

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2020
    @LisainAR I'm not attracted to scary things: roller coasters, horror movies. I find life is scary enough as it is!

    A lot of things make me feel alive too: going for walk, seeing a sunrise or sunset, reading something astonishing or beautiful, sometimes writing, sometimes meditating, sometimes, lying down at the end of a busy day and feeling surprised at how good it feels to lie down, going for a swim in nature, discovering something new, eating something amazing, having a captivating conversation, laughing sometimes...

    I just bought some store bought pre-packaged carrot juice (not fresh-pressed) and it tasted off, and then I ate a banana and it tasted off in the same way. So it must be me. I checked my spices (sniff test) but I still smell them, so haven't lost my sense of smell. I'm visiting a 65 year-old friend on Friday, so I'm wondering if I should try to get a COVID test. It's annoying because I don't want to overtest, every time I have a sniffle.[/spolier]

    Speaking of that, @Faye when I eat dairy I often get the sniffles. as a treat I had an expresso with a bit of milk and sniffled shortly after. I know sneezing freaks people out now, so I mostly avoid dairy since COVID. I don't overindulge at all, but can deal with the occasional sniffle for a treat very occasionally personally, but it's not comfortable to have people freak out when you sniffle.(sniffle didn't used to be a symptom of COVID, but now, like everything, it is.

    update on things done:
    1) Walk done
    2) 15 minutes cleaning/tidying about 1 h done
    3) check a thing about new driver's licence done
    4) 5 push-ups done
    5) track food done
    6) Buy jazz CD from friend's musician significant other to offer to a jazz-loving friend who still collects CDs who I'll see next weekend. appointment planned for between 6 +7pm done
    7) 1 hour on writing work.done
    8) 5 minutes filing or paperwork. not done and too tired now at 10pm I don't go to bed super early but I don't work well really late. I work better early, and only work really late if I have to, like when I have a mass of tests to correct..

    I'm soooo tired right now.

    Does anyone every play any serious or silly video games to release stress or other ?
    I find sometimes some can be an escape. it's not the most productive thing but probably, within measure (depending on time spent) better than overeating sugar or certain other ways of wasting energy.
    What do you think?
    My sister used to play Tetris and I couldn't understand at all how she would like to spend time like that (she had masses of work with pt job, 3 kids and homesteading at the time). But now I can understand the need to escape in mindless low pressure activity...
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member

    Does anyone every play any serious or silly video games to release stress or other ?
    I find sometimes some can be an escape. it's not the most productive thing but probably, within measure (depending on time spent) better than overeating sugar or certain other ways of wasting energy.
    What do you think?
    My sister used to play Tetris and I couldn't understand at all how she would like to spend time like that (she had masses of work with pt job, 3 kids and homesteading at the time). But now I can understand the need to escape in mindless low pressure activity...

    Yes, I do. Stupid games on my phone or tablet sometimes if I feel exhausted and just want to sit for a while and keep my mind of my never-ending to-do list or alleviate some stress.

    Tina in CA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    @LisainAR I'm not attracted to scary things: roller coasters, horror movies. I find life is scary enough as it is!

    I'm soooo tired right now.

    Does anyone every play any serious or silly video games to release stress or other ?
    I find sometimes some can be an escape. it's not the most productive thing but probably, within measure (depending on time spent) better than overeating sugar or certain other ways of wasting energy.
    What do you think?
    My sister used to play Tetris and I couldn't understand at all how she would like to spend time like that (she had masses of work with pt job, 3 kids and homesteading at the time). But now I can understand the need to escape in mindless low pressure activity...

    I used to LOVE Tetris- was my favorite game on Nintendo when it first came out. Played it all the time.
    Now, it is Candycrush- play ALL THE TIME(don't get anything done many days because of it) Play three versions of it on my desktop and my phone. I didn't start playing it when it first came out but really have been hooked the past few years- gives me something to do- need to find something more productive.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    Heather I could call for free medical transport, but I love to walk.

    Katlia Everything went great! Good till November. You mentioned your blueberries before and I have always been a fan of our wild huckleberries. I used to dry them and also Moral mushrooms. I love local blueberries also so great with Nancy's plain yogurt that boast 41 billion probiotics in a mere 6 OZ serving. Your DH might try it if he hasn't already. It has done wonders for my digestive system. I wonder who counted all those probiotics? Someone in Eugene had a lot of time on their hands hahaha!

    Carol I wear progressive lens also even in my sunglasses which I had on. I was walking too fast and not picking up my feet. I have to remember on unsmooth surfaces, wearing walking sandals, that I must give it a bit more leg lift. Yes, my area has more than its share of mentally ill folks. The area facility that should be helping them is a failure, even after it was restructured and received more funding. I live in a middle-class area that is safer for the mentally ill than some other areas. Also lots of low-income apartments and affordable living for those mentally ill on social security as their only income.

    Della Faye aka Delia

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,517 Member
    Rori, oh what a great thing to have them come in and help. I remember having moments of time that were my own. So needed!💖. Enjoy your realignment and massage!

    Lunch was devine!
    Happy and a wee bit heavy lidded!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    Good progress Rori! <3 I'm so looking forward to you getting some fun and alive time. <3

    Carol - My friend phoned me on my mobile. It was totally unexpected and very enjoyable. We used to have a very intense relationship, sometimes too intense, but she lives a long way away now and has a long time partner. That is good, especially as she likes a drink. :o I'm sorry the shut down has been hard for you and your husband. I think alcohol retailers have done very well, out of all this. :'( I had a bit too much tonight, probably as a response to my old friend's contact. So many memories.
    I don't think you are the only one finding these times hard. <3

    Our Zoom on Wednesday is going to be 15 mins late because my friend is going to be in London at the Titian exhibition. She will have to do it on her iPhone data in the National Gallery. :o I have the Zoom for the grandchildren at 4 pm,so it's a full afternoon.

    I am a very lucky woman. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    Rori Sad to hear fires are burning around Denver. I remember a few fires growing up in high elevation Colorado mountains from the Four Corners area to Colo. Sprgs. but never much smoke as it seemed to rise to even higher elevations. I can see how the smoke could hang west of the foothills.

    Sorry that your DH has dementia. That is a tough one. I hope you can get dependable knowledgable help so you can getaway. Love the "cook" angle. Love the saying our health is our wealth.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2020
    Peachy: Staying at home can get boring. Grocery shopping is not simple or fun, but it is necessary. I find that getting out, even for groceries, provides a sense of satisfaction. DH and I have gone for walks near home and they’ve been enjoyable & a big stress reducer. I’ve had the opportunity to go horseback riding a few times and that has been a huge gift, too. I feel rejuvenated when I get to do something I enjoy. :flowerforyou:

    DeliaFaye: I’m happy to hear that things went well. :star:

    Rori: I am delighted to hear your good news!!!! I hope your husband’s care giver is able to fill the “cook” role well enough that he will accept the new person in your home. :heart: Sending good thoughts for your brother, too. I hope he is able to get his Medicaid card soon. :heart: :star:

    We will be having a homeowner’s meeting in September. It will include an election of a new president. I’ve been the association’s secretary for the past year and hope to let go of that responsibility if possible. They’re planning for a telephone Zoom meeting.

    I am not a fan of ZOOM because I’ve previously been in a meeting that was attacked by hackers. I also know of a situation where bad guys hacked into a computer system, stole confidential information, & created a virus that made the computers unusable. Bad stuff. I will not subject my computer to the risk of a ZOOM meeting being attacked by hackers. I'll be there in person or not at all.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,653 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,376 Member
    Did a body pump video today. The plan for tomorrow is to do some of the Dressed Up Drills DVD.

    Worked, went in the pool, then exercised, stopped at the Salvation Army (didn’t get anything), then decided to stop in at Big Lots, haven’t been there in a while. Nothing good.

    Katla – well, I fed my sourdough at 9:00 last night then again at around noon today. I’ll probably feed it again around 9 tonight. Let’s hope So glad you had such a nice trail ride. In a way, I miss the peace of a good trail ride. Oh well…..

    – glad your air quality is improving. Hope it continues to do so

    – glad you didn’t fall! I have to say, there are times when I’m glad I am wearing a mask. Like when I forget to pluck those chin hairs. You’re having problems getting dressed, huh….lol?

    Katla – I just thought of something regarding my sourdough starter. I’m keeping it on top of my refrigerator with the lid on loosely. It’s in one of those Ball jars. I wonder if the lid is too tight? I have it basically just sitting on the jar, I think I’m going to try putting Saran wrap on it instead and see what happens. Update: I went to get the jar to put the wrap on and THERE’S ACTIVITY!!!!! I’m so happy. I don’t know how much but there IS activity.

    – I really don’t play any mind-numbing games on the computer. I know that’s one of the ways Jess releases tension. But I do like to play mahjongg on line.

    Speaking of which – we play a bit later tonight

    – I’m so so happy for you

    Michele NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :) I go to meetings on Zoom nearly every day. Zoom has updated to include many safeguards to avoid hackers and bombers.

    :) I play an occasional game of solitaire on my computer, nothing else.

    :)Meg things will take time for your hubby to readjust

    :)Rorisending hugs to you

    :) Today's adventure was vacuuming the carpets.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,653 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    Michele No problem getting dressed, but some of the women here and my bestie bragging about going braless has rubbed off on me. I mean if these babes of age with real grown woman boobs can do it, then why not me. I should have picked a looser top as the AC in the docs office was set low. I was walking so I picked a tighter LIGHTER tank top ideal for walking in the heat. I didn't realize my carelessness until I looked in the mirror across from the exam chair. I just crossed my arms and pretended to be cold. I do keep those awful chin hairs pulled. hahaha!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Debbie, I am a Candy Crush fan as well. I also play Words with Friends and Sudoku on my tablet.

    I have been on a serious decluttering and arranging streak in my study. It is looking so good. My files are in the best shape of their lives. You wouldn’t believe the Mounds of shredded paper and recycle piles.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2020
    Michele: I just got a baker's catalog from King Arthur Flour. On page 60 they have crocks and a jar of sourdough starter. You can buy the fresh starter for 8.95. It comes in a 1 oz jar. You can also buy a crock and the starter. I bought the stoneware crock for my daughter and took her some of my own starter in a ziplock bag on the jet when I went to visit last fall. I can't ship live sourdough anywhere, but I thought you might be able to have fun with this. They have a phone number: 800.827.6836 and an online site: shop.kingarthurflour.com This is an interesting coincidence for me, since I just cleaned my crocks and doubled my sourdough starter.
