
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    edited November 2023
    Rosemarie I buy Primal Goats milk at Chunk n Don''s. Occasionally Byerly's A local supermarket chain has it. It is raw and comes frozen.It is pricey. I use it as a topper. Once opened it lasts ten days. When raw food is frozen for three weeks it helps prevent parasites. I have some dried goats milk to use when I cannot find frozen. DrewB does not like the dried as much. Since I have changed her diet to be lightly cooked with 20% raw liver that comes frozen and topped with goats milk her health has improved. The treatment path I saw coming for her would be much more expensive and her health would not be as good as it is now.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    Rosemarie - thinking about those puppies.... did you contact the rescue to see if there's a chance they'd understand you estimated wrong and needed more goat milk? Would any puppy milk replacer work or do they have to have goat's milk? Pet stores usually have puppy milk replacer. When will they transition off milk onto regular puppy chow? Seems like you are only a few weeks away from that. You have probably already checked this out.

    Barbie - I understand about the vet's and getting teary-eyed. It's hard for me to go in there to even pick up meds for Rosie after spending time there last year in the room with Sophie. Grabbing a tissue right now. :( I agree - great to have a handyman to do these projects now, especially things having to do with electricity and plumbing. I think I'm going to try replacing a bedroom door knob one of these days though.

    Rita - amazing the benefits of walking, especially when we can go a little faster like you mentioned.

    Regarding Zentangle - just for the heck of it, last night I decided to do some free form doodling. That combined with "decorating" a block letter word. Well, it was fun and absorbing. Concentrating on that blots out other thoughts. I read we can only hold one thought in our mind at a time. So if I'm thinking about how to expand my doodle, I'm not thinking that my toe or knee hurts from arthritis at that moment. That type of thing. Those of you who color, draw, paint, do pottery, ceramics or other hobbies and crafts experience the same thing. And we get a hit of endorphins from the joy of creating something.

    It's warm and stormy outside. 60 degrees. Almost blustery. Hope we don't lose power, I want to make a big pot of minestrone today. Sounds like the big winds for me and for you folks north of me are coming later this morning and into this afternoon. Hopefully the weatherman has overestimated possible wind speed, he often does.

    Make it a super weekend! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member

  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
    Karen ~ Heartfelt wishes for you as you navigate through the passing of your brother. We have all loved his artwork that you have shared with us over the past few years.

    Annemarie ~ Perhaps you could donate the extra goat milk back to the animal shelter once the pups move on to regular food. I am sure they would appreciate it.

    Kelly ~ I loved what your mother's thoughts were about Heaven.

    Zentangles ~ My new word! Enjoyed finding out what they were.

    My phone and I are having fits trying to get Siri from taking over my texting. I have Googled and watched every Youtube segment for dealing with this, but, to no avail.

    Going to watch granddaughter cheer this afternoon. Weather has gone from freezing to nice 60's here so it should be pleasant.

    Carol in GA

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today- working washer, dryer, heating system.
    Wednesday – Joe gave needed hug when I finally accepted that NO dermatology practice in the state of Oregon offers general anesthetic for MOHS surgery. Nearest that offers “conscious sedation” is Portland, six hours away. Will have to make do with local, and perhaps an anti-anxiety rx if I can get one from PCP. Now THAT’s motivation to start meditation practice again. ;{
    Welcome back @Shuleran Anita. Con VERY grats for taking off those 30 lbs. Hope the recovery pain eases up soon. ((hugs))
    Lanette yours to Karen. Sure miss her.
    Rori always happier when you pop in.
    Carol, soon as Lanette gets that transporter fired up, I’ll join y’all on your sweet porch for tea.
    Barbie SMH at what the neighbor said to Jake. Is the neighbor getting dotty?
    Margaret I miss Mary from AZ too. “Press and seal” over the gas tank flap, who knew???
    Beth well done!
    Rebecca hope looking at your checking account with fresh eyes will help you balance. Like you it makes me crazy not to balance to the penny, but two months ago I made some mistake on our MasterCard bill and still can’t figure it out so just paid the difference (and ugh! he interest, not something we usually have.)
    Welcome @KatherineMcCalla ! Many of us don’t do the “friend” thing but support each other here on this thread. Sorry for the traumatic life event. Joining mfp is a great step forward.
    Lisa :love: the pots!
    Michele Hope the blood tests all come out ok!
    Tracey hope you get a good nights sleep. Well done on completing another session. You are rockin’ it! :love: the “enjoy them while you’re young” meme. :laugh:
    Hallowe’en candy, my one recent NSV was not buying ANY. Neither Joe nor I need it and no kids come down our dirt lane/up our gravel drive for it.

    October intentions and summary.
    October average weight 1.2 lbs MORE than September. Not updating ticker, eyes on the prize.
    Steps down, meditation no-go.
    Everything else ok.
    Added another set of dumbbells, hip opener, seated twist, block ab lift.
    Details below.
    steps: average more steps than May (7778)- 144 short of goal, worse than Sept’s 133
    line dancing at least twice weekly – yep, will add to spreadsheet for more precision
    chair yoga weekly when offered – yep 100%.
    PT daily-ish- basic 73%, dumbbells 127% criss/cross & abs 94%
    play with dogs-81%
    walk dogs-68%
    less sugar than mfp allows-yep 335 g. gluxb0adk6jk.jpg
    CI<CO-yep ie63j5b4bp5s.jpg

    Live NOW:
    Open heart and mind before mouth – couple of times, needs more work.
    Squeeze in some mindfulness meditation. Bupkes. This might help with above?
    November intentions
    Move -average more steps than May (7778), twice weekly line dancing, weekly chair yoga when offered, YouTube when not, daily-ish basic PT, play with and walk dogs, every other day 2 sets dumbbells, criss-cross with abs, hip openers, seated twist and block ab lifts.
    Fuel -dailyish less sugar than mfp allows, CI<CO and vitamins.
    Live NOW- dailyish time with Joe, readings, meditate so can open heart and mind before mouth.
    11/2: Move: 3 sets PT w/dx2 and x&a, Leslie Sansome brisk 20, Jeopardy walking. Steps:8052
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=22 CI<CO net=526 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, two and a half loads laundry, ptT. Wt: 130.5
    11/1: Move: 1 set basic PT w/, dogs to powerline, Jeopardy walking. Steps:4935
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-11 CI<CO net=424 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT, ptS, Wt:132.8

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD [img]https://us.v- October: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs. Fuel better: less sugar, dailyish vitamins. Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings. Open heart and mind[/img] before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer

    Yesterday I was able to check off a couple more things that had cleared. It has to do with an outstanding Amazon bill and some international fees we don't know yet. I think I got it down to being under $3 which is usually what the fee is. Alls well. I have a hefty buffer amount taken out "on paper" so I am not too worried. Husband made a $10 error, its typical, and he says he does it just to give me something to find.😂. Like a treasure hunt, the dope!😁🙄😂.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    Lanette... My daughter sent it to me--she knows my sense of humor! :smiley:

    Lisa - love this, thanks! <3

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Karen in Virginia, I am so sorry your brother passed. My condolences to you and your family.💖🙏
    Big hugs!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Morning ya'll
    Any of you that use a Cpap have you ever used mouth tape?
    I invested in it and it keeps your mouth taped shut while you sleep
    Tonight I'll turn my clocks back.
    Did my pills yesterday..lordy im hoping I don't need anymore I rattle like a bean bag as it is..

    I clicked on it on Facebook and its ungodly expensive! Husband said he could duct tape me for pennies.😂
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Rita, Someone told me about using "not available" as the response when asked to do something I didn't want to do. I just say, "I'm sorry (or I'd love to) but I'm not available" It doesn't matter if I'm "not available" because I have another appointment or just because I plan to sit on the couch, it means the same thing. I don't have to convince someone that my reason is a good one in their estimation. I remember a time when a friend told me at great length about she couldn't go with me to something because she was going to her granddaughter's swimming class. Her explanation annoyed me because grandchildren aren't a high priority with me so I didn't understand why it was so important.

    :)Rosemarie, What you said about the price of goat's milk on Amazon versus Wal-Mart reminded me of how my mother used to shop all over town and said "You have to be a walking price list" to get the bargains.

    :)Kim, my doctor told me that I was the poster girl for doing the right thing for good bone density (walking, dancing, lifting heavy weights, eating a healthy diet including Calcium and Vitamin D and still I ended up with low bone density and a spinal fracture. There are differing opinions about swimming as a weight bearing exercise but I agree with others that the best exercise is the one you'll stick to. I tried swimming and water aerobics and gave them up because I didn't like to drive to the pool, didn't like to have to change clothes before and after, and found swimming very boring.

    :)Lisa, Many years ago when I was working, I often woke up much too early and one morning, I thought to myself, "There must be a good reason I'm up this early. There must be something useful I can do with the time" and since then, I have done better with an early wake up. My current frustration with waking up early is the scheduled walk with my dog walking friend. I'd be glad to go earlier or later depending on when I woke up, but she sets an alarm to meet us at a prearranged time.

    :) This thread is a great place to prattle on with all the details about something, knowing that some will read and enjoy and others will ignore, but no one will shush you and tell you to hurry up and get to the point.

    <3 Barbie in drizzly NW WA

    It is the best site.💖. When I tell things to my husband he sometimes says, "yes you have already told me this, go on".... Or he does this motion with his hands to wrap it up! Like what a director does to start filming! It us so annoying, I just stop talking and say, " nope I am done".
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    RosemarieI meant Chuck and Don's. If you become a member they have a nice rewards program. If you buy twelve bottles the next one is free. I have a $2 coupon I earned towards my next purchase waiting to be redeemed.