

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,635 Member
    edited March 2022
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 39min 41sec, 37elev, 3.01ap, 94ahr, 116mhr, 5.01mi= 434c
    Strava app= 594c
    Zwift home bike trainer- strava stats- 16.27sec, 33elev, 96aw, 18.3amph, 127ahr, 158mhr, 5.02mi= 146c
    Strava app= 90c
    Zwift stats- 16.29min, 33elev, 95aw, 60arpm, 18.31amph, 5.03mi= 90c

    Total cal 580
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Worked today and then went to the gym. Yea me! First went to the Y to drop off some cookies for this one gal, then the Salvation Army, then the gym, then Aldi. At the price of food, what a good reason to go on a diet….lol

    I can definitely feel that the pain in my leg is getting better. Not 100% yet (but then again, I just started the prednisone yesterday) but definitely better. At least now I can sit at the computer. Before I had a hard time doing that.

    Evelyn – good thoughts being sent to your husband

    Heather – so sorry about your brother’s wife

    Susan – welcome! Sit a spell while drinking water….

    Lisa – Vince says that he won’t get me a maid because he knows me and I’d clean before the maid got here because I didn’t want her to see a mess and then I’d clean after she left because she didn’t do it my way. Unfortunately, he’s right. But I do know that he would get me a maid if I absolutely needed one. Remember how I told you Vince keeps everything “just in case”? Well, we have some Rick Steves books from about 15 years ago that he doesn’t want to get rid of “you never know”

    Kim – MIL had some nice crystal at the condo. I know Jess isn’t interested in it, and really neither am I. So I took that and some Lenox china and got $8 for it. Well, $8 more in my pocket

    Vicki – that was nice of you to make those blankets.

    Michele NC
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,082 Member
    Michele So glad your leg pain is getting better!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,509 Member
    Rebecca! I'm coming to your house for dinner! YUM!

    Pip, that is wonderful news!

    Nanacutler, so glad Maisie is behaving. Good Girl.

    Oh Tracey, I'm glad. Still praying for them and I'm sure they're still in shock. Yes, we're resting comfortably. LOL. OMGosh... the wonderful thing about them is, they're finally at the age where they can go run outside by themselves and we have the neighborhood for that. We've been here for 30 years so we know everyone and they know us. Everyone here acts like all the other's parents and all the kids know it! It's GREAT! Got a text from "Nicki" the other day, "Is Bear over there?", "Yup, in the backyard with Caddie and Hunter." "Okay, thanks. Send him home when you get tired of him." hahaha!

    Rita, excellent progress. Praying for his recovery and your stress level to go down.

    Hi Susan! Welcome.

    Carla, in MN

    Ok! You know any of you ladies are welcome at my table!👍💖
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,251 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,635 Member
  • readandlift
    readandlift Posts: 23 Member
    edited March 2022

    @Whidislander This looks so - so Yummy!

    🌼 Lucy

    I was and I had 2 bowls at noon, then a bowl in the afternoon. So like the whole pans worth! But when you break it down it was (only) a cup of chicken, 1.5 cup of noodles, 1/4 onion, 5 mushrooms, 7 baby carrots and 9 ice cubes of broth.😁
    Soup did set me right.👍

    Nice! Some real down home cooking.

    🌼 Lucy
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,759 Member
    Evening ladies
    Well my old phone is packed up and ready yo go back Verizon..and now to get used to this one,actually a bit smaller and lighter than the other..
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,864 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Debbie — DH is using his bracelet! It is on his wrist and has been since I talked about your good advice. 😘
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,635 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,082 Member
    Did my dumbbells! Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,345 Member
    edited March 2022
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Debbie from Napa CA — Thanks to you DH is now wearing two bracelets and a neck chain with medical info. We found them in his closet and put them on the moment we found them. We also had a good appointment with his doctor the next day. ❤️

    Karen — I have many things that were my mom’s, including her piano and grandmother clock. There is also WW-2 china sets from Japan. Someday these sets will go to my adult children. 🌹

    Lisa — I am delighted with your happiness in your home. ❤️

    Rita— I hope you will find a therapist who understands your challenges and can help you find inner peace & happiness. 🌸

    Teklawa 1 — We are all pleased with the help from DH’s new doctor. He is a gem. DH, DD, and I were all happy with the meeting and guidance.😊

    And how are you?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Has anyone tried any supplements for memory or mental clarity?

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    Ginkgo Biloba may improve mental performance in healthy people

    I used it during the first few years of my Master's degree but it interacts negatively with my anti-depression medication so when I started that, I dropped the Ginkgo Biloba.

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,635 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Decluttering ...

    In 2004, I sorted through everything. I sold some things, gave away other things, and packed the remaining 1/2 or so of my stuff into storage.

    Then I flew to Australia with my bicycle and panniers and spent 3 months cycling around eastern Australia. When I returned, I lived in my parents' basement for 4.5 years with just a few of my things while acquiring my Bachelor of Education.

    In Hobart ...


    In 2009, I got everything out of storage, sold and gave away several more things and packed the remaining bits of my stuff into boxes. I was allowed 300 cubic feet - the size of a smallish bathroom - in a container.

    Again, I flew to Australia with my bicycle and panniers ... and spent my first year living in Australia in a small shack off the grid. My container of stuff finally arrived in 2010.

    Meanwhile, my husband had a somewhat similar experience. In 2005 he got rid of most of his stuff and spent some time (year or two) cycling the harvest trail. That's where he gained his first experience in orcharding. He had settled and had purchased a few things in preparation for me to come to Australia. Then in 2009, Australia's most catastrophic bushfire came through his area and he lost most of that.

    So when we finally started living together in 2009, we didn't have much!

    The only furniture items there which are ours are the metal shelf and the mirrors above the fireplace. The lights and computers are powered by a combination of generator and solar. It had rained a lot and water was seeping up through the sidewalk paver floor.


    In 2012, we packed things up again, got rid of a few things, and put the rest into storage. Then we set off to cycle in various places around the world for the next 8 months.

    In Japan ...


    When we returned, we lived with a friend for a little while then went into a house for 6 months. We got everything out of storage, in the hopes that we might stay there, but it wasn't meant to be, so we packed everything into storage again and moved to Tasmania in 2013. But it was 2014 before we brought everything over from the mainland and settled into our current house.

    So on the one hand, we don't have a lot of stuff because of all the purging, but on the other hand, we do have duplicates of some things. For now, that's OK. Neither of us has any desire to purge again in the near future.

    However, I do want to scan my paper things into the computer.

    Machka in Oz

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,999 Member
    edited March 2022
    exermom wrote: »
    Went to the MD, told the PA that I was 99.9% sure it was sciatica and she agreed and prescribed prednisone for me, which is what I expected. Took my first dose today. To me, it is starting to feel better. But is this psychological? Who knows?

    Had the last Newcomer bowling for the season. For some reason, nothing I did helped. I was lucky to break 50. I tried EVERYTHING, moving, etc. But nothing seemed to help. I was definitely the gutter ball queen

    Yippee pip!!!!!!!!

    Karen VA – Vince’s mother has this really nice sewing cabinet. Unfortunately, we can’t figure out how to wind the bobbin and my sewing machine won’t go in the cabinet. I’m afraid we’re going to have to donate it. I do have my grandmother’s pedal sewing machine. I remember as a kid pumping that pedal. Good memories. Is it ever heavy! So glad you had such a wonderful experience giving your mother’s sewing machine away. Knowing that it’s being used in such a wonderful way makes giving it away so much less painful. Your brother’s art is truly awesome

    Lucy – Rebecca ALWAYS posts pics of her wonderful meals. Honestly, sometimes I just have to skip them – they make me so hungry...lol

    Guess that’s about it for now. Nite everyone

    Michele NC

    Michele-Have you looked on Youtube to see how to wind the bobbin? Most are pretty easy to figure out(some even show you on the machine with little arrows).

    Karen- your brother's art is amazing.

    Decluttering- oh my goodness. I really need to do it again. Having lived here almost 30 yrs(in Sept), being one who saves too much and married to someone who is at least as much or more so of a "pack rat" than me. He has pictures/prints on every wall, almost covering all the walls.
    I have way too much craft supplies, for me and for the daycare, WAY TOOO many toys for the daycare. Looking forward to totally retiring and getting rid of it and getting my living room back and one day, get in my craft room and clear/organize it.

    Got my booster shot today plus fighting this asthma(this is week 3 and still doing at least 3 and up to 5 nebulizer treatments every day). Feeling tired so going to go do another treatment then read a bit and go to bed early tonight. Woke up at 4:15AM(thanks to a cat fight) then couldn't get back to sleep til 6.

    Going to a toy show(hopefully husband WONT find any he wants- he is already boxing up a bunch to sell at a toy show next month, first time) on Saturday- Son's 24th birthday and that is what he wants to do. Beings we will be in Santa Clara, we will go to San Jose and do a little grocery shopping Mitsuwa(Japanese grocery) and Lion Market(Chinese grocery)- Don't need anything but we will go check it out anyways.

    No school tomorrow so have the daycare girl all day-at least I don't have to go over and pick her up.

    Have a great evening ladies.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,864 Member