

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    edited January 2023
    Tracey - sending good thoughts to you and your family! Praying all these complications go away so you can see your mom. Grateful your BIL will be OK and that you and your daughter are with Rodger now. Thank you for updating us. <3

    It's going to be a semi-busy day. My friend Charlie will be picking up the mower this morning and taking it to Kylia's shop for service and new blades, lol. Not really Kylia's, but her counterpart here in our town! :D Last year we were already mowing in March.

    Then I'm meeting some former work friends for a late lunch (we were the "fun" group :p ) Nearly all have moved on to other jobs, so it will be a nice catch up. Feel grateful I had such a good group. Machka, hope your bothersome workmate shapes up.

    Sending hugs!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Kind of a Rant: During the last of December and the first of January, I managed to finally lose 5 lbs by cutting way down on carbs. Last week, my digestive system went totally wacko and I was miserable for days. Finally, after taking meds (miralax and acidolphus tablets), I am feeling better but have eaten way out of control. Today, I ate a whole pizza by myself and I am really ashamed. So, tomorrow it's time to get back on track. Haven't dared get on the scale for almost a week but will start back tomorrow.

    Carol in GA

    I'm sorry you were miserable last week, our digestive track, and our gut health can sometimes be mad at each other! Once you feel like you are processing food better, try eating something pickled before you have lunch or dinner. I swear when I have had a little bowl of fridge picked cucumbers, some pickled beets or asparagus spears, I seem to process my food better and my belly at night is happier.
    I haven't gone all in with eating kimchi, or drinking Kambucha, but I just haven't taken that "next step" in the pickled journey.🙃
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,899 Member
    Tracey Prayers for you and your family. What a nerve wracking trip.

    Everyone else on here, I pray for you too! We all can use a little help in good times as well as bad!

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    At work today Jerry apologized and said it was the beer talking. But how do I know when the beer will be talking again? When I left work Jerry was waiting for me to take him home. I just told him that I won’t be taking him home any more. Friends don’t treat friends the way he treated me yesterday. I told Vince but asked him not to say “I told you so” (because he’d been saying, along with Jess and Colby, that I shouldn’t take him home) why I won’t be taking Jerry home any more. Perhaps I would consider it but only if he were to go to AA and I could truly see that he’s trying. But I know that this will never happen. I did tell Angel and she said that when Jerry gets like that they cuss him out. I just told her that I couldn’t do it. She said “I know, you’re too nice”. When I told Vince this he just smiled because that’s what he always says to me. It’s going to be awkward tomorrow at work. But, fortunately, I’m only there on Thursdays for about 45 minutes to peel and slice onions for Friday.

    Went to Aldi. Before I left Vince wondered if eggs had gotten to $5 yet. Well, he was one penny off!!!!

    Mammy – welcome! “Kind and encouraging”...yup, that’s us. Jump in whenever you see something that peaks your interest.

    Karen – welcome

    Lisa and Vicki – I’m the president of the worrywort club :)

    I usually go once/year for a skin checkup. For some reason, the MD told me that it’s best he see me in May. I usually go in Sept. Not sure why he suggested May. He said I could come in May or September, but he thought May was better.

    Baked a loaf of sourdough bread yesterday, made one this afternoon and have one more rising so will probably bake it after we get back from Newcomer bowling. I hadn’t fed my starter in quite a long time but I was pleasantly surprised how soon it came back to life. I was expecting it would take a few days at least. But I think it only took a day. Good for me, that’s for sure.

    Michele NC

    May might be when you get your first doses of full damaging sun, so they can observe any new spots that have changed or new ones that have appeared.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Tracy my thoughts are with you and your family.

    Lisa Yay on your numbers! Good news is good to have, and though you've lost a wee bit more, no stress. Let Corey be the great chef that he is!

    Rosemarie oh the suit buying dilemma! You know if you attend clothing optional resorts you don't have to ever purchase one!! Just kidding I realize the "textile world" doesn't really do that. Sure you can go in your "birthday suit" that ONE TIME at your local gym or YMCA. Its the moment they call police that it becomes awkward huh....🙃😂😂. Lands End should have a sizing area you can look to see what measurements are for each size. I would not get a bigger size (to be more comfortable). Hanging suits are uncomfortable and they should feel a bit snug and secure on you. I have a two piece that is like a size 22. I can put the bra part over my head and pull on. Then when I take it off I just pull it off down over my hips like a weirdo. But hey it keeps my girls where they need to be.👍🏻😂
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rita— Congrats on making an afgan for
    your 86 year old mom. What a wonderful gift!🌸

    Rebecca — Congrats on your 2 week checkup with your surgery doctor. 😘

    Machka— Congrats on your surgery & being home. Rest well. Your photos look like you are doing well. ⭐️

    (((Tracey))) — So sorry for the loss of your father in law. It was good that your DH was able to see him. I hope you & your daughter have a safe trip. 💖

    Lisa— Good news from your blood tests.😊

    Allie— Love the photo of Miles. 🥰

    Yep all went well. I bought some hydrating scar cream and put on my 4 spots every night. Hopefully they will just disappear. My scar on my neck from my surgery to remove my parathyroid disappeared! Course it just kind of meshed with the folds in my neck area.🙃
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    I did my dumbbells Yay! Twenty reps. And I ate well today. Not perfect but well. Yay!

    Annie in Delaware

    :) I love that you cheer for your successes. It is a good thing to do that and not wait for anybody else to notice.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA 😻😍🌻😺

    Being our cheerleaders is such a great thing! When we are young we are conditioned to bounce our ups and downs on the people around us. We have a great day, then we have to call someone to tell them that. Sure it is good to share, but some I think share to validate it someway. I can have an amazing day, not announce to anyone in particular, but go to bed content with that. We are all cheerleaders for each other here though. When posting many of us just read it and say, "wow that Annie in Delaware sure has a great mindset, and work ethics". 🤗💖👍🏻
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    But he has been pretty incommunicado for some years now, not replying to messages, or Christmas cards.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I haven't seen or spoken to or communicated with my ex in about 20 years ... longer than we were married. I don't imagine we'll ever get in touch with each other again. Never say never, because strange things can happen, but I'm quite comfortable if we don't cross paths and it would be quite a surprise if we did. Some things I like to leave in the past. It happened. There were a few good times. I probably wouldn't be where I am now if I had gone a different route. But this is where I am now and I'm a different person than I was back then.

    M in Oz

    I didn't hear a thing from my ex for 20 yrs then suddenly, on my birthday, I get a friend request on Facebook from him.
    He wished me a happy birthday, apologized for everything, explained why he left(I had no idea for those 20 yrs. He just left).He regrets so much and wishes things were different. And we have been talking almost daily since. He is my best friend. I am also back in touch with his whole family.

    Never know what will happen.

    Napa Valley,Ca

  • MammySher
    MammySher Posts: 10 Member
    Machka, Thank ypu for that list. I made a copy and will be starting today.

    Went to the eye doctor today. My vision is getting worse, but I was surprised to find out that I have a scare and the start of a cataract in my left eye, which is causing the problem. If I close my left eye, I can see better. I have vision insurance, but it still cost me 380.00 for my glasses. With the prices rising, it looks as if retirement is out of the question for me anytime soon.

    10 What is your favorite lyric from a song?
    I'd like to see the world for once
    All standing hand in hand
    The New Seekers

    Imagine all the people
    Livin' life in peace
    John Lennon
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I love quilts. I have made one cross stitch one WAY back when I was in 7th or 8th grade. I want to make one. I was given one that was partially done and have a friend from Zumba that does amazing quilt work.
    I am going to ask him to help me. One square at a time. All the pieces are cut out and in envelopes. There are 12 different patterns for the one quilt. I did take the box up and talk to our friend Charlotte(Ms. Beadle from Little House on the Prairie) who does quilted bags that she sells -they are called Beadle Bags. She said it was more complicated than what she does but did give me a few suggestions.
    I have an amazing crazy quilt that I keep on my couch that my great grandmother made. She did the tops but never finished it. Mom had four tops that Grandma Bee had made for us so she had a friend finish them and each of us girls got one and one for her. It was fun for mom to look at it and remember what was made with each of the fabrics

    Napa Valley,Ca
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member

    I have great canning memories, using the spinner thingy chopping up apples, and my momma always having a bowl (she couldn't fit in jars for us all warm). We even capped fresh bottles of root beer, and had stains on our kitchen ceiling from those last explosive bottles. So yummy in the summer with vanilla ice cream. Also did a lot of freezer jam, bags of berries pre measured to just throw in a pie crust, and corn. I would use that corn kernel remover that you just pushed the cooked corn thru. Then I would give the warm cobs to my cat. She would lay them on her belly, and munch on all the kernels we missed. 💖🤗. Good memories.

    We would have 1/2 acre of corn planted every year. When it was ready, dad and a few others would take the truck and fill it up, bring it to the garage. Have a huge pile of corn. Everyone sat around the pile, shucking corn. Then it would go into the kitchen where mom would blanch it and it would go onto the huge plywood "table" and some would be cutting the corn off using a knife, then it would get bagged and froze. We grew enough for the year for our family, my grandparents and extended family. A few older ladies from church would come out to help. They really enjoyed it.

    We also did kind of that process with chickens. I HATED that. We would raise 300 chicks. When they were big enough, one weekend we would do half and the next the other half. I didn't like the plucking but one time mom had me gut one- NEVER again. That smell was the worst. I still don't like the smell of raw meat, especially chicken.

    We had two of the large commercial size freezers(she still has them) and tons of pantry space. Summers were very busy on the farm.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Tracey--Have no words. Sending lots of hugs and prayers. Do pray you get to see and spend sometime with your mom.
    Lisa--Just the words I needed to hear. Thanks!!
    Went to the gym for the 3rd time this week, after work yesterday. Not sure what I did but my knee popped 3 times and now walking is not fun. After work today I want to see if I can go to walmart or walgreens and find some kind of brace. Seems something happens every time I try and exercise on a regular basis. Good thing is it is not my back this time.
    I am working a 12 hour shift tomorrow so the regular person can go with her husband to his work Christmas party. I figure once in awhile won't kill me. I went on overtime at noon today, but with the weather this week someone had to be here.
    Have a good weekend ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE where we have snow and is only 10 degrees. <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    edited January 2023
    I can't compete with some of you, but my grandmother used to make wine from parsnips and dandelions! I'm sure she made jam. She was an incredible baker. Her cheese scones were to live for. My dad was the cook in our house. Homemade wine, ginger beer, pickled onions, and lots of great food. His runner bean wine was amazing! My MIL was a great marmalade maker. I used to help her.
    I've made sloe gin, rhubarb vodka, piccalilli, plum jam, chilli sauce, etc. Froze gooseberries, blackcurrants. Grew lots of veg. Now I do nothing. :D A life of leisure is my ambition. No, I actually think we should do whatever makes us happy. B) If you enjoy it, do it. If you don't, don't. :p
    I used to make lots of bread. I still make yoghurt. Because it's much nicer.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    WOAH Tracey! Just one thing after another! Prayers for your entire family. Thank GOD for the miracles of medicine!

    Ya know Machka, that is one thing I CANNOT stand is when people are rude to each other. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. It's so hurtful. Hopefully that manager will say something to her.
    At work, in families, online, anywhere. I find it especially frustrating at work, when I'm doing my job, to the absolute best of my ability and others are not. I'm dealing with that right now. I've sent documents out to someone twice now and she just asked for them again today. I sent them to her again and bcc'd my boss since she's the one I told that I hadn't received any response in the first place. (and I'm sure is the only reason she emailed me at all) Maybe THAT'S why I've been so tired lately!

    20 Write down five things you like about yourself...
    my hair, my nails, the color of my eyes, my brain, my passion
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
    21 Pay it forward in some way...
    22 What do you most desire in your life right now?...
    23 Go an entire day without complaining...
    24 What about you makes you special?...
    25 Spend time with a loved one...
    26 When was the last time you felt pure joy?...
    27 Hold the door for a stranger... or a friend...
    28 What fear have you overcome?...
    29 Engage in a random act of kindness of your own choice...
    30 When was the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed?...
    31 Now try to "meditate" (sit in silence) for ten minutes...