Daily Commitment Thread for 2020 -- JUST FOR TODAY



  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    @mytime6630 - hope you get an early call today. I can’t imagine the stress of waitingπŸ’•

    - Substituting all day🟒
    - Stay green🟒
    - HydrateπŸ”΄
    - Dishes🟒
    - Dinner at dining room table🟒
    - Pick up downstairs rooms🟒
    - Pick up one piece of trash 🟒
    - Get some exerciseπŸ”΄
    - sing for a church event tonight 🟒

    Met most of my goals yesterday. I managed to stay in the green without exercise, which is an accomplishment for me.

    JFT Thursday:
    - Sing for funeral
    - Stay green
    - Hydrate
    - Dishes
    - Laundry
    - Dinner at dining room table
    - Pick up downstairs rooms
    - Pick up one piece of trash from the street
    - Long walk
    - Grocery shop
    - Update budget for end of month.

    It’s been a busy week so far. I’ve subbed everyday and had a rehearsal every night. I’m looking forward to a day off from both today!

    🏈 Anybody making anything good (without too many calories) for the super bowl? I might do quesadillas. At least I can control what goes into mine. I’d love some other ideas! 🏈
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Okay! So I'm back to update and replies! Sitting in gym class. Lol.

    So I was off from work yesterday due to illness. It was strange. I was so drained that I couldnt wake up in the morning and was just seriously sick to my stomach all day. I'm feeling better today but still not great. I'm still a little naseaous but I definitely have more energy than I did.

    I have a list of things I have to do today as my list above says but I dont know if I'll have the energy to actually do it all. So send up some prayers that I can actually get some stuff done today!

    @mytime6630 I hope you get an answer soon! Prayers going up for you and your hubby, my friend!

    @Bex90210 @PackerFanInGB Missing you guys! I hope you two are doing okay!

    @teigansdad Good for you that you got some kind of exercise in! Even if it was a freee ride! At least it was something. You didnt just give up and do nothing! Also, awesome job about not having any beer! I know that's a hard one for you. Keep up the awesome work!

    @aubyshortcake I totally understand how you feel! I get an attack of the munchies every night!

    @clicketykeys 4.5 miles isnt any to shake a stick at! That's an awesome run! If you keep at it you'll get to that goal soon enough!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,485 Member
    edited January 2020
    Recap W 1/29 ~ Didn't feel like walking treadmill, still got up early and instead x-trained before work
    1) X-trained (weights/circuit) = happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings = Fitbit 7,664 steps, 250+ 13/14 (lost track one lousy hour) & 31 floors :neutral:
    3) Meals (mostly) & snacks prelogged / net calories zero / 14c water = Evening snacking again ~ ack! >:) Net cals -253 :s , sodium -774 :( , sugar green 1 :D , fiber & protein excellent (of course!), 14c water
    4) Email for BC-CC add'l records :) / draft APG for current/future ref / cleared some more of inbox :smiley:
    5) Evening: bake salmon & veggies :) / wash dishes :) / make apple crisp for dept food day Th :) / prep lunch & clothes for workplace lunchtime hike :) / other? called mom & dad for final F plans <3 / read :smiley:
    6) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / FLOSS :smiley: / RETAINERS :smiley: / bed & no tv 10:00 :neutral: upstairs 10, no tv, in bed 15-20 min. later (treadmill Th before work)

    JFT R 1/30 ~ skipped treadmill before work but at least have workplace hike today at lunchtime
    1) Change clothes & leave on time (Sue changed location) for hike
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings
    3) Food day in office ~ be picky & take small portions / net calories zero / 14c water
    4) Evening: choir 6:30 / put clean dishes away / bday cards for mom & sister / other?
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & no tv 10:00 (treadmill before leaving town F)

    Yesterday I read tips on why you're not losing the weight. One that resonated for me was focus on the process (vs. the scale) and the outcome will follow. The process is all the little steps that lead to the desired outcome. Sage advice.

    My process this week has sucked. I'm not in the workout routine I would like, although I know I can't outrun a bad diet. I have eaten a piece of hubby's bday cake every day (I do log as part of Good/Bad/Ugly), and had evening snacking.

    Tomorrow is my mom's 83rd birthday, and I will celebrate with family over lunch at restaurant. Have previewed online menu, not much for healthy choices. Pretty sure my sister will bring cake. Since I will have total car time of 3 hours, I'm planning to walk 3 miles on treadmill before I leave home.

    I have Friday off work but hubby doesn't, so he won't be going... we won't see each other until Sat. (since Wed. at my lunch hour). Sad me. Sorry for long post ~ just needed to vent a little.

    2020 Goals
    1) Get weight below 160# (last time was 4/20/19)
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP monthly (I stopped as weight plateaued & went up)
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking but include weights/circuit & other x-training
    6) Participate in race events ~ have planned 7 5Ks and 2 10Ks at minimum
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
    9) Declutter home office, bedroom and basement
    Word for 2020: Persist
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,335 Member

    @Bex90210 @PackerFanInGB Missing you guys! I hope you two are doing okay!

    I'm missing you too! I simply HAVE to make logging onto JFT with goals in the morning and again later to check in a priority! I have been really busy at work and haven't had time to hop on and have been eating emotionally so that makes me embarrassed and mad at myself, so then I don't want to log it. Just that vicious circle I am in again. But I'm determined this will be my year. So today is a new day. :blush:

    @mytime6630 Have you heard from the doctor yet?

    @bookmeister86 Thinking of you. I always feel such a kinship to you when I think about how work was for me before I found this new job. xoxo HUGS.

    @maryrobinson40 So happy to see your posts! You put a smile on my face every time! :smile:

    @Faebert How are you feeling? Are you still off work post-op? Everything healing okay? I hope you are doing well!

    Tomorrow my husband and I are going to my mom's to help her find a realtor and get her house on the market. We have started looking for homes up here near us, so she is in the process of getting pre-approved for mortgage. Things are moving fast and it's a bit stressful, if I'm going to be honest. It's a big deal to try to find someone else a house you think they will like! I'm trying to keep up at work also.

    I got chosen to be in a 10 week challenge at work for wellness. I think I mentioned it a week or so ago in a post. I'm getting nervous about that too. What if I can't do it? I'm going to be so embarrassed for my employer and my other 2 teammates! How am I going to do a yoga class when I couldn't even get up off our living room floor last night because of knee pain? I think I'm in over my head and starting to panic a bit.

    I guess I will do what I have to and take it one day at a time, right? Just for today...

    Just for today/Thursday:
    Today I will log every bite
    Today I was avoid added sugar, flour and dairy
    Today I will be conscientious of my choices...this is for my health and well-being. This is NOT just another diet!
    Today I will drink more water and log every ounce
    Today I will reach my step goal
    Today I was adopt an attitude of gratitude and peace.
    Tonight I will pack for weekend trip to mom's and get to sleep early.

    Word of 2020: Persevere
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,161 Member
    edited January 2020
    Need to rethink 100 oz of water goal b/c I was up 5x during the night. Once I shift my workouts to first thing in a.m. I’ll have 64 oz done by noon. plus, built in walking breaks (to and from bathroom, even better if I throw in a flight of stairs) breaks up long stretches of sitting at computer working.
    My doctor told me that 64 ozs of liquids was all that was needed. He suggested using the 'pee' test. If your pee is pale i.e. Straw coloured, you are good to go. The body just eliminates the excess liquid, hence your nocturnal bathroom treks.

    Well done in adding in short walking breaks when doing desk work. I try to make sure I move about a little every hour or so, and even walk during ad breaks in the evening when watching TV.

    @mytime6630 (((Hugs)))
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Thursday January 30

    I’ve done my logging for yesterday and I scrapped into the green :) I’m having lunch out today so that will be another challenge; January has involved a lot of meals out so I’m still hanging on to some of my festive gain. I saw a motivational card that read:

    A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips

    Log >:) another day when I’m too tired to think at night and will catch up tomorrow. I much prefer pre logging when I know what I’ll be cooking.
    Stay in the green >:) Doubt it
    5 fruit and veg :) Just
    Water :)
    Fitbit exercise goals[ :) pleased about this one as I’m staying with my parents and it’s hard to achieve /quote]
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    I'm icing my knees down from all the walking I was blessed to do