

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,214 Member
    The halIoumi I've just fried just melted into a puddle.i persevered and it crisped up eventually. Usually it is small cubes of heaven. This was more like small pancakes than cubes. :p The recipe is from Waitrose. Halloumi and spinach curry. I add a red pepper at the onion stage and LOTS of spinach.
    Hallouni used to be a big thing when I lived in London, among the Greek Cypriot community. A great help for vegetarians. Yes, it is spongy. I can't resist it.

    I'm adding turmeric to as many things as I can from today. Worth a try. My friend L warned me about some turmeric that has lead as an additive. Mine seems to be OK. You can test it. Something is going to kill me in the long run, and it's not going to be turmeric. My legs were MUCH better today. Crossing fingers. These things go in flares.

    Phoned L today. Sometimes it's difficult, because she has no family other than an older sister and envies mine. But, she does teach yoga, has loads of friends, is always busy, and is off to Morocco next week for a choir week in Taroudant.She is definitely in a pretty good place.
    G is also much better. She has made big changes and moved forward. It's never too late!

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,705 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Busy morning..
    Went to Costco to bring back Diapers,Tracy only wants Honest Disposables now without all the chemicals in it,and picked up a few things,had Doris with me,then went to Aldi .. stopped at a pizza place to get a gift certificate ,and then to dollar tree and back to Doris house.. then stopped to drop off stuff to Tracy ..
    Miles running all over..nothing stopping him.Watching him tomorrow, so going to rest up the rest of the day today.
    Margaret- I tried looking for your husbands obituary but couldn't find it..
    Last night I was waiting for a Walmart delivery.. and the yutz delivered it up the street to a totally different address,so I contacted Walmart and got my money back plus they gave me a 10.00 code for express delivery
    ,so at 7 last night I bundled up and drove up the street and got my order.. didn't want it to freeze,i needed the distilled water for my Cpap.
    But hey at least I got it for free.
    Its freezing cold temperatures here in Connecticut too with 1-3 inches of snow tomorrow, Beth glad im not in your neck of the woods..
    Boy would I love to have a fireplace..thats what I miss.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,951 Member
    Good morning, my friends, from the 40-degree warmer climes of Arkansas, which STILL aren't above freezing, however,

    Putting my hand up for the person who drinks a lot of tea, all year round. I have a hard time with plain water though, and really enjoyed the one stretch where I could drink it at will. That passed again, unfortunately, so iced tea all day long again.

    Hope it is or was a good day for all,
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    warm or hot tea for me. All types of black teas until a bit after noon then decaf. Love chai tea flavors, not a big fan of most of the fruit herbal teas.
    No iced tea for me- iced is instant asthma attack for me. Can't eat anything cold or even cool unless I have hot tea to drink with it(yep, ice cream with hot tea is the only way I can enjoy it). Even yogurt or other things cold from the fridge will do it. Have my inhalers with me all the time but just try and not get cold things- when we go out, it is "water, no ice with a slice of lemon or lime"
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,342 Member
    James Clear interview on ZOE today - The Science of Eating Well:


    Lanette B)
    Rainy and warmer SW WA State
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,313 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,457 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Margaret - so glad your pre-planning has worked out. I found your husband's obituary on the website. He was a sharp, very engaged guy and a good partner for you. <3 And glad you have your faith, family and friends. I think it makes a difference.

    Rori - Happy belated Birthday. Nice your special friend gave you a neat present. I agree, there's something about a book with photos.

    Heather - enjoy the cuddle! I miss those days. ;)

    Barbie - neat sign in your car, what a great idea so people don't panic about Annie being locked in a hot car.

    Tracey - When I had injured the ball of my foot, my podiatrist said to do calf stretches every day. The kind we see runners do all of the time, one foot back, the other knee bent, hands against a wall. I thought that was silly, did them sporadically. My calf muscles weren't the problem. Then I saw on Bob & Brad where all of that ties in with the muscles, ligaments and tendons on the bottom of the foot, so now I try to do them daily and it's making a difference. Not sure if this works for plantar fasciitis however.

    Rebecca - have you been feeling little earthquakes?

    Lisa - glad the glasses are covered, happy to hear the VA is improving services and they are close by. Beautiful afghan, by the way. Kels will love it. Happy to hear things are clicking and contentment is setting in. I try to get there as often as I can, whatever the circumstances. To borrow from Carly Simon - "these are the good old days."

    Well, I'm not a fan of cold and snow. This should be gone in several days. No way I'd move back to Indiana. This past few days have been nerve-racking. Fear of falling/slipping even though I had cleats on my shoes. Worry about the hens. Worry about pipes freezing. Upset stomach. No appetite. Hard to sleep. The first real anxiety I've felt in a long, long time - since DH's final year of life. A control issue - I couldn't control his illness and I can't control the weather. Of course I can't, but anxiety has cut a deep groove over the years. Gratitude list helped.

    I also think part of it might be Walmart withdrawal. :p I need a fix - people, bright lights and business other than slogging hot water out to the hens every 2 hours. I want to hear about people's disgust with the ice. Tales about cars nearly going in the ditch and power outages and how they coped. Something deeper than Facebook comments, even if it's a minute conversation with someone while standing in line at a store.

    Doing much better today. Collette coming this morning. Yesterday didn't work out as everything was covered with frozen rain, slicker than snot, over compacted ice. Rain has since washed some of it away, ice is very slowly turning to slush. Bleak but it will be gone in a few days.

    Better scoot and put more wood in the stove. There's something about that yellow fire and warmth that takes some part of my brain back to ancient ancestors, who sat huddled around a fire in a cave when chickens were probably pterodactyls. :p

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State where it's 36F and raining.

    No, I need to google.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,116 Member
    ☘️ pg 43
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,345 Member
    Allie – wonderful that you got your delivery for free!

    Debbie – whenever we go out I do the same thing “water without ice” because many times the water is cold enough. Don’t need brain freeze

    Have the last loaf of sourdough in the oven right now. Think I’ll go work on the “prayer quilt” for Ronnie.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    edited January 19
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Alright Lisa and Heather - A few weeks ago I bought some and googled how to cook it and ended up with fried salty dish sponge! I just figured it was a heather thing, she is a more adventurous eater than I am BUT Lisa is not usually our adventurous eater! Did I just get some weird bad piece?



    It's fantastic! Many of the restaurants here include a haloumi dish as their vegetarian dish. You might check that out and see what it is like in a restaurant.

    After having it in a restaurant a few times, I started doing it myself.

    I get a block of Halloumi.

    1. It is salty. If you want it less salty, wash it first.
    2. Cut it into strips.
    3. Fry quickly. It takes about a minute to brown on both sides. It won't melt or go stringy.
    4. Pop it into a wrap with salad ... and voila! Yum. Yum. Yum!


    What is halloumi?

    "Halloumi (also sometimes spelled Haloumi or Hallomi) is a semisoft cheese with a stretchy, rubbery texture similar to balls of fresh mozzarella on your pizza Margherita or Indian paneer cheese. Traditionally, Halloumi is made from goat's or sheep's milk (or a combo of the two), but cow's milk is also used today. As for the flavor, it's tangy and salty, somewhere between mozzarella and feta cheeses. A 1-ounce serving of Halloumi cheese has up to 9 grams of protein and 25% of your daily calcium needs, making the nutritional value beneficial to vegetarian diets."

    Where to Buy Halloumi
    Halloumi cheese can be found in most larger grocery stores. It will likely be in vacuum-sealed packaging or a container stored in brine (a salt and water solution). Look for it in the specialty cheese section of your local store.

    I like fresh mozzarella, Indian paneer, and feta cheeses ... so Halloumi was a natural progression and I loved it from the first time I had it (maybe a couple years ago).

    Machka in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,607 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    edited January 19

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
    edited January 19
    Hmmm, Halloumi is not something I have ever seen on a menu (granted I only go out 2-3 times a year) and had to look up when Heather mentioned it many months ago. I saw it in a grocery and bought it, it was very expensive, cooked it, but I put it in the trash, as it was so bad. I have never noticed it again, how ever never looked for it. I'll google around on some menu's to see if I can find a place that has it. Is it usually at a particular type of restaurant?

    Kim in N. California

    PS i did some googling and looking in Mediterranean restaurants out of 10 that came up only one had Halloumi and it was an appetizer served in a pan with tomatoes slices covered in pear brandy and served flaming (there were pictures!) $27 and the rest of the menu was out of my price range. One thing I noticed is that the only veggie entrée items on any of the 10 restaurants were falafel in pita bread - which l like fine...but it should not be in my humble opinion a $30 item. I have never found a mediterranean restaurant as a place I liked, lots of lamb and rice and very few veggies... maybe my area has not really embraced the idea. I have always thought it was a weird idea for a diet, lamb rice and lots of olive oil.... I had a friend that loved a few of the places and it all the food was slippery in olive oil....
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    edited January 19
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hmmm, Halloumi is not something I have ever seen on a menu (granted I only go out 2-3 times a year) and had to look up when Heather mentioned it many months ago. I saw it in a grocery and bought it, it was very expensive, cooked it, but I put it in the trash, as it was so bad. I have never noticed it again, how ever never looked for it. I'll google around on some menu's to see if I can find a place that has it. Is it usually at a particular type of restaurant?

    Kim in N. California

    I did a quick search for restaurants and cafes that serve halloumi here and came up with a fairly long list. It's quite popular just now.

    Lunch cafes will often have it.
    Pubs that serve lunch meals will have it.
    Places that serve dinners will usually have it as a starter.
    It will often appear if there are vegetarian options.

    This is a place I've gone for lunch a few times. It is a pub that serves a lunch meal, and I get the Halloumi burger when I go.

    Another lunch cafe I've gone to has it as a side just now.

    I also did a quick search on our grocery store website, and it's not expensive ... although if you bought a lot of it, I suppose it could be.

    A package between $4.80 and $6.00, a small package of wraps, and some lettuce would do my husband and me for dinner.


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    On Cheese ...

    Years and years ago, when I was in my early 20s, a friend challenged me to try a few different things. One was to attempt to bake and angel food cake from scratch ... and I did! It turned out quite well, and I also made a sponge cake with the yokes. :)

    Another challenge was to try a whole bunch of different cheeses because, he said, if you don't try them, you won't know what you like and don't like!

    First cheese I tried (different from my usual dyed orange cheddar) was blue cheese. And apparently I picked one of the bluest of blue cheeses I could lay my hands on. I couldn't eat it! It was disgusting! He liked blue cheese and could barely eat it because it was that blue.

    After that I went with quite a number of others ... Gouda, Edam, Havarti, Swiss, Feta, Camembert, Brie, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella, Parmesan ... whatever I could get in a small city in northern Alberta in the 1980s.

    Since then I've added the Paneer and Halloumi.

    Often at Christmas I'll get a selection of cheeses. This year I got a few of the usuals: Gouda, Edam, Havarti, etc. but I added Red Leicester, Maasdam, and Manchego.

    I know that's just a very small selection of what's available world-wide, but I thank my friend for challenging me to try something different sometimes. :)

    I've attempted to adopt that same approach to other things in my life ... try a variety of things. I might not like them (I won't touch blue cheese!), but I might discover I really enjoy something.

    That might explain the massive list of courses I've taken and variety of activities I've done ... even more recently, the gardening and beekeeping!

    Give things a go ... if you don't like them, no worries, you don't have to continue. But if you discover you do like them ... fantastic!

    Machka in Oz