


  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    This battle will never be won by either side. That being said, I know the effects of a gun. With a gun used for self defense everybody can play monday morning quarterback all they want until they are required to make the decision to squeeze the trigger. Then in that instant your world changes. When I was a police officer I had my service weapon out so many times I cant count. One of the things kids always ask you is "have you ever shot anybody!" They make it sound cool, like its a perk of the job. I could always say no to that question until I witnessed another Officer hit by a truck, then the truck came at me. Before I knew it I was unholstered and firing rounds.After the incident the first thought I ahd was I cant say no anymore to that question. Then I wondered how many rounds I fired. Then I wondered if I made the right decision as in this day and age anyone can sue you for anything. It was ruled a good shoot after a week. But the events of the shooting never left me. I didnt sleep for about 3-4 days. Everytime I closed my eyes I was back on that street. A week later I was standing in a house wating for a man with a shotgun yelling from upstairs he was going to kill all of us as he fired shells down the stairs. Luckily he was later subdued with a less lethal bean bag round. Then I went to work as a detective. I worked the majority of the suicides that unfortunately were primarily head shots from handguns. So I have seen the aftermath of what a gun can do in those situations along with a mass casualty shooting at a plant. Those images are still with me to this day. Anyone can carry, but you dont realize the effect it will ahve if you ever pull the trigger. Look at all the service men and women protecting us who have come back with PTSD due to what they've seen and done. But we all made that decision, to protect our loved ones and ourselves and out country. To pull the trigger to stop an immediate threat to life and safety. Dont judge people until you are in that situation. Until youve been involved in it youll never truly understand the aftermath. The decisions that have to be made in a split second. The gun is just a tool, no different than a knife or pole or bat you pick up to defend yourself, you make the decision to use it or not.
  • dimpleschick
    dimpleschick Posts: 85 Member
    Dimpleschick, what use is a gun locked up in a safe, with a trigger lock on it, with the ammo locked up separately if someone breaks in? I have my carry piece sitting on a textbook to my right, and only thing I cede to safety is knowing to be safe, and having the safety on. Too many people think a safe gun requires a ton of barricades to it's use.

    In reality, a safe gun, just like a safe bottle of bleach and ammonia, only require a safe owner.

    I also agree that you SHOULD take a safety course, and learn how to shoot and care for a gun before owning one, but I disagree it should be a requirement, just too rife for what qualifies as acceptable and allows too many jurisdictions to unfairly limit access, not to mention on the face of it, it IS an infringement.

    ***Oh, I knew there would be some back wash about that comment. Did I say anything about the ammo being locked up separately or the trigger locks on the guns while they are locked up? Nooooo, I don't think I did. I didn't say I thought a gun safety course should be a requirement either. However, I think anybody who buys a gun and knows nothing about using it is an idiot.

    I don't believe in government intruding on personal rights, but I also believe people should be informed and know the benefits and dangers of gun ownership. They also should be informed about what kind of gun need for their intended purpose.

    My daughter and son-in-law don't keep their weapons all locked up at once. I won't mention the number, but they have several fire arms. My son-in-law hunts for game as well. They do keep one gun at the ready, but they have 5 kids under the age of 9 so it is smart to keep the others locked up. Besides, if they do have a break-in while they are away from the house, they don't want their guns stolen along with the tv.
  • m1shootr
    m1shootr Posts: 22 Member
    "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."

    -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    If you want good info go to Wikipedia

    NO. NO. NO.

    Wiki is not reliable for anything. Just sayin'

    You took that out of context, I was saying to

    always check your sources.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    It's something I said I'd never have in my own house. I've since changed my mind. I don't have one but I'm considering getting one. I'll take classes offered by the police academy before I'll use one though. My grandfather had them, my dad had them, my ex has them. I have never used one, but I think I'd like to learn... just for protection. I'd consider keeping one near the bed at night. Probably not in my car.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I don't like guns, so guns are not allowed in my house!

    I would never ask for one as a Christmas present. In my opinion is an insult to the meaning of Christmas and I don't consider myself a very religious person.
  • n003k
    n003k Posts: 58
    Ely, fair enough you don't like guns, and that's fine. But to call asking for one an insult to the meaning of Christmas?

    What about the fact that the holiday is celebrated with a plethora of pagan symbols (Tree, wreath) results in children practically worshiping a false idol (Santa), is primarily commercial (The fact that it's expected to purchase and give gifts, heavy advertising, the baubles and decorations so many put up, etc, etc, etc.), and has lost most of the religious meaning for the vast majority of those that celebrate it (Christmas trees and decorations EVERYWHERE, so few go to Church, and so few celebrate it as a representation of Christs birth) added on top of the fact that the original date itself of Christs birth is not celebrated, but that the date was picked more likely than not to coincide with pagan rites to draw in more converts early in Christianities history.

    Yet you think giving a gun, with which many people hone their concentration, that requires a good degree of hand/eye coordination, maturity, patience, and skills, and that can bring quite a bit of fun while plinking (Shooting for fun at things like tin cans, metal gong targets, etc) is the insult to the meaning of Christmas?

    I'll leave you with a quote from the King James Bible

    Luke 22-36 "Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." And a link to it in many different versions of the Bible (

    Guns are the modern day Swords.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Swords > Guns, IMHO. If I were ever in a pinch, I would toss a steak knife!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."

    -- Mahatma Gandhi

    ill bet that quote is b0ll0cks
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i cant imagine any use for a gun unless you either live right out in the wilds somewhere where youre threatened with bears etc, or unless you want to kill people and everyone else has guns.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Im in the Uk were guns are illegal.
    Would LOVE a gun as a gift though!
    ... Although if i ever did use it, it would only be to like shoot fruit or something.. =/
  • PKempy
    PKempy Posts: 14
    Sooo on my xmas lists I got this year, I got a request to buy a riffle gun for our household this year!! what are your thoughts about guns in the house?? I dont have problems with guns I just dont know if that would be a good gift to give someone!

    If you are going to buy a gun for a gift, then get a good one - have a look here:
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    It's a device designed to kill stuff. Why on Earth anybody would want one in the house, is beyond me :noway:
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.

    I haven't read the rest of the this thread but this comment astounds me. stab wounds are horrific and devastating, potentially fatal. The most common reason for knife possession on the streets is "self protection" but those who carry knives are likely to get stabbed by their own weapon. Even if a stab wound does not kill it can seriously maim and disable.

    Wouldn't go for a gun either; I just don't get the attraction to something that could potentially kill.
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."

    -- Mahatma Gandhi

    ill bet that quote is b0ll0cks

    I'll take that bet.
    Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. If we want the Arms Act to be repealed, if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity. If the middle classes render voluntary help to Government in the hour of its trial, distrust will disappear, and the ban on possessing arms will be withdrawn.---Mahatma Gandhi, "An Autobiography OR The story of my experiments with truth", Chapter 27, Recruiting Campaign, from a leaflet urging Indians to serve with the British Army in World War II.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I am in the UK, so the image of guns is completely different here, as in they are illegal, but there is no way in a million years I would ever allow a gun in the house with my children.

    Countries with more guns have more gun crime. At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.

    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.

    Technically the riots were not gun related just idiots taking the opportunity to steal stuff. I wonder how bad the riots would have been if those "idiots" had access to guns in their homes? A lot of them were just kids, I have no objection to guns being owned by responsible people I grew up in the countryside where hunting with guns was commonplace. But idiots and guns? very scary even more scary than criminals with guns in some ways.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I am in the UK, so the image of guns is completely different here, as in they are illegal, but there is no way in a million years I would ever allow a gun in the house with my children.
    Countries with more guns have more gun crime. At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.
    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.

    I live in the UK too, but from what I know I am enclined to agree with the UK guy.

    Riots are over in the UK now, and lasted for about a week or so (also it happened about 2 months ago too now).

    Anyway, look at the real statistics not what you are being spoon fed (yep, this applies to you too, and yes, according to the stats I have heard - or been spoon fed - gun crime is higher in countries where guns are available to the public lawfully).

    Sure, people will find a way to get something that is illegal... But then the difference between obtaining something that is "illegal" and "legal" is that in one case it is "illegal"... So technically, you can get arrested if you are found with it, it makes it more difficult to obtain, etc.

    Since the English and Canadians aren't allowed the freedom to own a gun, then the OPs question shouldn't apply to them, since you have no choice in the matter.

    Thankfully, although we don't have guns, we still have freedom of speech.

    Actually we do have the freedom to own guns in the UK you just have to be able to stringently justify actually needing one. Home defence or just because you like them doesn't count over here. But game keepers, hunters, yes we have hunting seasons LOL gun club members and farmers can purchase guns.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I think it all depends on how threatened you feel in your own home? Do you need a gun?
  • n003k
    n003k Posts: 58
    You know, this is mainly supposed to be about the gift, and I apologize for taking it on a bit of a tangent myself. So let me invite a few of you to the Gun Lovers Group, even if you're not a gun lover. If any of you feel the desire to debate your points, I'll gladly take you up on it there, and if the OP wants some advice on what TYPE of gun to get, assuming they don't already have one picked out, it could be a fun exercise.

    I'd seriously love to refute quite a few of the points brought up here, but, I'd hate to get it locked myself.

    In closing, OP, I think a gun is a GREAT gift for Christmas, and have received one for Christmas myself, and would love another. I personally love heading out to the range to kill some paper, and, since you said it was for someone in your house if I remember correctly, it can really make a fun trip for the whole house.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    I am in the UK, so the image of guns is completely different here, as in they are illegal, but there is no way in a million years I would ever allow a gun in the house with my children.

    Countries with more guns have more gun crime. At least here the teenagers only manage to stab each other.

    If countries where the public has more guns have more crime, what do you call all of the riots going on in the UK right now? Also take a real look at the statistics not what you are being spoon fed. Haven't you heard of unground sales of illegal guns? Criminals will find a way to get guns whether they are illegal or not. Making something illegal doesn't make it impossible to get... look at the drug trade.

    Technically the riots were not gun related just idiots taking the opportunity to steal stuff. I wonder how bad the riots would have been if those "idiots" had access to guns in their homes? A lot of them were just kids, I have no objection to guns being owned by responsible people I grew up in the countryside where hunting with guns was commonplace. But idiots and guns? very scary even more scary than criminals with guns in some ways.

    Yes, you can get guns if you want them but most people in the UK do without. I think I feel much safer with them less available than I would if, for example, our Police service carried guns or if people had them legitimately in their houses. The damage caused by a gun cannot be undone; I mean what is a gun for if it's not for killing? To make people feel powerful? No thanks.

    The riots were awful but they were relatively short lived and are not going on any more, nor were they gun related (yes, someone was shot but I think that someone used the riots as an opportunity to kill someone under the cover of the chaos). Plus the hype was bigger than the actual event in my opinion (although I am in no way minimising what happened). Also, I work in youth justice and although there were lots of young people involved in the riots, many of them were actually adults and I'm not convinced the kids were in majority.