

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    Johal2021 wrote: »
    Good morning, 6 am in Arizona! Thank you for the welcome it feels good! I used to be on SparkPeople before it closed down and I’ve so missed the group I belonged to there. Just looking at some of the posts lately:
    Lisa, yes, could you repost the link to what looks like a Myers Briggs site? I am an INFJ and was so glad when I learned that several years ago. It helped me to come to terms with some things about myself I’d been feeling frustrated about.
    A few of you like to travel? Me too. I am actually a transplanted Canadian from Montreal, have lived in the UK, in Ireland and various places in Canada and now the US. I went home to Montreal/Toronto in October to see some friends and reconnect, get my “big city” fix—we live in a small town that calls itself a city but…. Plans for next year aren’t as ambitious as in years past because money is a bit tighter. We’re going to go on an Alaska cruise in July from Vancouver BC but apart from that we have to see how the budget goes. Money is something else I tend to be quite “live for today” about. Luckily my husband is a saver so together we’ve balanced seeing what we wanted to of the world with having a secure home life financially.
    I have four grandchildren who, together with their mom (my only child) and dad live here in our small town. It’s why we live here, I convinced hubby to move here after he retired so I could enjoy being with them. I don’t have any other living family. If they didn’t live here we’d probably not be living here. How about y’all? Do you live in the same place you’ve always lived in?

    I have lived all over western Canada from Winnipeg westward! :)

    And I have travelled quite a bit in Canada, US, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, the UK (England, Scotland & Wales), the Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and New Zealand.

    I have been living in Australia for almost 15 years now, first in Victoria and in Tasmania for almost a decade!

    My husband had a workplace accident which resulted in a severe brain injury in 2018, and limited our travels to Tasmania for the next 5 and a bit years with legal battles (and of course, COVID). Finally, this past October, we were able to travel to Canada to see my family for the first time in 6 years. Even though I'm struggling to catch up a bit now, I would not have missed that trip for the world!!!!!!

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    Tina - MFP has a 300 - 400 deficit built in to the recommendation of a calorie allowance. You are supposed to eat back your exercise calories. Otherwise you will be hungry and binge eat. Judging how much you are burning is not simple, but doable. I always ate back my exercise calories and lost 57 pounds.

    Nowdays I am content to be overweight and believe it is better for older women. I don't weigh myself, or count my calories any more. I love it. :D I exercise every single day for at least 75 minutes, and eat very healthily. I drink too much alcohol. ;) Oh well. Life's too short.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Yes ... depending on the amount of weight you've chosen as a goal to lose each week, MFP builds in the deficit.

    I set myself up as sedentary and usually choose to lose 0.25 kg/week (about 0.5 lbs/week). MFP gives me a deficit of about 250 calories a day. If I were to chose to lose 0.5 kg/week (about 1 lb/week), MFP would give me a deficit of about 500 calories a day.

    That's based on the common estimate that 1 lb is 3500 calories.

    When I exercise, I burn more!

    If I do some light exercise, I don't usually eat those calories back.

    If I do some moderate exercise, I will eat about half those calories back.

    If I do some long and strenuous exercise, I will usually eat most of those calories back.

    That seems to have worked for me.

    Machka in Oz
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,515 Member
    Rebecca - I love the jewelry tree, both lit and unlit, as well as the key! What a lovely thing. Also love your Hokusai calendar. His seascapes, in particular, have always made me happy.

    My jewelry tree is one of my treasured items most definitely! The trinkets my sons bought, they got at the Christmas school fair with their own money. It was the sweetest thing. All the religious icons are really special because they were important to them.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,515 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: The Christmas tree scent filling the car on the way home from Freddie’s. No shin aches since Nov 28!

    November intentions and summary.
    November average weight 131.3, 0.9 lbs less than October 133.2, but 0.3 lbs more than September 131.0. Won’t update ticker, maybe next month ;).
    Average steps 6855 way down from October’s 7635, due recuperating from shin pain, Meditation never even started.
    Dog walks way down, even before recovery mode.
    PT down a little, criss-cross with abs way down, we do what we like and are good at, not what we need to do! ;}
    Everything else ok-ish.

    Details below.
    steps: average more steps than May (7778)- 923 short of goal, recovery worth it.
    line dancing at least twice weekly – 100%
    chair yoga weekly when offered –150%, even did one day at home when not offered due book sale.
    PT daily-ish- basic 70%, dumbbells 147% criss/cross, abs 67%
    play with dogs-94-97%
    walk dogs-55%
    less sugar than mfp allows-yep 236 g.
    Live NOW:
    Open heart and mind before mouth – couple of times, needs more work.
    Squeeze in some mindfulness meditation. Bupkes.
    December intentions
    Move -average more steps than May (7778), twice weekly line dancing, weekly chair yoga when offered, YouTube when not, daily-ish basic PT, play with and walk dogs, every other day 2 sets dumbbells, criss-cross with abs, hip openers, seated twist and block ab lifts.
    Fuel -dailyish less sugar than mfp allows, CI<CO and vitamins.
    Live NOW- dailyish time with Joe, readings, meditate 3 minutes/day so can open heart and mind before mouth.
    Machka happy for your first day of summer. In January I’ll be jealous, but wouldn’t enjoy the holidays nearly as much if it were hot then… ;)
    Annie ((hugs)) it’s always shocking when hospice discussions make what you’re facing so very real ((hugs)).
    Heather your “sludgy colors” painting made me smile, though “earth tones” are my least favorite. The energy of your art conquers all!
    Lanette https://www.overdrive.com/media/2100342/one-small-step-can-change-your-life
    Available for free from our library, yours might offer too, the reading app is “Libby” and the library/collection website is overdrive.com.
    Kylia the wait for prescriptions is crazy but becoming situation normal. I’ve always avoided the mail-order options for medicare part D, but am considering this year as the prescriptions might arrive faster direct from them than from a distribution center to our local pharmacy (one of two in town ;{ ). SMH. Wonder if hospital emergency rooms have supplies? Amazed you trust your SIL with your medical power of attorney, that she is the best possible choice. Ouch.
    Beth con VERY grats on the 2.5 lbs gone gone gone!
    Tina please do do something for yourself with your “me time” and that does NOT include cleaning. :laugh:
    Rebecca Wow, what a gift from your sister. :heart: :heart: :heart: and :Love: the key. Looked again at each piece. And WOW, didn’t realize the tree had lights! :love: :love: :love:
    Rita three months sober? Bravissima!!!
    Debbie safe travels and enjoy your candy making time with your mom.

    Haven’t done the personality test, maybe later. Anyone care to guess? ;)
    12/1 so far: Move: sets PT w/, dogs to powerline, Steps:
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp= CI<CO net= vits=
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, ptT, ptS, M, tire swap, Post Office, bank, Freddie’s, plain fudge yesterday, pecan fudge today,. Wt:131.2 [/spoiler

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    December: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings, meditate 3 minutes/day. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.

    I had fun figuring out the key.😁💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,515 Member
    Your jewellery tree is wonderful Rebecca. So many memories. What a great thing to do.

    Soooo cold here at the moment. I am debating leaving the heat on overnight. We normally turn it off. Heat is so expensive right now, we limit the hours we run it.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    My mothers jewelry tree was magnificent! It kind of saddens me that its packed away at my middle sisters lost forever. I should be lit every year, but not sure where it is. My eldest sister said she doesn't have it. I don't think she knew where alot of the jewelry came from though. She kind of scoured antique stores and thrift stores. My maternal grandmothers earrings on my tree were her "going to church" earrings so that's really special.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
    503503. Welcome new peeps
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    BK had some sort of collection of canned goods so I took them to the soup kitchen today. After work needed to stop at the church to pick up my lector book and the donations from there. The backseat of my car was completely packed! Which is good. After the soup kitchen went and mailed out Christmas cards and then stopped at Lynette’s office to give her some coupons. I could have sworn I saw her car there when I went to the post office and I wasn’t there that long (there wasn’t even a line!) but she had left. Some family member was there so I just left the coupons on her desk. Boy, is her office a mess. Then went to Publix to get the farmer cheese for the pierogi

    The soup kitchen I doing a fundraiser from Dewey’s Bakery so I was in the store today. Honestly if they weren’t doing this, I probably would have gone home, they had quite a few volunteers

    Tracey – lovely plates and decorations. You are so talented!

    Lisa – does Egg have a cat tree? By the window in the sunroom would be a great place for one.

    M – so sorry about your grandchildren. It’s so hard, I know. Oh, I’m SOOO ready for summer. I know it isn’t even winter yet, but I’m still ready for summer. I’m jealous of your summer.

    Going thru totes of our miscellaneous christmas ornaments. Got them down to 4 totes right now from 6. Jess needs ornaments and she’s going to get them! So is the Salvation Army. I really need to stop buying them.

    Annie – (((BIG HUGS))))

    Allie – great that you’re sending something to Carmine!

    Barbara – I so look forward to your posts and sometimes find something that I totally missed. Thanks

    Valerie – I was born and raised in NJ, then we moved to the Poconos in PA, then dh was transferred to southern PA, now I’m in NC. I love it here

    Heather – great paintings. You are so imaginative

    Carol – there isn’t room for us at Denise’s. I wish we could stay there, but there just isn’t room.

    Rebecca – what a heartwarming present from your sister! You tree is absolutely gorgeous

    I remember seeing the liquor filled chocolates at Sam’s

    Debbie – safe travels

    Carol – happy birthday to your hubby. Hope you do make the dinner

    Went thru all the ornaments to give Jess some. At first Vince said “that box is probably too big”. Now he’s saying “I don’t think that box is going to be big enough”. I got us down from 6 totes to 3. Started to decorate the tree in the living room but need to get to bed so will probably finish it tomorrow. It’s supposed to be (operative words) rainy and if it is, then maybe I’ll start on the wrapping.

    Michele NC
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    ISFP-T Adventurer
    Surprisingly moderate, middle of the road, no extremes.
    59% Introverted, thought it would be more.
    55% Observant, thought it would be less.
    56% Feeling, thought it would be more.
    67% Prospecting, shocked. Expected to be heavily on the Judging end of the spectrum.
    63% Turbulent perfectionistic, truth this.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,868 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    I found some well reviewed liqueur chocolates on Amazon for DH. They are coming today. Different kinds of Scotch whisky. Normally I only buy Monty Bojangles Choccy Scoffy, our absolute favourite dark choc, cocoa dusted truffles, but I thought a change would be good just for once! :p

    No one has put up outside Christmas decorations around here yet, though I expect they will start this weekend, now that it's December. Of course, the shops are all lit up. I hate it all starting so early. I would think that the US 'holiday season' would drive me crazy.
    I'm debating whether to put the tree up. If we do, it will only be for the grandchildren. Yesterday I got my fake red amaryllis out for the dining room and put the white fake flower arrangement I bought last year on the table. Quite enough winter festivity for me! I have LED candles in the fireplace. I do send cards, because I am curious how everyone is doing. This year it will be my own printed cards of my paintings of robins and a tree that I did last January. Gosh! I'd only been painting for just over a month, and was so excited that I had managed to produce anything! :p

    Waitrose delivery after lunch. Tandoori chicken and roasted cauliflower for dinner. Brittany cider.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    For finances, I just look at my two bank accounts online to check there are no fraudulent entries. And to see the balance. I do this a couple of times a week, maybe more. I always know exactly how much is in there and what is pending. All our bills are automated.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Yep. The bank takes care of it all. :)

    Congrats on the winning. Occasionally I win a little bit in our lottery. Usually slightly more than it cost me to buy the ticket.

    Machka in Oz

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,345 Member
    Kylia-that' strange about your pharmacy. I use CVS over here. Friends who use Walgreens haven't reported any issues. I hope it isn't something that is going to spread.

    Rebecca and Barbie-count me among the check balancers. Yesterday was payday-will balance this am. Also pay any bills available.

    Got Covid vaccine yesterday afternoon. Think I am up to date on everything but pharmacist got me thinking about Hepatitis A-that's something to consider for next year! So far no reaction to vaccine and I am past the 12 hour mark. Arm is slightly sore. I do have stuffy nose (had it yesterday). It was raining most of yesterday-lots of sinus pressure.

    Plan for day is to go to annual Christmas breakfast a friend serves for us. Then will go to see baby Luna. I am taking some of the provisions for stay at hotel near them when Az kids arrive. I have some snacks, etc. so we won't have to mess so much with grocery store. And then finish the budget for meeting on Monday.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited December 2023
    Today’s gratitude: The Christmas tree scent filling the car on the way home from Freddie’s. No shin aches since Nov 28!
    Made worst possible choices at McDonald’s this morning, strangely wasn’t hungry the rest of the day. That’s what 900 + calories of fat, sugar and salt will do to ya.
    Was able to sneak in another 1K+ steps tonight, getting up to 7133, still short of 7778 goal but better than not.
    Looking forward to going to holiday craft fair tomorrow morning with T, then out to lunch.
    12/1: Move: ZERO sets PT. dogs to powerline, Steps:7133
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-26 CI<CO net=113 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, tire swap, Post Office, bank, Freddie’s, ptT, ptS, plain fudge yesterday, pecan fudge today, M maybe one minute, JOT:filing. Wt:131.2
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    December: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings, meditate 3 minutes/day. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.