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  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,555 Member
    edited April 2022
    The solution here is to always go walking in animated (cartoon) forests. The bears you'll encounter there are friendly and only interested in your picnic basket (Yogi) or honey jar (Winnie the Pooh). Just bring along extra provisions and you'll be fine.

    Alternatively, you could always make sure to go walking with a (much slower) friend. But that's a little dark and you might run out of friends.

    Yesterday I checked on Lyft rides from this resort to LAX. Around 9 am the rate for a Lyft XL was $58. When I checked later in the day, it had gone up to $140. Why the big disparity? (Oh good grief... now it's over $200!)
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    Were you not aware Lyft is auction-based? The more people click on Lyft rides, the higher the price goes. Your best bet for lower prices is to place a winning bid the first moment you see what it is, before other people have an opportunity to inflate the price with every click of the mouse. So, let's be proactive: go ahead and schedule every Lyft ride you are going to need for the next six months, right now. The prices will be at their lowest, your company will save so much money due to you being proactive that they're sure to give you a hefty bonus equal to 1% of what you saved them. (What is that? You don't know yet what all your Lyft requirements will be for the next six months? Sounds like you need to do better planning...)

    Why is it I can get canned fruits/vegetables of the same quality all year long, but the quality of the fresh versions comes and goes over the year?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    The vegetables that come in cans are harvested by special labs and they always get first pick on the crops only taking the best ones. In these "labs" they are pumped with so many chemicals they start to have identity crisis and no longer even taste they way they're supposed to. So where as they may always look pretty, and at one point they truly where the "cream of the crop", now all they are are an empty shell of their former self marketed for their attractiveness and long shelf life. Very bleak existence.

    Went to grab something from my Living room, forgot when I got there. What causes us to forget why we walked into a room?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    Why do we forget anything? Because like a computer memory, we only have storage space for so many bits of data. Once the storage becomes full, we must dump one piece of data to make room for the new data, or else the new data itself is lost. You see this quite often in old people, whose long lives have had so much data added to their internal storage that they have no room for new, leaving them vulnerable to either forget why they came into a room (no space for new data) or the names/faces of old acquaintances (considered less important than the new data being added).

    So how do you upgrade your memory to be able to remember more things? Expensive surgery is an option, usually reserved for Nobel scientists and the like. For the average person, you need to resort to external memory devices, most frequently in the form of notebooks where you can write down memories you wish to retain without keeping them in your head. Einstein was a big proponent of this strategy, being quoted as saying, "Why remember something you can read in a book?"

    When the temperature warms up to 50 degrees, you feel warm; when it cools down to 50 degrees, you feel chilled. It's the same temperature...why does it feel different?
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 32,464 Member
    edited May 2022
    The reason is due to thermometers, and the fact that they contain mercury, a weird liquid metal that some idiot thought was a good idea to put into temperature measuring devices that have ended up all over the place!

    Some people think that because it is sealed in glass that there's no problem, but mercury doesn't behave like most other elements, and you don't have to come in contact with it directly for it to do weird things to you.

    One of the things that mercury does is to change bodily functions at the cellular level.

    When the temperature rises, the cells affected by the mercury cause your metabolism to explode in activity, making you to overheat. When the temperature falls, the mercury reduces your metabolism, and you suddenly cannot generate enough body heat to feel comfortable.

    If it wasn't for mercury, then 50 degrees would feel the same regardless of which way the temperature was moving, but the mercury screws up your body, and so everything goes all wonky.

    Climate change is a real problem where I live, because it's way too hot in the summertime, and in the winter time frozen water is a big problem because it comes down from the sky and makes the ground very slippery, which is hazardous for old people like me. How can we change the climate to something more pleasant, like maybe just making it 72 degrees Fahrenheit all the time?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    Try staying indoors. My thermostat keeps the inside of my house at 72 degrees all the time, all year long.

    Why is it called "fast food" when it takes longer sitting in the drive-thru line than it would take to prepare the same food at home?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    Oh no. Looks like you're confused. Fast Food wasn't named by the amount of time it takes to receive, it was named after William Fast who first invented selling burgers out of his trunk at his construction job in 1920. His burgers were so popular having all people in town coming to his car for "Fast's Food" he slowly had to expand his menu to include other items. Now the internet has stolen this information away from 'ol Mr. Fast and given credit to White Castle as being the oldest fast food chain but we all pay a little bit of tribute to William Fast everytime we refer to any quick chain meal as Fast Food. Hope that didn't answer your question at all.

    Why is it easier to remember useless facts but not the important stuff?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 13,604 Member
    Useless things are easy to remember because your brain gives useless things higher priority, because... why not? Otherwise, you would be distracted by the important things in your life, and the useless things could be forgotten about, or entirely overlooked.

    We sometimes forget that becoming really good at something takes a good deal of practice. I've heard that becoming expert at something takes around 10,000 hours of practice. But come on, isn't there a pill or something? I'm imagining something like: "Here, take this pill if you want to play guitar like Eric Clapton, take this pill if you want to play guitar like Pierre Bensusan, take this pill if you want to play kazoo really well..." etc.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    Didn't you know such pills already exist? They're called LSD, for Localized Skill Developer. Take one pill, and you will immediately become a master musician, an accomplished artist, or a delightful dancer. The trick is the skill is only in your own mind (hence the "Localized")...anybody else observing you will not see the same level of skill on display (and may in fact errantly believe the opposite), unless they too partake of the pill.

    Once upon a time, somebody was the first to try every food eaten in the world today. Some foods are harmful unless cooked first, but did the first taste tester know this? And if not, what made the second tester think it would be a good idea to try the same food that killed his neighbor, if first held inside a fire?
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 32,464 Member
    edited May 2022
    Natural foods are inherently unreliable because nature is focused like a laser beam on eliminating the human species.

    You see, it wasn't the first person who tried a certain food that died, it was actually the second and then a random one now and then after that. That's how evil and sinister nature can be. Sometimes cooking will allow a person to live, and other times they die anyway. It's just one more way that Mother Nature tricks us into ending ourselves.

    Around the 1950s and 60s some scientists begin to understand these facts, and tried to combat Mother Nature by inventing safe and healthy foods like Cheese Whiz, Little Debbie's cookies and cakes, and Hostess Twinkies and Ding Dongs.

    Mother Nature confounded much of the good that could have been done by these remarkable inventions by convincing certain underworld figures to present themselves to the world as "consumer advocates", who then began criticizing the wonder foods as "unhealthy". Sadly, many well-meaning people remain convinced that these healthy and nutritious foods are bad for people.

    What cheap and healthy food would you like to see invented to help address world hunger?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    Mold grows everywhere, absorbing nutrients from the environment. Cheap, nutritious. Maybe not particularly flavorful, though, so the invention is the added flavoring to make the mold dishes taste of cinnamon, chocolate, strawberry, etc. The default flavor is fine for weight-lifters, as everything in the world tastes like chicken. (Little known fact, chicken doesn't taste like chicken, it actually tastes like the mold they nibble off the ground with every peck of corn.)

    Why must all good things end?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    edited May 2022
    Because if the good never ended would it really still be good? It would become monotonous. Having the bad makes the good just that good. Otherwise wouldn't it always just be so-so all the time. Ya know? Like having Pizza at every meal. At first it would be awesome but rather quickly it would be like "oh pizza again.... great 😮‍💨"

    Our body does things naturally like breathing and blinking but why when we really think about these naturally occurring functions do we all of sudden start having to make the conscious effort to breath and blink? Then is all uneven and weird....
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,409 Member
    I suggest fortified garlic.

    Mulit purpose - feed the world and prepare for next pandemic - nobody would need advice on wearing masks or social distancing, would all be happening already in a garlic breath world.
    Think of the money save in unnecessary health messages!

    Which health message would you like added or removed from current ones your government promotes?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,409 Member
    Oops, answered question from last page, sorry. :*
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    Which health message would you like added or removed from current ones your government promotes?

    "Do not operate in the shower." If somebody really needs that warning in the first place, they likely are too stupid to read the warning, so really, who are they trying to warn?

    When I was growing up, homework was school work performed at home. If they want me to do their work on my time, then why do teachers get to upset when I do my sleep on their time? Isn't that fair?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    It's out of jealousy. They would also like to be napping. This reminded me in HS I had this Pre Calc teacher that had the most monotone voice, would always use the overhead projector, and I had this class right after lunch. So with a full tummy, dimmed lights, and his boring voice I would fall asleep all the time. He used to find the worst ways to wake me up, whole class yelling, slamming books on the table, a blow horn, etc. He was the worst and the best 😂. I didn't pass that class.

    Been noticing ALOT of 90s clothes, shows, and music I enjoyed myself coming back into style for kids these days which made me reflect on how some of the styles, shows, and slang I used in school were also recycled from precious generations. Why do trends seem to repeat themselves every 20 or so years?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Shouldn't the 80s/90s be forgotten? as those styles really weren't anything that I'd ever want brought back 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Why is it that I love everything vintage including clothing, furniture, houses and hairstyles? Might i have been born in the wrong decade?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,555 Member
    edited May 2022
    Why do trends seem to repeat themselves every 20 or so years?

    How about if I answer the question you asked?

    Trends repeat themselves every 20 years or so because the space time continuum is on a closed loop with a finite amount of trends. Sometimes the continuum skips (much like a scratch on a vinyl record) causing trends to get mixed up and out of order, thus not repeating in any kind of recognizable pattern.

    Now... Why is it that @FabulousFantasticFifty loves everything vintage (except the 80s and 90s) including clothing, furniture, houses and hairstyles? Might she have been born in the wrong decade?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,409 Member
    I think she has done some time travel through stones.
    I watched a series called Outlander and people travelled to another century that way , not just a few decades prior
    Perhaps FFF only went a few decades because she is a beginner to time travel.

    Maybe this is why there are chains around the stones at Stonehenge? to prevent mass exodus of tourists touching them to disappear into centuries ago.

    if I want a day off work tomorrow, where could I disappear to?

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    Depends on your profession. If you are working in a high-tech industry, then using your stone-touching time-travel method you could disappear to the early 20th century and experience the Great Depression. If you work in an older industry (textiles, farming) then you'll need to travel back to the stone ages and hang out with the Flintstones. If you're a member of one of the oldest professions (lawyers and that other one), then you'll have to go all the way back to the dinosaurs. Just beware that when you travel that far in time, the land undergoes changes as well as the inhabitants. Back before the meteor which wiped out the dinosaurs, your current home was not even built, so you'll need to bring an umbrella.

    Living with multiple teenagers, weekly pizza is a way of life. This also means weekly leftover pizza reheats for lunch. Yet not all pizza brands reheat equally, with some remaining soft while others become so tough as to be almost inedible. Why the difference?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    edited May 2022
    Im going to assume you mean take out pizza because I think we all know frozen pizza sucks the first time we cook it too and won't get better the second. Now down to the top secret information I'm about to spill... Pizza places make sure to add JUST enough moisture to their sauce and the perfect weight of toppings so that if you try to reheat your leftover pizza it will become rubbery. Sure people have found "tips & tricks" to help make leftover pizza edible but it never has that 'o.m.g. this pizza is the best' quality to it. This is because it leaves you missing what once was, yearning for that next time you take a bite of the crisp crust, warm sauce, and gooey melty cheese. Meaning you'll be ordering again soon and that means they continue to receive your 💰.

    Why do we associate colors to things like numbers, letters, or months? (Example to me 4=green and 8=orange)
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Might we have never associated in that fashion and you're just having flash backs of the four peas left on your plate that your Gramma Martha insisted you eat before leaving the table four hours later or the eight oranges you lovingly juiced for your sweetheart this morning?

    Why have I always been so anti Arithmetic (Hated Math in School) and yet am an expert at Budgeting and Finances? 🤔
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    Mental muscles are like physical muscles: they improve with exercise, and the exercises you hate most are probably the ones you need most. It's unpleasant at first, but with continued exposure you get better, and exercises you hate can become the ones you love. Works with squats, also with math.

    When's the last time you used calculus when Budgeting?

    During school, your reward for doing math was a letter grade on a piece of paper. As an adult, your reward for doing math is a home, Netflix and ice cream.

    You're not actually an expert, you just don't have a teacher handing out grades anymore.

    Do you realize how difficult it is to come up with an answer to your question which is not only logical but also obviously wrong? My first four thoughts were each logical...too logical, as it turns out, and likely with too much truth. So maybe five time's a charm, right?

    Your original assumption is incorrect: you did NOT, in fact, hate math in school. It is physically impossible for anybody to hate math. EVERYBODY loves math; the difference is simply between those who admit this FACT, and those in denial. (Just like Brussel sprouts.) What has changed between your school days and today is, in the absence of peer pressure telling you that math is evil, you've allowed yourself to accept your true inner feelings. So go forth, proclaim your feelings to the world from the rooftops, share your joy with your family, friends and social media followers. You are not alone, and through your courageous example you may inspire others still hiding from the world to step forward and proclaim with one voice, "We LOVE math!" If every person on the planet were to accept this simple fact, all wars would cease, starvation would disappear, and we could begin to work together to find the answer to the last true question facing humanity: How does a woman's mind tick?

    I've heard the fashion rule, "Don't wear white after Labor Day." Never understood why, but that's not my question. My question is, when can we start to wear white again? I've never heard the date mentioned when we can break out our white attire.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,555 Member
    edited May 2022
    The rules for when you can start to wear white again vary by which part of the country you call home. If you live in a northern climate, you can start to wear white as soon as the snow flies. Since the object of wearing white is to blend in to the background, you must wait for snow. For many, that means November or December. The more snow on the ground, the more white garments you should feel free to wear. If you live in a southern - no snow - climate, you have to wait much longer - until the cottonwood fluff flies. That means you have to put away your white wardrobe until probably April.

    What is one mistake that you will never do again?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    My first mistake. Because the next time I do the same mistake, it's now the second mistake, then the third, and so on. The "first" mistake will never happen again.

    I have returned back to day staff after a 3-month stint working shift, meaning no more graveyard shifts for me. What is an appropriate way to celebrate this new reality without making the shift-workers feel bad?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 13,604 Member
    Stay up all night to celebrate, and let the shift-workers know you haven't abandoned the pleasure of staying up all night. Do this for a couple weeks at least, until they forget who you are.

    All that slow motion movement with seemingly no purpose and no direction. What's the point of doing tai chi?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    No purpose? My friend, when you witness tai chi, you are actually observing an epic fight for survival on par with any Avenger's movie! The Earth is beset by invisible monsters bent on world domination. Only a gifted few are able to see these sneaky invaders, who normally survive in the vacuum of space and are slowed by movement through our atmosphere, similar to how we humans move in slow motion when submerged in water. Tai chi masters have learned how to combat these unseen menaces, saving the rest of humanity from a threat they knew nothing about.

    Speaking of martial arts reminds me of some of the most famous paintings in the art world. Some are clearly created by masters who required years to perfect their technique. But a few could be created by four-year-olds, yet are sold for obscene amounts of money. How can I turn my daughter's fridge-magnet drawings into a nice college- or retirement-fund?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    edited May 2022
    Ah you're looking for the long hussle, I got you. First, you need to become an expert in the arts, or at least enough to fake it. Then attend EVERY art show around you. Act snooty and flipant. Always have something bad to say about the most popular pieces. People will gravitate to your energy because people are inherently terrible and crave negativity. The more you use this technique the more people will believe you know what you're talking about. Rumors about your background in the arts will begin to float around, let it. Some will be how you went to a prestigious art school and painted for major artist while others will imply you don't know anything and even question who you really are. But at the end of the day they can't stop talking about you. Anyways, after months of this get your daughters painting into a high profile show. When you show up people will begin to whisper and flock to you. Now this is important so listen up DONT GO STRAIGHT TO YOUR DAUGHTERS WORK. Use your training to analyze and pick a part every canvas and sculpture. As you get closer to your daughters art talk about how you wasted your time even coming to the event then when your in front of her art inhale deeply and marvel at it. Call it "the single most profound piece of work of this generation" that you have ever seen or something like that. Work in some tears if you can. Say something about it being bewitching and you feel undeserving to be in the same room. All you gotta do then is leave. Boom then some idiot will buy it up at an outrageous price and you're set for life.

    I recently read this (or did I?) and it has been on my mind non-stop. "Because the human memory is known to be very unreliable, how do you know which of your memories are real and which are only partly true?"
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    No memories are true... In fact each memory we see resulting in a big cheesy smile are the least true and are implanted in the hippocampus, (Not a School for Hippopotamus' ) located in the brain's temporal lobe, this is where episodic memories are implanted and indexed for later access. We are but extravagant well oiled machines who think are Humans when in actuality, we were invented by accident one day in Gérard Depardieu's kitchen.

    Why am I now craving French food, i.e. French Toast, French Fries, French bread, French Onion Soup?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,325 Member
    My lady, cravings are natural an hour before lunch, but you are clearly limiting yourself needlessly. You should expand your palate to include the foods of other nationalities...German chocolate cake, Italian ice, Chinese spare ribs, Klingon blood pie, Romulan ale...the list goes on and on.

    I've been exercising for over 25 years now, yet the average 20-year-old rookie joining a professional sports team has a better physique. If practice makes you perfect, shouldn't I look better than they do?