
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Managed to change our halogen light bulb. The most difficult part was the dirt and flies that were in the bottom of the glass. You could only access it through a hole. Who designs these things? :# Between DH and me, we figured out how to do it.
    It looks great now!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- pushed Lucy in stroller- 2hrs 3min 35sec, 57elev, 2.94ap, 76ahr, 132mhr, 6.17mi= 624c
    Strava app = 755c

    Well,no gym biking or spin, so the legs got a break. But I did give Chispa,aka cheerio aka cheese puff a bath and trimmed her up a bit and I made oatmeal. There is always something

    That is oatmeal cookies
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Tracey “…as the stress is leaving, I’m getting me back.” Thankful to hear it and that your doctor has written that you cannot return to your former job. Whew!
    Sue you encourage me. Will discuss possible podiatry with new MD when I get in to see her.
    Annie what Lisa, Barbie, Tracey, Lanette et al said. You are one strong gal in a tough situation. Brava!
    Machka con VERY grats on the 6 kg… and the honey harvest… and most especially starting to feel a bit more like yourself!
    Lisa, shuffling like a timid little old lady due to the fear of falling is one of the things I hate most about aging. T’ai Chi and the Better Bones and Balance class helped me some, and now the PT exercises, but I could do way better. Sure wish coach Ken was teaching BB&B again. Con VERY gratulations on your so very well begun!
    Barbie thankful Jake is safe at home and sleeping well. Hope he heals quickly.
    Allie imho in addition to the the stress of your job, I feel TomCat’s ways were detrimental to your health.
    Beth admire your positive attitude about your DH’s meticulous process and avoiding damaging his friendship with his construction buddy. Brava for getting up and down the ladder, not something I could do even to help Joe. :sick: Fingers X’d your DH can finish before the weather turns.
    Rebecca the ACV/honey/cayenne/sparkling grapefruit sounds way more appealing than the Black Rifle triple espresso shot, but it would take more than caffeine to inspire me to clean… :laugh:
    Lanette saw the “fall chicks” at our local ranch supply shop and thought of you. They were soooo cute, I was almost tempted, but nope. Livestock would not be safe with me.
    Pip “legs got a break” walking Chispa for over two hours? You crack me up!
    Debbie safe travels and hope your weekend visits go well.
    Cindy brava for having lost 35 lbs and for staying positive. ((hugs)) and prayers.
    Heather happy to hear your crisis has passed and you’re feeling much perkier! Colds can be so miserable.
    Today a song came on the radio that was so piercingly beautiful I had to turn the radio off when it finished. Didn’t want anything else in my head. A capella Eagles “Down the seven bridges road”. https://youtu.be/NTvT4JNACss?t=2

    Today’s gratitude: fog, baby hummingbirds and “motion is lotion.”
    09/15: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, dogs to powerline, line dancing. Steps:10376 :smiley:
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=35 CI<CO net=1016
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT. ptS, hymns, pack up and return Spectrum equipment return, pack and donate 1 box of books & clothes, Post Office, Library, DelCur, Freddie’s. Wt:132.9
    09/14: Move: 2 sets PT w/d, dogs to powerline, TV walking. Steps:6684
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=13 CI<CO net=528
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT. ptS.Wt:131.2

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    September: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live mindfully with people, dogs, open heart and mind before mouth. Never miss an opportunity to keep the mouth shut!
    2023: Be of good cheer.

    Walking all dogs for 6 miles, yeah I guess to some people that wouldn’t be a break. I gave her a bath afterwards and made oatmeal cookies
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,232 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Cindy hoping for a good outcome for you.

    Machka those honey pictures are great!

    Heather I rented a house once with a fancy halogen light high in the stairwell. It took me a month of darkness to figure out how to change the bulb. No way to put a ladder in the stairwell to really see it. What a crazy design!

    Well I asked my dad about paying the credit cards and he said he thought he had already done it. I was tempted to push him to prove it, but I just let it go.

    I have dumbbells scheduled tonight. I have been lax about skipping them for several weeks. But tonight I will exercise!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,468 Member
    edited September 2023
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today a song came on the radio that was so piercingly beautiful I had to turn the radio off when it finished. Didn’t want anything else in my head. A capella Eagles “Down the seven bridges road”. https://youtu.be/NTvT4JNACss?t=2
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    I had to dig out my copy of that and have a listen. :)

    I have a large and eclectic collection of music which I keep adding to and which I enjoy listening to. :) Eagles are, of course, part of it.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,468 Member
    edited September 2023
    kevrit wrote: »
    Here is the monthly list I use for you to copy if you’d like. Thank you Machka for posting the calendar. I always forget to post it in a format that works on here.

    2023 Self-Care September 2023

    1. Find time for self-care. It’s not selfish. It’s essential.
    2. Notice the things you do well, however small.

    I'm spending quite a bit of time relaxing this weekend. Self-care.
    And what do I do well? I don't know ... the usual household things like the laundry I've done this weekend, working on my drystream, cycling, colouring.
    3. Let go of self-criticism and speak to yourself kindly.
    4. Plan a fun or relaxing activity and make time for it.
    I'm not usually overly critical of myself but I will question myself, like "What are you doing?"
    And today, I went for a long-ish walk at lunch then did some colouring at home after work.
    5. Forgive yourself when things go wrong. Everyone makes mistakes.
    And most of the time, mistakes can be fixed. :)
    6. Focus on the basics: eat well, exercise, and go to bed on time.
    All good except for the "go to bed on time" thing.
    7. Give yourself permission to say ‘no’..
    Getting better at that. I'm working my way through emails and unsubscribing!

    8. Be willing to share how you feel and and ask for help when needed.
    I ask ... but from my experience help is a rare occurrence. Occasionally, however, I'm pleasantly surprised.
    One thing I've discovered is that it helps if I am very specific about the help I need.

    9. Aim to be good enough, rather than perfect.
    It's all about priorities.

    A little story: When I have been in university and other programs getting degrees, diplomas and certifications, I discovered something. It was OK not to do all the assignments. I would look over the assignment collection for the course, and focus my attention on the one(s) worth the most marks. If the one worth 5% didn't get done, oh well.
    One teacher was horrified with that approach.
    I had been really sick for about three or four weeks and was getting done what I could. I handed in an assignment worth 20% and got a decent mark on it like 80% or something. Then along came a quiz worth 10% and I had not studied at all for it ... too much to do on the big assignment and just too sick. I got 40% and when he went through it with me (not pleased that I had failed), I told him it was OK. I got 40%. I was happy with that. Actually I was thrilled I got that high, given the complete lack of studying!
    He couldn't understand it.
    I explained that for 30% of the total mark, I was sitting at 20/30 with the assignment and quiz. I was still comfortably passing and had more of the class to go where I could potentially get better marks. I had sacrificed the quiz in order to do well on the assignment.
    He didn't like that approach one bit as he imagined his students would pour every effort into every assignment.
    But I didn't need to be perfect.

    10. When you find things hard, remember it’s ok to not be ok.
    I usually take it out on the stairs. Something difficult at work ... and I'm out the door climbing stairs.

    12. Make time to do something you really enjoy.
    Almost every day. :) Usually colouring. :)

    13. Get active outside and give your mind and body a natural boost.
    Almost every day. :)

    14. Be as kind to yourself as you would to a loved one.
    I am.

    15. If you’re busy, allow yourself to pause and take a break.
    Up and down those stairs!!
    Walking at lunch
    Walking with Rhody
    Listening to music

    16. Find a caring calming phrase to use when you feel low.
    Soft kitty
    Warm kitty
    Little ball of fur
    Happy kitty
    Sleepy kitty
    Purr purr purr.

    I sing that to Rhody and he seems to really like it - stretches, curls up, closes his eyes, purrs.

    But one day, I caught myself singing it out loud to myself at work while I was working on some difficult code!! And someone heard me!!

    17. Leave positive messages for yourself to see regularly.
    My memories in Facebook

    18. No plans day. Make time to slow down and be kind to yourself.
    That would be nice, but ...

    20. Ask a trusted friends to tell you what strengths they see in you.
    21. Notice what you are feeling without any judgement.
    22. Enjoy photos from a time with happy memories.
    23. Don’t compare how you feel inside to how others appear outside.
    24. Take your time. Make space to just breathe and be still.
    25. Let go of other people’s expectations of you.
    26. Accept yourself and remember that your are worthy of love.
    27. Avoid saying ‘I should’ and make time to do nothing.
    28. Find a new way to use one of your strengths or talents.
    29. Free up time by canceling any unnecessary plans.
    30. Choose to see your mistakes as steps to help you learn.
    31. Write down 3 things you appreciate about yourself.
    32. Remind yourself you are enough, just as you are.

    Machka in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    Beth It is good to have a few extra pieces of siding. There was some damage to my son's siding and no extra pieces and because the color was brown no match. Fortunately it was a small hole so it could be covered with another type of patch. Good luck on the project. If you can do the labor you save a bunch and often the job is better because you can take your time. Hope he has a buddy to help hold the pieces in place as he puts them up. You can also upgrade the quality too.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    2023 Self-Care September 2023

    Word of the year: appreciate. Today I appreciate generous people.
    Meditation: daily. 14/30 (82%(started Feb)(94%,100%, 74%, 93%,100%,100%)

    Recommended exercise: cardio 5 days 30 min 14/30
    Strength all muscles 2 x 0/8 a week
    Flexible (yoga, stretching) 0/8 a week 10 min
    Balance 5 days 10 min 1/20

    Stop B12
    Switch DHEA to every other day on sept 6
    Add folic acid, once a day
    Add magnesium to 3x a day
    Up Berberine to 3x a day

    Foods to avoid:

    Bell peppers
    Egg white
    Winter squash

    1. cut back drinking and limit to 2 days a week. 0/8–(300%,100%)
    2. Average 7,000 steps a week. 5784, 9858(7,700,100%-9851,100%-9526,100%-9,559,100%, -8347,100%—7465,100%—6328,90%—6059,87%)
    3. Update budget every 2 weeks 2/2 —(800%)
    4. Contact close family every week (4x) 200/208—(733%) should be 172 by October 1)
    5. Contact Donat and sibs once a month (8x)72/94 (800%)
    6. Weigh less last day of month compared to first until I reach 140. Start at 178.6,176,174.2,173.4,175.4,174,175.6,173.4 (500%)
    7. Develop a journaling practice by aiming to journal at least 5 days a week. 11/23 (681%,100%)
    8. Read 12 books at least this year. 35
    /12 (100%)
    9. Pay off credit card debt by January 2024 by making monthly payments to NDR/Reach Financial 8/12—(900%)
    10. Continue building emergency fund at SLFCU (min$25 a month)$25+$25+$71+700+25+25 +25+25 (900%)
    11. April started putting 4% on income in savings. 700,200,200, 107, 157,(500%)

    January Met —100%
    February met —-90%
    March met met —-90%
    April met——86.36%
    May met——-89%
    June met—-99%
    July met — met 81%
    August met—met 99%
    September met
    October met —
    November met—
    December met—

    1. Find time for self-care. It’s not selfish. It’s essential. Making time!
    2. Notice the things you do well, however small. I will. Talking to campers, meeting dogs, electronics.
    3. Let go of self-criticism and speak to yourself kindly. I will try!
    4. Plan a fun or relaxing activity and make time for it. Did this already! Went for a long walk this morning.
    5. Forgive yourself when things go wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. This will be hard because I tend to blame myself for everything.
    6. Focus on the basics: eat well, exercise, and go to bed on time. Will Do!
    7. Give yourself permission to say ‘no’.. I’m doing this more often now.
    8. Be willing to share how you feel and and ask for help when needed. I will try to remember to ask for help when I need it rather than struggle and get frustrated.
    9. Aim to be good enough, rather than perfect. This needs to be a mind change for me. Whenever I do something, I get upset if it is not perfect. I need to make it a point to accept what the result is while doing my best.
    10. When you find things hard, remember it’s ok to not be ok. This is apt for today.
    11. Make time to do something you really enjoy. I hope to go ‘window shopping’ today. Did this and colored.
    12. Get active outside and give your mind and body a natural boost. Went for a 20 minute walk then the rain started.
    13. Be as kind to yourself as you would to a loved one.
    14. If you’re busy, allow yourself to pause and take a break.
    15. Find a caring calming phrase to use when you feel low. “Breathing in,I am relaxing. Breathing out, I am relaxed.”
    16. Leave positive messages for yourself to see regularly. Sticky notes, here I come!
    17. No plans day. Make time to slow down and be kind to yourself.
    18. Ask a trusted friends to tell you what strengths they see in you.
    19. Notice what you are feeling without any judgement.
    20. Enjoy photos from a time with happy memories.
    21. Don’t compare how you feel inside to how others appear outside.
    22. Take your time. Make space to just breathe and be still.
    23. Let go of other people’s expectations of you.
    24. Accept yourself and remember that your are worthy of love.
    25. Avoid saying ‘I should’ and make time to do nothing.
    26. Find a new way to use one of your strengths or talents.
    27. Free up time by canceling any unnecessary plans.
    28. Choose to see your mistakes as steps to help you learn.
    29. Write down 3 things you appreciate about yourself.
    30. Remind yourself you are enough, just as you are.

    RVRita in Roswell, NM
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,468 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I have the weights and the resistance bands, and the exercise room set up and it's time to get them added into my routine. Resistance is just not my favorite thing to do, and I "resist," adding the exercises and weights back in each time (pun intended... :blush:), but I know I need to get moving on it.
    Later, my dearlings,
    Hope it is (or was) a good day!
    Love from a cool, nearly fall morning in Arkansas,

    I have a basket of hand weights (dumbbells) next to my chair (my spot) when I'm at home. I can easily completely forget they are there, but if I'm reaching for my headphones or colouring pens, I can't help but see them.

    That doesn't work every time, but sometimes it reminds me to pull out a couple and do some upper body weights.

    I did some tonight. :)

    M in Oz

    I did more weights today. Trying to get my arms ready for sleeveless tops this summer!

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Rita - Great photos! :D<3

    Edie and I tried a project we saw on Instagram. It was so easy and so much fun. I like hers more than mine.
    Mine. You can see I'm having a gold and silver day!
    Instagram gives me so many ideas.

    Love Heather UK