
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,476 Member
    edited October 2023
    Went to the gym and walked on the stairstepper. Going to go to Aldi in a few and then Resource Warehouse is coming to pick up Vince’s baby dresser. Then I’ll take my walk. Picked up a bowling ball and bag from this lady at ceramics last night (she can’t bowl any more) and will sell it to my neighbor so I’ll take it to her on my walk

    Allie – what a great way to start the morning!

    Betsy – what wonderful news about your sister!

    Off to Aldi so that I’m here when Resource Warehouse comes

    You know, Titusville FL has a walking score of 25. Newton NC has a walking score of 45. Yet, to me there are many more places to walk to in Titusville. Maybe they're thinking of walking trails. Newton may have more of those

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,003 Member
    Machka-I know I know exactly how you feel. I said to Tracy that Carmine will be back..and she was a vagabond also..she quit school at 16 moved out lived with friends was partying and ended up pregnant at 18 well,that straightened her out.. she went and got her GED and well you know the rest..
    They are still together ,they did get married ..for Kyles temperment and all,it comes in the way you were raised I guess..
    He came from a broken home with a crazy mother and raised by grandparents
    Rich and I were pretty mellow.
    So it all up in the air.. if they follow through ,bless them
    And if and when Carmine comes around bless her too
    She is still in school ,and her parents love her to pieces..as her grandparents do,but she is the one that needs follow through she is pushing us away,not the other way around.
    Sorry for the long post.. but Machka I totally understand
    What your saying..as they say ..one day at a time..
    Heather- I must have missed the picture of Johnnie and his daughter ,but the picture of the girls is adorable.
    Will go check on Homer a little later and here is hoping its just a busted hose or something on his car..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,084 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,003 Member
    Yes ladies I know I know,im not making excuses for my kids
    But I have to live by the serenity prayer
    And One day at a time..
    Im in my little den and found some adult coloring books and puzzle books.. I'll have to get some what Machka to use on the coloring books?
    Just taking the chill off a little bit..
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    PS. On my post about St. Rita, I respect all religions and beliefs. I was raised Catholic but do not practice. I do however, read the Bible on a regular basis. I just don’t talk religion and beliefs on here.

    2023 Optimistic October

    Word of the Year: appreciate—Today I appreciate my morning coffee.
    Meditation: daily. 16/31 (82%(started Feb)(94%,100%, 74%, 93%,100%,100%)

    Recommended exercise: cardio 5 days 30 min 16/23
    Strength all muscles 2 x 0/8 a week
    Flexible (yoga, stretching) /8 a week 10 min
    Balance 5 days 10 min /20

    Foods to avoid:
    Bell peppers
    Egg white
    Winter squash

    1. cut back drinking and limit to 2 days a week. 0/8–(300%,100%,100%). 60 days SOBER!
    2. Average 7,000 steps a week. 7819, 7203, 7906,(7,700,100%-9851,100%-9526,100%-9,559,100%, -8347,100%—7465,100%—6328,90%—6059,87%—6458,92%)
    3. Update budget every 2 weeks 2/2 (800%)
    4. Contact close family every week (4x) 215/208—(733%) should be 189 by November 1)
    5. Contact Donat and sibs once a month (8x)74/94 (800%)
    6. Weigh less last day of month compared to first until I reach 140. Start at 178.6,176,174.2,173.4,175.4,174,175.6,173.4, 172.2 (600%)
    7. Develop a journaling practice by aiming to journal at least 5 days a week. 12/23 (681%,100,100)
    8. Read 12 books at least this year. 42/12
    9. Pay off credit card debt by January 2024 by making monthly payments to NDR/Reach Financial 10/12—(1000%)
    10. Continue building emergency fund at SLFCU (min$25 a month)$25+$25+$71+700+25+25 +25+25 (1000%)
    11. April started putting 4% on income in savings. 700,200,200, 107, 157,0,0

    January Met —100%
    February met —-90%
    March met met —-90%
    April met——86.36%
    May met——-89%
    June met—-99%
    July met — met 81%
    August met—met 99%
    September met——99%
    October met —
    November met—
    December met—

    Write down three things you can look forward to this month. 1. Another month of sobriety 2. Cooler weather 3. Decorating for Halloween
    2. Find something to be optimistic about (even if it’s a difficult time). I am optimistic about cooler weather.
    3. Take a small step to a goal that really matters to you. I need to call my uncle.
    4. Start the day with the most important thing on your to-do-list. Updating this list and My Fitness Pal.
    5. Be a realistic optimist. See life as it is but focus on what’s good. I usually hope for the best but prepare for the worst. I think this counts!
    6. Remind yourself that things can change for the better. No matter how bad you think it is, it can always get worse. So enjoy life no matter where you are, or what you are doing, or your circumstances.
    7. Look for the good in people around you today. I can do this if I try. This was not difficult to do with visitors. Employees were a different matter!
    8. Make some progress on a project or task you’ve been avoiding. I need to clean the cabinets out. I am planning to start today. Didn’t happen.
    9. Share an important goal with someone you trust. did not do this.
    10. Take time to reflect on what you have accomplished recently. I have accomplished coloring pages, making doctor appointments, calming my nerves by taking some actions I never tried before, and more.
    11. Avoid blaming yourself or others. Find a helpful way forward. This is hard for me.
    12. Look out for positive news and reasons to be cheerful today. With everything going on around me and in me this will be hard, but I will pay attention to good news.
    13. Ask for help to overcome an obstacle you are facing. The obstacles I have cannot be solved by me, but by family members.
    14. Do something constructive to improve a difficult situation. I will have to think on this. I posted pictures of the eclipse that happened here on the Friends Group FB page, and sent some pics to my son and grandson.
    15. Thank yourself for achieving the things you often take for granted. I got up in a thankful mood today so I should be able to do this. The eclipse yesterday couldn’t have gone better.
    16. Put down your to-list and do something fun or uplifting. I will color, walk, and meditate-all things that are fun and uplifting to me.
    17. Take a small step toward a positive change you want to see in society. Teaching adults computer use provides a positive change in my community.
    18. Set hopeful, but realistic goals for the days ahead. My biggest hope for the near future is a holiday without depression and ‘drama’ caused by my family.
    19. Identify one of your positive qualities that will be helpful in the future.
    20. Find joy in tackling a task you’ve put off for some time.
    21. Let go of the expectations of others and focus on what matters to you.
    22. Share a hopeful quote, picture, or video with a friend or colleague
    23. Recognize that you have a choice of what to prioritize.
    24. Write down three specific things that have gone well recently.
    25. You can’t do everything! What are three priorities right now?
    26. Find a new prospective on a problem you face.
    27. Be kind to yourself today. Remember progress takes time.
    28. Ask yourself ‘will this still matter a year from now?’
    29. Plan a fun or exciting activity to look forward to.
    30. Identify three things that give you hope for the future.
    31. Set a goal that brings a sense of purpose for the coming month.

    RVRita , Roswell, NM

    “There is no need for me to accept blame for another person’s irrational actions. I will deal with my own shortcomings.” ALANON’s One Day at a Time.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    Cleaning schedules Not happening here either. Living in a camper with a pack rat makes cleaning even more difficult than when we lived in a house. If it’s dirty enough I clean it, no schedule. Same with laundry: when the laundry bag is full, I/we do the wash. Using a laundromat ends up taking all day. Right now we are able to use a washer and dryer in the empty ranger house, but that is soon to change…

    Allie One day at a time and the Serenity prayer are the best ways to deal with problems. Great job doing that!

    Heather Thank you again, for the reminder of my patron saint and the pictures of the candles with St Rita on them. Really nice to be reminded of what I learned in school. I did 12 years of Catholic school, so get the references!

    Walking score [b/] Roswell is only a 33, where I am would be a lot lower as I have to drive to everything.

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    Kim - I don't remember that earthquake like you do, of course I lived too far away from it to have an impact on my community. But I can tell you the time of day, exactly where I was standing and what I was doing when the news came in about the planes hitting the Twin Towers on 9-11.

    Sounds like your mom was impacted but it was all fixable and her house was OK, thank goodness. I'm sure you will never forget that day and the adventure getting to her house to check on her, especially with the phone going dead after she said major issues!

    I sometimes think about if we had a major shaker up here, what would be affected (probably electricity and phone) and would the house make it through, what about water & septic, etc. I think it's good for me to go through the scenarios in my head now and then and make sure I have provisions if it takes days or weeks for things to be restored.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Betsy - So pleased that the news so far was good for your sister, hope today's Zoom is more of the same. Glad you had a good visit.

    Heather - Between Bea's lack of front teeth and Edie's coat, there's an awful lot to love and miss in that picture.

    Allie - I have to take Machka's tack on the actions and decisions that Tracey and Kyle are making and keep my mouth shut. Nothing that is said could do any more than point up the things you already know. Thinking about you and your family, dear heart, as always. That doesn't change.

    Regarding my own cleaning schedule - the only one I try to stay on schedule with is laundry, and I'm kinda trying to do that on Mondays and Thursdays. In all reality, I have three hampers - one dark, one light and one for Corey's greasy work stuff. When one gets full, I wash it. Approximately four to five loads a week for us both. In the summer, I hang stuff out to dry - in the winter, it goes in the dryer. I can't handle letting it sit around, so at most one night before I fold and put away the next day.

    Other than playing with clay, the only thing planned for today is a haircut at 2:30--and I'm the guinea pig. There's one person who cuts hair in the very local area, and I've resisted going there. My resistance has always been due to her sign outside - she spells her name as Jaunita. On the sign, at least. It bugs me because it's supposed to be spelled Juanita, as in the female version of Juan. Could be her parent's fault, not hers, and I know it's a nitnoid objection.

    Anyway, Corey and I both need cuts - she advertises $10 for a haircut, and they're charging $25 now for a basic men's cut in town. So I'm the guinea pig. If she does a reasonable job with my short haircut, he'll get an appointment with her for Saturday, he says. :smiley: Coward! :wink:

    Got one very comfy kitty on my lap, and she was doing the same thing last night, too, very unusual for her to indulge in nighttime lap-sitting. I think it's the cold weather--I'm keeping the house around the range of 67-69, and she's enjoying the body heat. I am too, so we both win... 😺 :)

    Later, y'all...
    Love, Lisa and Egg in AR


    I had two comfy(for THEM) cats on me all night- I sleep on my side so they lie on my hip and legs. I kept trying to kick them off all night but they were not budging. Dh went to work at midnight so the rest of the bed was empty but they wouldn't leave me. Usually they are on him. Woke up so many times and got up with my hips hurting- feels better now that I am up.

    Laundry- washer and dryer are going just about every single day. Mostly pee pads because of the two cats-one old momma cat and one teritorial boy. Lately because of the two, I am doing two loads of them a day. DH doesn't do laundry and IF he helps fold, he will pick through and only fold his things, says it is because he doesn't fold things right so doesn't fold anything else but his things. He gets a bit irritated if I fall behind and he doesn't have any clean underwear-doesn't happen often. He just gets an attitude saying I guess I need to do some laundry beings I don't have any clean underwear.

    Was planning on doing two merchandising jobs today- postponed from a week ago- called both stores and they still don't have their displays up(don't even have the merchandise at one of the stores)
    Waiting to hear back from the scheduler to see what to do-if she will extend the date.
    Have two more different ones on Monday, up by mom so we will stop in and see her for a quick visit.

    Beings we dont' have to do the shops, I will go out and clean out the catio-put new pine pellets in the playhouse area for them(their huge litter box) and put up some fall decorations.

    Class tonight

    No clue on what I am making for dinner for dh and I. Burgers for son that he picked up

    Napa Valley,CA

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Yesterday was the anniversary of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake ( the one that happened at the beginning of the world series and had the Bay Bridge from Oakland to San Francisco pancaked the top roadway fell on to the bottom roadway) 5:04pm 6.9 on the Richter scale
    Where were you???
    I was at work in Sunnyvale about 31 miles from the epicenter, like with other major things that affect a group I feel like I can recall everything from my point of view. I was getting ready to go home. At that point I was working in Telecommunication and knew the impact of this on the phone system. I made 2 calls one to the out of state family member who was to our family communication hub. And one to my mom. At that point Telecom was part of facilities, so I helped evacuate folks and get them out of the parking lot.
    I was 16 miles from my mom, and when I spoke with her, she had told me that she was fine but that there were major issues, the phone then went dead. So that is where I headed. It took close to 2 hours to get there. When I turned into her street there were fire trucks and a bunch of other emergency vehicles. There is a major natural gas line that runs down the middle of the street. And it had cracked and caught fire. Then on the back of her property there are heavy duty electric poles and wires…. They had snapped and caught the trees on the back of her property on fire. What a mess!!! But all was cleaned up in a few weeks.
    The aftermath of the earthquake lasted for years. We had so many employees who did not have homes- houses slipped off their foundations, chimneys fell, and just tons of major problems. The amount of pulling together that happened was amazing…

    Love ya all,

    Kim in N. California

    I am so surprised that I didn't see any mention on Facebook yesterday about the anniversary- ended up missing my nephew's birthday because I didn't see any mention of it- He was 5 on that day. The next day he came in(I was babysitting him) and said "Auntie-there was one birthday present I didn't like!" Thought it was the gift I had given him,but no, it was the earthquake.
    I was at the house by myself when it hit- I ran and stayed under my huge oak table for a LONG time- that was the first earthquake I had ever felt. Hubby was either on base or on patrol in AK-don't remember(will have to ask him when we chat tonight).
    Mom, dad and my aunt and uncle were all on my parents roof, reroofing the house when it hit- they just laid down on the roof for those seconds until it stopped.

    Years later, when we had the big Napa quake(lots of damage from that one), it was on my other nephew's birthday(first one's brother)