Labor Day Shredders!



  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Erica, aw thanks for sharing the pic! Even red & sweaty you guys are a beautiful couple!!!

    Great job everyone, level 2 has always been my least favorite, but tonight i kind of liked it??? Maybe Im nuts, ah well L2D1 DONE!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    GM everyone! I actually did level 1 last night and level 2 since I fell behind one day! Holy Baby Jesus, level 2 is no joke... I like it a lot!!! cant wait to get home and get some 30DS tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let's get it! and let's cross our fingers that this motivation last me through the weekend (my biggest challenger to date)

    Have a great day and a wonderful weekend :laugh:
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    I initially signed up to do the Labor Day Shred with all of you. We had a houseful of guests for the holiday weekend and were enjoying racing the mini-bikes and go-karts that our friends brought with them. At about 10:00 Monday morning, while attempting to impress my teenage boys with my driving and racing skills (as if I had any!) and beat their lap time, I rolled the go-kart and broke my left humerous, requiring surgery to repair the compound fracture. I now have a rod and screw in my arm, as well as 43 staples holding it all together. The things I do to impress my family!

    That officially ended my shredding for this month, BUT, I wanted to share with you all the blessings I have experienced from the 40 or so days I had been shredding prior to my accident. I never imagined that all of those squats and lunges would be so useful to me in the ways I discovered post surgery. Simply standing up after being in a seated or prone position was so much easier with my stronger legs and abs. Going to the bathroom was another area those squats paid off. My arms are stronger, and I anticipate my recovery time will be reduced because of the time I spent shredding and doing those awful V-squats :)

    I started shredding to lose weight and change my body shape, and that DID happen. But the benefits have surprised me in many other ways, as well. I just wanted to encourage all of you to keep shredding! I hope you don't have to endure an injury to reap all of the benefits!

    I hope to get back to shredding as soon as my doctor gives me the go-ahead!

    Im sorry to hear about the surgery and all that you're going through, but what an inspiration that a 20minute workout made such a difference in your life and is part of your recovery in so many levels. You.Rock.! Hope all is well
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    I started 30DS and feel so very bad because I only did 5 days of level one and quit...I feel bad because I started it and didn't finish...I need to start back tonight and finish level one so I can move to level 2...I hate that I gave up....UGHHHHH:mad: I hate myself for not doing it.....
  • quick question for you - how do you count your exercise calories when doing the shred?
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    quick question for you - how do you count your exercise calories when doing the shred?

    Someone said circuit training general is the closest to what their HRM read. I am looking into getting one.

    Kristyn- Which type of HRM do you have?

    I know a lot of people have said the body bugg or polar but they are soooooo expensive. There was a $35 on amazon which had 884 ratings and a 4 star. It was the Omron HR-100C Heart Rate Monitor. I just don't wanna spend $ on something that doesn't work very well.or
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Erica, aw thanks for sharing the pic! Even red & sweaty you guys are a beautiful couple!!!

    Great job everyone, level 2 has always been my least favorite, but tonight i kind of liked it??? Maybe Im nuts, ah well L2D1 DONE!

    Lol thanks girl!

    And yes great job everyone!!

    How's everyone feeling? I'm not too terribly sore so tonight I'm going to give it more!
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    I started 30DS and feel so very bad because I only did 5 days of level one and quit...I feel bad because I started it and didn't finish...I need to start back tonight and finish level one so I can move to level 2...I hate that I gave up....UGHHHHH:mad: I hate myself for not doing it.....

    This is what I did before. I quit after day 5. I wanted so badly this time to take a break for a day but I KNEW I wouldn't start back up again. Don't be too hard on yourself. Just keep at it. :)
  • Thanks!
  • leeka77
    leeka77 Posts: 31 Member
    Ok L2D1 completed last night :noway: ….. who invented plank jacks? :sad:

    Starting weight I estimated at 202 … 9/10=193.8 9/15=191.6 (so I am losing)

    Bust- 44 / 43 =-1
    Arms- R 13 L 12/ both the same
    Upper Waist- 40/39 =-1
    Lower Waist- 44/43.5 = -.5
    Hips- 45 the same
    Thighs- R 24 L 24 the same
    Calves- R 14 L 13 the same

    I have lost 2 and ½ inches but not sure why my limbs are not losing anything. Still feel the results are great for 10 days. :happy:
    On to L2D2 tonight..
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    quick question for you - how do you count your exercise calories when doing the shred?

    at first i went on line and put in my data on an exercise calculator but i recently bought a hrm and it is doing the tracking for me now!!
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello LD Shredders, just wanted to drop a line of encouragement as we all head into the weekend! I know I totally blasted Lvl 2 but in reality I loved getting my butt kicked by Jillian-I think I was just more frustrated with myself because I struggled so hard through it!!

    So I just wanted to say to EVERYONE.... chin up and keep shredding, do not let the world consume you and prevent you from reaching your goals!! (okay Im off to shredding!!)
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    D2L2 done. It seemed like today was harder than yesterday was.
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Bahhh I still haven't done it and I don't feel like it. But I know I have to!
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    How's everyone doing? Finished L2D3 and it felt great to do it earlier in the day!
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Finished D3L2 tonight. It is kicking my butt for sure!
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    Okay, don't know where everyone is but.... I just finished my shred at 11p! I was so busy all day and I didnt want to go a day w/o shredding even though I jogged earlier. Guess I feel that if I skip a day I might give-up and I don't want to do that!!

    Also, I bought this heart rate monitor and I don't know how acurate it says Im burning like 400 calories shredding...I mean I am breaking a serious drenching sweat---way more than with level one so maybe it is right. can someone please tell me if it sounds right?? Id hate to think ive waisted my $$.
    TXS. stef
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    30DS- D4LV2 complete!:sad: ! Whoowoo!
    Is tomorrow the mid-lvl weigh-in?? :noway: I cannot believe we are almost 1/2 way through level 2, time to start worrying about level 3 :wink:
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Okay, don't know where everyone is but.... I just finished my shred at 11p! I was so busy all day and I didnt want to go a day w/o shredding even though I jogged earlier. Guess I feel that if I skip a day I might give-up and I don't want to do that!!

    Also, I bought this heart rate monitor and I don't know how acurate it says Im burning like 400 calories shredding...I mean I am breaking a serious drenching sweat---way more than with level one so maybe it is right. can someone please tell me if it sounds right?? Id hate to think ive waisted my $$.
    TXS. stef

    What type of HRM did you buy? I still haven't purchased one. Went to the store yesterday and looked at some, but it seemed that amazon was significantly cheaper. So I think I'm going to go that route. For now I'm just using what MFP says when I login circuit training, but am trying not to eat back all my cals. I would like to see what other people say about your question. 400 seems high, but might be true if you're working your butt off. I don't know though lol
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    30DS- D4LV2 complete!:sad: ! Whoowoo!
    Is tomorrow the mid-lvl weigh-in?? :noway: I cannot believe we are almost 1/2 way through level 2, time to start worrying about level 3 :wink:

    That's awesome you did Day 4 already! I am sitting on the couch sipping coffee, yes at 11am. My husband let me sleep in and he got up with the baby, and I didn't wake up until 10:30. lol

    I love doing it during the day to get it out of the way, but it's hard for me to do the shred during the day b/c my husband has been doing it with me and he works all day until 5pm then he gets home and wants to spend time w/ the baby and we eat dinner and put Mason to sleep. So it usually ends up being around 9, or sometimes 10. ugh lol

    Yep I believe tomorrow is day to weigh in! Wahoo! I can't believe we are almost HALF WAY done the whole program. It feels great to know we are almost at the downhill mark. And I haven't died yet!