The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,544 Member
    KathyDuda wrote: »
    56 and trying again. Down 52 lbs on my way to 100. Im stuck. Just did 800 cal x 5 days and 1500 over the weeked and went up half a lb. This gets frustrating after while. Very disappointed. Just wanting 2 lbs to shed weekly. Ughhhhh!

    Please don't try to get by on 800 calories per day unless you are being medically supervised. You can do serious and permanent damage to your body. Have you used the MFP calorie setting tool? Set it to lose one pound a week and see what it says. Try to hit that target; don't try to undershoot it.

    Among other things that will sabotage you, if you undereat for long, you'll very likely go on a binge and undo what you were trying to do. It can also cause you to lose your hair. Your body will start to digest muscles for fuel. Your heart is a muscle. Your body can actually start to eat your heart just for fuel. Please take a step back and set yourself a healthy goal, then stick to it!
  • SunnyBunBun79
    SunnyBunBun79 Posts: 2,228 Member
    Woohoo!! I think I'm learning to curb my cravings... PROTEIN... That's what's helping me not to eat the whole dang fridge at night.
  • Craig_King_1967
    Craig_King_1967 Posts: 93 Member
    Well it's a cold Sunday night, just starting My last shift of the weekend, roll on the morning so I can have a few days off for a bit of a rest.
    Hope you all have had a great weekend, I know I have, work or otherwise. Lots of exercising in the office with the resistance bands is helping and keeping Me going in the right direction.
    Staying off the alcohol for the rest of the month too which should also help, just shipped in supplies of alcohol free beer, at 46 calories a bottle I may well partake in one or two over the month just for the flavour.
    Doctors again tomorrow, going to find out, hopefully what the next stage is going to be, maybe surgery, maybe something else, am really quite unsure but whatever happens I will get right, eventually.
  • Craig_King_1967
    Craig_King_1967 Posts: 93 Member
    Been to see the consultant today and his comment was "that's a bit of a mess"
    So now I'm being referred to the deformity reconstruction specialists who say they will will have to break the bone in several places pin it, plate it to straighten it.
    Not the best of days but it's not going to stop Me.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    berky06 wrote: »
    Good Morning All! I have gained back half of the weight I lost. MFP worked so well for me, I'm back. I have been trying everything under the sun, but haven't had any success. MFP is the ONLY weight loss support/plan for me! So, here's to looking forward, not backwards and getting rid of those pounds, making better choices and getting healthy!

    Heard that, @berky06. This is the only thing that worked for me, too. I'm a believer in the power of this community!
  • jerbullamm
    jerbullamm Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning everyone. I'm new to all of this. Love the support y'all give to each other. I'm in the first stages of my long journey of trying to lose 100lbs. I started watching what I eat and logging everything into this MFP app. So far im down 13lbs. Any tips or pointers?
  • heidi1906
    heidi1906 Posts: 86 Member
    edited February 2021
    Good evening all hope you are all well I've been using mfp on and off for years I'm 42, I'm back to lose weight, would like to lose 2 stone so need some motivation and tips please.
  • Justin741
    Justin741 Posts: 249 Member
    Serial Starter
    I'm over it. I have to get back on the wagon. Looking for accountability. Add/PM me. Let's do this!
  • SeaGoat401
    SeaGoat401 Posts: 1 Member
    New here. Just started today. Im 34 but hubby is 40. I hope we fit in here.
  • rlang2362
    rlang2362 Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2021
    Just rejoined after years away but after an injury that’s had me out of work for 3 mths most of it in lockdown I’ve struggled with my food.
    I’m also a postie (delivering mail and parcels) amd so usually quite active.

    I’m 40 and only slightly overweight at 165lbs 165cm height but I get so sluggish and my IBS reminds me I’m not eating correctly or doing enough exercise.
    I’m starting small and just trying to log my food for a while and see patterns in my bad eating and I usually find changing one small thing a week helps to not overwhelm.

    This week it is getting back out walking, next week will be upping my water intake (less tea and pop)
  • wmichben
    wmichben Posts: 10 Member
    I'm back on MFP for the first time in several years. I think I was around here a lot in 2015-2016? Anyway, I'm about to turn 38 and figured I should probably get the physique I want while I am still "young".
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    jerbullamm wrote: »
    Good morning everyone. I'm new to all of this. Love the support y'all give to each other. I'm in the first stages of my long journey of trying to lose 100lbs. I started watching what I eat and logging everything into this MFP app. So far im down 13lbs. Any tips or pointers?

    There's lots of good information and tips in the sticky threads at the top of each forum category. The links below are from a couple of the forums. Each forum category has some of this useful information. Check the appropriate forum and/or post a question in the forum when you need information or input on a particular question.

    Get a food scale and use it. Just log everything at first. Once you have some data, you can figure out how to fine tune your diet for your preferences and needs.

    And get some friends on here. Very helpful at keeping me on track. I tell people that the community support is the best feature of MFP.

    Sending you a friend request. You got this!
  • cathyjog50
    cathyjog50 Posts: 25 Member
    Soon to 50 looking to lose 50 stubborn pounds. Looking for friends also!!
  • Craig_King_1967
    Craig_King_1967 Posts: 93 Member
    Good morning everyone. No idea why but I keep getting friend requests from men who have a semi naked woman as their profile pic and said women are certainly in no need to be here by the looks of them. Anyone else getting them ?
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Good morning everyone. No idea why but I keep getting friend requests from men who have a semi naked woman as their profile pic and said women are certainly in no need to be here by the looks of them. Anyone else getting them ?

    Yes. Ignore them. They are scammers
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I’m getting them too. I just delete.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,544 Member
    edited February 2021
    Good morning everyone. No idea why but I keep getting friend requests from men who have a semi naked woman as their profile pic and said women are certainly in no need to be here by the looks of them. Anyone else getting them ?

    Yes. Ignore them. They are scammers

    I’m getting them too. I just delete.

    Do everyone a favor. Report these to staff. There's a bunch of bots sending these out, and staff can shut the accounts down. There was a data breach a while ago, and now it seems that information is being used to hijack accounts, for what reason nobody is sure. But don't risk being taken for a ride.

    Staff will get our personal messages even if you're not friends. You can find links to staff at You can also go through the HELP feature at the top of each page.

    But please do report them.

    Thank you.

  • MittenpawsPontchartrain
    Does 36 count? 😂