

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,374 Member
    Anne DE – our condo is a gated community. Never had a problem but recently someone came in and took someone’s purse out of the pool area. Like I said, where there is a will there is a way. The reason they gated it is because it’s prime for watching launches (we’re right across the river from the VAB).

    Vince just got home and brought everything in the house that’s supposed to go here. The sun came out so I went in the pool

    – when you do the trimming, what equipment do you use? I remember when I was little (before my mother died) the house we lived in had roses around the lamplight, too!

    – when you keep your masks in the car (I do also because, like you, sometimes I just stop somewhere), where do you keep yours? Right now I have mine in my drink holder but I would like something that maybe I can hang from the headrest in the passenger seat that I can put them in. So many times I’ve gotten to the door of the store and said “oh, forgot my mask” which is why I always keep one in my pocketbook, too. I googled “why isn’t my sourdough starter rising”. Well, the recipe I was following to the letter called for 70g of water, 70g of flour, and 140g of starter. This recipe calls for 70g water, 70g flour, and 70g starter. Maybe that was my problem???? Well, I tried that at 12 and at 4 still no activity. Who knows? I searched on BRM site, and the only thing I could find about a sourdough starter was a recipe for making your own. Do they sell starter?

    Sourdough starter is in the oven on proof. I’ve decided definitely that if there isn’t any activity by 9:00 (when it would have been fed), then I’m going to hang it up and try a new recipe. This is just too much.

    Michele NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Plus I’m just incredibly sad about the death of Chadwick Boseman. I have watched “42” countless times, and his other, later roles were simply epic. What a talent. What a loss.

    Karen in Virginia

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,397 Member
    I know this is trifling, compared to what others are dealing with.

    I’m so frustrated with all the crap you have to go through to get Medicare squared away.

    Now they are saying there was a gap in my prescription drug plan coverage from Nov 2019 to August 2020. Of course, that is not the case.

    It wouldn’t be such a big deal, but it’s impossible to talk to anyone without being on hold for several hours.

    The first notice they mailed me is - you guessed it - the FINAL NOTICE. My new plan just went into effect Aug 1st, this notice is dated & postmarked August 19th, and I received it in the mail today Aug 29th.

    I friggin’ hate Medicare.

    I really do.

    OK, I’m done.

    Karen in Virginia


    Karen - sounds like the regular Medicare staff has been quarantined and they have the college kids filling in, having given them one day of training.

    I remember being put on terminal hold with them 4 years ago when I signed up. I finally resorted to sending them an email which they did answer within a week.

    You might try that if you haven't already, attaching scans of your proof of coverage Nov 2019 thru Aug 1 2020.

    Someone probably misplaced that so they resorted to "send the bill and let the customer straighten us out." :s

    I hate having stuff like that hanging over my head even though I know I'm right. Try not to let it mess up the rest of your weekend.

    Sorry to hear about Chadwick Boseman. Black Panther is on my list.

    SW WA State

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Barbie: My condolences on the loss of your friend. May you find comfort in sweet memories of her.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :'( I got a call yesterday that my line dance teacher friend died in the morning. She was the teacher when I started line dance in 2004 and she turned her class over to me in 2013 when her health started to fail. I had been calling her every Wednesday afternoon since 2012 when I started helping her teach the beginning line dance class. She had had a fall that injured her shoulder and broke her hip but when I talked to her on Wednesday she was cheerful and feeling positive about her recovery. She added so much to my life and I'll miss talking to her, but I will always have the line dance joy she brought to my life.
    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    So sorry!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: Both of our cars have a gear *kitten* between the two front seats. That is where we keep our masks. There is always a mask for each of us in both cars. 😷
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gear shift
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
    Stat for the day
    Walk w/family- 55.34mon, 3.5ap, 117mhr, 3.24mi= 394c
    Apple Watch- 314c
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I have been making my own "nutella" sesame or almond butter plus maple syrup + unsweetened non-fat chocolate powder. I had no choc powder available so mixed sesame butter and maple syrup and either put it on a very light cracker or tried in as a spoonful. Not bad!

    I remembered my long ago habit of miso as spread on cracker. Also good -but surely not for everyone.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    Sunday -- wind howling all day! Trees down not far away. Wheelie bins sliding down the hill in front of us. Car with caravan flipped on its roof on the coast. Power out in places.

    We decided to stay in and not venture out into it all.

    Cycled, walked and now watching the Tour de France!

    Indoor cycling - Zwift

    Distance: 14.21km
    Elevation: 83m
    Moving Time: 48:24
    Elapsed Time: 48:24
    ...................... Avg ... | ... Max
    Speed ............. 17.6km/h | 41.8km/h
    Heart Rate ...... 144bpm | 164bpm
    Cadence ......... 70 | 97
    Power ............. 60W | 91W

    Indoor walking - Zwift

    Distance: 1.50km
    Moving Time: 16:51
    Elapsed Time: 16:49
    Pace: 11:13/km



    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    Bananas - have you seen the Hugo Decrypte about Lebanon. It's just gone up. Best thing I've seen on the tragedy. I cried through a lot of it.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Barbie - So sorry to hear about your friend. Hugs!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,767 Member
    Good Morning Ladies
    I am up and had my tea and showered...
    I have photographs from a dear man that has since passed of GB Herons as you know ,I love them and I swear my mom came back as one.. anyway ive had them with me for say the past 18 yrs and I have 2 dear friends that think the same thing about there mom and so I am bringing them the pictures..I know they will enjoy them..
    It isnt to far from where i am looking at the house..im hoping my dad will be on one shoulder and mom on the other..
    Faye- no the drum in it is tiny ,you could put maybe 4 sets of clothes if that,no sheets etc...
    Im having second thoughts and should have maybe just gotten a regular washer and brought the clothes down to the dryer..
    Oh well..
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Faye was here ... Running late due to setting a pompous old know it all guy, straight, on a senior site that claims Tai Chi is about building muscle and stretching and has nothing to do with the inner ear and little to do with balance. Such ignorance really ruffles my feathers.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,374 Member
    Well, that sourdough starter is history. I'm trying another recipe. I'll get it yet...or die trying...lol

    Michele NC
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    WELL! I have caught up on reading posts! lol
    Barbie- So sorry to hear of your friend's passing! But what a wonderful friendship you maintained! love and hugs to you!
    Barbara- glad Joe is getting his eye taken care of! I can not imagine the kind of pain that amount of pressure would cause.
    Lisa- I love hearing about your "retired" life. What kind of fencing are you putting up around your property? So many ways you could decorate the inside of a fence and make your yard feel like a "get away" rather than some place you need to get away from. lol Levi is just adorable! And your daughter; my daughter reacts the same way when we don't jump to her "call". It takes a while for our kids to realize that our worlds don't revolve around them. We have an entire life that has nothing to do with them. (((hugs))) Glad she calmed down and came around.
    Michele- Give your starter some time! I have read that some starters take 4-6 weeks to be ready. Do you keep it sitting in a warm spot? I have always kept mine in a ziploc bag in the sun, and it has taken off like gangbusters.
    Faye- I love that top in the photo as well. $64 does seem pricey though. I am thinking about switching to an around the neck/scarf style mask for the fall. If I can find a couple of sheer fabrics, so that the kids can see my mouth, I will have a few made with those. My chin is beginning to chafe from wearing the masks every day.
    PB B,&H- Peanut butter, butter and honey! As a child, I never liked jelly/jam; so my lunch every day was peanutbutter and butter sandwiches. The butter kept the pb from sticking to the roof of my mouth. As a treat, on Saturdays, while mom and dad slept in, I would make myself toast with butter, then a "whip" of peanutbutter and honey spread on the buttered toast. I remember sitting on the floor in front of the heater (in the winter) with the blanket around me and the heater and my warm pb and honey toast beside me, watching Saturday morning cartoons.
    Heather- What is this "cone and filter" coffee method you speak of? I need to look into this. I am drinking instant currently, but I really miss fresh ground coffee. However, I don't want to make a pot (because I will drink it all) and I don't want to get a Keurig or the like, bc of the cleaning of the tubes and the cost of the pods. I was thinking of taking my french press back from my daughter next time I visit her; bc they have a Keurig and she doesn't use the press...
    Carol- I am thinking you are watching the version of P&P with Keira Knightly? I adore that one! The soundtrack is fantastic and I think they did a wonderful job of making it "fresh" to interest young people to the wonder of Jane Austen. I also love the BBC version with Colin Firth.
    Karen VA- Oh, I totally understand your rant with insurance companies/coverage. What a pain in the *kitten*! One of those things that makes me consider living in another country.
    Pip- Not sure if I have ever heard the story of how you and Kirby met. Tim and I met the same way. My friend asked me to come along to meet a guy she was interested in (Tim). A bad move on her part. I don't think I said more than two to him the entire time, but I was smitten and so was he. I walked home, told my mom I met the guy I was going to marry (I was 14) she laughed and the phone rang (it was him).

    Celebrated Holiday Week with the kids this past week. A huge success! Christmas was celebrated on Friday and the kids and I had a blast making and decorating Ninjabread men and delivering them to neighbors and saying 'Happy Summer Christmas!" lol We will be doing some science stuff this week. Next week a few of the older (4 &5 yr olds) will go back to school. We will see how that goes. My niece went back to school two weeks ago, and the school shut down on Friday due to over 100 positive covid cases and over 1000 close contact students. I am holding their spots for a month, because I am pretty sure schools are going to shut down.

    On the upside. Tim is spending more time with me and the daycare kiddos. The kids absolutely adore him. He "helped" with craft yesterday and was so funny (I found him wierdly funny, anyway). Craft was stringing jingle bells onto pipecleaners; then twisting them into a wreath shape. Fine motor- stringing things through small holes. Tim was challenged. He suddenly says, "they need needle nose pliers!" gets up and goes into the basement workshop to get them! lol He sat at the table widening the hole in the bell, so that the kids could string them easier. I let him do his thing. The kids thought he was wonderful for helping them and he got a "Good Boy" designation from Jackson (age 5)! :p The one year old, Peyton, just dotes on him! She follows him everywhere; arms raised in "pick me up" position. He always picks her up. He is such a pushover!

    Well, gotta fly. I have the lawn to mow and Christmas deco to take down (yes, I left it up and watched a couple of Christmas movies this weekend. Whatever makes you feel good, right?!) I also have a bit of paperwork to do and basic house cleaning. I can't wait for winter when everything slows down and I don't have the yard to take care of. Sending love and hugs to all of you! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)