Coronavirus prep



  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    edited March 2020
    I don't understand how I am able to go to Gourmet Lollipops, to purchase 30 match/mix lollipops but I'm unable to go to Campbell's, to order even just 1 case of 12 match/mix soups & not just currently, either because it's a multiple disaster, nonperishable staple.
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    Someone mentioned looting, and now I can’t find the post to quote it...

    *now, this is through word of mouth, I can’t confirm it* but wanted to mention so people could be aware because it will likely be a reality soon if it isn’t right now...

    My aunt in Ohio said they have already had home invasions in her area for food and basic supplies - people kicking in doors at ridiculous hours in the night holding homeowners at gunpoint. (They don’t live in the best area, but also not the worst). Something that had crossed my mind (thanks to a book series I read a couple years ago), but hadn’t really thought would be a reality for our situation just yet.

    As this continues, be mindful of locking doors and taking precautions. Start talking about self/family defense now. Get a game plan with any children that might be in the home. We aren’t panicking, but we are aware of what could be as things progress.

    Just want to point out that this seems like the sort of thing that would end up in the news if it were happening, but a Google search (Ohio home invasions for food) did not turn up any news stories that matched the reported facts.
    Correct, hence the bolded and asterisked disclaimer saying that I could not confirm it. I hesitated posting for that reason, but it’s not a far stretch of the imagination as people get desperate. So even if it were not 100% true at this moment, it’s something people need to consider (and prep for, in the spirit of the thread title) as people around them might feel they have no other options, or just don’t care.

  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    edited March 2020
    Regarding the low death rate in Germany, I found an article this morning that says that they are testing 160,000 people a day. So it's more likely the fact that they are picking up most of the mildly symptomatic cases than that they have developed a miracle treatment regimen.

    Any indication of how they got all the tests?
    Do you know if they isolated quicker resulting in a lower amount of deaths. What’s the articles reasoning for the lower death rates? Detecting it alone shouldn’t be a reason for the lower death rate. How are they treating it? I would think that treatment would be a key factor in this.
  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    I believe that low death rates, due to increased testing's because those that've it but aren't experiencing symptoms're found & then're put into quarantine sooner, which limits them via transmitting it to others. Plus they'll have access to respirators, prior to their condition worsening.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,264 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    Detecting mild cases will definitely lower the death rate. I posted an article earlier in the thread about Iceland, who is also testing a higher proportion of their population than most countries. The numbers were still limited, but at that time almost 50% of those who tested positive were asymptomatic. It won't change the total number of deaths, but catching and counting the milder cases in the denominator will drive the death rate percentage down.

    This is why whenever I can I explain how the death rate is figured. I point out that it is based on known cases and that the actual infection numbers could be higher. That would mean that right now the death rate is skewed higher. We are not currently catching all the possible infections out there, but only the more serious ones that match a very specific set of criteria. It's basic statistics. I don't think that we will have a perfect idea of the actual death rate after only one round of this. It would take multiple years of study to do so.

    Indiana stats:
    380 tested
    56 cases
    2 deaths

    So the tested numbers jumped quite a bit, but the cases and deaths have held pretty solid. I don't expect that to continue.