
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,094 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    We did not lose electricity at our house, but our church friends about 8 miles east of us had a tree fall that not only took the power pole next to it down, but ripped their meter box right off the side of their house. They will probably be out of power for a while.

    We have gotten 10 inches of rain over the last two days, and it is still falling. I think the worst has passed, though. We were lucky. I’m still not ready to let the water out of the tub. If our power goes out, we cannot flush the toilets.

    I have successfully met my goals of logging, staying in a calorie deficit, and walking 10,000 steps for 2 days. Today marks exactly one month until the big 7-0. You all will have to hold me accountable. My husband refuses. He says he doesn’t want to be yelled out if I decide to sit in my chair instead of walking or have an inappropriate snack. He has been married to me too long!

    Michele, nope! I use liquid detergent and not a whole lot of it - maybe 2 tablespoons. I think it’s probably the energy-saving water levels. I’m not sure it’s detergent residue. Like Machka, I think it may be something else. I’m just not sure what. It is always on black clothes - either workout leggings or knit dress pants. I never have this problem in my light-colored load.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,620 Member
    edited September 27
    My right arm has been bothersome. I thought it might be a return of my post cancer op lymphodema, because of putting on weight, then I thought it was probably because it was doing a lot of the work associated with my dodgy knee and hips, like turning over in bed, and supporting my weight on the banisters going downstairs. Anyway, last night I was heaving myself into position in bed when something pinged inside my bicep. :o It is quite sore now. Typing on my tablet, as I am doing now, is painful. I can still move it OK.
    So, I didn't row today, but I did 10 minutes on the recumbent bike after lunch, and the usual mid night exercises.

    I did write today, and took 'Life' up to the start of photosynthesis. Next I'm going to write about my mother taking my father back after their broken engagement in the war. She always said she made the wrong decision! :p She was probably right, but I'm glad her judgement was faulty.

    I managed to apply my brain to sending DDIL suggestions for John and my birthday presents. I've landed on a selection of sizes of stretched canvases, and a new set of brushes in a fabric roll, which we can both share. John hasn't done any canvas painting yet, and I've done very little, so we can have fun.
    I still haven't booked my birthday lunch yet, but I think I have decided where. The posh fish restaurant. It has no background music. :) I was going to try a new place, but I might be too nervous about it, so I might book that for G and me next Friday. They do a cheaper lunch. Less invested.

    Lunch was smoked mackerel sandwiches, and tonight is homemade pizza with leeks, mozzarella, and anchovies. We had salmon a couple of days ago, so we are up with our oily fish this week! Friday night is wine night - usually an Italian red, if it's pizza night.

    Trying a new recipe tomorrow. John bought some mushrooms today. They are supposed to be open ones, but I can use closed, with added dried porcini. I'm also using the two big packets of spinach in the fridge instead of kale. Then it's pasta shapes, and a cheesy bechamel. Bake! Yummo. I would have preferred cavalo Nero, but the spinach is nagging at me!

    Annie - I am always horribly nervous and depressed before I go away. I hate it! But it's always worth it. Every time I wonder why I'm bothering, as the prelude is so painful, but I love it once I start. Last November, when I organised the whole trip to see John's daughter in France, I was in a terrible state. But we were very glad we went. Even though I was having a lot of pain from my hips. When I'm actually away, it feels absolutely right.

    Lisa - I thought your storage flip was great, with the frames and canvases. I will have to think of something for all our supplies. I might clear some space in the utility room for storage. Ideally, I'd like a studio shed in the garden! No chance, unless I win the lottery.

    Netflix has finally worked out that I don't live in the same house as my son! I was sharing his registration. Unfortunately, I had just finished week 6 of a 10 week series, 'Nobody Wants This'. A romcom. So I won't know the ending!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,221 Member
    @ Lanette, my medical appoints are caught up for this week. Next week I have the therapist, the week after, a new doctor for my back issues.🤦‍♀️

    Mom was doing better yesterday. I need to call her in a bit and my sister to find out what the issue was.
    As far as DH goes, it is all in his hands now. Brownie’s heart problem is fatal so is simply a matter of waiting for the inevitable.

    I have been retaining water and my legs have been swelling so Kidney doc now has ordered me to get some compression socks. I found some Dr. Scholl’s at Walmart (where I got my new meds) so bought 3 pairs to get me through until the cute ones I ordered from Amazon come in. I got mostly ones with feet, but did order a couple without so I can wear my other socks without making my feet sweat. It’s been weird, since I went through menopause I’m hot and sweaty all the time. I am 68, it should have stopped by now.
    Spoke to my uncle (80 yo) yesterday and he is on only 2 medications for blood pressure! He says his doctor told him when he was 50 to walk 3 miles a day for his health. He has been doing that since then and his doc says that is probably why he is so healthy.

    I got up at 6:30 this morning and did a 3 mile walk. I’m not letting my uncle get the better of me!! LOL My goal is 7250 steps a day, but am working on 3 miles all at once at least once a day. I do a 30 minute walk daily to take care of reservations and walk the dog on short walks throughout the rest of the day. So I get plenty of exercise!

    Dinner yesterday was 1 cup ziti with meatballs and spaghetti sauce with a large salad and an orange for dessert.


    RVRita in Roswell

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,221 Member
    Today is:

    RVRita in Roswell
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,620 Member
    The pizza crust broke John's plate. It's a pin holding it all together. He will make a phone call tomorrow to a local guy who mends them. He is not happy.
    I've booked the posh fish restaurant and told them it's my birthday. I am hoping to wear my green velvet dress. :D
    I rang the other one about their music level, but didn't get much out of them. I might drop in one daytime to check it out.
    Might try the Turkish place with G. She went there with the girls and liked it. It has excellent reviews and is of long standing.

    Lisa - I never went to restaurants as a kid either. My own children did in London, in cheaper places, and in France. These days the price for a family to eat out is exorbitant. :o My son and DDIL usually tell the kids they can only have water and no desserts. We will be going all out, so no holds barred. You can't take it with you. John is 79 this year. We know our time is limited and we love getting together around a table. But no alcohol, for my son's sake.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,534 Member
    edited September 27
    Allie ~ That is a very sweet photo of the new baby. Maybe Carmine is reluctant to participate because she feels that SMiles and the new one are getting a lot more attention than she got when she was mall. I realize that Tracy and Kyle were very young when they had her and know that it must have been very hard. At some point I hope she will mature and realize that she is missing a lot. As I said the other day, Carmine is beautiful.

    Lisa ~ Your craft room looks wonderful. So spacious and organized.

    We have had the Medicare Advantage Plan for several years and are very satisfied with it!

    As for church going: We have gone several ways...Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Church of God, and Evangelical. We now just worship at home and enjoy online services.

    This morning I sorted through 57 zip lock bags of vintage Coro jewelry. I used to sell vintage jewelry on eBay and Etsy but stopped during the pandemic. Not selling now but it is so much fun to see how jewelry prices have changed. You never know how much to ask for a piece so at present time I will let it go. Also, in order to sell you must invest in packing materials (which I no longer have) and set an accurate price for mailing.

    My other project today was decluttering under the sink in the kitchen. I dreaded doing it but must admit it does look better. Threw away a lot of cleaners that I bought but never use.

    Carol in GA

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Debbie - I had left over pot roast for dinner last night - I know this is too late for the suggestion. :p I did another freezer cleanout this morning and plan to make a chicken/white bean soup with the frozen chicken broth and rotisserie chicken I dug out. It's really becoming soup weather!

    Mo - I have attended a variety of churches during my life, but never Baptist. I haven't been able to find a church I liked as much as the very tiny Methodist one I attended when we lived on the farm and even became the Communion steward. Right now I'm drawn to on-line services at a local Assembly of God, and to be honest, there's not much difference (to me) as long as the pastors deliver a good message. I also am a fan of the old church hymns that I grew up hearing. ;) My grandmother's favorites. <3

    My sense of smell returned yesterday morning, so basically it was a 24 hour "outage". ;)

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    We will be having rotisserie chicken here for a while- Walmart had theirs marked down to $2.31 and they had a lot- we usually get two, one for us and one for the cats- last time he commented that it would last longer if I didn't eat any of it.Jerk!- Well, today, we bought 10!- I will bone them out and freeze in small bags- enough for us and the cats. I will make some broth with the bones

    I have only gone to Baptist churches. Grew up in a Southern Baptist. now go to a conservative /fundemental Baptist church- One thing I really love is that we only sing the old hymns- such great memories of singing them when I was a kid. My old church now doesn't sing any of them- just the new stuff and they have drums/keyboard, etc. The one I go to now has huge choir, organ, piano(and an amazing pianist) and a violin. Pastor does get a bit loud once in a while but message is good.

    Time to walk the wetlands- a bit wit warm at about 80degrees- I will decide when I am out there which path to take. Already walked the dog for MIL and have swimming and aqua zumba tonight.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,094 Member
    edited September 27
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 11min 37sec, 222elev, 2.78ap, 76ahr, 101mhr, 6.14mi= 613c
    Strava app = 744c

    Was going to go for a short run but kirby is having the trailer washed and waxed, so we are inside. Maybe later.

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,809 Member
    Allie - Many hugs... :'(
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,707 Member
    Heather - We sure do need a tribe. Rodger and I started out more in tune than we are now. There is so much that I still love deeply, some things just are hard to respect though.

    Lisa - I know Rodger would do a good job, we used to split this better and he always did a good job.
    I hope your washer hangs on for you. I’m praying our hot water tank keeps going for a while yet. I fear it’s going though.
    I can’t wait to see the wallet you design.
    Your craft tables look great.

    I have friends that had the agitator-less washing machine and got rid of it. I’ve also heard some things about the front load washers. I personally want as few bells and whistles as possible, I find it’s just more to go wrong.

    Beth - Hope your Mom didn’t pass Covid onto you. We don’t have much for restrictions now.

    Lanette - I hope you kick it to the curb fast!
    I used to chew baby aspirin like candy when my Mom wasn’t paying attention. It’s a wonder I didn’t overdose at some point. Maybe I need to try Zicam 😂

    Kim - your parents had a good plan when it came to finances. I was raised with no financial discipline.
    My Mom never worked except for one winter that I remember. My Dad worked hard, but was never in his whole life paid his worth. He would go almost every evening and weekend to do odd jobs for people in the community rarely getting more than $5.00 for an evening’s work. He was a licenced general contractor, Red seal electrician, could build anything and could do plumbing but really hated it. He spent every cent he had usually a couple of days before payday. Dad smoked and my brother still resents that we grew up without heat, sometimes electricity and food was scarce at times. My mother’s parents gave them the house we grew up in, it was without running hot water or a tub until the year after I was married. They also helped them out a lot over the years and spoiled my brother and I. Rodger grew up with two parents that worked.
    I have been working with cash myself more lately. It makes a difference I think. Rodger doesn’t spend a lot except for the cigarettes and I’m resenting that. It’s hard though because I didn’t want to be “that” ex smoker.
    Right now I’m upset that he doesn’t want to work on top of the money literally being burned up.

    Allie - those Grands of yours sure are cute. Carmine looks happy holding Delia.

    Vicki - exactly! Rodger won’t look either. I actually wrote it all out a few weeks ago when this talk of not working for the winter came up.

    Rebecca - hope all the pain goes by tomorrow.

    Pip - aren’t our bodies strange.

    Michele - depending on what product she is using to make the shirt she needs certain materials and maybe colours. Also, they shouldn’t be washed before having the product applied because of fabric softeners and laundry soaps. I would just let her get you a shirt.

    I had a tv catch up night tonight. I watched the Emmy’s I had recorded, I thought they did a good job of them this year with how they had the presenters.
    Now I’m watching the AGT Finale so I don’t read on FB who won.
    Last night I watched a new show called Brilliant Minds. I loved it!

    Off to bed.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Thanks friend, it did diminish! Thanks for the advice on the receipt too. We had to go back the next day but I was able to chat with the same cashier and get the overage credited back in.👍🏼
    Today feeling "off" as I donated blood yesterday and my body kind of tanked. Not enough glucose and I got a feeling of wanting to black out, cold and clammy, it wasn't fun. Next time I will bring a favorite cookie from the bakery, and some great tasting orange juice I like. I had done it in a fasted state, and my body reacted!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,477 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Michele, nope! I use liquid detergent and not a whole lot of it - maybe 2 tablespoons. I think it’s probably the energy-saving water levels. I’m not sure it’s detergent residue. Like Machka, I think it may be something else. I’m just not sure what. It is always on black clothes - either workout leggings or knit dress pants. I never have this problem in my light-colored load.

    Glad to hear your houses is OK!

    I have to do blacks separately, and only a small load in a full tank of water. Then I do an extra rinse. And if that doesn't work, then I pop them in again for another rinse.

    kevrit wrote: »
    I have been retaining water and my legs have been swelling so Kidney doc now has ordered me to get some compression socks. I found some Dr. Scholl’s at Walmart (where I got my new meds) so bought 3 pairs to get me through until the cute ones I ordered from Amazon come in. I got mostly ones with feet, but did order a couple without so I can wear my other socks without making my feet sweat. It’s been weird, since I went through menopause I’m hot and sweaty all the time. I am 68, it should have stopped by now.

    RVRita in Roswell

    Me too!

    One thing I don't like about my compression socks is that they make me feel even hotter!! Usually at home I'm in bare feet.


    Well, for one thing, I know how to fence now!


    Machka in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,094 Member