


  • Without guns, the Brits would be speaking German, and the USA would be speaking Japanese.

    Guns are merely an instrument. It takes a person to make an instrument dangerous.

    Love this
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    would love to show an armed robber my awesome karate moves. That will really thwart him...
    guns are disgusting. why would you even want it? If you have one that means you are willing to use it.

    it takes out the skill of fighting. makes all the weak people act tougher.

    Good stuff bro =) Why would you bring a gun to the bank anyways?

    no i just don't want to use my real address
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I am in the UK, so the image of guns is completely different here, as in they are illegal, but there is no way in a million years I would ever allow a gun in the house with my children.

    Countries with more guns have more gun crime. At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.

    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.


    I grew up in a household totally afraid of guns. In my country, you have to take several training courses ($$) just to acquire a license to own one. It's a rigorous process that takes months of screening, so there's a high chance that most gun owners here are SAFE and know their *kitten* and won't shoot their (nor anyone else's) eye out. (Also, I should mention that I didn't want my license/gun for protection, but merely for target competition).

    Once all the paperwork is in order and I've been deemed "safe", I plan on purchasing a little ruger 10/22 and a pink Sig Sauer Mosquito.

    What caliber of rifle were you wishing to purchase? Depending on the person, I think it would be a great gift idea... of course, I am reminded of A Christmas Story right away :laugh:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    If you have children in the house, buy a gun safe. Keep your weapon locked inside unless it is being used.

    You should be fine otherwise. Which model are you getting?
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    you parents don't think this isn't the cause of why the new generation acts more hostile. blaaah whatever.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    It only a good gift if its wanted.
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    So when I read this topic title, I thought this was going to be a chat about Biceps! Hahahaha.

    My husband has over 35 guns right now in our house. He is a collector of old and rare guns. I don't use them and rarely go shooting with him, but I do feel safer with them in the house and when he is out of town, I keep one in my night stand just in case. I watch the show "I survived" and it scares the crap out of me what people are capable of!

    I think they are great gifts as long as you also teach the giftee about proper gun handling. Last year my husband made his grandpa a gag gift for Christmas. He shot a hole in the brim of the hat and on it he wrote "My favorite gun cleaning hat."
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I never even saw a gun until I was 27 and I shot for the first time. We never had guns in our house growing up and we never felt unsafe. I'm not against gun ownership, but I am for mandatory safety classes and training on how to handle and use them. However, it seems to me a lot of people get extremely paranoid and feel they HAVE to have a gun for protection. I guess it depends on where you live-but I'm willling to bet that most of us aren't 'Straight outta Compton'
    And personally I feel we could reduce gun crimes if we made everyone who fired a weapon clean it as much as we have to after firing, but it's probably because I hate cleaning this crap.
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    I am in the UK, so the image of guns is completely different here, as in they are illegal, but there is no way in a million years I would ever allow a gun in the house with my children.

    Countries with more guns have more gun crime. At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.

    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.


    I grew up in a household totally afraid of guns. In my country, you have to take several training courses ($$) just to acquire a license to own one. It's a rigorous process that takes months of screening, so there's a high chance that most gun owners here are SAFE and know their *kitten* and won't shoot their (nor anyone else's) eye out. (Also, I should mention that I didn't want my license/gun for protection, but merely for target competition).

    Once all the paperwork is in order and I've been deemed "safe", I plan on purchasing a little ruger 10/22 and a pink Sig Sauer Mosquito.

    What caliber of rifle were you wishing to purchase? Depending on the person, I think it would be a great gift idea... of course, I am reminded of A Christmas Story right away :laugh:

    I had a pink 22 Sig Mosquito! You have to get the better quality bullets or it keeps jamming. I sold mine and my husband got me a Colt Python instead! Works WAY better though I only shoot with him maybe once a month if that. I just like to make sure I can still aim and shoot what I'm aiming for. lol I don't hunt or anything, but I like knowing I have something for protection, something fun to shoot when he and his buddies want to go, and it's also a nice conversation piece :)
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    How do you post a photo when you reply to a message?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    guns are disgusting. why would you even want it? If you have one that means you are willing to use it.
    With the exception of a police officer or someone with authority, most of the time only redneck and gangsters have guns.
    Nice generalization, Champ.
    why would you want one?
    Because I can in this country. Also, to be able to hunt and protect my family should it become necessary.
    it takes the out the skill for fighting. weak people acting tough
    If it comes down to protecting my life, or the lives of my loved ones, I'm not bringing kung fu or a knife to a gun fight. It's not "weak'. It's common sense.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    For our anniversary a couple of years ago, my husband got me a handgun and taught me how to use it. He's always been a hunter and teaches our kids all about gun safety and keeps them locked up although they know they are never to touch a gun
    without an adult's help and permission. Who knows with the way our society is going today, when I may need to protect myself or my kids when my husband isn't around? I don't want to have to use it but would if I had to.
    And shooting clay pigeons is SO much fun!!:wink:
  • krystico
    krystico Posts: 104
    I believe every household should have a (legal) gun for safety/protection. They're safe as long as they don't fall into the wrong hands.
  • No question! Just do it!
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    Saw Matt's reply to this in my news feed and clicked on the forum topic... Nice, you got me. OP was talking about real guns...
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    My step dad is an avid hunter & owns several guns. My mom & him have a 9 year old son. He keeps them locked up in a gun cabinet & not even my mom knows the combination. My brother KNOWS not to even go into the room they are kept in.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member

    LOVE this!
  • treesloth
    treesloth Posts: 162 Member
    LOVE this!

    Ditto. Geez... Our vending machines only have Vitamin Water and chips... sad!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Do you not think 748 accidental gun related deaths in one year is a price too high to bear for the legality of firearms?

    There were 15,890 motor vehicle deaths in just the first half of 2011.... should we all stop driving too? I am just curious...

    With any object that could potentially cause harm - there is a risk. Most of us are responsible people who educate ourselves in the proper use of such things. Unfortunately, accidents still happen. All we can do is educate ourselves and take proper precautions.

    I find this sort of argument disingenuous. The purpose of vehicles is transport, the purpose of tobacco/alcohol/chocolate/otherpersonaltreat or vice is pleasure. The purpose of firearms is to injure something. I dont have any problem with strict controls upon something whose sole purpose is to injure.

    Yeah, maybe to injure to save your own life or that of your family. So if someone came into your house and was going to kill or hurt you and your family, you would rather just give in than protect yourselves?? Injure, thus protect...
  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    I have truly seen the reason why I dislike people so much through replies to this thread.