

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,071 Member
    Bicycle ride today ...


    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,481 Member
    Up for hopefully just a little while, back to bed soon.

    Kim - Good advice from all and sundry - more than once I've told them I'll sit in the chair while they take my BP, and they often try to take it while I'm sitting on the table with my legs a-dangle.

    Vicki -
    Pleased you're sticking to the gym. It's not always the easiest resolution, but the results are so gratifying.

    Barbara AHMOD - Corey thought it was hilarious when the Arkansas governor declared a state of emergency over 4-6 inches of snow. But then, Alaskans like him tend to think that 4-6 inches of snow just means that it's Thursday.

    Later, y'all,
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,071 Member
    edited February 2022
    Week Review

    Expensive! 2 new tyres. Fixed brakes on van. Dentist.

    Dentist - I'm getting a custom mouthguard made. Apparently I'm grinding like mad and that's taking its toll on my mouth.

    Worked from home! :heart: I got to work from home all week and that was fantastic!! I am hoping to be able to do it again.

    Exercise - a decent amount this week. I've especially enjoyed walking around my neighbourhood. :)

    Not having a long commute was also beneficial for getting a few things done. I was even able to get an extra load of laundry in.

    I have a long Things To Do list and it's a mess. I really need to organise my List. :anguished: But it just keeps growing and growing rather than shrinking. I do a couple things, and then I add about half a dozen. I'd like to start feeling on top of things one day.

    Watching the Winter Olympics now while doing some of my cycling club "work".

    Machka in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Hi just lost a post when writing on cell phone when sms came in. :) shout out to all !
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hi! The day dawned frosty, clear and wind-free, so I went for my run. Here is the usual selection of crazy older women. :p<3

    Quite a few bobbing around in the sea! :o

    Here are the yummy mummies doing their yoga and weights on the café terrace. ;)


    I narrowly avoided being run down by the Saturday Parkrun folks. Managed to turn around five minutes ahead of them. B)

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxx

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,348 Member
    Good morning all:

    Caught up for the week and moved into the new month. Work busy this week and crazy weather didn't help. We closed offices Thursday and went in on a two hour delay on Friday. We still have people working from home, but staff in office on regular basis. The powers that be decided if some people would get off with pay if offices closed, no one should work. Everyone made it through safely.

    Cold here today as aftermath of storm. Was supposed to have a delivery yesterday that was delayed due to weather-will be just as happy if it comes today with me at home.

    I agree with the blood pressure discussion. I keep a cuff at home and check mine once a week or so. Never been a problem but easy enough to keep an eye on. Do the same with blood sugar. It could come from my husband having issues with both so I know how quietly both can creep up on you.

    Not planning on going out with this cold weather. May run to store tomorrow if a bit warmer. Had a small pork loin in freezer so will put that in over today with some sauerkraut-that will give me several days worth of meals. I like it and its easy.

    Off to fix breakfast and get ready for SIL weekly call at 8 am (every Saturday for years!).

    Enjoy the weekend.

    Stay safe all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    Just spent an hour updating my website,. I am technically challenged, so it's a frustrating struggle. Right now I am baffled as to how to shrink a photo. ;) Anyway, I got the info up to date. Somehow. Wish I lived nearer my elder son.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,481 Member
    Heather - do you have Paint 3D? It replaced the old Paint program that is standard with Windows here. If so, I can post up a quick way to shrink an image.

    Machka - do you think it's the two-job thing that's got you pushed into grinding again? When you were in school as well as working, you were quite stressed as well.

    Ginny - Good to see you. It's down to 7 degrees this morning here, too, so everything that was slushy yesterday is frozen hard and icy. Yuck.

    Back up again, in the middle of my first cup of tea. Sun's coming up, supposed to be a sunny day and get above freezing by noon. If we go out, we'll probably take Corey's work truck - it's 4-wheel drive. It's unusual weather here - the very cold days here usually only come along one or two at a time, not for a week at a time.

    Onward and upward...

    Lisa in AR
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,091 Member
    My laundry day pants are so loose! Yay! It makes laundry day fun!

    Annie in Delaware
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,770 Member
    Morning ladies
    Still feeling lousy i got up and fed Alfie and put mealworms out for the birds and made some toast.. so i have to do my meds for the pill box and will just lay low for today..
    Today is my DD 33rd birthday 🎂 im hoping her husband does something nice for her...they arent big mushy card flower people.. more practical people which i guess is good..
    I did send a picture of Miles to Kelly in messenger if she can figure out how to post it here i give my permission because ill be darned if i can get them downloaded on here.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,653 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,
    I’ve had an adventure this morning and hope one of you with more medical knowledge can help me… I can google it but I know there is a lot of bizarre stuff on the internet…

    I am basically healthy, and rarely go to the doctor, but I do go in for a mammogram and a pap smear at the recommended times. Today I went in for a pap and had some questions for my OBGYN who I had not seen for 3 years. (any only one time before that – so not really a relationship) The nurse sat me down and took my blood pressure, I am short but the “bed” was high so I jumped up and sat there – feet not touching the floor, and took the blood pressure on an arm that she set up on a bar so my hand was above my head and stretch back, super uncomfortable – I mentioned both of these to her and she said it wasn’t a problem (with my mom her health providers are super careful her feet are flat on the floor and her arm is in a comfortable position) it came back “high” 155 over 79 so she decided I should have it taken again at the end of the appointment. Ok? After a pap in a room that was cold, still in a ½ gown (just a paper thing over the front top of me) and I am uncomfortably cold and a bit uncomfortable from the pap itself. The nurse takes my blood pressure again, this time standing but same arm configuration. 177 over 79. Time for freak out. Makes me an appointment to have it taken in a different department in 2 minutes – I need to get dressed quickly and run down the back 3 flights of stairs in the door and to the first door on the right. Ok, do that – sit waiting for 5 minutes, while I deep breath and try to relax. This nice male nurse? LVN? takes it again standing this time with my arm on a table at a very comfortable angle 144/79 he tells me it is considered elevated, not high and I need to have an appointment with my regular doc, which is scheduled for 2 weeks from now.

    So my question is what types of things make blood pressure high, and is this potentially a ridiculous run around?
    Thinking of you all, and hoping for a happy healthy day
    Smiles Kim in N. California

    I monitor mine at home, I took my monitor to GP and we compared readings between hers and mine. Mine was comparable. Was asked last week to go to surgery for BP check I refused, said I would do it myself and send reading, GP accepted it. Always told to relax before, sit with legs at 90deg feet flat on floor and arm resting on table at same level as heart. Usually take an average of 3 readings taken at 4 or 5 min intervals.

    Kate UK ❤️
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    edited February 2022
    No Lisa, I haven't seen Paint. I'm doing it on my tablet anyway. There should be the facility to shrink it on the app (WordPress) but nothing I did was effective. I know how to shrink things on Word.
    I originally got the website so that I had a contact facility if people wanted to get in touch. At that time I did not do Instagram. I'm not sure if people look at websites much any more, but I do like having a domain name.

    Going to have fritatta for dinner. Extra feta and fries for DH. Me arugula. It's weigh day tomorrow. 😱

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,298 Member
    edited February 2022
    Kim: I agree with the others. You should be calm and comfortable seated with feet flat on the floor. Your arm should be relaxed, and resting on a flat surface.

    Of course your BP was elevated after all that palaver.

    The home testing kit is very useful and quite easy to use. I monitor mine for a week before medical appointments.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    edited February 2022
    Karen I would also add use the restroom before checking your blood pressure. In addition to what Terri said.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,350 Member
    KJ ~ Great happy photos! :)