

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,299 Member
    DrKatie - I agree with you about the obsession with diet culture. But I think you have to have got to a certain level of self-respect and trust to be able to do it that way. I have given up counting calories and weighing myself. I am much happier for it and no ill effects. My clothes mostly fit! Yes, I am a bit bigger than I was, but I know that is healthier for the older woman. I eat usually very healthily, normally virtually sugar free, very little ultra processed or junk food, and exercise every day. My weakness is a drink or two in the evening. I would like to cut that back a bit. Tonight I only had half a drink. That feels good!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,629 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »

    Debbie ... your treats look delicious ... is the espresso blueberry fudge in the middle of the plate?

    Today I received a call that my mom has Covid. Not a surprise as it's rearing it's head in our area and her facility has had multiple cases among the residents and staff. She is asymptomatic at the moment except for extreme fatigue and weakness which is what prompted their test. We're hoping it remains a mild case. I did visit with her this morning (in full PPE) to explain the situation and changes in her schedule as a result of being quarantined. She was very confused but I think she understood ... at least for today.

    Beth near Buffalo

    Sorry to hear your mom has covid- pray it stays asymptomatic. My former mother in law has had it three times I think- all three stayed that way.

    Yes, the dark one is the espresso blueberry hazelnut fudge. Espresson cho. chips, dried blueberries and chopped hazelnuts
    Simple recipe- I just make up new combinations with what we have on hand. The dried blueberries and hazelnuts we got free when I helped at the food program/food bank(also got a ton of walnuts-they had way too many and after weeks of giving them out while continuing to get more from the food bank, people were not wanting them. The lady gave me a case of them. We got dried cherries before so those went in one of the fudge- cherry, walnut, coconut. Some in white choc and others in dark choc.

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,459 Member
    Joy, one of the funnier jokes I ever read was that we know the world isn't flat because if it was, the cats would have knocked everything off already. They find pushing things off edges hard to resist, don't they? :smiley: Love your village, hope you can keep them from messing it up! :I)

    Heather, Hope your crud is receding, it sounds awful! Sage advice on dealing with the adults who choose to be awful. I have tossed more than one person out of my life for exactly those reasons. I've always thought regret was one of the more useless emotions, anyway, but have genuinely improved my life by making sure that some people are no longer in it.

    Regarding diet culture, it's part of the reason I don't lay poundage on my goals, just simply "be lighter." I have lost an awful lot of my time, money and emotion (but never a lot of weight) in trying to diet my way to some imagined better life, when in reality, I just wanted to feel better about myself. There are better ways.

    Beth - I'm so sorry your mom has caught covid, and that her confusion is growing. Much love headed your way.

    Machka - Love the raspberries!

    Rita -
    Hope you're feeling better soon, and that the surgery is successful and recovery is quick and pain free!

    Evie - Sorry you're not feeling well, too! Hope you're feeling better soon, too.

    Corey's in the kitchen cooking burgers - It was a good day, but exhausting. More tomorrow on that, most likely.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,629 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 59min 40sec, 33elev, 3.03ap, 83ahr, 93mhr, 6.22mi= 581c
    Strava app= 762c
    Walk home to store then gym- 15.31min, .78mi= 80c
    Strava app= 96c
    Lateral machine- 25min, 2-10width, 2-8resist, 1071ahr, 132mhr, 11laps, 2.56mi= 198c
    Walk gym to home- 11.15min, .54mi= 65c
    Strava app= 67c

    Total cal 924
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,081 Member
    Beth so sorry to hear about your mom's Covid on top of the confusion. So sad.

    Rita hope you feel better soon.

    And healing wishes to anyone else who wants them!

    Annie in Delaware
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,387 Member
    edited December 2023
    Joy1580vb wrote: »

    Here’s a pic of my little Christmas village. The cats are wrinkling my snow blanket but at least they aren’t chewing or knocking anything off….at least so far….I have 5 cats.

    Joy - How cute - I love the greenhouse. :p Thank you for sharing this photo and I hope the kitties find something else interesting besides your village. <3

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    edited December 2023
    So sorry, Pip and Debbie, about the parents. Unfortunately, hope is our worst enemy. Our only choice is to decide, with strict boundaries, how much, or no, interaction we are going to have with them. No interaction is possible, though many find that hard. Emotionally immature people are never going to miraculously change. All we can do is decide what is possible for us, and stick to it. That can mean walking out if an argument starts, limiting our contact to a rare phone call, or postcard, and not engaging with tantrums. It's not you, it's them. We don't have to put up with anyone in our lives who makes us feel bad. We are adults, we can choose who we allow into our space. That goes for anyone, including husbands. We cannot be healthy if we are living in an unloving, unsupportive environment. Boundaries are the most important things to learn for mental health. Sometimes our boundary means walking away completely, sometimes it means setting strict limits. It's hard, and, like Machka says, it requires practice. We won't get it right all at once. Mistakes are part of the process. But we owe it to ourselves to keep trying.
    By the way, the other person is going to be upset. Because they are self-centered they are never going to see our point of view. Never. Don't expect it. It's OK to upset them. See them as toddlers who only think of themselves. We all deserve an environment where we are respected and supported.
    Good luck!!!

    I spent much of the afternoon dozing. John brought me a cup of tea and it went cold. I still feel slightly nauseous, but the aches are better. A quiet evening with the TV, I think. I'm going to try to make a mushroom omelette, but it might not happen.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Absolutely right!!

    And I have used the "You have no right to speak to me like that" line with people ... and have gotten up and walked out.

    When I say,

    Keep doing it anyway!

    It's not going to work miracles the very first time. You've got to be consistent.

    I mean that you've got to decide what works for you and your mental health and keep doing it over and over.

    That might mean getting up and walking out every time something flares up.
    That might mean saying the same thing each time ... and then getting up and walking out.
    That might mean not answering the phone if a particular person calls or not reading emails.

    Whatever works.

    With my difficult coworker in the place I worked before, sometimes I told her "I am not working on that right now" and got up and walked out to climb some stairs. I did that several times.

    Sometimes, I put my ear buds in and turned up my music. I did that a few times.

    She'd send me emails in the evening and on weekends, and I refused to read them then. It upset her because she thought I'd be ready with an answer the moment I walked into work so I would tell her that I would read my emails when I was ready to read my email, and if she continued to stand over me, I would not read my emails.

    But I wouldn't let her get away with any of her usual tricks to be the centre of attention.

    M in Oz
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,906 Member

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member
    edited December 2023
    Pg 19
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,341 Member
    Beth-good to know no breaks for Mom with fall. Do they check her oxygen levels regularly at the home? Going below 90 is dangerous. Of course, the pneumonia can explain a lot-and it isn't unusual to have with Covid. Hopfefully treatment kicks in soon.

    Michelle-nice trees-lots of work!

    Rori-can;t remember if I sent prayers for your friend, her family, and you, I think you made the perfect choice to cope.

    Heather-don't push yourself-glad you are on the mend.

    Woke up in the middle of the night with some stomach pain/upset. Wasn't sure how things may exit. Calmed down after a bit-I took a tums and was able to get back to sleep. May be part of why I was so achy yesterday-there is a stomach think going around here, Will move slowly today getting some things done, I see urologist tomorrow for standard visit-maybe that is part of my issue. Oh well-I think this is all survivable.

    Think I willl stretch out on couch for a bit.

    Ginny in Ohio