
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,992 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Lisa ... you have been through a lot with your health. So glad it is finally manageable! And that stained glass purse is beautiful!

    Rebecca ... not sure if it something that would work for you, but my cochlear implant audiologist has mentioned that there's physical therapy for vertigo and equilibrium problems. Exercises. I've not looked into it yet, but will if I continue to have problems. Just a thought.

    Monique ... I'm so sorry you experienced lost pregnancies. You noticed that everyone looked so serious in my wedding photo! LOL! We were losing our minds with a photographer that had no idea what he was doing. Almost made me think he used to work in one of those photo booths at fairgrounds where you dress in vintage clothes and don't smile!!

    With the apples, I am continually looking for new recipes. This apple bread was a new effort and is pretty tasty! It is not low calorie by any means.
    Beth near Buffalo

    Its interesting how mine just comes and go. I seem to switch ears so its not just one side. I have started taking Zyrtec hoping that an antihistamine might help.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    I have thought off an on over the years of changing some major things and in the end decided to stick it out, I am happy I stuck it out in my marriage, but am sorry I didn’t make changes regarding jobs sooner. On the other hand, making one small change could have changed where I am now. So I don’t know, I just have to work myself through things I guess. I only have a couple of regrets in life.

    Heather - great job on the cabinet. It’s my job around here to build those types of cabinets. Rodger will build from scratch though. 😂

    Lisa - you’ve come such a long way. I’m so happy the Skyrizi is working for you.

    Lanette - Roger and Mrs Roger (my phone does not like me spelling Rodger that way) reminds me of my grandparents, it was a rare day that they were home all day and the days they were I learned reading my Grandmother’s diaries were very unhappy days for her. They too, went at least 25 miles away.
    I’m happy you have a friend for a monthly lunch, it’s good to get out.

    Kylia - beautiful views. I love solo drives too.

    Rebecca - I am so glad your youngest is staying in contact. I remember how devastating it was when he wasn’t.

    Beth - I used to make apple muffins for my girls when they were young. They were so easy, you put everything in a blender to make. I’ve thought of them several times over the years and searched all of my cookbooks and I can’t find the recipe again. I think it must have been in a cookbook I got rid of when we moved here.

    Monique - toilets are fairly easy to fix. I’ve done almost everything to them that has needed done in one house or another.

    Margaret - YouTube is such a wonderful tool. I tried it today to learn about a thermal label printer at work. It failed me, I cannot figure it out. I am hoping someone else can help me tomorrow.

    I am watching America’s Got Talent. I haven’t watched every episode or act this year but this is the Semi-Finals. I just love these acts that people do with their dogs. This dog is talented!


    I should head to bed soon. I’m so tired. I think it’s the dreary weather this week.
    Tomorrow is Jonah’s and my birthday, I won’t get our annual picture until Saturday though. 😕

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Yep, I am so grateful that he's kind of grown up and realized that having family ties can be helpful. I thank him all the time for communicating!💖😁
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,793 Member
    Hey kids,

    Up since about 1 a.m., in design mode, having fun, but not enough sleep, so headed back to bed... More later.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,522 Member

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,586 Member
    edited September 13
    Tracey - Happy Birthday!! <3 Thank you for the dog video! I watched an earlier performance of him a week or so ago. Just amazing.

    Barbara - nice declutter pile! You've inspired me to give my closet another go. :p Sorry about the unsettling MRI news, hope the docs have tests in mind that aren't painful. My DH would have made a similar "helpful" comment similar to what Joe came up with. :p And, my DH would say the very same thing when I'd be away from home, he'd worry. The farm was 20 miles from town on windy road with switchbacks and deadly drop offs. I'd have to attend meetings at night and drive it in the dark. My little Subaru Forester did a great job. I never had a problem then, but I'd hate to do a night drive on it now.

    Heather - glad you got your bath! I haven't used the tub in years even with a grab bar. Too hard for me to get in and out of even when I was in good shape, lol. Plus I'd end up taking a shower afterward anyhow to get the soap scum off so decided to skip the bath step. I do soak my feet quite a lot though, sometimes sitting on the edge of the tub.

    Margaret - good luck with the toilet fix! When we had a new one installed a few years ago, after a couple days it ran all the time. I lifted the lid, thinking all I had to do was "jiggle the chain" like in the old days. Well, there was some complicated valve and tube thing there now. I called the plumber and he came right back and fixed it for free. I don't know why they did away with the "float and flapper" but I'm still aggravated about it, lol. :p

    Mo - you have done a great job with the weight loss. Sorry to hear about the migraines, sounds like you have things that work for you to get rid of them or at least tone them down. Sorry too about your daughter. I have an adopted nephew that took a bad turn starting in high school, I believe he got into drugs plus has mental illness, assaulted his mom and stole from her, etc. His parents repeatedly tried to get him help and it didn't work. :( He has been banished. Hope YouTube has helpful videos for your toilet problem.

    Rebecca - crossing fingers the Zyrtec helps!

    Annie - good for you working on your writing, the story sounds very interesting! New pruners sound exciting, seriously.

    I did more research on the invasive autumn hawkbit dandelion imposter that has taken over my yard and everyone else's in my neighborhood. Sounds like it keeps growing and blooming for months, just like grass would. So I'm going to have to break down and mow it again - I was hoping it would go to seed and be done with it, but not for a while yet. I don't know why it's worse this year. My lawn needs to be thatched and limed and that's not gonna happen.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,071 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Terri – happy birthday to your husband

    barbara – fingers crossed that everything goes well with the telemed

    Heather – you did a great job on that cabinet. Looks professional

    Lisa – so glad things are looking up for you. You’ll get to 100%, I know it

    Carol – thinking good thoughts for your hearing aids

    pip doing the MS ride makes me think of Katla. Wonder how she’s doing?

    Allie – so glad sMiles passed at the dentist. Would you believe PJ is only 5 and he has 4 cavities? They just put a crown on them since they’re just his baby teeth. When we were there last, it did look like they were trying to cut back on the amount of gummies he has, but I’m not sure. Feel better fast

    Mo – I hope you’re feeling better

    Michele NC

    Yeah, I don’t know, haven’t heard from her in a while
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,071 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,201 Member
    Today is: Just realized FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH!! Supernatural day! Fortune cookies, chocolates, and peanuts should help! LOL Have a safe day!


    RVRita in Roswell