Coronavirus prep



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited March 2020
    The Governor of Pennsylvania has ordered all "non-life-sustaining" business to close as of 8 pm. No warning. Fines if you continue to operate. Suddenly the entire state is unemployed. It's not quite a shelter in place order, but not far from it. Still no cases in my county.

    I work for a company located in a county in Florida considering essentially the same thing.

    Here's more on Pennsylvania

    Gov. Wolf's order to shut down non-life sustaining businesses met with criticism, concern

    ...“First, as Governor Wolf should have learned through the National Governor’s Association, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) has asked America’s governors to designate ALL ‘manufacturing facilities, supply chains and their employees as “essential infrastructure” and “essential businesses” to assure clear, consistent and more uniformly aligned guidance to businesses as our nation responds to the COVID19 pandemic,’ said a statement from the association's president and CEO David N. Taylor.
  • Ruatine
    Ruatine Posts: 3,424 Member
    edited March 2020
    Italy is being told that their "peak" is around 10 days from now. Nearly 500 per day dying and 6000 new cases yesterday with stressed to the max hospitals already. I had hoped the number would plateau, but it unfortunately hasn't. The only good news for them is everyone is taking it deadly serious. I wish I could say the same here.

    @Snowflake -- I'm in constant contact with others in Italy (indoor rowing buddies of mine). I'm praying for you all, even though I know it's going to be the same here. Please pray for us in a few weeks as well. We will need it.

    Saw this today - if we agree on the timeline, the US was trending closely with Italy (it has since grown at a larger pace.) The good news is, the US has five times the population (60 million vs 320 million), so the magnitude is much less. (Not sure why California was dropped in with a different timeline)


    This, to me, just means we will have 6X the deaths. So, they have 500 a day, we are going to have 3000 a day. I fear it's unavoidable at this stage. I've told all my siblings in Ohio (all at risk) that I love them. One, likely the most at risk, has a son that is a security guard at a local hospital. He has it at their house in isolation. Feeling very sad today. I'm sorry.

    The fact that young people are partying on beaches is disgusting. Florida will be awful.

    I know things seem bleak and surreal right now, but we have to try to focus on the positive as much as possible. Maintaining good mental health is important right now.

    The TX coast has also seen a multitude of young people (and not so young people) partying on the beaches. I fear that the kind of selfish and short-sighted behavior is going to be detrimental to our containment efforts.

    There are many stories going around right now about neighbors pulling together to help each other.

    Good news story:

    (ETA: Reddit has a dedicated sub for staying up to date with covid-19. Filtering for posts with the "Good News" flair gives some great, positive stories:"Good News")
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @Bry_Fitness70 You're correct (your post 3 back) and while I live out in the middle of nowhere...folks here are concerned about that kind of despair. Our schools are closed with commercial air cleaning machines going. They will be used as hospitals. <3
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited March 2020
    Italy is being told that their "peak" is around 10 days from now. Nearly 500 per day dying and 6000 new cases yesterday with stressed to the max hospitals already. I had hoped the number would plateau, but it unfortunately hasn't. The only good news for them is everyone is taking it deadly serious. I wish I could say the same here.

    @Snowflake -- I'm in constant contact with others in Italy (indoor rowing buddies of mine). I'm praying for you all, even though I know it's going to be the same here. Please pray for us in a few weeks as well. We will need it.

    Saw this today - if we agree on the timeline, the US was trending closely with Italy (it has since grown at a larger pace.) The good news is, the US has five times the population (60 million vs 320 million), so the magnitude is much less. (Not sure why California was dropped in with a different timeline)


    This, to me, just means we will have 6X the deaths. So, they have 500 a day, we are going to have 3000 a day. I fear it's unavoidable at this stage. I've told all my siblings in Ohio (all at risk) that I love them. One, likely the most at risk, has a son that is a security guard at a local hospital. He has it at their house in isolation. Feeling very sad today. I'm sorry.

    The fact that young people are partying on beaches is disgusting. Florida will be awful.

    This means we will potentially have far less than 5x's the number of cases and deaths as Italy. We are a country with 320 million with the same *total number of infections* as a country of 60 million, that is great (if that trend holds up.)

    I live in Ohio as well, and I feel like our Governor really jumped up and lead well ahead of the rest of the country. For example, Louisiana and Ohio each had their first case at the same time. Ohio has 88 cases and no deaths. Louisiana has 347 cases and 8 deaths. Ohio's population is 11.6 million vs Louisiana's 4.6 million, so we should have over twice as many cases and deaths. Social distancing is huge and the regions who did promptly and thoroughly are going to suffer far less.

    DeWine has been great and acted far earlier than other governors with so few cases. (An aside, I was good friends with one of his (many) kids in school and feel happy that he's doing a good job even if I have disagreements with him on some other things. His kid really liked him as a dad and talked him up -- he was Lt Gov then.)

    I think the number of cases is still not even close to identified, though. My state (IL) has been testing way more than some other states and yet as of Sunday we had only 93 (mostly in my major metro area), and on Monday 105. But then when the tests from when more tests started to be available came back we jumped to 160 on Tuesday, 288 on Wednesday, and 422 yesterday. And still mostly in and around the big city I live in, with more jumps likely. I think the breakout of CA on that chart might be showing CA vs Italy as similar population areas? Not sure.

    IN had as of Wednesday more deaths than us (1 vs. 2, we had 3 more yesterday, don't know about IN), but a tiny number of identified cases vs. us and also a tiny number of tests vs. us. There's no way they don't have a bunch more cases than they've identified. If Chicago metro is swimming in cases the IN part of that is too.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    Yes the lag time on this thing is deadly. It’s why I insisted on starting remote work and other precautions a week ago after just the first case in TX. I already knew it was here but couldn’t justify to management yet
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,400 Member
  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    I went to YouTube, to just watch my normal stuff but along the side was drone footage, of empty cities worldwide & it makes me wonder when this' over, how empty they'll still be because of the death toll, via this.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    mkculs13 wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    Have been offline for a few days and didn't go back to read all the comments, so apologize if this has already been brought up. Has anyone seen this story:

    Combined with what is happening in Italy, couldn't help but wonder if people of Italian descent are somehow more genetically vulnerable to this virus. Is that possible?

    Well--a lot of Chinese died too.

    Italy has a higher percentage of people over 80, which is one reason suggested for their high rate of fatalities.

    We have lot of smokers and the Chinese do too.

    Yeah, I can't remember the exact numbers but I remember seeing a partial breakdown of Chinese deaths and it seemed pretty clear that smoking may be a significant factor.