

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    This just isn't me. I actually don't feel like going to the Y. Normally, I try to get there as early as possible. I know that if I give in to this feeling, I'll find excuse after excuse not to go tomorrow. So I'm jlogging in here to try to get some motivation. When Vincer got up this a.m. even he was surprised that I was still home, he said "I would have thought you'd have gone to the Y by now"

    Well, I'm going to go. Even tho I'm pushing myself. Wonder why I'm feeling this way?

    MacMadame - congrats on the good blood work. So sorry about the pain. I don't know anything about lactose intolerance or the need for gluten free, maybe someone can help you there? Sounds like something like that to me.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    working from home one last.. we are supposed to get rain and warmer by this afternoon. We have snow about 15 inches in places. so even though the main roads are getting better just getting to them would be too much hassel. spent about and hour outside yesterday shoveling and watching Ritter play in the snow. We even took Bodi for a walk out in the snow too. boy do the dogs love the snow.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Ah Friday, the day I wear play clothes (the new skinny jeans) to work. :love:

    It's also the day I try to mix it up for my students. We play math games - it's still adding and subtracting decimal fractions (because that's our skill focus right now), but they get to use cards and they can pick their own partners and keep score. The kid with the birthday closest to this Friday gets to choose the PE activity. We rearrange the desks. Tidy the classroom. Seek and destroy all the old lunches stuffed onto the back shelves. Visit our grade two buddy class and read little-kid stories to them. I play "their music" at lunch time. It all gets some positive energy going.

    I used to give out small candies as prizes for activities and random rewards but since I'm trying to be a role model of good life-style choices I don't do it anymore. Any suggestions for other rewards?

    I'm concerned about the number of you who are feeling in a blue streak. :indifferent: January to March in the Northern Hemisphere: dark, cold, damp and dreary. Those of you in the South - does the weather affect you at other times of the year or do you think we are making excuses for ourselves?

    Maybe you can mix it up a bit! Wear a bright colour. Watch a really funny movie. Go skipping instead of jogging. It is impossible to feel down when you are hippity-hoppiing like a little girl on her way to her best friend's birthday party. :happy:

    Hasta pronto,


    PS Tomorrow is Sleep-in Saturday!
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    Good morning...had an off day yesterday, and I didn't do much of anything, except spend money and make a lasagna....I did stay in my cal goal, though. Just felt "off" yesterday. And lo and behold TOM came to visit. Wish he would hurry up and go away. I've paid my dues.:grumble:

    This morning up and going went to gym, increased my treadmill time by 5 min and increased speed to 3.0. I'll do that for a week. But it seemed to help my funkyness from yesterday. Few extra cals to eat today! :drinker:

    At the thrift store yesterday I found a pair of jeans for 4 bucks I really liked but they were a size 20, but I thought, it won't be long before I could wear them.. and when I got home, and tried them on they FIT. My scale has not budged in 1.5 weeks, but apparently I am getting smaller. :smile:

    Got to go teach a 13 year old boy how to insert and remove contacts. OH JOY
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Good mornting, Its Friday:happy: I ahve exercised 3 out of 4 mornings before school :flowerforyou: and i have completed level 1 of the 30 day shred. It took 17 days but I am ready to do that this afternoon. It is making a difference in my strength at least. This morning before school i was doing a your shape boot camp, and the next thing was pushups, I was halfway thru them and I realized I was doing regular pushups not girl pushups. i havenever done regular pushups before, boy I surprised myself. Looking forward to a nice quiet weekend. Hope that those of you in a funk can come up with something different this weekend that will help pull you out of it. I love reading all of the posts, but it is usually a lot since I have not been checking in everyday. I am not good at responding like so many of you, that is wonderful, but you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • susankaye123
    Hello, very nice site. I joined two days ago and lost 2 pounds. Im also running on my treadmill half hour a day...Im excited to see if I can lose my goal wieght..
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    MacMadame - glad your blood work came back good. I hope you find relief soon!
    Michele - I hope you went to the Y and found your old self there!

    I also had blood work done this week. My a1c test, which is an average of glucose in your body and is tested regularly in diabetics, came back at 5.8, which is down from 6.1 six months ago, so I am thrilled! This means that even though I was not perfect over the holidays, I obviously am making better choices than I did in the past. (For a benchmark, and normal person will test between 4 and 6, and before I started my lifestyle change, I was testing at 7.2 even with medication.) So, even though I get discouraged at times with the lack of weight loss, I can assure myself that I am healthier!

    I hope you are all having a great Friday. I did go swimming yesterday, and my next planned time is on Monday. I need to get some exercise in this weekend by walking my do and by cleaning my house. And if any of you need to burn some calories, feel free to come by and clean my house! :laugh: Mary
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I missed logging in yesterday (but I did track everything I ate even though it was not all good - stress does wonderful things).

    The day started off at 5:42 with a call from the hospital to say that my DBF was being moved from one hospital to the Heart Instutute at another because he'd had a heart attack on Wednesday afternoon, a little before I was there to visit and that was why they'd moved him to the ICU. After I'd done a mess of chores that just had to be done, I went to visit and found him very confused not really knowing where he was. I hope that was all due to the upset and the drugs he was on. He has three badly blocked arteries and has to have a triple by-pass operation but it can't be done yet because he has pneumonia. The nurse was saying that it doesn't look very good. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

    I called this morning and he is a little better and a little less confused.

    But..... wait for it..... the furnace engineer is here again because while I was laying in bed this morning thinking of what I need to do today, I smelled the familiar burning smell of the furnace trying to start but not suceeding. At the moment the house is quite cool, although I do have some supplementary heat on. Just what I need right now.

    I have my lace group meeting here on Sunday as the person who was supposed to host it this month is my student who had a stroke a couple of weeks ago.

    I had a thought, Nancy, of things for your class - what about getting a package of pencils or erasers or pencil sharpeners from the $ store. They would be a little more costly than candies, and would need to be earned but would be a special thing that not everyone would have.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    TGIF and look out, here comes the weekend...they're never easy, too much time spent at home and thinking about eating. I'd better plan some LONG hikes with my terrier-boy. He's always good to go, even with his rain slicker on.

    In Oregon it's a "beautiful" day when it's not raining. Today is beautiful. Cloudy, foggy, muddy, soggy and damp, but no rain, at least at the moment.

    Posted a blog this morning in celebration of learning to live on 1200 calories and the loss of 55 pounds!


    Have a great day everyone, remember to get your omega-3s and potassium.
    :^) jb

    Ooops, spoke too soon. In the time it took to write this the rain has decided to return. Gonna go look for the beauty. I know it's out there somewhere.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Happy Friday all. Some snow and ice predicted here overnight but at least tomorrow is Saturday and we can hide in the house.

    Anyone ever had problems with a teenager who just doesn't try at school? It's making me nuts, I don't know how to motivate her. I'd love to hear any tips and suggestions.

    Oh fer cryin' out loud (whenever I say that at home, DH breaks out in song... "Don't cry out loud, just keep it inside and learn how to hide your feelings"). I just had my responses to everyone all typed out and hit a linky which navigated me away and I lost them all.

    So I'll summarize:

    Sending {hugs} and prayers for those who are struggling with sickness, sick loved ones and pets and so many of life's frustrations right now. My heart goes out to all of you and I hope things turn around for you soon.

    A couple of folks mentioned losing size/inches but not weight. I've noticed that in my own journey: I shrink less when the weight is coming off and more when I've hit a plateau for a while.

    A few more hours until the weekend...I can make it, right?

  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Just when I start to think I had a hard day yesterday, I read about heart attacks, pneumonia and strokes affecting the lives of others. Furnaces never go out at a convenient time, and illnesses seem to wait for our most stressed days. Here's wishing you all strength and some sun breaks as we say here in the wet Northewest.
    I have some sore muscles from sweeping water away from the back door yesterday. We are now proud owners of 2 additional sump pumps. They should do the trick. Thank goodness that my DH is retired but healthy. He was home when the flooding became apparent and was able to call me for backup. Whew, we sure go our exercise yesterday. Too bad the scale doesn't show those calories burned right away.
    Well back to work, sorting and cleaning samples in the warehouse.
    Have a healthy and active weekend everyone!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    A couple of folks mentioned losing size/inches but not weight. I've noticed that in my own journey: I shrink less when the weight is coming off and more when I've hit a plateau for a while.
    That's why I take and record my measurements once a month. Coming up on the end of the month -- hoping to see progress when I remeasure on Feb 1.

    As for the teenagers, I noticed with my kids that the ones that were involved in extracurricular activities seemed to put forth more effort than the ones who weren't. My older 2 weren't in any clubs, band, or sports and they started hanging out with the wrong kids and skipping classes. When they transferred to another school, my daughter became involved with the yearbook and did much better, while my older son didn't and ended up finally dropping out.

    I was home-schooling my younger son due to some learning disabilities (and not wanting him to follow in older sister and brother's footsteps). He decided he wanted to go back to public school and play football, knowing that the schools had a no-pass, no-play policy. I can't say he put forth as much effort as I wanted him too -- or that I knew he was capable of doing -- but he did make good enough grades to play football and get accepted to college -- and it gave him a better group of friends and kept him out of trouble.

    Hope you find something that works!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Friday!

    We are celebrating my son's 17th birthday this weekend. The Super Bowl is on his real birthday and everyone is so busy with that.

    So I get to walk the mall while he hangs out.

    Good luck with the weekend,

  • caterpillar2Butterfly
    running behind this morning will post a bit later.
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    I too love them! wish I could use them again....every time I put them on the family wants to come watch....NO WAY!

    sorry can't figure out how to delete it!
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    I too love Sweating to the Oldies! wish I could use them again....every time I put them on the family wants to come watch....NO WAY!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    I too love Sweating to the Oldies! wish I could use them again....every time I put them on the family wants to come watch....NO WAY!

    My family watches. Sometimes they chuckle, but that's how I treat it myself when I ziq while they're zagging - I chuckle. Makes it less pressured.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Prayers to all whose family members,who are suffering now.Yeah to everyone who has lost in or lbs.
    It`s hard to post to everyone-lots of people to remember.It`s a good thing!
    Spent almost 2 hours shoveling snow,so hubby wouldn`t have to after his long day at work.Probably not the smartest thing to do with my knee,but needed to burn some calories from the anxiety of the MRI tomorrow.
    Have a good week-end,will try to post sometime over the weekend.
    take care all my pals.
    have a good night!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I haven't been exersizing or logging food lately and it shows.:grumble: So being the Exel spreadsheet junkie that I am I, planned out my weight loss and exersize plan. and sunday I will plan out the food for the week and log it. This is the method I used when I lost all the weight before but I had to tone down the exersize since I just don't have all day to do it anymore. I am starting to get motivated again to to this. I want that healthy - I don't even want the junkfood- feeling again.:love:

    I think the real Kick in the Pants to get back to it came when I put on the new snow pants I bought during the summer I was doing great (2010) and hadn't had a chance to use. Of course I couldn't close them so I gotta get rid of this gut once and for all and keep it off.

    Hope you are all having a freakin' fantastic Friday!
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Sompton54…..I find that staying on MFP has helped me stay motivated. I have been on the site for the past two years. I don’t know if I would have kept trying without this board so keep coming back.
    Nancy…. You sound like a great teacher. I bet the kids look forward to Fridays in your classroom. I was a resource teacher for many years. I got many little trinkets to celebrate my kids’ successes from Oriental Trading….lots of non –food items and very inexpensive. Enjoy your Saturday!
    Kckramp….. Good for you for getting to exercise 3 out of 4 mornings before school!
    Mary….great blood work!!! What good news.
    Virginia….. Teenagers are tough. My friend had a little plaque that said: Raising a teen ager is like trying to nail jello to a tree”. Hang in there.
    Jane…. I hope the MRI goes well tomorrow and you get the answers to end your knee pain. Think of all the calories you burned shoveling. We are expecting a pretty good snow fall for tomorrow.
    Robin…Good for you for recognizing that the spreadsheet strategy is a good one for you. I think, that finally, I am getting that I feel much better when I don’t put junk in my body…..It worked today and that is good.

    I was shocked to find out that I got shorter today!!! I had a bone density test and the tech asked me how tall I was…I said 5’4” and she then measured me and I was 5’3.5”….. I had a flashback…My sister and I used to give my mother such a hard time about getting shorter and now…it’s me!! Maybe its time for inversion boots (Ha).
    I hope you all have a great weekend,