
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,163 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    And Today IS::: There are so many that made me laugh and think of all of you, I could pick just one! Check them out in the spoiler! And get your Frankenstein on! It is Frankenstein Friday!! Also Cranky co-worker day, Black cat day, beer day, champagne day and a whole lot more!

    RVRita in NM

    A post from Denny's says it is also National Chocolate Day- that is every day for me ;)
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,163 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    CarolGaGal wrote: »
    Welcome to new posters to this fast moving friendly group of ladies!

    Barbara ~ You are blessed to have friends who will help you as you go to your medical appointments! Good that Joe has agreed to take you for the Mohs surgery.

    Took DH to get cataract surgery yesterday and will take him for follow-up this morning. So glad it's over and with the cataract gone I don't have to worry about his driving with a blind eye.

    Carol in GA

    Speaking of cataracts… I went to the doctor yesterday to schedule my surgeries for cataracts. My first on is in December, second eye in January. I can see the insurance and billing having all sorts of problems because of the different years! Oh, well, must stay in the moment and deal with whatever happens WHEN it happens! LOL One day at a time!!

    RVRita in blurry NM

    My doctor scheduled both of mine so they would be in the same year for the insurance so it cost less for the second one and as a huge bonus, because it was less than six months apart, I was able to get my new glasses adjusted to the new prescription at no cost. The second eye wasn't as bad as the first but bad enough to have it taken care of plus with how fast the first one progressed(from one year where it was just starting to show to the next year's visit where it needed to be removed) , she wanted them both done. I was 48 when I had them done I think
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,163 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    A fine day so far. Today I have to find the important papers my dad lost. Maybe some general catch up and clean up.

    The jacket I ordered for my mom was delivered. It is powder blue fleece and quite soft. It's cropped and boxy so she can wear it in bed. The sleeves are a little long, but they fold back. I hope it works.

    I have some stuff to look into for my mom coming home, too. As she gets stronger, I get less worried about that. I bet she thinks she will be cooking again. Or that I will spend my days waiting on her, fixing whatever she wants, whenever she wants, whether she eats it or not. I have to decide where my boundaries are ahead of time.

    Welcome Hope! Sounds like you are on
    a great track!

    Annie in Delaware

    HUGS!! My suggestion is to set those boundaries before she gets home and STICK to them. DH didn't and now, a year and a half later, she is still demanding that he wait on her-has to go over there twice a day to do things for her that she is more than capable of doing for herself. At first, yes she needed all the extra care but she is long past that but still thinks she deserves it. Sits there, waiting for him to serve her. Won't even eat at the table, only eats in her recliner.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,083 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    Hi ladies, I am back on the weight loss wagon after taking a break due to Covid and starting school. I feel I have the brain space again to be more mindful.
    I am 55 and lost weight and got in got shape around 48-49, then had cancer and am now fully recovered, it took a few years to get there as I had chronic back pain for a fews years afterward but that totally disappeared (thanks be to God). Someone told me when I entered recovery in 2019 that it took her 3 years after to fully recover (she had the same cancer as me), which was very helpful when I found recovery taking a lot longer than I anticipated. So although I did recover physically it really took a toll on my confidence and I became more socially isolated (covid didn’t help).
    So the good news is I have started training for a new career (at 55!) and around March this year I refocused on getting to a place physically that would be better for my health long term. I started at 180lb and am down 19lbs.
    I took a four month hiatus but find I am now able to focus again.
    I have always got in great shape by weight training, but I am so busy right now I am struggling to get to the gym, so I am focusing on getting at least one 30 minute walk in a day, hopefully two and eating more mindfully.
    I would love to have friends to check in with!

    Welcome here!

    I just recently graduated with a Master's degree, and am finally getting established in a career (at 56!). What are you training for?

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    Well happy almost November haha
    Taken me a while to navigate the community sites, oh well

    Welcome here! :)

    These forums work more or less like this:


    MyFitnessPal has several sections. One section is where we go to enter our exercise and food and to participate on the newsfeed with our friends. Another section is the forum.

    The MFP forum contains several subforums or "Categories".

    Within each subforum or "Category", there are a whole lot of threads. For example, within the Motivation and Support subforum or "Category", there is a long collection of Women Ages 50+ {month, year} threads. And Barbie starts a new thread each month. :)

    Within each thread, there are lots of posts.

    That's how we see it because there is a reasonably decent user interface for us to work with.

    However, all the posts from all the threads go into a table in a database behind the scenes (pretty much).

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Good morning, ladies.

    Was busy yesterday. Made cabbage rolls from 3 sour heads I picked up from No Frills the week before. Sour heads are getting harder to find so was happy to see them. Had just a few for supper and the rest are all tucked away in the freezer. Finally got over reaction to covid shot I got on Monday. Ended up being tired to begin with then fever on day 2 and a hot, itchy rash around the injection site. Next will be the flu shot then I'm all caught up for awhile.

    It's chilly here now and was snowing during the night. Need to go to town to pay our taxes but might wait until Monday. Looked at doing it online as that is an option but would have to do it as three different transactions as we have three separate quarters. They make it a bit complicated so I think it is simpler to just write a cheque for the total amount and then it is just one entry in our account books. It's due at the end of the month so have until Tuesday.

    Enjoy the day.


    I haven't had cabbage rolls in ages!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,083 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 54min 56sec, 75elev, 3.15ap, 84ahr, 104mhr, 6.09mi= 549c
    Strava app= 746c
    Walk home to gym- 11.38min, .53mi= 54c
    Strava app = 65c
    Treadmill jog- 9.33min, 112ahr, 158mhr, 6.2sp for .80mi, 6.5sp for .10mi, 7.5sp for .10mi, 9.33min mi, 1mi= 112c
    Lateral machine- 20min, 10w, 6incl, 110ahr, 130mhr, 9laps, 1.55mi= 130c
    Elliptical machine- 15min, 7resist, 7incl, 96ahr, 122mhr, 1.27mi= 141c
    Walk gym to home- 11.54min, .53mi= 64c
    Strava app= 65c

    Total cal 996

    If I would have only burned 4 more calories!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,476 Member
    After work went to the soup kitchen. Came home, got dinner ready, then walked. Made another towel topper

    You know, I’m getting a bit frustrated with Vince. Weeks ago I talked to him about selling some of the coins we have. Today I suggested we take them to sell since he can’t work on putting down the topsoil. Now all I get is how he has to research how much they’re worth. Why he didn’t do this sooner is beyond me. A few weeks ago I talked to him about ordering the topsoil. At that time he got upset and told me that repairing the cover for the grill was a top priority. It wasn’t a few years ago when the snow collapsed part of it, why is it suddenly such a high priority? Guess what isn’t getting done?

    Heard from Bryan. Seems Geraldine would like pictures of Bryan as a baby to compare him to Leo. She sounds like a lovely girl.

    Hope – welcome! Glad to have ya with us. Your goals sound very doable

    This weather is absolutely crazy. We haven’t had rain in a long time (as a maater of fact, I’m surprised they’re not talking drout) . It’s in the 80’s today and supposed to be in the upper 70’s or low 80’s everyday until Mon. Then on Tues it drops to 59 and rain. Great for Halloween!

    Carol – when they took the patch off Vince’s eye when he had the cataract surgery, the first thing he said was “when can you do the other eye?”

    Rita – good luck with your surgery! Insurance is always a pain.

    Found out toady that it takes 45 minutes to walk from my house to this one highway by using a side road (that’s one way, not both)

    soda: I very seldom drink it. And when I do, it usually isn’t a lot. Now Vince...he drinks only diet so I get the caffeine free soda.

    Kylia – I don’t think you were in the wrong. A year!!!! I’ve been waiting over a year for this lady to make this quilt for me.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Tired both mentally and physically. Had to take a minute breather outside this afternoon. Same stuffs, just another day. To add the cherry on top, someone left a 1 star review for our business.
    Just said awful experience, won't be back. Funny thing is the name isn't in our data base, but the first name is. I believe it is a lady who brought her blower in a year ago. It was damaged beyond repair. She said she was coming to pick it up last October. We disposed of it the end of January. She called Saturday, yes this Saturday and wanted to pick it up. A year later!!!!! It was junk. She is mad at us. Anyway....my reply was that we always strive for professionalism and efficiency, but occasionally miss the mark. We hope she finds a dealer that meets her expectations. If I leave reviews, I usually offer specifics...ie, no one acknowledged me, they overcharged me, etc. This person was vague which I have found to be normal if they know they are wrong, but are being pissy. This is why I ignore those types of reviews if I am reading negative ones. I wouldn't expect any business to keep my stuff for a year especially when it was junk.
    Got long so put in spoiler. I trust ya'll will let me know if I am in the wrong.

    Am going to watch some TV with DH and do more paperwork.

    Thanks for allowing me to vent.

    Much love,
    Kylia in rainy Ohio

    I wouldn't pay much attention to ratings. Sometimes people go through and give bad reviews just because it amuses them to do that. However, if it starts to become a recurring theme, then you might need to do something about it.

    M in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    Cold ride today!


    Machka in Oz