


  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    My favorite is...

    "Guns don't kill people. Bullets do. Guns just make them go really really fast!!!"

    I'm a gun-owner...and I have 3 kids. We're smart about them. As in, they're not loaded sitting on the kitchen counter where little mitts can grab them.

    Mine is a blast to shoot. And it absolutely makes me feel safe, especially from growing up in the ghetto. :laugh:
  • greg331
    I live in a very conservative state (NJ), but have a Glock 9mm near my bed. I love to target shoot. Good luck!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am in the UK, so the image of guns is completely different here, as in they are illegal, but there is no way in a million years I would ever allow a gun in the house with my children.
    Countries with more guns have more gun crime. At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.
    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.

    I live in the UK too, but from what I know I am enclined to agree with the UK guy.

    Riots are over in the UK now, and lasted for about a week or so (also it happened about 2 months ago too now).

    Anyway, look at the real statistics not what you are being spoon fed (yep, this applies to you too, and yes, according to the stats I have heard - or been spoon fed - gun crime is higher in countries where guns are available to the public lawfully).

    Sure, people will find a way to get something that is illegal... But then the difference between obtaining something that is "illegal" and "legal" is that in one case it is "illegal"... So technically, you can get arrested if you are found with it, it makes it more difficult to obtain, etc.

    Exactly. And it's actually pretty hard to get a gun over here, illegally. There is, even in London, very very little gun crime. It isn't really an issue at all. KNIFE crime, now that's another story, there's a lot of that, but not shootings, which suggests to me that the gangs (who are quite willing to knife each other) aren't able to get their hands on firearms. The police are actually very effective at removing illegal guns from circulation.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I am in the UK, so the image of guns is completely different here, as in they are illegal, but there is no way in a million years I would ever allow a gun in the house with my children.
    Countries with more guns have more gun crime. At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.
    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.

    I live in the UK too, but from what I know I am enclined to agree with the UK guy.

    Riots are over in the UK now, and lasted for about a week or so (also it happened about 2 months ago too now).

    Anyway, look at the real statistics not what you are being spoon fed (yep, this applies to you too, and yes, according to the stats I have heard - or been spoon fed - gun crime is higher in countries where guns are available to the public lawfully).

    Sure, people will find a way to get something that is illegal... But then the difference between obtaining something that is "illegal" and "legal" is that in one case it is "illegal"... So technically, you can get arrested if you are found with it, it makes it more difficult to obtain, etc.

    Since the English and Canadians aren't allowed the freedom to own a gun, then the OPs question shouldn't apply to them, since you have no choice in the matter.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am in the UK, so the image of guns is completely different here, as in they are illegal, but there is no way in a million years I would ever allow a gun in the house with my children.
    Countries with more guns have more gun crime. At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.
    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.

    I live in the UK too, but from what I know I am enclined to agree with the UK guy.

    Riots are over in the UK now, and lasted for about a week or so (also it happened about 2 months ago too now).

    Anyway, look at the real statistics not what you are being spoon fed (yep, this applies to you too, and yes, according to the stats I have heard - or been spoon fed - gun crime is higher in countries where guns are available to the public lawfully).

    Sure, people will find a way to get something that is illegal... But then the difference between obtaining something that is "illegal" and "legal" is that in one case it is "illegal"... So technically, you can get arrested if you are found with it, it makes it more difficult to obtain, etc.

    Since the English and Canadians aren't allowed the freedom to own a gun, then the OPs question shouldn't apply to them, since you have no choice in the matter.

    Thankfully, although we don't have guns, we still have freedom of speech.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Without guns, the Brits would be speaking German, and the USA would be speaking Japanese.
    Guns are merely an instrument. It takes a person to make an instrument dangerous.
    Wise words

    Why don't we give a nuclear weapon to everyone then?

    Of course it is people who make a "tool" (weapon) dangerous or not, but then the real question is: where do you draw the line?
    Fork? Knife? Gun? Rocket launcher? Tank? Nuclear weapon?

    You guys just think the limit is at "guns". Fine.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    You guys from the UK..Gun ban in mexico is working great isnt it? oh wait.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member

    Thankfully, although we don't have guns, we still have freedom of speech.

    So your intent here is just to derail this thread?
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I would LOVE a gun. Castle law is the reason. If you're coming into my home looking for me/stuff, trust me, it'll be alot cheaper for me to clean your blood off my floor than it will to house you in federal prison for the rest of your life. I look at it as a public service.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Without guns, the Brits would be speaking German, and the USA would be speaking Japanese.
    Guns are merely an instrument. It takes a person to make an instrument dangerous.
    Wise words

    Why don't we give a nuclear weapon to everyone then?

    Of course it is people who make a "tool" (weapon) dangerous or not, but then the real question is: where do you draw the line?
    Fork? Knife? Gun? Rocket launcher? Tank? Nuclear weapon?

    You guys just think the limit is at "guns". Fine.

    I'm trying to understand how your comments thus far have anything to do with the OPs original question.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    If you are knowledgeable about guns, there is nothing wrong with owning them.
    Be educated and smart about them.
    We own two :)

    I agree with this too. I would only add, learn how to shoot it.

    This this this!

    Guns shouldn't be treated lightly as when handled by the wrong or untrained person, can be very dangerous.

    However, I think of it as anything else....a car can be dangerous too if you don't know what the hell you are doing.

    Guns themselves are not the problem...the people who abuse them are. The same people who could abuse a baseball bat, car, wrench, etc etc etc.

    That being said...if a gun is on a gift list for a house that is trained with guns and knows teh safety, why not?!
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Without guns, the Brits would be speaking German, and the USA would be speaking Japanese.
    Guns are merely an instrument. It takes a person to make an instrument dangerous.
    Wise words

    Why don't we give a nuclear weapon to everyone then?

    Of course it is people who make a "tool" (weapon) dangerous or not, but then the real question is: where do you draw the line?
    Fork? Knife? Gun? Rocket launcher? Tank? Nuclear weapon?

    You guys just think the limit is at "guns". Fine.

    I'm trying to understand how your comments thus far have anything to do with the OPs original question.

    1) Can you please reply this to everyone who did not reply directly to OP, so that this thread becomes really interesting... not. (also neither can I see either how your more recent comments are helping, so I am not sure what you are trying to do here and not really interested in knowing to be honest with you)

    2) Also about 10 minutes ago, I edited my original post (first page), so please go back and read it for my opinion on OP's question if you are that much interested.
  • N_BEAST_MODE_24_7
    N_BEAST_MODE_24_7 Posts: 120 Member
    My guns are for protection only, there's nothing wrong with having a gun in the house as long as you are responsible with it, and lock it up so that your kids don't get to it. If someone decides to break in my house and my family is there, I would want to have something to protect my family with. Pray about it and go from there, GOOD LUCK
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I would love a gun as a gift... wanted one for Christmas but license appointment pushed till Jan so it's now going to be a Feb birthday present.

    My household right now consists of myself and my husband. He is law enforcement - is trained and carries loaded for work.
    I have taken the required safety courses and got comfortable with guns. I have no problems with them. I want to be able to defend myself, home, and family should the need arise.

    I'm not going to debate the whole gun control thing - the fact is - criminals don't obey laws - and they will buy guns from other criminals.

    Anyway - I think it's an awesome gift:) They aren't cheap. If your household is comfortable with them I think it's great.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I would not personally buy a gun as a gift for someone, but that's just my personal comfort level. I do not want guns in my house. I grew up in a home with guns, my Dad took me out on the farm and taught me to shoot handguns, rifles, etc. So it's not like I was not around them. I just simply do not want them in my home at this time.

    But the question is not about me, it's about OP. OP I would take into consideration whether the people in the home are already familiar with safety, proper handling, etc. I would consider whether everyone would be comfortable having a firearm in the home and handling it if necessary. And I would consider the reason why it's been requested. I'd think on it and then I would decide.
  • Syntax_Error
    Syntax_Error Posts: 77 Member
    I am in the UK, so the image of guns is completely different here, as in they are illegal, but there is no way in a million years I would ever allow a gun in the house with my children.

    Countries with more guns have more gun crime. At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.

    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.

    ^This. Laws against guns just prevent the people who dont commit the crimes from getting them. Criminals will always find a way to get what they want, regardless of laws. If you think guns cause crime.......i dunno what to even say about that. Guns cause crime like flies cause trash /facepalm
  • TigersFanIndy34
    I'm completely terrified of guns and don't prefer to have them around at all (grew up with them and had a neighbor lose their infant daughter when their 6 year old son was able to unlock the cabinet and also the seperate safe that had bullets, loaded it and accidentally killed his little sister thinking it was all in fun). It all terrified me with kids in the house and thankfully my hubby also hates guns. So for us it's a no brainer - no guns. I also don't like sharp knives in the house. My husband is a meat cutter by trade and if he has to bring home a knife I get all freaked out and make him put it in a locked box super high up.

    I think it's also a total personal preference and everyone has their own experiences. I'm wimpier then most by nature.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I am in the UK, so the image of guns is completely different here, as in they are illegal, but there is no way in a million years I would ever allow a gun in the house with my children.

    Countries with more guns have more gun crime. At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.

    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.

    ^This. Laws against guns just prevent the people who dont commit the crimes from getting them. Criminals will always find a way to get what they want, regardless of laws. If you think guns cause crime.......i dunno what to even say about that. Guns cause crime like flies cause trash /facepalm

    Guns do occasionally kill or seriously injure small children accidentally when not properly secured. :-( I hear these tragedies on the news all too often. But to be fair, it's not the gun's fault, it's the fault of the person that did not lock it away properly in the first place. So all I have to say is that if there are children in the household or even a possibility of children visiting, please use proper precautions with your firearm to prevent something awful from happening.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I have one and personally want another one (Santa if your listening... a pink .45) :happy:

    That said, I wouldnt give one as a gift because Im weird like that. (unless of course it was my husband)
  • Syntax_Error
    Syntax_Error Posts: 77 Member
    I fully agree. If you buy a gun for your house, educate everyone appropriately on their use and to respect them.