
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,084 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 58min, 67elev, 3.09ap, 80ahr, 95mhr, 6.14mi= 585c
    Strava app= 753c
    Walk home to gym- 11min, .53mi= 49c
    Strava didn’t record right
    Lateral machine- 10min, 80ahr, 91mhr, 10w, 5resist, 5laps, 1.05mi= 58c
    Elliptical machine- 15min, 6incl, 6resist, 94ahr, 128mhr, 1.19mi= 139c
    Treadmill jog- 2.19min, 106ahr, 153mhr, 7.0sp, 8.76min mi, .25mi= 39c
    Walk gym to home- 12.50min, .57mi= 60c
    Strava app= 71c

    Total cal 930
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 409 Member
    Heather, glad you got a chuckle out of my smoke detector saga! Enjoying your holiday pics and you certainly look happy and relaxed.

    Lanette, good to hear others have had challenges with killing off those darn dectectors!

    Saw the pic of macarons from France. Brought back memories of my river cruise on the Rhine river. They were served quite often and were so good.

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Heather, glad you got a chuckle out of my smoke detector saga! Enjoying your holiday pics and you certainly look happy and relaxed.

    Lanette, good to hear others have had challenges with killing off those darn dectectors!

    Saw the pic of macarons from France. Brought back memories of my river cruise on the Rhine river. They were served quite often and were so good.


    Husband said he saw them in Safeway and just got them. He didn't know the price until he scanned them, $10! But they are excellent, a nice crunch, and creamy inside. 💖
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Heather, glad you got a chuckle out of my smoke detector saga! Enjoying your holiday pics and you certainly look happy and relaxed.

    Lanette, good to hear others have had challenges with killing off those darn dectectors!

    Saw the pic of macarons from France. Brought back memories of my river cruise on the Rhine river. They were served quite often and were so good.


    Husband said he saw them in Safeway and just got them. He didn't know the price until he scanned them, $10! But they are excellent, a nice crunch, and creamy inside. 💖

    we got some at Grocery Outlet a few times
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Walking yesterday ...


    Cycling today ...


    Accidentally used something on my face the other day with essential oils in it, or possibly just one essential oil, but that's all it takes. A few years ago, I discovered I was allergic to essential oils so I've avoided them, but occasionally someone sneaks them into something.

    Now suffering from an allergic reaction.

    I need to get ahold of topical corticosteroids / hydrocortisone cream.


    What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction to essential oils?

    A couple are:

    Contact dermatitis
    "Contact dermatitis is an itchy, red rash that develops when certain substances touch your skin directly.

    There are two types: irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis.

    In addition to itchy, red rash, both types of contact dermatitis share other symptoms:
    - dry, cracked, or scaly skin
    - oozing blisters or bumps
    - burning and stinging sensation

    Allergic contact dermatitis is the most common allergic reaction to essential oils."

    "It’s a delayed hypersensitivity reaction, which means that you might not notice symptoms until 12 to 72 hours after exposure."

    "Hives (urticaria) have many possible triggers, including food, medication, insect stings, infections, and more. They can appear on any part of your body and are characterized by:

    - raised red bumps (welts) that often itch
    - welts that can vary in size and often repeatedly appear and fade"

    Machka in Oz

    Got some cream for my face and neck. Hopefully it will help!

    Be very, very careful with those essential oils, if you use them!! They're toxic unless they are very well diluted.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    Many places in Tasmania have macarons. They're lovely.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,084 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    edited October 2023
    Lisa Kylia KJ and Machka, thanks for your support. I am so thankful for all the ladies here!

    My mom is slowly getting stronger, and better able to move herself around the bed and transfer to wheelchair and such. People keep asking me when she can come home, and I say when she can climb the stairs without help. It's true that I could bathe her and help her to the bathroom, but I can't replace a whole staff 24/7. My dirty little secret is that I'm not eager for her to come home because it would be hard for me to leave the house at all.

    Yes I have to push the issue of replacing the smoke detectors. The challenge is finding someone who can climb the ladder and do it.

    Annie in Delaware

    Check these sites:

    Supports and Services for Caregivers - in Delaware

    5 ways to get paid caring for a loved one in Delaware

    Delaware Aging & Disability Resource Center

    Family Caregiver Resources for Delaware

    I see that there are heaps of sites (when I do a Google search), which I would be exploring.

    Remember ... you're the carer. You're the boss now. This is your job.

    And there is often some help out there.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    edited October 2023
    kymarai wrote: »
    Machka I hope the cream is working. My SIL uses essential oils and has always told me that they must be carefully chosen and properly handled. What really sucks is that you were unaware that they were in the lotion.

    Kylia where the rain is suppose to move in tonight in Ohio

    It was in liquid soap ... which I used to wash my face and neck. :(:( I look like I'm 13 years old again. :(:(

    I detected that the soap smelled of peppermint but didn't realise that it was peppermint essential oil until too late.

    The pharmacist asked if I was taking antihistamines (I am) and told me that if the cream didn't help in the next couple days, I should see a doctor!

    This morning was slightly worse, but now that I have the cream, I hope that things will start to improve.

    M in Oz

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Rosemarie ummmm, why couldn't mom live with brother? Just curious. I hope that is a decision that can wait for awhile. Some folks always live independently, so hope that is the case for you. This is especially true if they have a village to assist. Hugs!

    Good Saturday,
    Head hurts this morning. Weather change coming. I only got up to pee last night. No leg cramps. They still ache but I am sure that is residual from the cramping. I drank water, electrolytes, took one magnesium pill, and rolled my "buns" and hips before bed. My DH was laughing at me. From his position he said I looked like the bears on the Charmin commercial rubbing my butt. Lol! We have an interior brick wall on my side of the bed. It holds the tennis ball really well. I must be doing it right because hips and buns are tender this morning. Maybe this will help my masseuse by getting some of the larger muscle groups to relax.

    Work this morning, then Bronco to get windows tinted, then down to Kentucky. It will be later when we get there but really need to do an inspection and turn the heat on. We haven't been down since August. I will work on training stuffs while there since calling for rain. If we don't go it won't rain, if we go it will pour.

    Working on getting new laptop set up. I am still trying to decide if I should take it or just the old one. It is an updated version of the one I have with a much larger memory,ram, and processor. I do have to take it to work to set up my goto program. We will see.....There is not nuch wrong with the old one other than the cord doesn't attach well for charging and the memory is small. I am getting quite the collection of unused computers though. I have two desk tops at work, one desktop at home, and 3 laptops , an old tablet, and an old Kindle....all old, slow, and not able to keep up with new programs, etc. Will need to figure out what to do with them one day.

    We will see how DH does reminding me to drink today. Seriously, this is a problem for me.

    14. Do something constructive to help a difficult situation...working on my attitude about SIL leaving work early almost always. Literally, I want to leave her alone at shop with my DH and see how she handles it, since he is helpless at the parts counter/register, but then realize she can't handle it when she has the mechanic helping that does know the counter. Soooo....myvattitude is what needs to change.

    Time to get out of hot tub, roll my buns, pack, and get ready for work. No I haven't gotten on scale today. Frankly I am afraid..,,,

    Kylia in muggy rainy Ohio ( not complaining, desperately need the rain)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,084 Member