
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    count my dh as a spender- big time. Yes , he is making more than I am by a lot but he sure spends a WHOLE LOT more than I do- it is crazy how much he spends and on what. Amazon is here daily, He goes to the comic-con and pays $125 each for toys and buys two because they are a great deal. He buys every time he goes to the shows.
    I am the saver- need to figure out what I want to spend on. I did buy myself two pair of shoes now that I am walking so much- 2 pair for $40 was my splurge.
    We don't have any real big bills(no house payment, no car payments) so we are doing ok but I just don't understand spending so much on things like he does- This is nothing new- has always liked to shop. When we were dating, he would constantly want to go to the mall. Would still if the mall near us was any good. He still loves to shop, even if it is just grocery shopping. We don't do anything together except go shopping.
    Yep, that is what we will be doing tomorrow morning after he gets off work and I walk his mom's dog.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Had a really lovely 5k run this morning. Weather perfect. Nice breeze. DH decided to come with me, which was wonderful. We went back via the local shops and he bought the newspaper and milk and I bought focaccia from the deli. DH came in while I was chatting to the owner, and we all had a nice conversation. There was no queue, so we took our time. :D
    Now reading the Saturday paper. I really buy it for the very good 'What’s On ' section, so I can plan my tv watching for the week, and decide what to record. It also helps with deciding what is worth watching on line and 'catch up'. Saves decision fatigue, and those 'nothing to watch' moments. :) I like to have a small bank in reserve.
    I read most of the actual paper on line all week and make a financial contribution every month.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Barbie- Tom has had a Chevy Volt since 2015 and actually had 2 at one time right after our divorce.
    It is quite a cool car,i have to say ,I was able to drive it a few times.. with the distance to where he works he charges it in the garage..plugs it in when he gets home from work and its fully charged before he goes to sleep at night.
    In the summer its a little tougher because of the heat to make it all the way back and forth without using gas but the rest of the time its a breeze..
    Yes for the amount of miles you guys drive and the cost of vehicles now not worth it,though i think he did get some type of kickback from the state.
    Woke up early and went back to sleep for a bit.. staying in and clearing up some paperwork today.its going to be 99 degrees here.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    edited July 2022
    Happy Saturday!

    Barbie - so glad visit is going well. I always get apprehensive about visitors, but most of the time, once they have arrived, it all goes very well. I am intrigued and reckon I'll probably get an electric car at some point, but I drive less than 3,000 miles per year so the 2 old paid off cars in the garage are fine for now.

    Rita - you were on my mind all night.
    Several times DH and I nearly split up due to his spending habits. I wasn't aware of it until after we were married and I was working and contributing income to the household. My stomach still lurches at the memory of him saying "how much is in the checking account right now?" - figuring what he can spend it on, unaware that we had a mortgage payment coming up in a couple days. Maybe it was because when he was in the Marines, they took care of everything and he never had to plan much for housing, food, etc.

    He was a very brilliant man in many ways but had the money sense of a 6 year old with a dollar in his pocket in the candy store. And his ego was easily bruised by a "wife turned into Mom" telling him what to do!

    The one time I said "you take care of the bills" we got in a huge amount of debt. It just didn't click with him. I put my foot down - either cut up the credit cards or we spend what little we have on a divorce lawyer. It got better after that, but he still veered a few times - but not badly.

    Finally, the last decade of his life, after a "this is the last straw" argument, we came to an agreement that he'd get a certain amount of "allowance" per month and if we needed to buy something big like a new mower, there was money put away in an account for that. Amazingly, the crazy spending went way down. But he would still talk, from time to time, about sending his relatives money. I'd do my best to keep calm and say "that's a nice idea, but I just took a look at current nursing home costs. There's a good chance you or I will end up there, at least for a short period of time. If it's several months I'd hate to have to sell the house to pay for it." It was stretching the truth to a point, but still he needed to understand my priorities so changed his mind about it. See next paragraph.

    Also, I lied to him all the time about how much I had stashed away. When the conversation would come up, I'd say "well, there's some money in the emergency fund in case my car needs a new engine or we need to have the heat pump replaced, but not much more." Same deal with the tax refund.... sometimes I'd get generous and say "we're getting back $800 in a tax refund this year. Do you want half in your account and I'll put the rest in the emergency fund? You know the roof is getting older so that's another thing on the "replace" list." The refund would be more than that, but I wasn't telling him.

    I wasn't raised to lie and still get conflicted about it.

    So, I used a combination of budgeting, lying and honest communication to keep him in line. :D He realized as he became more frail and his memory started getting iffy, having a happy wife who didn't have to worry about making the mortgage payment and thereby avoiding making her upset was his #1 mission. Happy wife, happy rest of his life.

    Kim - loved hearing about your trip to the beach.

    Barbara - remember me saying I had the guy lined up to re-gravel the driveway? When he was here, he talked about stopping in with equipment and leveling the old gravel, doing this and that. I called and left a message a couple weeks ago that the weeds and grass had been burned so OK to spray. Have not heard a peep. I'll bug him again in a week. If he doesn't want to do it, that's fine - but I need to know so I can get someone else lined up. Crossing fingers he's just been super busy.

    Budget plan for utilities - it's offered by our electric company, but I refused signing up. Having to pay the bill every month gives me immediate awareness of not only usage, but all of the new little fees and increases that go into effect. I have a pretty good idea of what our water and garbage bill is each month, and sometimes if I have extra I'll prepay for several months and just let a credit ride along.

    Today will be catch up day since the heat starts tomorrow. Finish mowing, baking, laundry. Getting water set up for the garden. Weed eating.

    That's the Saturday morning news. Make it a fabulous day and keep cool!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,530 Member
  • milliecowart
    milliecowart Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks Barbie! We appreciate you keeping us going.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    Hi fellow Texan. I'm in Dallas. Heat during you insane, too?
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Oh Kelly, that is very frightening. I'm thankful you went into the ER and that your guys are going to step up this week.

    Willamette Valley OR
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,530 Member
    edited July 2022
    Kelly KJ ~ Prayers and hugs for you! You work so hard every day and make life wonderful for all the little people who have pass through your doors. Please take care!

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    KJ - So glad you are OK. Yes, it is a helpful warning. My elder son had a similar scare last year and he really got his s**t together afterwards. In the long term it was a blessing. It's good that the family are stepping up and giving you a bit of a break. We want you to take extra special care of yourself. You have been superwoman for so long. Love you loads.

    Having lamb and spinach curry for dinner. Haven't had a curry for ages. :D DH has stewed some apricots for dessert.

    Barbie and Annie - so glad that your guest nerves are subsiding. For me too, the anticipation is always much worse than the reality. But I'm still knackered afterwards. :p

    My friend G wants me to go to Portsmouth to visit her next week. I'm giving it some thought. She makes the journey over here a lot. I hate travelling in the school holidays though.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member

    Glad you got to go home from the ED instead of staying overnight.

    I'm of the firm opinion that nothing can stop your generous heart from beating, though...

    I have to say, it is so YOU to look for (and find) the silver lining.

    We love you. <3

    Karen in Virginia

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    Vicki you described my DH exactly except he gets estimates from Amazon!
