

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,767 Member
    I'm in a funk ... it will pass ... but still, that's where I am today ...
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,788 Member
    Lisa - I have no interest in doing anything like that either. I truly feel so alive when I’m with my Grandchildren their outlook on life is so interesting to me. I wish I would have noticed my girls wonder at their age more often.
    I laughed with you on your meme about accounting.
    My boss that is giving me such problems is named Joy. My coworker bought me a sign for my office that read.
    Everyone brings Joy to this office
    Some when entering
    Others when leaving

    I did not accept the gift as I thought it would be asking for trouble.

    Annie - I was up 15lbs at the beginning of July, but as of today I’m only up 10. It will come off again.

    Heather - I would probably cancel the pizza meeting as well. Our Chief Medical Officer for the province in her speech today talked about how family gatherings are becoming the biggest spreaders. She warned that families need to remember to protect the Grandparents. One of the reasons my daughter is going with the online learning is so that they can still visit us. They understand that I work with the very vulnerable and don’t want to put anyone at risk. I’m so blessed they made this decision.

    Carol - can you and your husband get out for a walk? Have a visit with family while masked? I was and am considered an essential worker so have been working all along, but I know the weekends seemed so long for me when we were shut down tight.

    Julie - I have never been a video gaming person but for a short time did jigsaw puzzles on my tablet and played a crossword type of game. I can understand how they are relaxing but since I’ve sold every video game console my husband ever had I won’t get too attached to them

    Rori - I am so happy for you. What a relief this will be.

    I had a long day at work, it was payroll today and since I was off three days last week I wasn’t as ahead as I usually like to be for payroll Monday. I am almost done though will just need a couple hours in the morning.

    My daughter (31) texted me today to ask if one of her stuffed animals, given to her the day she was born, had a dress. I told her I though it had. Apparently the dress was missing. She continues to text with me and tells me that the Grands had taken out all of her cherished stuffies from her childhood. Michaela was quite offended that none of them had been given names. Then they all wanted the history of each one, who gave it to her and for what. It was really sweet and when I told her that she explained that it was but she had retreated to her bedroom to try to get rid of a headache and their Dad was supposed to have been keeping them occupied. 😂

    I need to get off here and go buy some milk. We are out and hubby has a glass before bed and then for cereal each day. I rarely drink it.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    We've been watching the Eco-Challenge on Amazon Prime, an incredible race across Fiji, more than 400 miles long, running, hiking, swimming in 58-degree water, mountain biking, climbing, rappelling, paddle boarding, and paddling outriggers both on the open ocean and calmer waters. Serious issues with both heatstroke in the lowlands and hypothermia in the mountains. However, almost without exception, they all said they feel like they are most alive when they're out there going through hell--most didn't even enter to win, merely to finish.

    I watched open-mouthed, but have zero urge to do anything remotely similar. Not because of my age - I think the oldest one was 68 - but because I never had a yen to hurt myself to make myself feel alive.

    I can hurt myself by tripping over the carpet. This does not make me feel alive, just clumsy.

    I marvel at the human spirit on a constant and ongoing basis. What makes you feel most alive?

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Completing a long, long, long distance bicycle ride. Feeling utterly wrecked but fantastic because I've accomplished something big.

    Hiking to the top of a mountain and back. The exhilaration of being on top of the world, the endorphins of the hike.

    My half-marathon was up there on the "alive" scale too, but the hip pain was a bit of a downer. I hope to be able to run another half-marathon soon and maybe even a marathon eventually!

    Body boarding (boogie boarding) on a remote, empty beach in South Australia.

    Being outside and remote, without another person around (except maybe my husband) ... in a forest, maybe with mountains around, or near/at a roaring beach ... those things are pretty good too.

    I miss all those things but especially the cycling. I haven't felt alive in a long time.

    Machka in Oz

    Earlier, I asked what people like to do for fun and I think this is what I was getting at. To me what makes me feel alive is fun. :)

    There are things I do to relax or feel comfortable like listening to soft music, curling up in bed and reading a novel book, going for a walk in the sunshine, etc.

    There are things I do because they are interesting and engage my brain like working on my website, photography, taking courses, and some of my work/job etc.

    There are things I do for fitness like rowing, running, going for a brisk walk, etc.

    There are things I do because I have to like vacuuming, the mountain of paperwork for my husband's situation, some of my work/job, some of my uni stuff etc.

    And there are things I do for the challenge, the endorphins, and the fun ... things that make me feel alive!!!!!

    In contemplating what I've just written, these days, most of what I do falls in the 'have to' category.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    DEPRESSION: I think my husband and I are both feeling very depressed lately after staying inside so much. He is sleeping too much and it's all I can do not to drink my evening wine earlier than usual.

    CAROL in GA

    Can you go outside and get some exercise every day?

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Does anyone every play any serious or silly video games to release stress or other ?
    I find sometimes some can be an escape. it's not the most productive thing but probably, within measure (depending on time spent) better than overeating sugar or certain other ways of wasting energy.
    What do you think?

    Occasionally I will play mahjong but these days, I tend to play with Rhody when I need a break. :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Greetings from my Caregiver Cave. Today the Director of Nursing for First Light Home Care was here to do the registration for my DH. Dear brother and I have been talking about needing a cook, so that is the story we are giving DH for who this stranger in the house will be. The VA will be covering 10 hours a week for home care, and 30 days a year of respite just to give me quality time off. What a gift that will be! I'm practically doing back flips at the simple prospect of getting a couple hours a day when I can leave the house and do whatever without worrying about if/when DH will take a walk due to some confusion, fear or misplaced dementia memory. I gave the nurse three typed pages of a dossier of DH's current routine, likes, dislikes, and basic biography. By this time tomorrow, the coordinator will be in touch and it's likely going to be a week before our 'cook' is here. 🤞🤞🤞

    Now coping and hoping in the Colorado Foothills

    I am so pleased to hear that you will have help and will be able to take the breaks you need! <3

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I am not a fan of ZOOM because I’ve previously been in a meeting that was attacked by hackers. I also know of a situation where bad guys hacked into a computer system, stole confidential information, & created a virus that made the computers unusable. Bad stuff. I will not subject my computer to the risk of a ZOOM meeting being attacked by hackers. I'll be there in person or not at all.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Zoom's security has improved, but you can take steps to protect yourself:


    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
    Stat for the day
    Walk to cleaners w/yogi- 20.03sec, 102mhr, 1mi= 163c
    Apple Watch- 96c
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Katla – there’s a part of me that wants to make the starter from scratch, but if feeding it more often (which reminds me that I need to feed it tonight) doesn’t help I think I just might get their starter. But before I order it (if I do) I want to call them to find out what the ingredients are

    M – which mahjongg do you play? We play the American. Which site do you use? We use Real Mahjongg. Maybe if you use it, we can play together some

    Michele NC
    Who just fed her starter and thinks she’s starting to see some activity….yippee. Guess we’ll see what happens overnight.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – which mahjongg do you play? We play the American. Which site do you use? We use Real Mahjongg. Maybe if you use it, we can play together some

    Michele NC

    I'm not sure. I think I just downloaded a Microsoft version ... there don't appear to be any other people playing and only a limited number of game formations.

    M in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: Congratulations on activity in your starter. This is GREAT news! :bigsmile:

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Kim))) I hope you rest well and recharge for tomorrow. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    I miss dessing up now and then. There are clothes in my wardrobe that I haven't seen for months and forgotten I had!
    I'm wearing leggings, a camisole and a long sleeved exercise top. I've worn those for months on end. When it was hot I wore pyjama shorts and a silky white camisole. Didn't answer the door in that! :o I've dressed in smart casual for my family visits and twice for my girlfriend. 5 times since March 23rd.
    I do put face on if I'm having a Zoom, but don't change clothes.
    I do enjoy scrubbing up and looking decent. These days I go for days with dirty hair, no make up. I should make more effort as I always feel better, but I don't often bother. It's just me and him. :D
    We were meant to be going to Fatto a Mano on Tuesday, because they have completely open to the street tables, but the weather is going to be awful. Rain and high winds. I will have to tell my son we can't go as we are not ready to sit inside. The occasion was to introduce us to the new au pair. :s I will miss the opportunity to scrub up.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Why deny yourself the enjoyment of loooking decent? Smart casual is what I choose to wear every day, (including pretty sports/leisurewear). I decided a long time ago that DH of all people deserved the effort. The added bonus is that I feel so much better when I wear nice clothes, and do my hair. (I don't wear makeup). Since reaching maintenance I have decluttered and discarded clothing in which I don't feel comfortable. This has lightened my mind as well as cleared much space in my home.

    I like having different clothes for different things ... most days.

    So even when I was working from home, I changed from my pjs into my home outfit. It is casual, but it is something I could wear out of the home, to the store. These days it is usually black stretchy pants and a plain long-sleeved knit top, like a heavyweight T-shirt. I used to wear the tops to work, and possibly still could but they are 10 years old now! If it is chilly, I'll wear a fleece vest.

    When I go for a run or brisk walk, I'll change into my running gear.

    When I cycle either indoors or our, I'll change into my cycling gear.

    And when I am finished exercising, I change back into my home outfit. I don't like wearing my exercise clothes all day ... I find them itchy!

    M in Oz
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK ❤️
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2020
    I was writing this complete post and lost it. now I've got to run. going to get my eyes tested. I've been able to avoid reading glasses till now (age 57) since adult -onset nearsightedness sometimes cancels out need for reading glasses for a while, but it's getting really tough on fine print now.

    had an espresso yesterday after dinner and slept badly! now really dragging this morning.

    Also tried to get a COVID test before going to stay with a 65 year old friend this weekend but contrary to the government line, and announcements on government and private lab websites, the tests and results are not in 24 hours, and open to all without subscription (supposedly guaranteed to all), but it takes 7 days for an appointment with subscription and then 5 more days for results( at the places that claim to have tests with no appointment!) + 12 days, in cases or prescription: not highly useful to contain it. We are supposed to be required to be tested 3 days before plane travel. Thank goodness I didn't plan to leave France or take a plane this year. I stayed in France and travelled by train with mask or by car.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @snowflake that's a funny sign!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Peachy @Katla I too find just getting out and going for a walk or even food shopping lifts the morale.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,251 Member
    Hi folks. The next storm has hit and is beating furiously the window and at the trees in the garden. I'm drinking my morning tea, and in no hurry to get out of bed. We are watching the morning news.

    I'm a night owl. I tend to go to bed after midnight most nights. I wake between 7 and 8 each morning, and have a wake up walk around the house before getting back into bed for my morning cuppa. This is when I catch up with internet stuff unless I have something pressing to do. I seldom have breakfast before 10.30am, as I tend to exercise and do upstairs chores before I go downstairs. This morning I will be vacuuming the bedrooms and putting away the laundry that we got done in yesterday's fine weather.

    My thoughts are with those of you who are at the capricious mercy of the wrath of nature today. One of the trees thrashing in the high winds outside is a confused magnolia which has begun to open its pink blossoms 8 months too early. I had to venture out during my wake up walk to rescue several gladioli which had been battered down. I wish I could send some of the rain to help quell the wildfires some of you are suffering.

    Allie: So sorry about your friend. 💕💖💕

    Congrats and best wishes to those who have/had birthdays and anniversaries. Machka/Carol?

    Michele: . 😍 The cross stitch

    😁 The school desks!!! Magic!!!
    I miss dessing up now and then. There are clothes in my wardrobe that I haven't seen for months and forgotten I had!
    I'm wearing leggings, a camisole and a long sleeved exercise top. I've worn those for months on end. When it was hot I wore pyjama shorts and a silky white camisole. Didn't answer the door in that! :o I've dressed in smart casual for my family visits and twice for my girlfriend. 5 times since March 23rd.
    I do put face on if I'm having a Zoom, but don't change clothes.
    I do enjoy scrubbing up and looking decent. These days I go for days with dirty hair, no make up. I should make more effort as I always feel better, but I don't often bother. It's just me and him. :D

    We were meant to be going to Fatto a Mano on Tuesday, because they have completely open to the street tables, but the weather is going to be awful. Rain and high winds. I will have to tell my son we can't go as we are not ready to sit inside. The occasion was to introduce us to the new au pair. :s I will miss the opportunity to scrub up.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Why deny yourself the enjoyment of loooking decent? It takes no more effort to put on pretty clothes. Smart casual (including pretty sports/leisurewear) is what I choose to wear every day,. I decided a long time ago that DH of all people deserves the effort. The added bonus is that I feel so much better when I wear nice clothes, and do my hair. (I don't wear makeup). Since reaching maintenance I have decluttered and discarded clothing in which I don't feel comfortable. This has lightened my mind as well as cleared much space in my home.

    Up to page 93. Will finish later. I need to get up and get on with my day.

    ☘️ Terri