Coronavirus prep



  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,142 Member
    Considering this posting from the FDA, I think that wearing masks a bit longer is worthy. At leas it is for me and my husband.

    Don't rely on antibody tests to determine if you're immune to Covid-19, FDA warns

    The US Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday issued a “safety communication” to remind Americans that SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should not be used to evaluate whether someone is protected – or immune – from infection. SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus that causes Covid-19."

    “The FDA is reminding the public of the limitations of COVID-19 antibody, or serology, testing and providing additional recommendations about the use of antibody tests in people who received a COVID-19 vaccination,” Dr. Tim Stenzel, director of the FDA’s Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health, said in a statement.

    "Antibody tests can play an important role in identifying individuals who may have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and may have developed an adaptive immune response. However, antibody tests should not be used at this time to determine immunity or protection against COVID-19 at any time, and especially after a person has received a COVID-19 vaccination," the statement added."
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Although most stores here (Iowa) have signs saying mask optional if fully vaxxed , in the stores I have been in (including Costco) most people were wearing masks. We have pretty good vaccination rate, too.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited May 2021
    at this stage nobody under 16, for starters.

    Actually, here they are vaxxing people 12 and over now.

    But I agree with your broader point.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    steffi1686 wrote: »
    Saw a sign on the door to Starbucks today..."Masks are optional for fully vaccinated customers".
    Everyone that I saw going in still had masks on, and I assume at least some of them are vaccinated.

    I think that there's more going on here than just people hesitant about the safety of taking off their masks. In my area, indoor mask-wearing is pretty universal, and previous to this CDC guidance, there would be outrage if someone took off their mask in a store.

    I think stores should just keep the mask rules in place. I feel like those people who are unvaxed and don't plan to will go into stores without masks. Stores won't be able to check if each patron not wearing a mask is vaxed. I hope we don't have a resurgence of cases because of the relaxed mask rules.

    Though private business can implement their own policies, a requirement would be difficult when state and local governments are dropping mask mandates and when that is also in line with CDC recommendations. We would be right back to people berating minimum wage employees just trying to do their job...and it would be worse, because the requirement wouldn't line up with the lack of government mandates and CDC recommendations.

    We have overall done very well here in NM with this whole thing and are 2nd in per capita population in the US that is fully vaccinated. We've had a statewide mask mandate in effect since April 2020 and it was just lifted last Friday. Most business have or are in the process of changing their signage from "required" to "strongly encouraged" whether vaccinated our not. I was out and about a lot last weekend running errands and most people were still wearing their masks indoors. I would imagine that will slowly start change, but we've been generally pretty cautious here and I don't think many feel comfortable just flipping a switch here. People will watch and observe and see where the trend goes over the coming few weeks. We are mostly open with some capacity restrictions still in place, but we were under some of the most strict restrictions in the country for most of this thing and nobody wants to go back to that.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Whoa, things have been happening here.

    @lemurcat2 I’m a lawyer too, and have never needed a notary for anything here in Finland. You need some sort of authorized confirmation to buy or sell land (real estate), but that’s it. Usually if a legal document needs to be authorized or confirmed, any two legally independent adults can sign witness to prove that you have willingly and knowingly signed the document. These witnesses can be any adults who don’t have a conflict of interest in the matter - for example, prenuptial agreements need such witnesses here to be valid, so our lawyer best man and lawyer maid of honor witnessed our signatures and then we took them out for drinks. No notary services needed.

    Everyone is of course free to choose their own vaccinations, but with each new variant that pops up because the epidemic keeps spreading there’s a good chance it will be untreatabe or the vaccines won’t work against it. There are also plenty of people who are unable to get a vaccine, like children and people with certain medical conditions, not to mention masses of people in countries with poor vaccine availability. I’m currently one of them, and both mine and my unborn child’s life can be saved by people around me getting vaccinated and stopping the virus from spreading. I hope people around me care about themselves and others enough to get vaccinated, and I’ll do my part as soon as my doctors deem it safe after delivery.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    edited May 2021
    Not sure if Kentucky (USA) has any official mask policy in place but between 4 and 5 pm today WalMart mask usage that was near 100% for a long time was about 70% today. Mom and Pop businesses may have peaked at 30% but functionally Zero for a while. The fear of the vaccine is declining especially in the health care field.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,915 Member
    My sister's boyfriend works at a pharmacy in a city with a mask ordinance still in place. A customer came in with no mask and another clerk said something. His response was that the CDC says vaccinated people don't need to wear masks and he has had 1 vaccine, so he figures he is close enough. She said it doesn't matter and city ordinance still requires a mask. He got mad, yelled, punched and broke the plexiglass divider. Manager threw him out. I would have prosecuted him if I was the manager.

    Yes, I'm surprised to not be hearing about more of these types of incidences. I think it was expecting too much that Americans act like adults.

    Here in Massachusetts, everywhere my partner and I have gone (which is not very many places) masks are still required.

    However, the supermarket I went to today had removed the one way aisle requirements, HOORAY!
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,873 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    My sister's boyfriend works at a pharmacy in a city with a mask ordinance still in place. A customer came in with no mask and another clerk said something. His response was that the CDC says vaccinated people don't need to wear masks and he has had 1 vaccine, so he figures he is close enough. She said it doesn't matter and city ordinance still requires a mask. He got mad, yelled, punched and broke the plexiglass divider. Manager threw him out. I would have prosecuted him if I was the manager.

    Yes, I'm surprised to not be hearing about more of these types of incidences. I think it was expecting too much that Americans act like adults.

    Here in Massachusetts, everywhere my partner and I have gone (which is not very many places) masks are still required.

    However, the supermarket I went to today had removed the one way aisle requirements, HOORAY!

    Massachusetts does still require masks, but that will change on May 29th. And after May 29, face coverings will still be mandatory for all people on rideshares, livery, taxi, ferries, MBTA, commuter rail, transportation stations, in health care facilities and in congregate care settings. Massachusetts will be the last of the New England states to list the ban. The Governor did say that businesses will be allowed to set their own rules for vaccinations or masks as they see fit.

    In my grocery store today, still one entrance and one exit. Did see some one way stickers on the floor, but I typically ignore if no one is in the aisle. I did also note their recording is still going. I know it talks about only one family member in the store. I think it also mentioned the one way aisles. This was also in Massachusetts, Stop & Shop.