

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,646 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,865 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Will catch up with stats later, sometime. Just back from two day gals’ road trip to walk Circles In the Sand in Florence and shop our way back to Brookings. Great group of gals, fog and chill could not dampen our spirits. Walking the labyrinth in the fog was a more meditative experience than had it been sunny. No PT, way too much sugar and more coffee than I normally have in a month, but a few good choices too, in number of steps and passing on dinner Saturday night. Glad I went, glad to be home ;).

    Read posts through pg 19 last night on my phone but took no notes. Skimming to catch up. Tomorrow is day 1 of cleaning frenzy, dust mopping ceilings, vacuuming curtains/drapes, windowsills, first round of dusting and vacuuming carpets. Might have to skip line dancing. Ugh.

    Lisa my stock answer is “Happy to be here, and you?”
    Heather “semiannual bath” a real tea-snorter that.
    Ginny my nurse friend has been doing some reading on Fosamax/alendronate. There have been cases of “spontaneous leg fractures” in addition to the weakening of jaw bones. Seems the pharmaceutical company that developed Fosamax in the beginning, also put DexaScan machines in some doctors’ offices to build market for their product. Some lawsuits settled https://www.drugwatch.com/fosamax/lawsuits/
    Others have been dismissed by the US Supreme Court https://www.drug-injury.com/druginjurycom/2022/03/fosamax-femur-fracture-federal-court-mdl-lawsuits-dismissed-second-time-march-2022.html
    I will call my MD’s office next week and explain why I’m taking myself off from this rx. They might want to do one more scan for a baseline, and I may comply. I am so with you about how strange rx dosage is same regardless of body weight, Vets don’t do it that way so why do MDs?
    Rebecca so sorry for your hurting heart. Wish your youngest could find it in his heart to communicate with you at least enough to set whatever boundaries he feels he needs. So hard for you to not know.
    Barbie you have daffodils in October?
    Beth so glad to hear from you and that your Mom is now nearby. Praying the PT helps her enough for the enhanced assisted living facility. Love her spirit, wanting to stop en route at the DQ!
    Carol thankful to hear your sister’s status. Keeping her and you in prayers.
    Welcome @Michieb125, Michelle in CA!
    Allie so thankful Carmine has found SOMETHING to change their attitude. I’d be afraid they be broken-hearted at the cow’s ultimate end though. Some 4-Hs have the kids do dog training, would Carmine go for that?
    Katla so glad you got to share Halloween Town with your grandson.
    Betsy, safe travels.

    Now for a couple more steps, something light and healthy and time to snooze.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2022: Be still and listen.
    October: Move more (make that 7400 step goal), fuel better (more protein + veggies, less sugar), live NOW (continue mindful time with Joe, pay more attention to Shadow and Tumble).
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,306 Member
    Just putting in a shoutout for Kate UK, who was due to have a gallstones operation soon and was hoping to get to Spain for a holiday, if her husband's health permitted. I hope your plans are working out and you are OK. <3

    Quiet day today. Just a Zoom at 4.15. My friend G has moved it back from 4 because she has an online therapy session earlier in the afternoon. Still works out OK for me. I like to join DH at 5.15 or before, for an aperitif (alcohol or AF) and to watch Pointless together. :p It's the start of our 'together' time and our evening wind down.

    I'm going to do the tax return this pm. I have all the info, I think. I don't actually pay any tax, because I don't earn nearly enough, but I keep doing it because I am still waiting for my big breakthrough! :laugh: One day I will hit the best seller list.
    This morning I will scribble something for my new book. ;)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    I don't ask questions much, but I'm really interested in the answer to this one. For a little bit of background, I'm from the South, and I was raised that you greet folks politely whether you know them or not, especially if they greet you first. One of the things I realized the other day is that I have a (possibly annoying) habit of answering when people ask me how I am or how I'm doing with a joke. For instance, the gal at the drive-thru window asked me how I was on Thursday, and I said, "Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!" She didn't know whether to smile or not, so I followed that with, "But then, most people are..." and she handed me my bag and I motored on.

    I'm honestly aware that when they say "How are you doing?" they think I will say, "Fine, how are you?" as that's the cultural expectation. I like violating cultural expectations (in a kind and/or funny way) and I do it regularly. In places of business where there's more time, I tend to say, "Well, if I was any better, I'd be twins!" and my personal favorite, "If I was any better, I'd have to sit on my hands to keep from waving at people!" Followed of course, by "How about you?"

    So, the question is... How do you respond to people (whether strangers or not) who say, "How are you doing?" Or do people even greet each other that way in your culture/region/area?

    Just curious.


    People around here and people where I am from greet each other and ask how things are fairly regularly. I would have laughed at your response. It reminds me of a lot of funny ones I’ve heard over the years.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    People around here and people where I am from greet each other and ask how things are fairly regularly. I would have laughed at your response. It reminds me of a lot of funny ones I’ve heard over the years.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member

    Rebecca... that has to be so hard, but like others have said, you're a great mom and there's just no explaining our kids sometimes.

    Off to work!

    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Belated happy Thanksgiving Day to Tracey, Evelyn and all other Canadiennes whose names have slipped my memory. ;}
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,392 Member
    Good morning ladies! <3

    Barbara - interesting info about the bone loss and Fosamax. So sorry to hear about your tooth problems. :( And that reminds me, I haven't heard yet if my doc got the Dexa scan scheduled. I'll bug her this week.

    Ginny - glad your surgery is done and over, and crossing fingers the problem is taken care of. Having to slow down for recovery is just plain hard. ;)

    Betsy - have a great time visiting your friends in Virginia. :)

    Elliptical - My elliptical was delivered yesterday. It took maybe 15 minutes to get it set up, great instructions. I like it! It's too heavy for me to lift and carry but super easy to slide where I want it. Like the Bob & Brad video, I put one end up on a 2 x 4 which puts it at a good angle for me for sitting exercise.

    Shake the Sugar - I'm ashamed to say I have not totally shaken the sugar, and really can tell that it triggers inflammation. But I like how Dr. Matt goes into some of the "why" of eliminating sugar (still being OK with honey, maple syrup), why having a high protein breakfast (doesn't HAVE to be 30 gm, just better than donuts!) gets us set up for a good day metabolically. Why 3 fruits per day is good for us.

    This week, why we should drink water - 1/3 of our body weight in ounces. For me, 55 oz. I haven't been doing that. I remember when WW pushed 8 glasses of water, then they changed their minds to state "8 glasses (64 oz I guess) of any liquid - coffee, tea, etc." Which contain caffeine and are diuretics = um, no!

    Are some of you in the northern hemisphere seeing an early frost? We folks in the Pacific Northwest are having delay in the frost department, tho leaves are starting to fall - some of this might be drought stress. It's been 80 in the afternoons here and the "low" sun seems extra hot when a person spends time in it. Supposed to be cooler this week so I can resume outside jobs.

    That's the quick version. Make it a fabulous day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,761 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im here with Miles,he fell asleep before mom even left,slept for 1/2 hr and woke up then was cranky and then fell back asleep.. so hopefully that will help ..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    Good morning ladies! <3

    Barbara - interesting info about the bone loss and Fosamax. So sorry to hear about your tooth problems. :( And that reminds me, I haven't heard yet if my doc got the Dexa scan scheduled. I'll bug her this week.

    Ginny - glad your surgery is done and over, and crossing fingers the problem is taken care of. Having to slow down for recovery is just plain hard. ;)

    Betsy - have a great time visiting your friends in Virginia. :)

    Elliptical - My elliptical was delivered yesterday. It took maybe 15 minutes to get it set up, great instructions. I like it! It's too heavy for me to lift and carry but super easy to slide where I want it. Like the Bob & Brad video, I put one end up on a 2 x 4 which puts it at a good angle for me for sitting exercise.

    Shake the Sugar - I'm ashamed to say I have not totally shaken the sugar, and really can tell that it triggers inflammation. But I like how Dr. Matt goes into some of the "why" of eliminating sugar (still being OK with honey, maple syrup), why having a high protein breakfast (doesn't HAVE to be 30 gm, just better than donuts!) gets us set up for a good day metabolically. Why 3 fruits per day is good for us.

    This week, why we should drink water - 1/3 of our body weight in ounces. For me, 55 oz. I haven't been doing that. I remember when WW pushed 8 glasses of water, then they changed their minds to state "8 glasses (64 oz I guess) of any liquid - coffee, tea, etc." Which contain caffeine and are diuretics = um, no!

    Are some of you in the northern hemisphere seeing an early frost? We folks in the Pacific Northwest are having delay in the frost department, tho leaves are starting to fall - some of this might be drought stress. It's been 80 in the afternoons here and the "low" sun seems extra hot when a person spends time in it. Supposed to be cooler this week so I can resume outside jobs.

    That's the quick version. Make it a fabulous day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    What do you eat with sugar?

    The 3 fruits a day will have quite a bit of sugar, but the vitamins and fibre are good.

    M in Oz
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,345 Member
    Barbie ~ Happy Birthday to Jake!

    Tracey ~ Happy belated Thanksgiving.

    Michelle ~ Sorry you had to put the pool to bed. My son's neighborhood pool closed two weeks ago.

    Allie ~ Carmine has a pretty face. Glad he likes the animals. Good therapy.

    Lanette ~ I love my wine and guess it replaces the sugar that others crave.

    Celebrated son's 47th birthday yesterday.

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,306 Member
    edited October 2022
    I agree with Lisa. I drink mainly British tea, with milk, coffee once in the morning, with milk, and fizzy water with flavour, no sugar at lunchtime, if I'm thirsty in between I drink water from the tap. My tea consumption is five mugs a day. With my evening meal I drink AF drinks, or alcohol. I'm pretty sure I'm not dehydrated! I am trying to cut down on alcohol though. :# None yesterday and none this evening, ( I intend).

    I did my tax return and it is posted off!!! Brilliant! What a relief. o:)
    Before that I did some poetry organising on my laptop, creating a new folder etc. Moving stuff between phone, tablet and laptop. All good. I decided in the end to take writing time in order to do the tax, as it was preying on my mind so much. Good decision.

    My petrol blue long sleeved t shirt arrived and fits perfectly. I think I need an accent colour to shuzz it up a bit. Pink is my first choice. ????

    Done my afternoon rowing. Now my mug of tea and a short nap before the Zoom.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx