The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Looks like there's no weight postings this week, so no chart.... Come on girlies, let's rock it next Monday!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I love having you guys around when I need you, it is awesome to have a good group for support and whatever else is needed, but I am going to have to remove myself from this challenge. I know I haven't lost anything since we started, seems I have hit a plateau, and I know I will not be making my goal at all or come anywhere near it.

    I do wish everyone else Good Luck though and looking forward to seeing how you all do, keep up the great work gals you are all doing awesome :smile:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    I love having you guys around when I need you, it is awesome to have a good group for support and whatever else is needed, but I am going to have to remove myself from this challenge. I know I haven't lost anything since we started, seems I have hit a plateau, and I know I will not be making my goal at all or come anywhere near it.

    I do wish everyone else Good Luck though and looking forward to seeing how you all do, keep up the great work gals you are all doing awesome :smile:
    No no no, don't go! It's not about the charts or the challenge - it's about the support group! Please keep giving us little updates even if they're not about weight and dieting stuff - I haven't heard you moan about snow shovelling yet this year and I certainly want to hear more about your running!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I love having you guys around when I need you, it is awesome to have a good group for support and whatever else is needed, but I am going to have to remove myself from this challenge. I know I haven't lost anything since we started, seems I have hit a plateau, and I know I will not be making my goal at all or come anywhere near it.

    I do wish everyone else Good Luck though and looking forward to seeing how you all do, keep up the great work gals you are all doing awesome :smile:
    No no no, don't go! It's not about the charts or the challenge - it's about the support group! Please keep giving us little updates even if they're not about weight and dieting stuff - I haven't heard you moan about snow shovelling yet this year and I certainly want to hear more about your running!

    Joni I am not going anywhere, just don't think I should be part of the weight challenge anymore. I will continue to check in with you guys and see how everyone is doing for sure. No snow shovelling yet this year but I am sure it is coming so I will definitely indulge you when I have to shovel that first snow :laugh: I am also working on a running program for myself right now, when I get the wrinkles ironed out I will also fill you in on that. I will always be here for ya :flowerforyou:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Joni I am not going anywhere, just don't think I should be part of the weight challenge anymore. I will continue to check in with you guys and see how everyone is doing for sure. No snow shovelling yet this year but I am sure it is coming so I will definitely indulge you when I have to shovel that first snow :laugh: I am also working on a running program for myself right now, when I get the wrinkles ironed out I will also fill you in on that. I will always be here for ya :flowerforyou:

    Phew - you scared me :tongue:
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey ladies, I hope everyone is having a good week thus far. Joni, can you just keep me as the same as last week? This weekend was super stressful and I'm still recovering sleep-wise. Thanks!
    Is everything okay babygirl? Let me know. Praying for you.

    Yeah, it is now...sorta. I was one of the coordinators for my church's appreciation dinner this past weekend for those serving on English ministry teams (as opposed to the Chinese ministry teams), and it was just a very long week of last minute prep, including day of and during the event. People didn't RSVP and showed up, people didn't show up, people brought other people, etc. It ended up being a nice dinner and those who went enjoyed themselves, but I just felt relieved when it was over. And to add to that all of the friend drama left over from my trip a few weeks ago, I am just drained. Thanks so much for your concern and prayers though, I love knowing that you're always lifting me up. :heart:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Hey ladies, I hope everyone is having a good week thus far. Joni, can you just keep me as the same as last week? This weekend was super stressful and I'm still recovering sleep-wise. Thanks!
    Is everything okay babygirl? Let me know. Praying for you.

    Yeah, it is now...sorta. I was one of the coordinators for my church's appreciation dinner this past weekend for those serving on English ministry teams (as opposed to the Chinese ministry teams), and it was just a very long week of last minute prep, including day of and during the event. People didn't RSVP and showed up, people didn't show up, people brought other people, etc. It ended up being a nice dinner and those who went enjoyed themselves, but I just felt relieved when it was over. And to add to that all of the friend drama left over from my trip a few weeks ago, I am just drained. Thanks so much for your concern and prayers though, I love knowing that you're always lifting me up. :heart:
    Definitely, I have no problem lifting anyone of my girls up in prayer! It is one of the most powerful tools we have! ;-)
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Well Well Well! TOM has arrived. I got colon hydrotherapy on Friday afternoon and TOM came friday night. I felt so good up until he came and brought his friend Headache along with him. I worked out on Saturday and will hopefully get in a little HIIT tonight. But I got on the scale and that number I saw had to Be Wrong! So I am gonna chalk it up to water weight to the 2nd power! I cant believe with only a couple weeks left I can't seem to get past this milestone. It is just so disheartening!:sad:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Sorry girls, I suck. I don't know what it is but I just cannot get my diet back on track. I start off the day full of good motivation and promises but I never make it to the end of the day. I don't really dare to look at the scale but I'd say I've put on about 6 pounds or so and I'm really embarrassed. :cry:
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Hi everyone!!!!! I'm still home without a job, but I am enjoying the time I can sleep in late...I needed that. I weighed myself this morning (11:30 is late for my weigh-in, but I got up at 11 this morning and had breakfast and thought "shoot, I have to weigh myself", so I got on my Wii). My weight was 244lbs, so I likie it. I don't move much during the day, I don't eat much of anything (no more crap food than good food), I went on the scale super late in my day, TOM's just arround the corner and I had one heavy greassy dinner last night. My husband hates good food so we had psta with alfredo sauce with real bacon, green & red pepper & onion sauteed in the bacon grease and all this, covered in cheese. So I'll take that 244 lbs with a smile!

    Oh and Saturday night, I got what I asked Santa for Christmas....Something that cost nothing, but is worth soooo much for me, my husband turn arround and out of the bleu said "I love you". It took my breath away and I was not expectig that at all. Since our last huge fight (October29) I decided not to tell him "I love you" anymore, because I felt that when I told him, I was putting him on the spot and he had to respond for me not to start a fight. I knew he did not mean it back then, because he hated what I've done and he kept saying "how can I love someone That don't trust me", so anyway, it's beem 1 1/2 month since the words came out of his mouth (or mine) and that's what I asked Santa for Christmas, for him to tell me he loved I got my Christmas gift early this year.

    Hope everyone is doing great!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Hi everyone!!!!! I'm still home without a job, but I am enjoying the time I can sleep in late...I needed that. I weighed myself this morning (11:30 is late for my weigh-in, but I got up at 11 this morning and had breakfast and thought "shoot, I have to weigh myself", so I got on my Wii). My weight was 244lbs, so I likie it. I don't move much during the day, I don't eat much of anything (no more crap food than good food), I went on the scale super late in my day, TOM's just arround the corner and I had one heavy greassy dinner last night. My husband hates good food so we had psta with alfredo sauce with real bacon, green & red pepper & onion sauteed in the bacon grease and all this, covered in cheese. So I'll take that 244 lbs with a smile!

    Oh and Saturday night, I got what I asked Santa for Christmas....Something that cost nothing, but is worth soooo much for me, my husband turn arround and out of the bleu said "I love you". It took my breath away and I was not expectig that at all. Since our last huge fight (October29) I decided not to tell him "I love you" anymore, because I felt that when I told him, I was putting him on the spot and he had to respond for me not to start a fight. I knew he did not mean it back then, because he hated what I've done and he kept saying "how can I love someone That don't trust me", so anyway, it's beem 1 1/2 month since the words came out of his mouth (or mine) and that's what I asked Santa for Christmas, for him to tell me he loved I got my Christmas gift early this year.

    Hope everyone is doing great!
    Sounds awesome Celine! I am extremely happy that your relationship with your husband has done a massive about-face! What an answer to prayer. I think that is super huge! Awwww Love is in the Air! That number on the scale isn't too bad either miss. We are so jeally of you this and Joni are sucking right now :-/ I feel like my body wants to hold on to weight (this time of year, you have to push so much harder to lose weight, it won't drop off easy at all). We are proud of you lady!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Sorry girls, I suck. I don't know what it is but I just cannot get my diet back on track. I start off the day full of good motivation and promises but I never make it to the end of the day. I don't really dare to look at the scale but I'd say I've put on about 6 pounds or so and I'm really embarrassed. :cry:
    Joni, that makes the both of us. We are sucking big time...Its called the winterblues...our bodies just dont want to let go of that extra weight during this time of year, so we have to push harder than ever to get anything off. I am thinking of doing two workouts a day. I have never done that before...well let me take that back, probably a few times, but never for a long period of time. If I get up 1/2 earlier and do Shred and then the evening gym or something else...I can probably do it!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Sorry girls, I suck. I don't know what it is but I just cannot get my diet back on track. I start off the day full of good motivation and promises but I never make it to the end of the day. I don't really dare to look at the scale but I'd say I've put on about 6 pounds or so and I'm really embarrassed. :cry:

    Joni - I think that we are in the same boat right now...honestly we've got to figure out how to cure ourselves and find the motivated-weightloss-losers yacht!!! :wink:

    I haven't done anything to seriously lose weight for months and yet I keep complaining about the scale staying the same (or going UP) and i'm currently at the highest weight i've been since May. I stepped on the scale this morning & it said 158. I thought I was was gonna cry. Maybe that's the motivation that I needed but it's SO hard with Christmas and my new job and moving...excuses I know, but seriously I don't know what to do. Money is so tight for us right now & it's only 20 degrees out everyday and I just don't want to exercise....but I want to lose weight. Ugh. Basically I feel like i'm giving up but at the same time I don't want to.

    PLEASE post my weight at 158. That's me being brutally honest & hopefully will give me a good kick in the pants from the embarrasment of my consistent gaining...:sad: :blushing: :embarassed:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Joni - I think that we are in the same boat right now...honestly we've got to figure out how to cure ourselves and find the motivated-weightloss-losers yacht!!! :wink:

    I haven't done anything to seriously lose weight for months and yet I keep complaining about the scale staying the same (or going UP) and i'm currently at the highest weight i've been since May. I stepped on the scale this morning & it said 158. I thought I was was gonna cry. Maybe that's the motivation that I needed but it's SO hard with Christmas and my new job and moving...excuses I know, but seriously I don't know what to do. Money is so tight for us right now & it's only 20 degrees out everyday and I just don't want to exercise....but I want to lose weight. Ugh. Basically I feel like i'm giving up but at the same time I don't want to.

    PLEASE post my weight at 158. That's me being brutally honest & hopefully will give me a good kick in the pants from the embarrasment of my consistent gaining...:sad: :blushing: :embarassed:

    Mandie - that's a good idea and I'm going to do it with you. I will step on the scale tomorrow morning and face the number, and then post it here. And then I'm going to do whatever I can to get it down as much as possible before Christmas.

    I just need to find that willpower again from somewhere! I hate to say this but I think it's because the ex and I are now friends again. Before I was so angry at him and I wanted to prove that I could lose weight and look & feel great, but since we met up a couple of weeks ago I've started slacking again because I no longer have that anger in me. I know weight loss shouldn't be for someone else, but it's so much tougher to do this just for ourselves :noway:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Wow you guys are oh so right! Well, even with TOM in town I guess I will step on the brutally water weight scale as well...and check in with my weight gained tomorrow. We gotta pull it together. Yeah its true, motivations slows down when the cold temperature rises! And I hear you about the anger thing Joni...something will kick in for us all. Lets just give ourselves mini goals daily and maybe when its time to weigh, it will get a little better...exercise, diet...all of the above! Here goes nothing...and tomorrow's number is______.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    So... my weight this morning was 165.8 which is 4.4 pounds up in 2 weeks. Nice job, Joni :ohwell:

    My plan is to write on here every day and tell you about my day, my good bits and my struggles, and hopefully that will be enough to keep me in line!

    This morning I got up early to go to spin class, it was tough to wake up but then I thought of all that damn chocolate I ate yesterday (some of my colleagues came over from the US and brought Reese's cups and Hershey's cookie & cream drops - we don't get these in Europe so I gave in) and got my lazy *kitten* out of bed to go to the gym. Breakfast so far has been good and I got sushi for lunch. The tough bits today will be resisting more chocolate - but I WILL - and then tonight we have drinks with work and I WILL stick to water and only eat the healthy food.

    Mandie, Alicia, let's do this!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I'm also going to try to post everyday - maybe even more than once, until I find my way back to the healthy wagon...

    This mornings' small victory: I ate a banana with my coffee instead of the delicious-looking mini donuts that we bought...I also packed a turkey sandwich for lunch (no cheese), a yogurt and a mini bag of prezels.

    I am going to start small with better food choices until I can get back into a good exercise routine!!!

    Have a great day lovely ladies!!! No matter how much the scale says, I LOVE YOU & YOU ARE AMAZING! You are NOT a number :flowerforyou: Talk to you later :happy:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I think that is a great idea to post how we are doing throughout the day and be encouraged by one another...we are all in this together...right?? I got on the scale you guys with TOM and that dumb ole scale said a 5 pound gain :-/ I am in disarray...
    I went to Zumba last night. And tonight I am going to do Just Dance 2 for an hour and burn mega calories w/ the kids before the Finale of the Biggest Loser comes on :-) and I am going to force myself to get up at 5am to do Shred for a two-a-day workout. I normally get up at 5:30, but Shred is only 20 minutes. I can do that and get in some quiet time with God. I'd probably fill better throughout the day! I am having 1/2 cup of oatmeal with dried cranberries now and I had a small southwest chicken eggroll (only 120 calories). Later I am having a salad I brought and a yogurt for snack (red velvet cake) I am trying, only 100 calories. And plenty of WATER! To flush this fat right out of my body. We have 13 days until Christmas, which is on a Sunday...when is our last weigh before our new session begins??
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Ladies your food choices sound delish. Great job on the 2-a-day workout as well, Alicia, although make sure your body can follow - I've done it before but it's not always sustainable multiple days in a row and you may end up needing to recover for multiple days too!

    So today was a FAIL. Started off well but had some chocolate in the afternoon and 4 drinks at the work do. But to see the positive side, I didn't eat as much chocolate as Monday and I made some good food choices in the evening i.e. didn't go for the pizza slices but chose the veggies & hummus instead.

    Tomorrow morning I will go to spin class again before work and I don't have anything in the evening so should be able to make better choices.
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm with you guys! This water retention is killing me! I keep feeling like I'm rationalizing and justifying not working out this week because I've been running around doing errands and all of that. I weighed in this morning at 177.4, but hopefully it will go down tomorrow? I will update you all when I wake up (it's 9pm Tuesday right now). Today I ran errands and had lunch with a friend at Google, so I probably ate more than I should have (didn't log yet). Tomorrow I will be running around Berkeley and SF on foot (yay shopping) therefore I'm not sure if that counts as exercise or just part of my regular day. G'night ladies!