

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,056 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Lisa ... very sorry to hear about the loss of a friend. 51 is too young.

    Machka ... I prefer emails, but there is something special about receiving a letter.

    Rita ... I think your point about the checkbook register was not so much about using checks, but keeping detailed records of what you're spending. My excel spreadsheet is set up to note everything we do and I color code lines and items. I do some convoluted machinations with the spreadsheet that aren't worth explaining ... but even purchases on the credit card are marked as individual debits on my spreadsheet so that when I go to pay the credit bill, the money is there to pay in full. It helps me to be very detailed now that we're on a fixed budget. I want to know where every penny goes and how many pennies are available.

    My weed trimmer broke this weekend and the replacement part is not available. Did some searching online and found a youtube video that showed how you could swap out another brand's head with a few modifications. $20 is a lot less than a new trimmer! My husband plans to take care of it for me, but I think I could do it if I had to.

    Slow and steady rain here today near Buffalo. We so need this rain. Can almost see things green up as it's coming down.

    Husband and I went to find local strawberries and there were none! All of the u-pick sites we were familiar with no longer exist and the one market that carries local produce only had shipped in berries. What's up with that? I did see local rhubarb though and bought some to make a pie. Sticker shock at the register. A little over 2 pounds was over $11.00... 4.99 a pound! :o The pie was delicious and I froze enough for another. Next week we'll head over to one of the local farmer's markets.

    Beth near Buffalo

    Keeping track ...

    I download the details from my bank now and then, and drop it into Excel.

    There I can do groupings on expense categories like groceries, fuel, etc.

    I go that route because I don't have the time or inclination to duplicate work. In other words, why write it down when it is all recorded for me! 😀

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,056 Member
    Going back to work today (on bus now) from a lovely 4-day weekend.

    Lost a little bit more weight ... running and cycling might have helped.

    M in Oz
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 444 Member
    Terri: My sympathy to your friend who just lost her husband.

    Rebecca: I am sorry you have a cat bite. I am healing from a dog bite that did get infected. Keflex seems to be working to clear the infection.

    Allie: My thoughts are with Kyle as he prepares to see his Dad in NC.

    Pipcd: Congrats on raising the funds!

    I heard today that if you pay your credit card off fully each month your credit score goes up. I had thought keeping a small balance and paying regularly on the balance would be better for your credit. I log each check I write but I don't keep a running tab. I write so few checks. I can pretty much keep track of the balance in my head.

    Rosemarie from GA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,470 Member
    Katiebug - well done on the loss and the inches!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    edited June 2023
    Beth Strawberries just starting to come in at son's. The ones I pick I eat right when I pick them. Wonderful! I am having to water them because we are so dry here so worth it. Blueberry bushes survived winter. I won't get much this year. Next year will be the third year and that's when you start getting more. I am pleased a hydrangea I got at Target last year is blooming right now. I will share a picture soon.

    So sorry to hear about the tour boat accident!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member
    It was SO crowded at ceramics tonight. I had Tigger on the table and dropped him. Broke. I’m sick over it, but I’ll just get another one. I had waited months for Jess to draw on him, and she finally did. Hope I don’t have to wait months for her to get to it again.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do a body pump DVD after work.

    We mainly write checks for our donation to the church. Oh, occasionally we need to write a check for something else (like paying the gal to take care of Loki while we go away)

    who is going to see what ceramic she’s going to do next
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,641 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,085 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Today I ate 1333 calories. A little extra chocolate. And I did twenty minutes on the bike, and an hour of yoga, and thirty minutes of aerobic walking. Yay! So my deficit was 245. Yay!

    Sorry about all the dog and cat bites. Hope they heal quickly!

    Annie in Delaware
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,005 Member
    Had a great walk- was sprinkling right before I started but warmed up after(plus I started jogging so that helped warm me too- jogged about 1/3 of the way. Over 16,000 steps so far and getting ready to go to Zumba class for another hour.

    Forgot to submit this before going to class.
    Just got home. This substitute teacher worked us out!!. Hard when they do totally different routines and totally different songs. She did one song that we were used to but some of the steps were different.
    Steps so far are now 23,500 and still have two hours before bed.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear of your family's friend. He was definitely far too young, I am happy to hear that he lived life to the fullest tho! Perhaps something we should all bear in mind....
    Tracey, I do hope your grandpup gets better quickly! Probably a good call to cancel the interview. A one hour drive just to get there won't put you in the right frame of mind.
    Allie, I am glad that Tracy has found daycare for Miles and that you will go back to being Gramma! Being the back up in case of illness or holiday wouldn't be so bad and I'm sure that they will still want you to be able to spend time with him.
    Michele, I didn't realize that you knew Jerry's wife! That puts you in a delicate spot for sure. Sorry to hear about Tigger, hope it works out.

    Once again trying to remember things that I wanted to comment on, but once again the memory fails. sigh.
    Today turned out to be a good day, wasn't sure it would after the second stop I wanted to make. It was errand day today. I had gone thru a bunch of clothes last month and had a trunkful of stuff to take to Sally Ann, get there and the gate to the back where they accept the donations is closed and the sign on it says "Donations Closed". So now I have a trunk full of stuff and need to get groceries. I was trying to remember where I had seen some donation boxes, they used to be on pretty much every corner but then people were crawling in them and getting stuck and there were a few fatalities. Many organizations just didn't have the funds to get new and improved boxes so just gave up on them. Anyway, I went past one store that had one forever, but it was gone, so I just decided to get my groceries and be done with it, try Sally Ann another day. Went to Superstore and lo and behold, they have a donation box!!! So got my trunk emptied out, then went to a place that I was hoping recycled batteries (they do!) and also managed to leave a few burnt out light bulbs there! My mood was considerably improved after that! I was not looking forward to bringing those clothes home again, not after hauling them down the stairs and actually getting them into the car! lol
    And it's way past my bedtime again.
    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,613 Member
    Good morning!

    Got the beds all mulched in Kentucky. Seriously in heed of rain down there. Trying to figure out why the mice are coming in there. Had little problems all winter/spring, but they cleaned up 3 bait boxes! Kept smelling a dead one in a closet, but couldn't locate it. Finally did! It died in the shop vac-ugh! Shop vac now out in tool room. Closet sprayed down. Did put foil and trim boards over more cracks we found. That did help in utility room, so hoping it makes a difference. Someone said they may be looking for food. The only food we keep down there is in the fridge. At least it isn't the skunk under the house!

    Heart doctors are going to try to get my DH and my appointments together. Makes more sense. I am under strict instructions to walk.

    For years I kept both check registers and budget notebook. I had to as my first DH and I started our marriage in extreme debt. Now I am pretty bad about keeping track. I keep eye for unusual activity on credit cards and checking accounts, but that is about it. DH is cash customer. I shop rarely. There was a time when I could tell you to the penny what I didn't where even if I went to 10 places, now I have to look at receipts. It is a nice place to be at this stage in my life. Most bills are paid automatically. For that I am thankful as time just gets away from me for writing checks.
    I am enjoying my flowers and hummingbirds at home.i can see one feeder from my bed.

    Time to get moving!
    Much love to all from Ohio,