

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @trooworld that is so great on the 5 km!


    I signed up for a 5km today too. I've never done it before, I will be pretty slow. I signed up to be in the last AKA slowest group. But I'm hoping it will just be fun. It's in May.

    @cbabie glad to hear you got some time in the treadmills. VeggieTales what is that?

    @TeresaW1020 that is cool your mom is using the treadmill. Good for her. I hope your sore throat clears up. I think you have a good approach with the WW and the exercise. You will gradually get back to where you want to be. Lol about the robe. I live on the 10th floor and sometimes I leave my curtains open and I probably shouldn't. But there is a 4 lane road between me and the next building.

    @theslightedgeforever congrats staying on plan and on a green day. Yeah sitting in front of a computer or phone too much is not good. That's why I'm here less if I'm working a lot, I just can't sit in front of the screen any further.

    @CPAUTISM24 welcome! And welcome to @mariechinander and any other newcomers I missed.

    Well my weight is down .5 this week, and I can't believe it, it's at the lowest point it's ever been. I feel really good. @theslightedgeforever when you said you were a chocolate cake snob- man, that has stayed with me! I've been getting more choosy about my indulgences because if I'm going to have cals it needs to be good.

    A lighter week exercise for me, about 6 activities. The last two weeks was 8 or 9.

    Take care all
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @its_cleo- Good for you, a 5k sounds like fun. I've been thinking of signing up for one for awhile, but I never get around to it.

    @trooworld - three pounds is hard work! I really slack on the exercise

    @cbabie- When you track you lose, it's the truth. I've fallen away from it a bit in the last couple of weeks, but I know how important it is

    @TeresaW1020- I admire your commitment to exercise. I just don't have right now, but it's a future goal of mine. Baby steps.

    @CPAUTISM24- Welcome! I'm pretty new to MFP also

    I've been struggling to keep my food logged, but I'm making more of an effort again. It's hard when my husband cooks because I'm not sure how to log what he does. I've kept up with my 30 minute walk during my lunch break, even when the weather is terrible, no kidding, I've worn snow-pants at work to walk when it's below zero. It's the one and only exercise I get. I did great calorie wise all week, but this weekend, not so great, I don't know why. However I'm still doing better than before I started using this app.

    We had our time change, so tomorrow I have to be at work at 6:00 am, which is really 5:00 am for my mind and body, ugh. I'd like to go for a walk after work, but I work long hours, and come home eat a quick dinner and I'm pretty much off to bed. You all inspire me though to focus on my goal, which is health, which means being more active.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @teresaw1020 Wow look at your mom both will be motivation for each other. Just keep tweaking your exercise program until you figure out what works for your body. We need our knees.

    @cbabie Good for you for getting on the treadmill again. That plus checking in here are becoming habits.

    @trooworld The point on the 5K is that you finished. If you do it again, you can work on reducing your time. Great job on the water.

    @renaegry Still snowing? :( I'm trying to get my mind into spring mode. Two flies were mating on my car window and it reminded me of the word twitterpated and Thumper in Bambi. Ah Springtime.....although I just realized I'm showing my age. If I asked my kids what the word twitterpated was they would think it had to do with the social media platform. lol Sneak in small rounds of exercise when you can. I'm trying to change my relationship with exercise and think about it differently.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @its_cleo Love the graphic. I've only done one 5K about 8-9 years ago. It was a WW 5K. My goal was to do it in under an hour. Which I came in at 58.something lol I was about 44 lbs heavier then. In my dreams I can run the whole way. But for now, I'd have to walk it with spurts of jogging. Woohoo on your lowest weight. Doesn't that feel really good? Chocolate cake snob. lol It's true though, right? I threw away something the other day (can't remember what it was). I took a bite and said Meh. Then thought maybe the second bite will be better. Nope so in the trash it went. Old slightedge would never throw away and waste the food. Old slightedge used to be 44 lbs heavier too.

    @nighthazel01 Just keep working at the tracking. I've given up trying to do it "perfectly" when I don't know exactly what is in the food I'm eating but "close enough" is good enough for me. I lost weight that way. I've been aiming for the middle calories on MFP and it seems to adjust itself somehow. It keeps me in the habit of tracking each meal. If your hubby follows a recipe then you can upload that recipe to MFP and you'll be able to use it again the next time. When I have a new recipe that's what I do. Importing the recipe is easy. If the recipe says 6 servings I immediately divide the finished product into 6 and take my part before the rest of the family starts theirs. The whole house knows now STOP let mom go first so she can measure and weigh. lol Then STOP mom has to enter her food if I haven't preplanned it. They are getting used to me. You are doing an excellent job with your exercise. You inspire me. I wear a mantra band that says no excuses. Evidently I have alot of them.

    Yellow Day-Stayed OP 124/164 carbs Exercise-46 minutes

    March goals: Drink 3 glasses of water o:) Decluttering o:)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm still kind of sore yikes. I didn't realize just how out of shape I've become. It's pitiful! Yesterday, I barely got any meal prep done. I had to rely on my husband to do it.

    @renaegry I hope it warms up. re: the loss...thanks!

    @its_cleo Thank you! lol...Bravocado, I love it! Like I said, we came in LAST...dead LAST but that's okay, at least we finished! And like you, we were doing it just for fun. Good for you for signing up, I hope you enjoy the experience! Congrats on the loss and being at the lowest weight, woo hoo!!!

    @nighthazel01 Thank you! I did work hard this past week, but I am going to have to work very hard many, many weeks to get this weight off. I will have to remain consistent. I slack on exercise as well, don't feel alone! That's incredible that you still walk when it's cold enough to wear snow pants, go girl! Below

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, true. We weren't trying to beat anyone. It took us 1 hour 26 minutes to walk the 5K. I know that's a bit long, but oh well! Thanks re: the water. You did good on water and decluttering...WTG!!!

    March goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cbabie, good for you for getting on your treadmill! And you are right that tracking is the most important part of weight loss. I have really been trying to make myself track first thing in the morning. Now the goal is to stay under my WW points and not over them. ;)

    @trooworld, that is great that you are down 3 lbs.! B) I’m happy you have a leader that you like. I would probably still be going to WW meetings if I hadn’t lost my leader. Yayyyy for finishing the 5K!! I hope your plantar fasciitis doesn’t do another flare-up. My mom is trying to lose weight. She needs to lose about 40 lbs. and is very happy that I cook mostly healthy meals.

    @renaegry, I’ve seen a puzzle of the Vegas strip before that is 2000 pieces. I want to do that!! :D

    @nighthazel01, doing exercise does require baby steps and determination to do it. Don’t count yourself short! Doing a 30-minute walk is exercise and it’s soooo good for you! Tracking can be hard when you don’t know exactly what foods to track but when I am faced with that I just give my best guess. At least I’m tracking something. ;)

    @theslightedgeforever, yes we need our knees! It frustrates me that I can't do the exercise I want but I have to use some wisdom so hopefully my new plan will give me good results and as I lose weight I can go back to squats, lunges and other contortion that those trainers like to make us do. :D Do you know that for every pound we lose we take off 4 lbs of pressure from our knees? I bet you knew that already. ;)

    Good morning! My tonsillitis (yup that was my self-diagnosis after going on Webmd ;) ) has cleared up and I’m ready for a busy week. Mom and I tried to fill out the forms that will transfer her medical and it’s over our heads so I have tasked her with making some phone calls and seeing if we can get some assistance. We both just want all the business stuff done and over! The good news is that the scale was down this morning and I’m determined to have a good week with NO gain! Have a good day! :)
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    Morning Ladies! I'm officially on day 2 of low carb, and I feel much better today than I did yesterday so I'm hopeful my "keto flu" feelings will be minimal. So far my hunger is also much lower than it has been, so I'm thinking this change might be a positive one! My friend also gifted me with all of her low carb baking supplies, which was greatly appreciated since they cost a fortune and my grocery bill was already significantly higher than it normally is. But I'm feeling good about all the healthy food I purchased.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm glad you're feeling better! And even better that the scale is going down, way to go!

    @trooworld Glad your husband was able to help you with meal prep, that's fantastic! And I'm glad your 5K went well, I hope you're able to get lots of rest in.

    @nighthazel01 The time change is the worst! Is there a way you can ask your husband what he puts in dishes so you can get an estimate? I always think an estimate is better than nothing.

    @its_cleo I'll be rooting for you on your 5K, that's awesome! I'm not doing super low carb, I'm trying for around 50 a day to see how I feel. If I don't feel well after a week or so, I'm switching back, but I figured I needed to do something with how high my hunger levels have been. And I do classes year round, summer is usually the worst since it's a shorter term (yuck).

    @renaegry It's so hard to get going when it's cold and snowy.

    @cbabie Congrats on still being under the goal you set years ago, that is amazing! And I love that you're able to set a new goal based on what you feel is best for you now.

    @theslightedgeforever I really am trying to be sustainable, while making healthy choices. I know women especially move to higher fat and protein and lower carb as they age due to changing nutrition needs, so maybe I'm just hitting that point? And we did a 90s flashback night with The Mummy and Tremors, we had a blast laughing at the old effects!

    Welcome @CPAUTISM24

    @mariechinander I'm so glad this app is more workable for you. I'm all about balance and finding what works best for you!
  • huskymarie
    huskymarie Posts: 9 Member
    @theslightedgeforever The last time I counted calories (before WW), I came up my motto to never eat anything I didn’t really like. The cookie is only 150 cals but is meh, then toss it. I’ve followed that motto for about 10 years. Sadly I really like a lot of sweets 😆. It went with my other motto that if I wanted to snack, I had to ask myself it I will feel satisfied 10 minutes after I eat something. If the answer is no, then I really try to convince myself not to eat. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. So I’m with you. I’d have tossed the meh cake.
    For all that had to switch to Daylight Savings Time, I’m with you that I hate it. Hate, hate hate it. It should be outlawed.
    So I have a Fitbit and I get a lot of steps. But the MFP exercise cals is about as illogical as it can get. It is sync’ing fine but here’s some examples. Today so far I have 12.6K steps and MFP says 412 calories. Yesterday was 13.8K and MFP says 444 cals. So far so good. But on Saturday I had 12K steps and MFP says 12 calories. Total. TWELVE. Huh? Friday was 11.2K steps and 149 cals. Thursday was 13.2K steps and 102 cals. And last example Wednesday was 14.8K steps and it says 434 cals. Does the program use a dart board? Because it certainly isn’t scientific or remotely accurate. I’m still stunned but the 12 calories for 12,000 steps. Then there is the flip side. It is pretty entertaining.
  • huskymarie
    huskymarie Posts: 9 Member
    FYI, I changed my username from my real name to my usual social media name. But Mishka avatar is the same. And hopefully nothing screws up the plans to get her on Wednesday.🤞🏻
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited March 2020
    Quick check in here. Went over 101/100 Who would have thought that by forgetting to type in 1 egg it would make me go over. Oh well. Exercise rest day.

    And onto tomorrow.

    March goals: Drinking 3 glasses of water o:) Decluttering o:)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm pre-tracked, coffeed up and ready for the day! lol

    @TeresaW1020 Well, I liked her as a receptionist. I don't know how she'll be as a leader, we'll see! I have a hunch she'll be good but I don't know. I'll give her a shot. So far, my plantar fasciitis seems okay, thanks! I'm glad it didn't flare up too. That's great that your mom is health-focused, too. It gives you both something to work towards! I hope you guys can get the assistance you need. Congrats on the scale being down woo hoo!

    @mswatson0777 I'm glad you've found something that seems to be working out for you. I'm pretty lucky that my hubby likes to cook and is willing to help out! I've been able to rest and am starting to feel like my old self, thanks!

    @huskymarie Mishka is adorable, I hope you get to get her! Yeah, that MFP exercise cals don't make sense!

    @theslightedgeforever WTG on the water!

    March goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @huskymarie I'm with you, daylight savings time is the worst. I hope our state gets rid of it soon. And I'm hopeful that you get to pick up Mishka on Wednesday!

    @theslightedgeforever I always hate it when I forget to track something. At least it was only by one point.

    @trooworld I'm glad you're starting to feel like your old self. I won't know if this works for awhile, but so far so good.

    I woke up this morning ravenous, which was a shame because my hunger levels seemed pretty stable yesterday overall. I've been reading some forums that say the initial switch to low carb makes you more hungry at first but then it evens out? Does anyone have experience with this? I'm still not married to this idea for the long term, so my plan is still to do this for two weeks and re-evaluate. At least my energy levels haven't suffered too bad. I was able to make it through my jiu jitsu class just fine last night without a crash and for day three I haven't had any crazy cravings. I don't have any motivation at work...but honestly I don't blame that on the carbs! Happy Tuesday all!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @mswatson0777, I don’t remember being ravenous but I’m old so my memory isn’t what it used to be. :D Are you getting in enough good fats? It can feel overwhelming to eat that much fat when you start low carb but it’s a must. ;)

    @trooworld, yayyy for pre-tracking! I’ve been making sure that it’s the first thing I do when I turn on my computer. We can always go back and tweak as needed. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, well at least that sneaky egg didn’t do too much damage. :p

    Hey everyone! I got up early today and mom and I went and changed her driver’s license, made her a doctor’s appointment for next week, and did some shopping. She took me to Chic-Fil-A for lunch so I have to be super careful with my dinner tonight or my points will be wayyy over. :# My friends had their baby two days ago and he passed away last night. He was a beautiful boy and we are all so thankful that the baby lived for much longer than expected. His parents will cherish the time they had with him forever. My heart breaks for them so much. :'( I’m off to workout and then drink some coffee!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,351 Member
    @mswatson0777, I don’t remember being ravenous but I’m old so my memory isn’t what it used to be. :D Are you getting in enough good fats? It can feel overwhelming to eat that much fat when you start low carb but it’s a must. ;)

    @trooworld, yayyy for pre-tracking! I’ve been making sure that it’s the first thing I do when I turn on my computer. We can always go back and tweak as needed. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, well at least that sneaky egg didn’t do too much damage. :p

    Hey everyone! I got up early today and mom and I went and changed her driver’s license, made her a doctor’s appointment for next week, and did some shopping. She took me to Chic-Fil-A for lunch so I have to be super careful with my dinner tonight or my points will be wayyy over. :# My friends had their baby two days ago and he passed away last night. He was a beautiful boy and we are all so thankful that the baby lived for much longer than expected. His parents will cherish the time they had with him forever. My heart breaks for them so much. :'( I’m off to workout and then drink some coffee!

    Oh man sorry to hear of your friends loss. :-(
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited March 2020
    @trooworld I find that water and decluttering go by the wayside when I'm busy. So I have to come up with a solution to change that. You finished the 5K, had fun, and moved your body. Win-win all over the place. Yes consistency is your friend. (telling myself that too)

    @teresaw1020 Yes tracking is the easy part, staying within bounds is a bit harder. I used to do so well. Today was not one of those days. Need to go back and revisit the moment I lost control of the steering wheel. I knew we took pressure off our knees but didn't know the exact number. So thanks for that info. I learned something new from you. I'm glad your throat is feeling better. Feeling sad for your friends. Sometimes it's hard to understand the whys of it all. Hooray for your pretracking

    @mswatson0777 Any little change we do towards a healthier life is a good one. It never has to be all or nothing. Crazy thing that my oldest son used to do better in summer classes. Sometimes he would have to retake the same class and big difference in his grade. I think for him it was a shorter amount of time to retain all the material in his brain. lol Although I work better under pressure too. So there's that. Maybe it's inherited. ;) Feeling ravenous the next day....could some be physcological versus physiological? I know that when I have a red day at 100 carbs I wake up feeling like I could eat my house out but I know its all in my head. But that's where most of our problems with weight loss live. If we could just fix and change our thinking, the body will follow. (my theory)

    @huskymarie I used to be a salty/cruncy person but as I age it's more about the sweets. On the fitbit and the steps/calorie thing. I have figured out (well that's what I tell myself) that it's the intensity of the steps that is the reason for the discrepancy. Oh just finished reading your post about the 12 calories. Houston, we have a problem. Love your little doggy.

    @gemwolf110 How's it going with the food these days? Spring is here we are going to work towards a summer body.

    I had a friend over for breakfast. We usually meet every other week at a restaurant somewhere. We decided maybe it would be safer not to be around as many people right now. I just got over that bad case of bronchitis and I definitely don't want to be a statistic. I was fine with the food until early evening. At some point I just said, I'm done fighting for the day. Tomorrow is another day. Bad thinking on my part. My "tomorrows" have turned into decades. So back at it tomorrow. I did track everything. That's a win for me.

    Yellow Day- Went Over 285/164 Exercise- Did not exercise

    March goals-Drink 3 glasses of water a day :( Decluttering :(
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @mswatson0777 I'm glad too, for a while there I was starting to go off the deep end! :( I don't have an answer to your question, sorry. But like Teresa, my memory is kind of bad lol. I know you are probably having enough protein, right?

    @TeresaW1020 Yes! I even pre-tracked today's foods last night as I was watching tv! I've never eaten at Chic-Fil-A but have heard it's good. It's always really busy around here. So sad about the baby.

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah water goes by the wayside when I'm busy, too. I'm on a to stay on one. ;) That was a good idea to have breakfast at home. Yes, you can't be too safe right now. It's crazy. I know you are going to flip that switch and turn it around.

    March goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @trooworld I'm getting around 150 grams a day so I don't think it's protein. Today I feel better, so maybe yesterday was a fluke? I hope it was!

    @theslightedgeforever I'm sorry to hear about yesterday. Sometimes willpower just isn't enough. Good for you for tracking, that's a big win! As far as hunger, since I'm feeling better today I think it was just my body adjusting. I also did 2 hard hours of a workout, so a few additional calories were probably needed.

    @TeresaW1020 The fats part is definitely overwhelming! I picked up some more full fat dressings last night which will hopefully help. And I'm so sorry about your friend's baby. I'm glad they got to spend a few days together before he passed over the rainbow bridge.

    I didn't sleep very well last night so today will probably feel like a long one! My hunger levels are more under control though, which is good. I'm hopeful that I feel better by class time tonight so I can make it to both jiu jitsu classes. If not I might have to take time off to rest. This whole carb switching thing is a lot on my body! But I promised to do two weeks with my partner, so I'm powering through.

    In more fun news, wedding planning is definitely coming together! There's still a lot to do, but it feels very manageable. My friend's Dad even agreed to do music and officiate! I feel so blessed to have so many generous, talented people in my family to make this day possible.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all,

    Running late, will try to catch up on personals after work. I came home with a horrible headache yesterday and I went to bed with it,but not this morning!!!! YEA . I did get on the treadmill again today for 20 min. Yesterday was a bust. But still trying to track and walk.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld I'm so glad you are on a roll right now. Especially for those of us who aren't. We need someone to have the oars in the water rowing.

    @mswatston0777 I agree with you sometimes motivation is not enough. Action is the best cure. I'm glad your wedding planning is smooth. One less stressor in your life.

    @cbabie Hooray for tracking and walking. Every little action counts.

    Red Day- Went over 296/100 Exercise- did not exercise

    March goals- Drink 3 glasses of water :( Decluttering :(
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @theslightedgeforver, are you struggling this month? Do you need an intervention? I feel like I should give you some words of wisdom but that is your department. Sooooo what do you say to yourself to get these :( to turn back to o:) on March goals? <3

    @cbabie, glad the headache went away and that you got 20 minutes on your treadmill! Take care of yourself. <3

    @mswatson0777, how are you feeling today with the low carb? Have you had any weight loss? Yayyy for wedding planning! That is great that you have people in your life who can help make your day awesome. :)

    @trooworld, yayyy for tracking!! I am doing my best to track it all too. Chic-Fil-A is the best!!! I am seriously addicted to their diet lemonade. :D

    Good morning! I am about to head out for my weekly staff meeting. We are deep into our Easter plans which as you know is a very busy time for a church. The biggest hurdle this week is deciding on what the banner should be for out front. Too many cooks in the kitchen if you know what I mean! 😉 My weight is stalled but I know that it’s been because of my overeating my points. I have also started my new workout routine. Right now my upper body and lower half are killing me. Today is my off day and I need it. Have a good one everyone! :)