

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,932 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I can walk on the weekends. I did see the neurologist, I have scans scheduled for this Saturday. If the scans come out clear, she is going to put me on a daily medication. It's pretty much all exercises on the Tonal.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Oh dear, sorry about that. I hope it's just a sinus infection.

    Hi all. I've had some emotional upsets lately so have not been eating well. Yesterday, for lunch, I had corn chips and kettle corn. I'm just not in a good space right now. I'm glad it's almost the weekend.

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @theslightedgeforever, My back is better, thanks. Virtual bookmarks are such a good idea! How can we make that happen! :grin:

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Oh so sorry that you are sick and I hope you don’t have Covid. My pastor and his wife are sick and think it’s just a bad cold. I’m not so sure! :/

    @cbabie Good job on tracking even if it wasn’t pretty. Holding yourself accountable is a big part of the battle. :)

    @trooworld those bookmarks are so cute! I’m so sorry you are struggling right now. Be kind to yourself. <3

    Good morning! Sorry, I haven’t been around much and I will try not to babble too much and just give you the highlights. Yesterday was our financial secretary’s last day so it’s my job now and I am praying that I don’t mess it up! Hubby and I went Tuesday to see his surgeon and he was pleased with his recovery from the surgery. But blood work showed low sodium again, so the doc increased his sodium tablets and took him the med we think is making DH so dizzy. I was very thankful because we had another passing-out event at 2 am in the bathroom. I was able to jump up in time to keep him from falling. We also found that what we thought was stage one cancer is actually stage 3. So that is why we are looking at chemo and who knows what else. We have our first oncologist appointment on Feb. 2. DH has also decided I should take over paying our bills so that process has begun. Yikes!! And I’m doing my best to stay on track with my eating and so far so good with that. The scale is very slowly going down but down is down, right? OK, I’m off to clean because tomorrow we might get snow again! :grin:
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all, I did terrible eating yesterday. I am doing some things that have caused me not to be able to meal plan/cook. So last night I took out Chicken from the freezer and will. have DH grill it and I will make sides and then I should not be constantly hungry grabbing processed food on the run.

    @trooworld I hope you get answers on Saturday. The good news is that your aware of what is causing your gain..that's half the battle.

    @theslightedgeforever Great job on the are in your groove again.

    @TeresaW1020 You have a lot going on in your life for the new year. You have a great attitude and you are going to succeed. I am sorry to hear about the diagnosis, but you know medicine has come a long way over the years and you and DH didn't ignore the signs...some people do. We are here to support and encourage, so don't feel bad when life is so busy and you can't stop in every day..we love to see your face, but we also want to not be the part of the stress in your life.

  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all..well, feeling a little better today. Still runny nose & feel like a full head, but not as much sinus pressure. Hoping for a negative test, so I don’t feel guilty if I gave it to anyone before I felt sick. Not sure where I would have picked it up, we don’t do much & never without a mask..even tho still cloth ones. I have some better ones ordered.

    @TeresaW1020 Glad to see you back. I’m sure you’ll do great with the church finances. & your personal ones, too. I have been in charge of our checkbook & bill paying for a long time. I didn’t like the way dh did his checkbook when we got married. Guess I take after my Dad & my brother..we are all what Dave Ramsey calls the Nerd of the family, lol.

    I am glad your dh is doing well after surgery, but sorry to hear about the change in diagnosis. Will be praying for good outcome from the chemo. I hope the dizziness resolves. Glad you were able to catch him..I think if I tried with my dh we would both go down! Great job staying on track with your eating, taking care of yourself is important, too. 🙂

    @trooworld. I love the bookmarks, too! I could definitely use them, I do more actual books than virtual. Glad Daisy is doing well after her surgery. Good luck with your tests, hope they give you some answers. Sorry for the upsets..just try to take care of yourself the best you can.

    @cbabie Great job tracking..I really think that is vital for progressing. I know if I rely on myself, it isn’t pretty, lol. Of course, lately even tho tracking, it still isn’t pretty, lol. But I still do it, good or bad, lol. I am amazed…I am really trying to push water & fluids & I have lost, even tho over calories & no exercise.

    @theslightedgeforever Great job losing almost 11# since you got home. Yes, I had a test 2 weeks ago when I was coughing so much that was negative, hoping same for this one. Got our home tests ordered from the gov. now.

    Well, not much more from the deep freeze..high today about 5, windchills below zero. Dd not real means up to 24 kindergartners having inside recess the rest of the week. Oof! We got about 10” of snow last Friday. But roads are clear now, so all is good..this is Iowa.

    Have a good day & great weekend if I’m not back before then.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,224 Member
    @trooworld Corn chips and kettle corn is fine if you balance it out during the day with other healthy items. But the emotional upsets will still be there. You feel good for a bit but then....... keep your phrase for the year visible where you can always see it. I went on canva and made me some wallpaper to add to my lockscreen on my laptop. It has my 4 goals listed for the quarter and some pretty images to go with it. I also put it on my lockscreen on my iphone. Only got 2 goals on there but I still see it multiple times a day. There is no escaping my goals. I was listening to a podcast yesterday and this was one of the tips.

    @teresaw1020 I'm so sorry of the diagnosis change. So now you know the journey that's ahead and can target it with whatever they think is best. Cancer treatments are alot more successful these days I believe from what I read. It's just hard going through it I think for the patient and the family. So we are here if you ever need to just vent. That's great the scale is going down. Down is down. I'm successful even with one ounce.

    @cbabie When is your next grocery shopping trip? Stock up on things that don't need major cooking. So you can still grab and go.

    @retiredandlovingit Hopefully you can start feeling better soon to get back on your journey. I have a hard time when I'm sick. All I want is comfort food. Hope your test is negative. I do the bills too in my family. I'm much better and more conservative with money. Well when we started, now I have brought him over to the dark side. lol Our kids think we are too cheap. We say smart with our money. Hopefully they will have kids so they too can be smart one day. LOL I heard about all the snow. That's why ds moved to Houston. :) He was just tired of the cold. We still have friends in Des Moines.

    I finally got my booster yesterday. No side effects other than a bump on my arm but no pain so that's good. How many more weeks until spring?
    Had dessert and chai tea out with dh. I told him I wanted to split a dessert but evidently he was hungry for his own. I didn't stop at 1/2 like I normally do. :/

    156/100 Red
    49 min exercise YouTube cardio and stretching
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,932 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! <3 I'm glad they were able to do something about the dizzy spells for your hubby. I'm sorry about the 1 to 3 but as @cbabie said, medicine has come a long way. Good luck with the bills, I hope it all is not too much for you. I have always done DH & my bills, I do it in a Google spreadsheet and I've never missed a payment. Congrats on the scale going down.

    @cbabie I'm glad you thought of a solution for your no-meal planning. Thanks, I don't think they will tell me the results Saturday (I'm sure you probably didn't mean that) but eventually, they will figure it out. You are right about the gain.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. Thanks, I'd be happy to send you one if you send me a private message with your address! Thanks, I'll try. Hi of 5??? Oh geez, that's cold! I just took Daisy out and it was in the high 40s and I thought that was cold lol. No break for your DD from the kindergartners, that is a shame. I bet she needs that break.

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah I didn't eat too badly other than that. That was a good idea to make wallpaper. Maybe I'll do that. That's a great tip. I'm glad you got boosted and had no side effects. 8 weeks and 2 days until spring! Dessert and chai tea out sounds nice. What kind of dessert did you have? Maybe that exercise helped with eating it all.

    Hi all. I was supposed to have jury duty today but I had to call to get instructions and it said not to report. But I still have to call every night to see if I need to report. It's a hassle. I made a healthy meal last night: Sheet Pan Hawaiian Chicken.

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,224 Member
    @trooworld I had a cheese danish. Half still would have been better. lol I need to learn to eat half and then take half home for later. I still have half a donut I froze in the freezer. Waiting for me to eat it. I got into the blueberry cake I froze today. I have 4 red days coming up this week and I think it's messing with my mind. But as long as I balance it out and keep losing, it's all good. Jury duty sounds fun.
    I'd like the recipe for the sheet pan chicken. I like sheet pan recipes.

    156/164 Yellow
    no exercise Rest day
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all...just a quick note. My results came on the website last night & said detected, so I am sure that means positive. :'( I am still waiting to hear from the Dr about it. Thankfully I hope I am over the worst & it was really only a bad cold/sinus for 3 days. So glad I am vaxxed & boosted! Still have no idea where I got it, we really don't do much & wear a mask when we do. I really think that bad cough I had earlier got my immune system down..I was still using my inhaler last week up to Fri & figure I probably got exposed on Thurs. when we did have to do some things.

    Re:jury duty. I have never wanted to do that...I think I can be too easily swayed. I was on call for April 2020, but it got cancelled since no jury trials the beginning of Covid. And at the end of the month they said I was done..thanks for serving. My dh is scheduled for Feb. Has to call every Fri to see if he reports the next week. Told him he might get out of the first week because of close contact with me. ;):)

    @trooworld Thanks for the offer of sending me a bookmark. That was so sweet of you, but you really don't have to do it. Yeah, I think all teachers & school personnel need a break & a little love right now..not just from the cold either. It has been a long, trying time dealing with everything. & Iowa schools cannot force a mask mandate. She has been wearing hers tho.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cbabie meal planning is one of the biggest keys to keeping us from grabbing easily processed foods that we know aren’t good for our diets. How did you do today? :)

    @theslightedgeforever Glad you didn’t have any side effects with the booster. I just spoke to a girlfriend last night that had terrible side effects. She thought she had Covid but got a negative test. That is a good idea to use Canva to make a wallpaper with our goals or word of the year. I have Canva Pro for work so I think I will do that too! I love a good cheese Danish! <3

    @trooworld Ugghh about having to call every day to see if you have to go to jury duty. I know some people like it but I never wanted to do it. I’ve been called twice and only once had to actually go to the courthouse and hang out for a few hours, only to be rejected. Sheet pan Hawaiian chicken sounds good. How did you make it? :)

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Well hopefully whatever you caught will be over soon and you will be back on the mend. Who knows where this stuff comes from? It’s insidious! :/

    Hello! DH and I went to visit our primary doctor and we both left feeling much better. She was happy about DH’s progress in healing from the surgery and agreed that taking him off the meds that were making him dizzy was the right thing to do. She is also thrilled by who his oncologist will be. Seems he is big deal in the field and a leader in clinical research. We read his bio and it is impressive. So hopefully he will give DH the perfect treatment and we can kick this cancer to the curb. On a happy me note, I lost 2.8 lbs this week. I’m still almost 12 lbs away from my lowest back in October but I will get there. :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,932 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I love cheese danish. Yeah, half would have been better but next time. I need to do the same. I see jury duty as a hassle lol. I hope I don't get picked. But I can see where some people might find it fun. Here's the recipe, it kind of tastes like sweet and sour chicken:

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Oh dear, I'm so sorry! I hope you are over the worst of it, too. Jury duty...I just don't want to do it lol. Well, if you change your mind about the bookmark, let me know. It would only cost me one stamp to put it in an envelope and mail it off to you and I made a bunch of new bookmarks yesterday. That goes for any of you, I'll send them to anyone lol. It has been a long, trying time with lots of stress. I just wish COVID was over.

    @TeresaW1020 Yeah, it's not my thing lol. I hope I get rejected. The recipe for the Hawaiian Chicken is above in my comment to slightedge. I hope you enjoy it! That's great that your DH has a good oncologist. I'm happy for you that you lost 2.8 lbs! You will get there. Hugs to you. <3

    Hi all. I've got my MRIs today: 3 of them and it's going to take 90 minutes. I hope I can deal with it, I am claustrophobic. I'm just going to concentrate on thinking I'm on a beach somewhere lol. Tomorrow morning at 8, I am meeting a friend to go shooting photographs. I made the mistake of not checking my camera batteries until today and they are worthless, I've had them for over 10 years and it's time to replace them. I don't know if the local camera shop sells these batteries so I ordered them on Amazon with overnight delivery. They are supposed to be here by 8, I hope they arrive in time. If not, I'll be shooting with my phone camera. :( Yesterday, I made a bunch of bookmarks so if you read physical books and want a bookmark, send me a private message with your address.

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all...

    @trooworld Hope your tests are done & give you some answers. I may have to try the chicken, too, it sounds good. Have fun taking pictures tomorrow, hope its good weather.

    @TeresaW1020 Glad your dh has a good Dr for his continuing treatment. Yay for losing almost 3#!

    I am still feeling good, so think I technically am done with isolation, just need to mask for another 5 days (which I would do anyway). Not planning to go anywhere, tho. GS has basketball game tomorrow, but think we will skip it.

    Not much else going on here, still kinda cold, but better than it has been.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all, Yesterday was well it was yesterday! I tracked and have been tracking...Thankfully or not because of somethings going on in my life, I am not hungry. I know this too will pass, so maybe building good habits while it is. Although I don't want this to go on for 90 days, which is what it takes to make a good habit. LOL. We will see what the scales show on Monday.

    @trooworld I might have to try the chicken too! LOL. Hopefully your battery arrives in time. However, you do have a great phone camera. :). I pray you get through your MRI's. I had one in May..yea it's not fun.. Now Jury Duty...LOL I was picked years ago and it was attempted was a long case, the worst part was we were all told by the judge after we made the verdict to be aware of our surroundings for awhile. So yea if I never have to serve again..I am all for it. LOL

    @TeresaW1020 So glad you got good news and feel better about everything. This is usually a big part of our healing. I am tracking...and trying to cook and not grab. Thank you for asking.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Sorry you might have had's no fun for sure. But glad your on the mend and the worse is behind you. These days... It seems to be everywhere you Breathe. :) I was off FB for awhile (mental health time off) and when I got back on 2 days best friends had put out prayer requests for him and his wife...I felt terrible knowing I didn't know they had it and didn't pray until later..they are on the mend, but he got the Pneu...from it.

    @theslightedgeforever I am sure you are still in your groove. Thank you for sharing what is working for you as it might help one of us.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,932 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt Thank you! The chicken was good. :) It's supposed to be nice today but a little cold in the morning. Should be good for taking pictures! I hope you stay warm.

    @cbabie I'm glad you had a good day. ((( SKINNY VIBES ))) for Monday's weigh-in! I hope you like the chicken. I'm not sure about the batteries lol. Yes, luckily my phone camera is good. :) Thanks re: the MRIs. It was tough but I made it. That's awful about your jury duty service. :( I don't blame you for not wanting to serve again.

    Hi all. It's 6:18 a.m. and still no camera battery. I'm thinking it's going to arrive after I leave lol. Bummer. As for the 3 MRIs I got done yesterday, it went okay. One of the series they did took 15 minutes. I had to lay there really still and hear the loud crazy sounds of that machine. In all, the scans took 45 minutes and there were no breaks! They also had to put an IV in my arm because they were doing one with contrast dye. Unfortunately, they didn't tell me this ahead of time so I didn't drink water because I didn't want to have to go to the bathroom during the scans. They had a really hard time finding my veins and it took 3 tries, one try in the hand, two in the arms. Lots of once the needle was in, moving it around trying to find the vein. That wasn't fun. It hurts when they do that. But it's over thank goodness.

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,932 Member
    Hi all. I went shooting with my friend yesterday and had fun even though I was just using my phone camera. I am attaching some of my favorite shots from the morning. After running around all morning and doing errands after the photoshoot, I was tired and laid on the couch with Daisy. Later in the day, I picked up my husband from visiting his brother and we went and had a beer, sitting outside in the nice weather. All weekend, it was a high of 72F and sunny, just beautiful. I didn't feel like cooking so my husband made quicky chicken enchiladas with a rotisserie chicken. It was delicious. No jury duty for me today, thankfully.

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld LOVE the pics! You have such a good eye. I’m glad the MRIs went ok and hope they find answers to help you. Yikes, on the tries to get an IV! My veins are always super hard to find, and I hate when they have to draw blood on me for any reason. I never think of using rotisserie chicken and yet I love them! :)

    @cbabie I hope you have a good week! <3

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I’m glad that you are feeling better! <3

    Good morning! It’s cold and I don’t like the cold!! Today is my mom’s 79th birthday and she declined us taking her out for a steak dinner because she felt she would eat too much, and she is determined to lose weight. I am making her enchiladas for dinner and a Keto cheesecake for dessert. DH is doing better physically but he is going through a bit of depression. I read up and it’s normal, so we talked about it last night and how he can’t give into the “poor me” feelings, but he also has to give himself grace to feel what he feels. My eating has been good and except for today little indulgences, I plan to stay super mindful. Now, I’m off to work out. It’s leg day! :)
  • katrinamariebrauer
    Weight Watchers refugee here--still at lifetime, but it feels like a whole new world. If I can just hang on for a whole week, I would be very pleased.

    Does anyone have a favorite food or meal strategy for someone who has to live out of a suitcase for an extended period of time??
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all, it is so cold was beautiful yesterday!!! Yesterday was my DH birthday. He spent most the day working on a shed we have in the side yard that leaked when it rained the night before. But I cooked his favorite meal (spaghetti) LOL and had cake and ice cream. I lost 1.6 lbs this week, but I am sure it was more stress than great meal planning and exercise. :)

    @katrinamariebrauer Welcome to this board, I do not have any food or meal strategy. I am sure some of the gals here will have some ideas. You got this, you have not given up so that is a GREAT sign!!

    @TeresaW1020 That's good your mom is caring about her health. It's great you are going to make a nice meal for her. What a great daughter you are!! I will keep DH in my prayers..depression is an UGLY matter the circumstances. So I pray he gets through the normal part and disregards the rest and gets into the "happy" place.

    @trooworld Oh my your pictures are so great..I love the brick one!! So glad you made it through the MRI's ...not to the next phase...discovery!!! LOL. So glad your DH can cook...I was just thinking last night, why am I the only one that seems to know how to cook... :)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,932 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thank you very much! Yeah, she actually told me, "You have fragile veins". Not good to hear lol. Happy birthday to your mom! Good for her to be so determined. That sounds like a good dinner. I can imagine it must be normal to have those feelings but you are right, no room for pity parties! Enjoy leg day.

    @katrinamariebrauer Hi and welcome! Congrats on your lifetime status! I am a current WW member with a lot to lose. Hmmmm...are you going to be in a hotel that has a fridge or mini kitchen? If so, you could get things like stuff for salads + rotisserie chicken or roasted turkey breast and make salads, grab and go things like yogurts, string cheese, cottage cheese, nuts (pre-portion in 1 oz portions). If you eat out, make sure to get 1-2 veggies and lean protein also maybe a starch and eat your veggies first. Only indulge for one meal a day, if that. Good luck that's all I have!

    @cbabie It is cold here too. Happy birthday to your DH! Spaghetti is up there in the top two of my favorite meals (the other is pizza!). Congrats on the loss! Thanks, I appreciate it re: my photos. Yes, well, they are really ruling things out rather than discovering a cause but that will be nice. I'm glad my DH can and likes to cook. It makes life so much easier!

    Hi all. No jury duty today either. I don't know how much longer they are going to make me call in. I suspect a week. We had a really good dinner last night: Korean Fire Chicken with steamed broccoli and rice. It was a little spicy but delicious and DH made it so that's good lol.

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. Back again. Took a week off of everything while we had covid run thru the house. Today is get back on tracking and exercise. Will jump back into doing 21 day fix on Beachbody but on my own schedule so I can still try to get some treadmill in. Starting house Reno on Wednesday so my house is flipped upside down right now. Very cold again day -32C but then tomorrow forecast is for -1C. Crazy Saskatchewan weather. Hope everyone is doing well. Will try to go back a few days to get caught up on posts
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all, It's still cold in the mornings here, but yesterday afternoon was beautiful, played outside all day with babygirl. I tracked, it wasn't pretty, but doable. LOL

    @renaegry I will stay where 55 is cold to me..LOL. Thanks for checking in, good to see you.

    @trooworld You made me laugh about the spicy...I made gravy and biscuits a couple of weeks ago..and. my granddaughter was on me about something and I was so stressed, I ruined what everyone else was going to eat...gravy. We love it....well this time I think I put the whole container of restaurant black pepper in the pan and NO ONE could eat it and said if I ever made gravy again they would not eat...So hopefully yours meal was way better..LOL. The broccoli and rice sounds yummy!! Thanks for the Happy Birthday for DH. Hopefully no Jury duty for you!!!
