bed. Now I’m sorry I didn’t take the hamper that matched. It would have matched the condo colors.

    Has anyone else noticed that lately there have been fewer and fewer things on sale and fewer and fewer coupons? Also, that they seem to have shorter expiration dates

    Lisa AR – what sorts of things can you make with that small loom? A scarf maybe?

    Exercised, stopped at the Salvation Army to see what they had (didn’t get anything) then stopped at one of the gyms that I go to so they can get me on the Silver & Fit, then bought gas, then to Target to get more litter, bought honey (I like it because it’s VERY local), then the soup kitchen, then Food Lion to get meat for dinner tonight, now home.

    They had a ham & cheese sandwich with broccoli soup and chocolate cake at the soup kitchen. I think Miss Sourpuss just wants to stay away from me (which is fine by me). She asked me where I was working. I could have been snarky and said "look on the board”, but I was nice and just said “#3”. Perhaps she feels that wherever I am, that’s where she shouldn’t be.

    Regarding traveling: Vince did a lot of traveling when he worked – I stayed home with the kids. Now that he’s retired, he doesn’t like to travel, he’s more of a homebody. I do wish we traveled more, but I really don’t want to travel by myself. So I’ve just accepted this

    Lucy NC – I’m sure that not wanting to throw something out is from my childhood. We were always told to clean our plate. But one of the good things about eating as a child, we very seldom had pies/cakes/cookies, etc for dessert. Dessert was almost always a piece of fruit. Not that I never had sweets, just that that wasn’t a regular thing in my family, fruit was the regular thing. It really surprised me when I started dating Vince and their desserts were always cake/pie/ice cream, etc.

    Pip – how maddening!

    I felt really bad. There was this one lady at the soup kitchen who I served, she left, but then she came back. Seems she couldn’t breathe. When I asked her if she had an inhaler she said “I can’t afford it”. When I got my inhaler it was only $10 but that might have been because I had insurance. Maybe she doesn’t. She seems like a really nice lady, I just felt bad that she couldn’t afford an inhaler.

    I’m on hold right now with CVS Caremark. They are going to fill a prescription of mine but not the one I need filled. Why is it so difficult to talk to a person??? Update: I was told that they're waiting for a payment from me, if I don't pay they won't send out the prescription, which suits me just fine since I don't need it. I did call the doctor's office and explained how I won't be getting anything from them but to please call in a prescription to my local pharmacy and I will pick it up. This home delivery is such a PITA that I don't even want to be bothered any more.

    Katla – you should see how Vince has the decorations! Remember, he’s somewhat OCD. I can’t even begin to tell you how many totes we have. Each tote has a label on it telling you what’s inside the tote. Plus, he built these “shelves” to put them on out of PVC pipe.

    I wouldn’t even try keto. Like you, Tina, I love my fruits and veggies too much

    Michele NC

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Machka-you are such a free spirit. You are thinking of retiring to a foreign country and I am have difficulty deciding if I want to move from Ohio to Arizona to be close to kids/grandkids! Is there any chance that they will move your husband from Worker’s Comp to a true disability?
    Ginny in Ohio

    Nope ... that won't happen. Either we stay on Worker's Comp till who knows when or there might be a slim chance of a settlement of some sort. It's not our choice. But we do have a lawyer ...

    One other detail is that his pension contributions stopped the day of the accident too, so we've lost nearly 2 years of pension contributions so far.

    I've been thinking about moving to different parts of Asia for quite a few years, then we spent about 3 weeks travelling to a very small portion of Asia (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan), and I liked it. I felt quite comfortable. But as with Australia and Canada, I found I preferred the smaller towns/cities. If I were going to go that route, I'd like to check out more of Taiwan and Japan (although it may be more expensive) and also South Korea.

    Remember, I've moved all over western Canada, and then to Australia. :)

    Regarding inhalers (ventolin, not longer lasting ones) ... the last time I picked one up it was about $6, although it may have gone up slightly since then. No insurance required.
    Michele ... are you allowed to go and get one to give to her?

    And I needed mine this morning!! Tasmania was blanketed with Victoria's smoke and the air quality was actually in the hazardous range.

    We didn't know that, so we went for a 13 km bicycle ride which left me coughing for a while.

    And now we're home again from our little trip round Tasmania. It is nice to be home, and in some ways hardly feels like we left!

    Tomorrow is Sunday and Monday I'm back to work. :neutral:

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    There's a question in the Fitness Forum:

    What was your surprise accomplishment for 2019?


    Probably the half marathon I ran last January!!

    I'm a cyclist, especially a long distance cyclists ... I've dabbled in running now and then, but didn't really expect to ever actually run anything as long as a half marathon!

    Machka in Oz

    Anyone else?

    What was your surprise accomplishment for 2019?

    M in Oz

    My most surprising accomplishment? Probably living! When the doctor admitted me on the 10th for blood loss he said I was critical. Records show that while I was in the hospital that I was losing more than a pint a day and that wasn't at my worst. The surprise was I didn't know that I was dying (along with the cancer of course). The accomplishment was that I lived! Woo hoo!

    That's a good one!

    My word for 2020? Maybe restoration. I'm exactly 3 weeks past the emergency hysterectomy due to excessive bleeding as well as cancer. I'm still trying to figure out all of this but I'm getting there. I keep getting hit by realities like writing things like "I was dying," or "I have cancer." It's emotional, but I'm regrouping and I'm going to get there!

    Are you talking to anyone ... my husband has found that meeting with a group of brain injury survivors and carers now and then helps.

    Machka in Oz

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited January 2020
    @Katla49 that makes sense. good for you for taking care of your health. interesting that you like it to be thirds.

    @sh0tzz99 weird about steeling potted plants. The part about the gardener steeling dried berries sounds almost unbelievable. I like fruit too. It's maybe high in sugar, true, but limiting to the extreme that would make It harder to have some balance.

    @barbiecat ha ha ha for not wanting to eat grass.

    @coastalgosgal Thanks for the clarification about the penpals, and communicating to your son. I think you are right. Communicating to a grown kid about not communicating enough could be counter-efficient. That's annoying when there is no acknowledgement of a gift. I used to send gifts to my grown niece and her kids and she never acknowledged them. I eventually stopped sending gifts to people who never acknowledge them. Of course it's different with your own kids. And it's maybe a particular time, him being in the military (if he's not a career soldier). Some people are not good at keeping up communication, and also many people go through periods in life when they want to get more space from family. I remember there was one period of a few months when I had no phone number for my brother and that was very weird.

    @cityjaneLondon it sounds like its either coincidence - the very old strings breaking - or else conceivably weather. Things always break some day and some of them around the same time.

    @Anniesquats100 interesting to read about your macros. I hope you feel better soon.

    @1948Peachy I had a MFP glitch yesterday morning. Maybe the amount of people on resolutions and tracking and opening new accounts is overloading the site. :smiley:

    @exermom here they have official national sale dates: 6 weeks in January -February and 6 weeks around July. I get coupons with sales receipts sometimes and there are Digital ones. I rarely use them as it's one more thing to organise. local honey is a treat. that stinks about the woman who can't afford an inhaler. If she is eating at a soup kitchen, she may well not have 10 dollars available. I wouldn't give her one, as was suggested. you never know about side effects. A looong time ago a friend gave me an antihistamine when I was clearly having allergies and I got dead sick( in bed and vomiting with fever for days). It turns out that grapefruit juice and antihistamines don't go together. We were passing colleagues so no big deal, but when one's In an official relation to the other it's risky.

    @JRsLateInLifeMom thrift shop purchases can be great.

    @Machka9 it is true, but some WL programs seems to work better or worse for us than others. I definitely tend to love carbs and have to make an effort to eat enough protein and sometimes even fats. Will the worker's comp be lifelong, or is there a time limit?? Can you push for the doctor to write an assessment specifying that? Are there some people in your DH's family of origin able to help out/pitch in? Will he (or your) someday possibly get a small inheritance (parents' home value...)? What's your favorite part of Tasmania if you were to move? An excellent lawyer is worth a lot. Wow about the pension contributions stopping. Can the lawyer do something about that as well? I'm sorry about the bushfire air. I hope you are feeling better.

    @ginnytez moving from Ohio to Arizona if a big move. Can you try out a month there first (rent an airbnb or something) and see how it goes? Where in AZ? Would you stay there in summer too? Could you work out being a bit in both places in early retirement? (though sublets, etc). I was thinking, like snowflake about them growing up.
    Maybe the shredder will motivate me. What sort of union negotiations are you working on? Are you in HR? Very kind of you to pitch in. That's so kind of you to help out for the funeral meal.

    @janetr7476 I'm sorry about your daughter cancelling. I hope you get better sleep tonight. Nice to have the guest house/motor home. Condolences about the memorial service and loss.

    @ydailey the plague ?! Moving to a new place can be very challenging in terms of making connections. My older sister is very sociable (and had young kids at the time of the move) but it took her several years to develop a solid community when you moved 3-4 hours by car away. When I got a country place almost 20 years ago for 5 years another single person there (with family contacts) explained that a lot people made friends through their kids going to school together and so on. I definitely made several friends but was not in the thick of community like I might have been had I had a spouse and 3 kids. Online sites like meet up and so on make it much easier than in the past to meet new friends and acquaintances. Or volunteering.

    @tekavincent I'm so glad that you are well and with us.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I'm dragging. 2 days I did almost nothing. today doesn't look much better. I really don't know if its physical or emotional or a mix. I always want to laze around a lot. its probably a mix.

    wish me courage. I need it.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    5, 10 years, I fortunately never got the 5 years question in a job interview. That kind of job interview answers tend to be a bit canned. I find it different when reflecting oneself about one's life. I don't mind thinking 5 years in the future, knowing that the world and all is changing so quickly one can sometimes only aim for a general direction. 10 years, on the other hand seems so far away. So much can change so vastly, politically, technologically, health wise, family wise in 10 years, that, at this point in life it seems questionable to think that far in advance. Again it's different for a 20 year old. At 56 that'll be pre-retirement (67 here) and not a very interesting time. More interesting for me to think about 1 year, or 3 years or 5 years or else leap to 11 years. Maybe 3 years is the new 5 years, since things are moving faster and faster.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    edited January 2020
    @Machka9 it is true, but some WL programs seems to work better or worse for us than others. I definitely tend to love carbs and have to make an effort to eat enough protein and sometimes even fats. Will the worker's comp be lifelong, or is there a time limit?? Can you push for the doctor to write an assessment specifying that? Are there some people in your DH's family of origin able to help out/pitch in? Will he (or your) someday possibly get a small inheritance (parents' home value...)? What's your favorite part of Tasmania if you were to move? An excellent lawyer is worth a lot. Wow about the pension contributions stopping. Can the lawyer do something about that as well? I'm sorry about the bushfire air. I hope you are feeling better.

    Will the worker's comp be lifelong, or is there a time limit?? They would like to stop paying as soon as possible. They tried a couple times in Oct/Nov.

    Can you push for the doctor to write an assessment specifying that? No. It's a lot more complicated than that. Because of the nature of his injury, the whole thing is very complicated.

    Are there some people in your DH's family of origin able to help out/pitch in? No.

    Will he (or your) someday possibly get a small inheritance (parents' home value...)? :lol: No! Sorry, that was a funny one!! No, there are no inheritances available!! My parents' money and property is theirs and they'll likely need it as they get older. :heart:

    What's your favorite part of Tasmania if you were to move? Northern Tassie. :) We visit often. But I don't see us moving anywhere for a while yet. I have to keep working! I have 17 more years till I'm 70. That's why I'm hoping this year will be my Master's completion year. :)

    An excellent lawyer is worth a lot. Wow about the pension contributions stopping. Can the lawyer do something about that as well? Nope! It's the law.

    The law allows that to happen because, as I said, it is written for people with a sprained ankle or something where the person misses a few days of work, gets compensation for those days, but doesn't get their pension payment for those days. It's an incentive to encourage people to go back to work as quickly as possible.

    Unfortunately, my husband's situation doesn't fit the box so we just go along one day at a time, doing what they ask us to do. :neutral:

    M in Oz
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited January 2020
    I waited in all afternoon yesterday for the plumber to fix a small leak under the kitchen sink, I contacted him around 6pm only to be told he wasn't coming after all, he'd had a few emergencies! Anyway he came first thing this morning, so the leak is now fixed thank goodness, but I was steaming yesterday.

    Janet you look amazing in your "after" photo (I like the word constant)

    I don't know what to do with myself today, I have so much I want to do, but when I start, I feel exhausted, not sure if it's the remnants of the cold (still a bit sniffly) or what, but so far I've only had a quick tidy and changed the sheets on my bed.

    I need to go to the shops for my mum a bit later, so might choose two of the small things on my to do list and then see how it goes.

    Going to catch up - surprise surprise I am a few pages behind and then make a start on moving away from the computer.

    Have a good Saturday whatever you are doing.

    Love to all <3
    Viv UK
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Barbie – Thank you for starting the January thread and for your continued words of wisdom.

    Michele – Dropping hints for a Roomba as a gift, but not really wanting it? It may be the family members you are dropping hints to pick up on the not really wanting it vibe. I checked them out for myself and with the no frills one at $199 and the one with all of the bells and whistles at $1,399 I decided I would rather keep the money in my pocket.
    Tracey – Glad to hear your husband finally has decided it’s time to prioritize his health. It is much easier when both spouses are on the same page regarding lifestyle and I am sure 2020 is going to be a better year for you.
    Amber – Congratulations on the decrease in sizes!
    Rori – Thank you for the New Year wishes. You have such a kind heart.
    Barbara – I use the 10 minute rule for exercise. When I really have trouble motivating myself my internal speak is, you can do 10 minutes. I usually end up with 20-30 minutes of activity completed.
    Bananas – I agree with your sentiment. I prefer to shop at places where humans are still employed. I know you are in academia and have quite a few legal things going on but I have to ask why so much filing? Over the years I have shredded most items and have never looked back and regretted it. My rule is if I have not touched it in a year and it’s not legally required, it gets shredded. Of course there are some mementos I keep but those are kept at a bare minimum. During the days I kept paper I would just get to it. First step would be sorting in “like” piles, then categorizing, and finally filing it in date order (newest on top). While going through it all I would toss duplicates in one pile to shred which was done while watching TV.
    Teri – Wow, 75 pounds lost! WTG!
    Allie – So happy for you and your trips. Everyone I know who has been to Machu Picchu has said it was a trip they will never forget.
    Lanette – I love the hand meme.
    Heather – The family picture of lunch at Marroccos is lovely. What a great way to start 2020.
    Pip – I am so happy your mind is at rest regarding the trunk and Kirby’s support of your mission. Also, glad you have moved off of the phones and hope things work out for you as you countdown your working days.
    Janetr – 1500 days! I am so sorry about your daughter. I do hope she moves closer to you so you can check in with her. You must have been out of your mind with worry. Glad you decided to go to the wedding and avoided the drama.
    Karen – Olivia is adorable. That smile!
    Rebecca – I hope your son writes or at least texts you back.
    Debby – Happy belated Birthday!!
    Betsy – Hopefully the mediation tasks move quickly. Praying for your sister.
    Ginny – I love the gift tradition you have kept up. What a beautiful way to remember your husband.

    Diets in General – The Best for 2020 – Saw this article last week and found it interesting. https://www.usnews.com/info/blogs/press-room/articles/2020-01-02/us-news-reveals-best-diets-rankings-for-2020
    Christmas Decorations – It’s my preference to have everything put away prior to New Year’s day. I do leave the Nativity up until the Epiphany. This a tradition Charlie and I started and it’s one of the things I have continued since he died. This June it will be 11 years. The heart does not stop loving.

    Thank you all for your continued support and life stories. I am looking forward to all of the great things we will all accomplish during 2020.
    SuziQ - SFL
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Happy New Year!

    Diets in General – The Best for 2020 – Saw this article last week and found it interesting. https://www.usnews.com/info/blogs/press-room/articles/2020-01-02/us-news-reveals-best-diets-rankings-for-2020
    SuziQ - SFL

    Using those definitions, I'd say I eat Mediterranean / Flexitarian, and have done since I left home and quit eating with my parents when I was 18.

    I'm happy to say that my husband has just very recently expressed an interest to reduce our consumption of meat except poultry and fish. That won't be too hard because we don't eat much anyway.

    In the interests of that, when we went to our favourite burrito place yesterday, I ordered a double bean & rice burrito and he ordered chicken instead of the pulled pork we had been going for. The double bean & rice was lovely. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    Meanwhile, I'm busy working on my second assignment for university ... a discussion on knowledge management, organisational competitiveness and information and communication technology (ICT).

    I've submitted my first discussion post, and now need to respond to the posts of my fellow students. I know what I want to say, but I'm struggling a bit finding scholarly articles to back it up. That could just be a terminology issue in my search options ... in other words, the terminology I'm using to search with isn't the terminology the library has used as keywords. Which, ironically, is part of what I want to say! That sometimes there's an ICT problem with knowledge management ... too much knowledge to be managed well or knowledge managed by people with one perspective but used by people with another perspective. And thus there's a disconnect which can be a detriment to organisational competitiveness.

    Machka in Oz