Join our Jumpstart Your Health Challenge



  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    tortoise11 wrote: »
    I'm looking for a supportive group to keep me honest.
    I keep losing and finding the same 10kg over and over. I'm now in my late 50s, busy at work (no routine or possibility of one there) and I'm finding it harder to be at a weight where I feel comfortable.
    I don't want to be pencil thin, I just want to be a bit more comfortable in myself when I exercise (which I am in a good routine with).
    I have 2 goals - get on the scales tomorrow morning AND start keeping a food record. If I'm back on here tomorrow, then I will have followed through on those :)
    Please feel free to add me.
    Wishing you all well x

    Hi welcome you can do this. I'm also in my 50s just trying to get healthier.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    Another Monday a new week a new goal. I begin yoga this morning to add to my 2 miles of walking. Hopefully I can start losing some of this weight.
  • tortoise11
    tortoise11 Posts: 4 Member
    Day 1 - actually did step on the scales and kept a food diary. Some work to be done , hope this is the beginning of a period of mindfulness and consistency.
  • Mikoo1991
    Mikoo1991 Posts: 4 Member
    I am a 31 year old man that in last summer weighed 105kgs. Now I weigh 96kgs and as of this sunday, I started lifting weights with a friend. I am totally motivated and looking to motivate other people and hope they will motivate me as well!
  • nfll406
    nfll406 Posts: 30 Member
    Is it too late to join?
  • stacysale
    stacysale Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning. I want 2023 to focus on me. I want to get back to being healthy, feeling healthy.
  • nikkimoss1551
    nikkimoss1551 Posts: 1 Member
    I want 2023 to kick start my healthy lifestyle.
  • jackielovett
    jackielovett Posts: 2 Member
    My jump start is going ok so far. Working on tightening up my Macros.
  • NoDoughnutz
    NoDoughnutz Posts: 1 Member
    In 2023 i want to change the way I think about my health and see that it’s not a diet it’s a lifestyle change and it’s not to look like someone else it’s to be happy in my own skin as I become healthier to enjoy life. In 2023 I want to learn to love myself and be bold. 😊
  • Masonx2
    Masonx2 Posts: 1 Member
    Ready to jump on and start this.. Done this before but this time is different. I have to make this change or I'm just going to keep falling down this hill and never be able to get back up. My weight fills like a sand dune trying to make it up but I just keep getting stuck in that same spot. So this time I need hands of others to help get me up this dune. I know I'm not alone.
  • amnu_co
    amnu_co Posts: 21 Member
    edited January 2023
    tortoise11 wrote: »
    I'm looking for a supportive group to keep me honest.
    I keep losing and finding the same 10kg over and over. I'm now in my late 50s, busy at work (no routine or possibility of one there) and I'm finding it harder to be at a weight where I feel comfortable.
    I don't want to be pencil thin, I just want to be a bit more comfortable in myself when I exercise (which I am in a good routine with).
    I have 2 goals - get on the scales tomorrow morning AND start keeping a food record. If I'm back on here tomorrow, then I will have followed through on those :)
    Please feel free to add me.
    Wishing you all well x

    @tortoise11 ~ you just described my life, lol!! :D Over 50, working remotely since covid started, I regained 30lbs first 18months and been losing and gaining the same 10-15lbs all of 2022!! I refuse to repeat that cycle again this year. I know the only way to have/BE something different is to DO something different, so here I am!!! I just want to feel good in my skin again.

    As a wise man once said, "everyday I'm getting better and better." This is the year for change! #wegotthis
  • amnu_co
    amnu_co Posts: 21 Member
    I absolutely need a jumpstart since the past 12 months has been more STOP START with up and down yoyo results getting me nowhere!! Happy to say my energy and commitment is higher than its been in YEARS and I'm determined to lean into those feelings until they become new healthy habits. Hoping some support and structure ~ along with a good dose of accountability gets me there sooner rather than later.
  • JennBuckish
    JennBuckish Posts: 38 Member
    MEP0512 wrote: »
    MEP0512 wrote: »
    So after taking medications and realizing they have contributed to my weight gain, I have decided to attack this more aggressively (with medical supervision of course). I am doing intermittent fasting with a 24 hour fast two to three times a week. I did it in steps and it has been easy. So far so good 7 pounds down this month. Slow and steady will win the race here. Lets all kill it the remainder of the week and lets lose this weight.

    Good job! I am also doing intermittent fasting with a 16:8 window. I have also wanted to try a 24hr fast but not sure I could do it. What are some of your tips for successfully doing it?

    I did it in baby steps. I did 16-8 for a week. Then i start my fast at 7 pm or 8pm. It's so much easier for me to do it around this time. Also drinks lots of water. I also keep salt handy. It works for me for some reason. Lol but you'll get there if you want. Just be safe.

    I am going to try the baby steps approach and see how that goes. Is there a special salt that you use? I use pink himalayan salt is that OK? I think I may just widen my current window for a week to 18:6 then go for the 24 hour fast. Yup ... will definitely hydrate.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    Masonx2 wrote: »
    Ready to jump on and start this.. Done this before but this time is different. I have to make this change or I'm just going to keep falling down this hill and never be able to get back up. My weight fills like a sand dune trying to make it up but I just keep getting stuck in that same spot. So this time I need hands of others to help get me up this dune. I know I'm not alone. [/quot
  • So many great replies! I love it! My overall goal is to be Healthy. However, I claim the ability to fit into my clothes with ease and comfort. I love to travel and shop. I will reward myself while reaching my weight loss goal. To each and every person on this feed...YOU GOT THIS...LET'S GO!
  • JennBuckish
    JennBuckish Posts: 38 Member
    Keep up the good work everyone! We can do this!!!!
  • amnu_co
    amnu_co Posts: 21 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    Masonx2 wrote: »
    Ready to jump on and start this.. Done this before but this time is different. I have to make this change or I'm just going to keep falling down this hill and never be able to get back up. My weight fills like a sand dune trying to make it up but I just keep getting stuck in that same spot. So this time I need hands of others to help get me up this dune. I know I'm not alone. [/quot

    Climbing out of a hole is hard work, right? Especially when we've gotten comfortable there. OMgggg .... if it was only HALF as easy getting out as it is falling in. Good thing is ... we get the things we want bad enough!! I think if we have clear goals and can self-motivate 80-90% of the time, MFP is a good place to build a tribe for a helping hand or a kind word when you need one the rest.

    You're not alone dude! I'm shaking the sands of apathy and acceptance off my own life right now. But this is the year everything changes. BELIEVE THAT. Feel free to friend me. <3 & ✨
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    So many great replies! I love it! My overall goal is to be Healthy. However, I claim the ability to fit into my clothes with ease and comfort. I love to travel and shop. I will reward myself while reaching my weight loss goal. To each and every person on this feed...YOU GOT THIS...LET'S GO!

    We share the same goal.Lets go!!💪
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    edited January 2023
    I was on the road all day I eat out all three meals so I was way over my calories tomorrow another day back to eating healthy.
  • olgl
    olgl Posts: 2 Member
    I want to loose the weight I have gained and improve my health. Olga