
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    I do feel as if I've lost a little bit of weight on the cruise. Just more comfortable and a bit less around the middle. A low carb diet definitely works for me and I feel better on it. No simple carbs, with the exception of two portions of porridge per cruise, and after dinner I have two teeny petits fours. Teeny. No bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, desserts, cakes. It is only rarely a struggle, when one of my favourite things is on the menu. :'( Mostly I am perfectly happy.
    I eat loads of vegetables, salad, fruit, protein. It's so easy when someone else is preparing it for you!
    Plus gym, dancing, walking, and LOADS of stairs.

    Love Heather xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    edited July 2023
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Jolene yes mostly just thinking at this stage. I am so NOT creative/artistic/crafty ;} But the word clouds are so appealing…

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. July: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.

    Fortunately, you don't have to be creative to create one of the word clouds. :) Just type words and select choices you like.


    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    Fireflies - I used to see them when I was cycling in the Manitoba area at night. :)

    Writing My Story - I've started writing the story about my husband's accident several times but so far I can't do it.

    Travelling - I'd be the one on the hikes and up in the cable cars. My husband did all those things with me before his accident.

    I love being on top of the mountains. :)

    Stairs - They do seem to work for taking the weight off!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    edited July 2023


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Happy 4th of July! I’m looking forward to seeing fireworks tonight. ⭐️ ⭐️. ⭐️ ⭐️

    Katla in Illinois
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    Welcome, Lori in Michigan, ( @trug61 ) we have another Michigander here, but she's quite a bit south of you. Hopefully KJ will pop back in soon. Someone here said years ago that if you keep your environment clear of the temptations, when you fall off the wagon, there's not far to fall.

    Tracey - Sorry about your daughter's financial woes - it does sound like it was not a surprise, though. Anything like that always happens at the worst possible time, it seems. Love Jonah's bag art, and your BFF sounds like much like Corey in the exacting standards--I seldom touch anything in his garden, other than to water it on his request. I'm here mainly to provide approval and applause, which I do in copious amounts.

    In fact, while I love the plants and trees to look at, I have given up on being the kind of person who likes plunging their hands in dirt. He even weeds my flower beds for me on occasion. I'm more of a benign neglect kind of gardener. If the plants survive, it's wonderful, but if they don't, then they just weren't meant to make it. I don't take plants in for the winter, and don't cover them for frosts. Possibly just because I'm completely lazy! :D I see it as sort of a forced evolution of the fittest flowers. The ones that do survive are extremely hardy. :smiley: I do love pruning things, I'll admit--but in all honesty, mostly I just prune the trees so they don't knock me off the riding mower as I'm buzzing around. It's more survival for me than the trees... :) Corey will not let me anywhere near his fruit trees...

    Rebecca - Always love seeing pics of Athena.

    Ginny - Welcome back! Glad it was a good trip to Arizona.

    Katla - I do love the fireflies, but it's been far too hot here for them to be active. I hope as the weather gets a little less hot that we'll see them again. They were a wonderful memory from my childhood.

    Heather - Enjoy your cruise ship moments, it sounds like the days are filled with wonderful things.

    Karen - I think you had said that already... I'm sorry I'd forgotten. I'm also sorry the instructor discouraged you so thoroughly. I always wonder what draws people to teach when they do things like that. Why discourage someone without reason? It's not like you had to pass a test! I find it just despicable.

    Kim -
    Your friend's place sounds absolutely wonderful, and so glad you're putting boundaries up to protect yourself while you search for a possible residence for your mother.

    Corey has July 4 off, so has been able to sleep in -- not sure what, if anything, that we'll do today, but it may well be nothing. I was able to get the vacuuming done yesterday. It is the chore I put off the most of all of them. My procrastination levels are of epic proportions these days...

    Hope it's a good 4th for those who celebrate! There were fireworks going off as I went to bed last night, but didn't keep me awake. Wonder how noisy tonight will get?

    Lisa in AR

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    trug61 wrote: »
    Good morning! I've rejoined MyFitnessPal recently to try to keep track of all the food I am putting in my mouth so I can evaluate where I need to cut back. Have been on my health journey since 1988 when I first joined WW. After many different diets and continued health issues (arthritis, prediabetes) I am strugging with keeping motivated. Saw this group of 50+ women and decided I join the awesomeness.
    I live in the "Tip of the Mitt" in northern MI. The city I live in has a logo that shows us as being located on the first knuckle middle finger. Hold your left hand up and that is the state of MI. We are at the 45th parallel so we have a short summer. Currently I'm a nurse practitioner in palliative care but my background is in oncology and so I see about 90% cancer patients and most are end of life. I'm widowed and have a siberian husky, Ace, and 3 cats. My goal for joining is to be held accountable. When you live alone, there is no one to tell you to stop and think about what you are doing. My brain is really hard wired to allow myself treats because I deserve it damn it! LOL. Looking forward to getting to know you guys.
    Lori, Gaylord, MI

    Lori - Welcome! I'm just north of the 45th parallel in WA State.

    I don't know if you have been following this thread over the past few weeks, but several of us have been facing the same challenges about being held accountable (WW helped me way back when), tripping up over treats, widowhood and/or the stress of caregiving for family members with failing health, arthritis...aches and pains that prevent us from being as active as we were in our 40's. So many health challenges as we get older. What can we live with and what is fixable, right?

    I have put on 8 - 10 pounds since my DH died just over a year ago. What the scale says doesn't bother me as much as the fact that all my pants are getting tight. Thanks to several ladies in this group, I've been researching upping protein as a means to cut down on cravings and substituing healthful snacks for cookies, ice cream, candy. It's one day at a time.

    I am watching an interview about the benefits of Omega 3's combined with protein to prevent sarcopenia. I'll post the link later today. One comment that got my attention was older folks need as much as 1.6 gm of protein per kg per day. That combined with some resistance workouts can help us maintain and regain strength, especially if sidelined for several weeks due to illness, broken bones, etc.

    1.6 gm/kg of protein, for my desired weight, comes out to around 120 grams per day. Most recommendations I've read are 1.2 gm/kg for seniors. That's around 90 grams. That's quite a deficit. So I've been concentrating on upping protein this past week (again, kudos to Katiebug on this list who suggested Oikos Triple Zero yogurt - 15 gm of protein per container) and it seems to be helping a lot. That and a huge breakfast of 30-40 gm of protein at the get-go.

    A couple decades ago, I went to an OB/Gyn who was getting into Functional Medicine. She closed her practice and I've been drifting along on my own for a while. I will finally able to get in with a savvy Naturopath the end of August, and he's all about upping protein, gradually substituting good habits for bad habits over time, etc. I'm the age of his dad - so I'm very curious about this recommendations for the older population. ;)

    And his take on Omega 3's combining with protein to give muscles an extra boost per the research, and how much/what kind. I've heard about the benefits of Omega 3's for general health benefits - it's role in sarcopenia prevention is exciting.

    OK, better close for now.

    Happy 4th of July ladies!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Happy 4th of July! I’m looking forward to fun & fireworks—😊

    Katla in Illinois
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,822 Member
    For our American ladies.


    Have a wonderful day, whatever you choose to do.

    ☘️ Terri