
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Tracey – (((HUG))

    Barbara I have the air fryer lid for the IP. I’d never heard that an air fryer is basically a counter top convection oven, so I’m going to try making potato puffs for company we’re having next week. I don’t think my IP takes up a lot of space, but an air fryer does I think

    Worked then tried to go to the gym. I called yesterday and was told I could use it from 11 to 5. However, she was looking at the wrong week. They have a class there every OTHER Thurs. So not for me today. Which might have been a blessing in disguise. We had a Zoom meeting planned for the condo, only we didn’t have any audio. So we left the meeting planning to get back in. Only the gal never let us back in.

    The people who are cohosting the Halloween Party are supposed to be here later and we’ll do the last minute stuff and then go out to dinner. Not sure where, yet

    pip – I know you’re going to have a wonderful time.

    Flea – congrats on nearing the end! I agree with you about the need for homework. When these kids get into the real world, things are going to be so different they won’t be prepared. Even in college they are somewhat coddled.

    Julie – we had study periods, too. Doing homework etc during them helped you with the skill of planning

    Friday here: They came and then we went to Hibachi Grill for dinner. I had mostly seafood that they grilled and I asked them not to use any butter and didn’t take any sauce. But...I did have some dessert.

    Didn’t even get to the soup kitchen today. I got to Burger King early but then the manager said she wanted to see my prep for the onions. And did she ever take her sweet old time to say to me “only these small centers”. Another gal told me that they use just about all the onion. Here I thought the onions were only used for the onion rings! So this means my job will probably go a lot faster. But the other girl kept saying how my prep was beautiful. Originally I was never told that I needed to clean the slicers. Now I clean them and just leave them in the sanitizer. If I take them out, I leave them to drain and, truthfully, someone usually puts them together for me. I didn’t get out of there until almost 12.

    I was going to prep extra cheese for the weekend, but then I found out that the kids who work in the evening don’t even clean up after themselves. So terrible as this sounds, if they can’t even clean up after themselves, why should I make extra work for myself???? I asked this guy to get the lettuce for me (because the box is heavy). I just did it myself, taking two at a time.

    Then I went to see Lynette. She always goes on and on about how this one is sick, this one died, etc. Downer. I heard all about how her neighbor had emergency surgery. Honestly...like I really care. Then stopped at the soup kitchen to explain why I wasn’t there.

    Halloween party tonight! The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD for the bosu.

    Touch typing: Vince typed something yesterday and, to be honest, I was surprised at how slow a typist he is. I know he took touch typing in high school. Oh well.

    Vicki – that is so nice of you to help that girl out so she can be with her child.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Rori - Art such a great outlet! Love you being a mentor. <3 Of course you are.

    I spent a lot of the afternoon with Bea, while DH played Risk with the older ones. She has turned into quite the artist! I may be biased, but she seems to be quite extraordinarily talented for her age. We did art together on the dining room table with felt tips. I created an intricate colouring-in flower while she drew just about everything. She seems to spend most of her time drawing, she was even drawing on the napkins in the restaurant. Her parents have got her a magic board she takes with her in the car. It clearly is a stress reliever.
    I remember Max being very good at that age, but she is quite amazing.
    They all like funny animal videos on Instagram. :p Bea watched a lot with me.

    Lovely afternoon and early evening. The place seems so quiet when they've gone. I hear their voices.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    edited October 2021
    Heather- have your son and DIL look up Ima Survivor Donkey and Farm Animal Sanctuary on Facebook or YouTube.. it is a Sanctuary in Texas with all sorts of animals that i think the kids would really enjoy
    Ive been relaxing all day and will go pick up meds tomorrow and slowly but surely get my room cleaned up for the installers monday..
    Just gonna lay low for the weekend...
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    Stat for the day -

    Walk 8 mi - 727cal
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    Barbara - the PT helped in that I feel more loose, but it was a very painful day yesterday. Most of the day today I felt better but I had a very heavy data entry day today and didn’t take enough breaks so am feeling sore tonight. Not in agony though.

    Terri - sorry for the loss of your friend. What a shock that would be for her daughter and husband.

    Heather - I have been doing the exercises. I can’t seem to get my walking up though, I’ve been trying for 15 minutes for what seems like a long time, I get to 12 before I feel pain and weakness. It’s been two months since I was given the go ahead to start walking at all. I think what’s happening is I’m doing way too much data entry and computer work and forgetting to take frequent standing breaks. Today I tried to pay more attention to the time, but realize I need to set an alarm or something to remind myself.

    Vicki- how is your new staff member working out?

    Flea - I think of you often and wonder how you’re feeling.
    I have no children in school, but do have a grandson in grade 5. He hasn’t had homework since grade 2. I hadn’t heard the equality reason before but it makes some sense. As a person that absolutely hated homework and school,mostly because of the homework, then as a parent of a teen that felt as I did about school and homework I would have done anything not to have it.
    One of the reasonings they are giving here is because it makes the days too long and that the homework has not proven to be beneficial when it came to grades. My Son in law will be a fully licensed paramedic come April.

    Debbie - it sure does get cold and dark. We’ve been having a beautiful Fall but it’s supposed to drop to below 0 on Sunday. :(

    Lisa - that counsellor was wise. I am cherishing reading my Grandmothers and Mother’s diaries. My Mom is still with us, but I don’t get to see or talk to her so I miss her terribly. Reading these have brought them and so many others back for me with a deeper understanding of their lives.

    I sure hope you get some relief soon, it’s been a long haul for you.

    Machka - I was like you with math and typing. I still don’t like formulas, but passed my accounting math 100% and have worked in the financial end of things since 2000 even being the financial analyst of a company’s western branches there were 8 of them. I love the puzzles of trying to figure things out, however I still don’t like complicated formulas even using Excel.

    Katla - I had to stop on my way into work to buy treats for the staff so didn’t arrive until 20 to 9. It was still dark. :(

    Annie - I’m right there with you. I have been bouncing back and forth between 3lbs for a few months it’s time to stop it.

    Vicki - Happy early anniversary!!!!

    Rebecca - your homemade pop tarts would be quite healthy wouldn’t they? I’ve never made a fresh fruit pie, so how do you do the filling? I think my husband and grands would enjoy them.

    Heather - I saw this today and it reminded me of my Godson as he was entering an arts program at college. He told me that i was the first person to take his drawing and doodling seriously and he still remembered the Artists pencils and sketch pad for Christmas. You are probably doing the same for Bea.


    I had the biggest surprise yesterday. I’m sure I had told you about my cousin/best friend that had stopped talking to me in June. I knew she was struggling mentally and had decided at the time to let things be for a bit and see what happened. She has been on my mind almost daily and I have been trying to figure out if I should contact her or if I would make things worse if I did. Since I couldn’t settle on what I felt was right I did nothing. Yesterday, I was at work when a FB Message popped up on my phone. It was her telling me she needed to tell me something before it reached FB. I immediately thought someone had passed, but she is going to be a Grandma again to identical twins. We ended up chatting back and forth most of the afternoon. She apologized for being so quiet and told me she had sunk very deep and it was a long crawl back up. I let her lead the conversation, but I was so happy. I’ll keep praying that she stays healthy and eventually we are close again.

    My friend just texted to invite me to go see the Northern Lights at 2am. I would love to go, but I don’t want to wake Rodger up to let him know I’m leaving. I also would need a nap before attempting it. I told her that if she is going to go tomorrow night to let me know earlier. I would love to do it!

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I just add berries to a pot, add sugar free pancake syrup, and crush berries with a potato masher. Then add cornstarch/water mixture to make it thick. Spread on pastry sheet, that's been rolled out some. I just fuse the sheets together with an egg/water mixture as glue. Press sides with fork. Bake at 350' for like 10 min or until brown. Oh I also brush the tops with the egg/water mixture so tops are shiny.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    Tracey- seeing the Northern Lights would be amazing- just seeing pictures are great but to actually see them would be wonderful.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    I’m seriously thinking of going outside the town tomorrow night, they are supposed to be spectacular.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    edited October 2021
    Tracey - That's a lovely story and a great gift you gave to your godson. <3
    Bea gets a lot of encouragement. Who knows where it will lead! :D At the moment she is unstoppable!
    I had a teacher at school that I have written about in my book. She took my writing seriously. What a great teacher she was!

    Quiet today! :p Weather miserable. Our clocks go back tonight. I get really hungry with the extra hour to wait! I hated it when the kids were small because they woke up so early!

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,446 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Tracey- seeing the Northern Lights would be amazing- just seeing pictures are great but to actually see them would be wonderful.

    I lived far enough north in Alberta for many years (11 years?) so I saw the Northern Lights quite frequently. I'd like to see the Southern Lights!


    M in Oz