

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2023
    The pictures that I posted were taken from the Women over 50 + group page of which the majority of us ladies are in that group, and are only the different discussion threads which the majority of all of us can look at at any time. No one would have been able to open any of those discussion threads without going on the group page and accessing them that way and just about everyone on here can access them if they want. So those of you that are concerned that I posted that then maybe you shouldn’t have said something that you didn’t want everybody to know what you said?? although again, about 95% of everybody on here can look at that anytime they want to because they belong to that group! And quite possibly, maybe you’re afraid that some of the things you said on there others would take offense to?? again it’s a public forum! Maybe it’s against MFP rules??
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Mary ~ Why didn't you post any of your political remarks during the last election?

    Carol in GA

    I was wrong, I did participate on the Beth Moore Trumpism thread. Mainly because someone wanted to know why people would support President Trump. I think everybody should read that whole thread. There were people that respected opinions of others, and other people that totally bashed me and others, for having a different opinion than theirs. If you would read, I never bashed anyone. I only gave my honest opinion, and the opinion of well-known Christian leaders like Franklin Graham.

    💕 Mary from Minnesota/Arizona
  • lightstrongma
    lightstrongma Posts: 182 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    The pictures that I posted were taken from the Women over 50 + group page of which the majority of us ladies are in that group, and are only the different discussion threads which the majority of all of us can look at at any time. No one would have been able to open any of those discussion threads without going on the group page and accessing them that way and just about everyone on here can access them if they want. So those of you that are concerned that I posted that then maybe you shouldn’t have said something that you didn’t want everybody to know what you said?? although again, about 95% of everybody on here can look at that anytime they want to because they belong to that group! And quite possibly, maybe you’re afraid that some of the things you said on there others would take offense to?? again it’s a public forum! Maybe it’s against MFP rules??

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,092 Member
    edited June 2023
    Good evening ladies!

    Yay for hydrangeas!

    Yay for mice-eating snakes, as long as they stay far away from me!

    Karen, I love that painting!

    Today I ate 1083 calories. Yay! And I rode my bike for twenty minutes, and did my dumbbells. Yay! I had a deficit of 403! Yay! That is the score for day 2 of my sister challenge.

    Tomorrow will be tricky. Sunday I normally don't exercise, but I might do the bike. And I might skip my usual ice cream. Because I was maintaining, and I have to work harder to see a loss.

    Annie in Delaware
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,773 Member
    Evening ladies
    Dan here over night and up to the airport for his cross country flight.. ,im going to sleep now..see ya'll in the a.m.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) I have enjoyed all the sharing about flowers. My flower knowledge is limited, not as limited as my friend who said that she didn't know a weed from a flower without a program. I can recognize the various bulb flowers I've planted (crocus, hyacinth, iris, daffodil, tulip, gladiola) and peonies, roses, lilac, wisteria, and daisies. My daily walking friend is a Master Gardener and recognizes and knows all the flowers and plants in the neighborhood and tells me about everything as they begin blooming. My Sunday walking friend grew up in Texas and talks a lot about the differences between what grows in Texas and in Washington. One of the reasons I wanted us to identify ourselves by location was to give some context when we talked about the plants in our yards. Thank you for all your sharing.

    :)Lanette, One big reason that I can shop only bi monthly at Costco and limit my other shopping to weekly curbside pickup at one grocery store is that we eat the same things all the time. There is no impulse shopping for "something that looks interesting" and no hearing about a food on TV and deciding to fix something different at the last minute. Good planning and simple eating have been good for us.

    :)Heather, Thank you for sharing the preparation for your trip. That is as interesting to me as the actual trip will be.

    :'( We just finished watching the final season of a show we have enjoyed and it feels like we have said good by to good friends. I often feel that way at the end of a book. The difference with the TV show is that Jake and I have watched together so it is a shared sadness.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)<3 Thank you Lisa <3
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,649 Member
    Oh Wow Debbie, what a cutie!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,400 Member
    Debbie - your chick almost reminds me of a baby pheasant or quail with the markings on the head like that. I'm sure it will be a stunning adult! It looks happy all "tucked in". :p

    What do your kitties think of it?

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    Debbie - your chick almost reminds me of a baby pheasant or quail with the markings on the head like that. I'm sure it will be a stunning adult! It looks happy all "tucked in". :p

    What do your kitties think of it?


    mom said the same thing about the markings. The guy at Tractor Supply said an Easter egger or some other chicken. Mom has Aracana/Easter Egg chickens so will fit in there if it doestnt belong to MIL's neighbor. He also said most likely wont survive being the only one. Going to try. All I can do.
    Cats are ignoring it for the most part. Keeping an eye on him all the time.