Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Good morning! Looking forward to yoga today! :heart: Finally saw a loss this morning- 2 pounds!!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Have a good day, everyone!!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hey, Tony! How was yoga today? I had you in my head every time Tony said, "You can do a push-up here if you'd like!":laugh: So, I did one at least half the time! My shoulders were really sore from yesterday, so those push-ups were tough!!:noway:

    Going to FL for spring break with the family. The 2 pounds today is just the perfect incentive to eat as cleanly as possible and to push play every day!!! To be honest, this would be the first vacation ever where I stuck with my exercise routine, but I don't want to let P90X down!!!!:bigsmile:
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    good morning p90xers! didnt post last nite phase 2 week 5 day 4 kenpo done! Man i love that workout! Have a great day!
  • wjc121
    wjc121 Posts: 1
    I've been reading the rest of the posts and found you guys and realized that i've started on the exact same day as you have. It is kind of neat to hear everyone going through the same aches and pains doing the same workouts as I am. I did the yoga last night and it definitely "loosens" you up. Legs and back tonight. I look forward to following everyone else!
  • nbyrd
    nbyrd Posts: 9
    Hey all, just checking back in. I got so wrapped up at work I hadn't thought to reply in a while. I'm still hanging with it, but I have to admit I skipped Yoga this week :embarassed: Did I mention I really hate Yoga... hehe

    Well, Week 4 couldn't have come at a better time, don't have to take weights and pull up bar on vaca, but the mat is coming... that mat makes the floor sooo much nicer :laugh:

    I definitely won't post through the spring break, so keep with it everybody!

    Ooooh btw: I've moved down 3 holes in my belt(s), and have lost at least 10 pounds! 30 more to go.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Guess who let someone borrow their YogaX DVD, and hasn't gotten it back yet? Hahaha, ME!!! I feel evil for being so happy to have a reason to skip it, rather than making myself do it...:laugh: I love the way I feel after doing it; it's just so hard to force myself to put the DVD in!!!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Nbyrd-AWESOME job with the weight loss!!!!!:drinker:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Hey there everyone. I have to apologize, but work has been so crazy these last few days I haven't had time to post hardly at all (it's the month-end and quarter-end in the same week - insanity time). In any event, just wanted you to all know I'm still alive, still pushing play, and I'll be catching up on everything tomorrow. Thanks for being patient...
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Good to have you back!!! We were starting to worry!:bigsmile:
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Just finished Legs/Back and Ab Ripper X at 11:30 pm!!! Amazed myself by doing 17 chin ups during the first set - could only 3 max when I started March 16.

    Seem to be getting stronger and leaner, but the weight did not seem to come off this week (at least on the scale). Looking forward to recovery week after Kenpo X tomorrow morning.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I am so jealous!!! I can't wait until I can do ONE un-assisted pull-up!!! Great improvements!!!
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Thanks MissResa.

    Finished KenpoX this morning, and I thought I would throw in Ab Ripper X as well (that's 4 times for Ab Ripper this week).

    So I lost another pound this week (was hoping for more) for a total of 9.5 pounds since March 16. I suppose that I am gaining muscle weight - and my jeans feel really loose now - so that is good. Looking forward to the rest week, and I may substitute Cardio X for one of the Yoga days (I can't stand Yoga).
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Ok folks, this last week and weekend have been insane. Time to start getting things up to date, so the posts are coming momentarily...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY SEVENTEEN - Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X

    They're very right when they say this series never gets easier. When you think you're getting through something without as much work, you add some weight, and it's hell all over again. Did really good today getting through the workout. Went up on the chair dips which was awesome considering it's not one of my favorite exercises. Haven't gotten to the level to try them with a leg in the air, but I expact that will come in time. Side-Tri-Rise is still my favorite though, and I've noticed that I do better on the second set than on the first, which is the opposite pattern to just about everything else I'm doing; go figure.

    Big challenge tomorrow - it's YOGA X time. I sometimes wonder which is the bigger beast, Yoga or Plyo. I think my jury's still out on that question at the moment...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY EIGHTEEN - Yoga X

    I swear, this workout is one of the toughest things I've ever done. You don't really get an appreciation for how much body strength and coordination is required to do these poses well, but Yoga X really asks a lot of your body. I'll keep this entry brief, but Warrior III and the poses the use that as a base almost killed me. For those of you unfamiliar with the pose, imagine standing on one leg. Now, bend forward at the hips so that your torso is parallel with the ground. Extend your arms above your head, keep your other leg elevated so it's also parallel to the floor, and bang, you're in Warrior III. The challenge is to see how long you can maintain the pose in the proper form and THEN do some additional poses before you even come out of THAT one. Good lord help me! I can say however that I got the best of Royal Dancer this time around - got into the pose smoothly and kept the balance for the entire time period with very little wobble, a big improvement for me.

    So... back to lifting next... Legs & Back and ARX... WOO HOO!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY NINETEEN - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

    Ok, I think I've identified an arch-enemy amongst the moves in this workout - the SINGLE-LEG WALL SQUAT. That's got to be one of the most tortuous one-minute periods of time you can endure. At the 30-second mark, my legs were vibrating like a quarter-operated bed in a cheap motel, and when I could finally lower myself out, my quads were screaming... YEOWCH! The good thing is I've convinced myself that it's a good pain, so all is well. Did good on the Speed Skaters today; balance has been an issue with that move the last couple of times through, but I held my own today though I'm not quite to the point of balancing on that one leg through the whole sequence. Also increased the reps on my Reverse-Grip Chin-Ups and Switch-Grip Pull-Ups, so I was proud of that. Those are still a struggle for me; I never realized what poor shape the muscles in my back were really in.

    On the Ab Ripper X side of the house, big news to report - I did fifty (count 'em - FIFTY) reps on the Mason Twist. I almost thought my body was going to break in half, and I all but collapsed after the last rep, but I really did the whole fifty. When I can keep up with Tony and the folks on his programs, that is a serious feeling of accomplishment.

    Kenpo X tomorrow... and honestly, that feels like a nice break after this week's work... lol. Whew..!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Hey... I turned the page... WOO HOO!

    (It's the little things in life that bring me pleasure)
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY TWENTY - Kenpo X

    As I suspected, Kenpo X today felt like a welcome respite given how hard I'd been pushing myself this week. Since I know I can handle the workout without too much discomfort (note I didn't say "without too much exertion" because the would be a LIE!), I tried to focus today on learning good form for the techniques that I'm less familiar with by way of my previous martial arts studies (some of the blocks are new to me). The techniques in this workout are a bit less precision-oriented than what I'm used to in terms of strike efficacy, but they still need to be internalized. Also, the tougher sections were those that were leg-focus exercises. One in particular deserves individual mention - you lunge out to the side, come back and kick, lunge out at 45 degrees, come back and kick, lunge straight ahead, come back and kick... and that's ONE rep. Try a set of those, and that will wake your quads up if they aren't already.

    Looks like I've made it to "Recovery Week" though the schedule doesn't look like less work by any means - just no resistance training days is about it. Also, I'm looking forward to meeting another beast of a workout this coming week - Core Synergistics. My neighbor said he thought Plyo was tough until he got to Core Synergistics. We shall see...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Ok, now that those are posted, lots of posts to get to, so here we go...

    April... I agree, I don't even really bother to check the scale more than once a week tops any more. I know the total weight will move when it's ready, but I'm much more excited about how my body shape and composition are improving. I'm starting to get some Tony Horton triceps... lol. Also, you can read my Yoga post - it was tough, tough, tough as usual. I didn't even think to mention it, but I actually did a push up every time he mentioned it this week, so that was cool. Hope you and the clan are living it up in Florida... Travel safely, and let us know what fun you had so we can be jealous (especially Resa... lol).

    rowerc2... Sounds like the gun show is getting started on your bro. Keep at it...

    Tracy... Sounds like you're just truckin' right along like a P90X machine lady... I'm anxious to hear how the rank test went.

    wjc121... Welcome aboard bro! Great to have another P90X sufferer in here with us. Yoga is tough man, for me at least.

    nbyrd... Good to see you again man, and good to know you're staying on it. Yes, Yoga is tough, but you gotta hang with it bro. Some folks just don't realize how important the flexibility training is, but especially when you're packing on new muscle, being able to move it is really important. Just keep doing your best..! Also, 10 lbs lost is excellent, and I actually had to go a buy a new belt this weekend (I really love that feeling!).

    Resa... Someone liked the Yoga DVD a little more than you thought they would, eh..? Lol... what a convenient way to HAVE to miss that Yoga workout. On the pull-ups, just keep at it, you'll get there. I know there are unassisted pull-uos in your future lady..!! Go get 'em...!!

    Ok, done for the night... Yoga in the morning, and the week begins anew... Sleep well good people...
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    Hey p90xers! Didnt have time to post last nite phase 2 week 6 day 1 chest shoulders tri's and ARX done! Worked really hard at getting that burn and do i feel it this morning! But i love it! have a great day!
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