

  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    It has been a long while since I have posted but I have been reading the post almost daily. I can relate to so many of you and can feel for you, so happy for you.
    I know I should just take the time and reply to everyone on here but I just don't have enough time in the evenings now that I have to stay of the computer at work for personal use. So at work I sit with way to little work and a lot of time and at home I have little time and sooooooo much to do.
    My DH had 35 staples removed this afternoon, a quick lunch then back for Physical Therapy. Get home son is nowhere to be found and his chores are not done. So I am not cooking dinner! DH hasn't check our room to see if more money or coins are missing. Sure wish I could get him into his own place, he has a case work and 2 personal agents but they are not doing anything. I could go on but it wouldn't do any good.

    I really like this site, have received alot of advice/suggestion.!

    Everyone keep up all your hard work..........

  • mtullock
    mtullock Posts: 71 Member
    I am over 50 and see so many wonderful accomplished MFP folks here. Would love to be a part of it all. Congrats to all and a warm hello. I look forward to the goal support and in giveing the same. Mary
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Nice salad, Sista Desiree! Salad is good! Just pile stuff on and chow down. Cauliflower and broccoli. Sunflower kernels. Blue or feta cheese. Beans of all kinds. I don't think many of us eat enough beans. They're the bomb. Filling and nutritious. Buy low-sodium brands, rinse and drain. Or cook your own. Anyone like 3 Bean Salad? I sure do. It's great piled on a green salad. Mmmm-hmmm.

    For me the bottom line for losing pounds (how funny, "bottom" line - hahaha) is to burn calories like crazy every day and eat only 1200 -1250 calories of great food that's perfectly balanced in nutrients. Yogurt, grains, nuts, fruit, SALAD, lean meat, a little cheese, maybe a little whole grain bread, Butternut soup or something simliar, and lots of Veggies! It's amazing how much bulk you can have when you include lots of vegs. Oh, and WATER. I'm faithful with 8 glasses a day. And I'm faithful with WINE, LOL! 2 small glasses a day, of course allowing for it in my calories. I love it after a long day of teaching.

    My motto has always been "Eat less, move more". Moving is the clue! Burn it, you'll earn it. But I just can't lose if I eat back all of my exercise calories. Tried & failed. 1200-1250 are my losing numbers.

    Welcome new friends, great spot to share ideas and talk things over. Hope everyone had a good day!

    :^) jb
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: If you're movin' you're losin' and today my pedometer says over 36,000 steps so that might explain why I have no time at the computer :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: my new healthy snack is dates :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Yes, my students lit up the school with their electric quiz boards today, and I took a couple of hundred (give or take) pictures of them to include in their portfolios. Did I mention that I love my job? :love:

    Wednesday night is my fitness circuit class, it was a great workout and I got to use my HRM to prove to the instructor (and myself) that I was busting my butt! :explode:

    I experimented with pasta-free lasagna tonight. Flavoured the meat Greek style (cinnamon), blended fat free cottage cheese & sour cream & feta for the cheese and topped it with just enough low fat mozza to keep everyone happy. I used zucchini between the layers instead of pasta. It was really good, but I had to drain it as I served it because the zucchini gives up a lot of moisture as it cooks. Don’t think I’ll repeat the experiment, I’ll stick to the eggplant version.

    Cindyw7: I hope Elaine is getting better counseling and support as time goes on. “…plunked her in an office with a video” sounds dreadful and I’m not surprised she was terribly upset. Sounds like your brother did the right thing. Thinking of her, Don and you as you adjust and cope.

    \ / | / ) ^ \ // ! Kackie :smile: Never a straight line but always moving along in the right direction! Another quote for my wall.

    Barbiecat: Thank-you for reminding me it’s “My Fitness Pal” not “My Weight Watching Pal” That thought came back to me several times as I went through my day. Yes! :drinker:

    Genealace: I'm glad to hear good news about DBF, I imagine he’s feeling terribly frustrated and confused because he’s not in control. Don’te forget to take good care of yourself while you are taking care of him and all your chores.

    Jb- I think I’ll try your Blueberry Muffins this weekend. J’boy’s getting tired of my regular mix. :grumble:

    Hi Carol – I hope your job news comes in soon. Your work sounds fascinating and I’d like to know more about it. I can identify with your struggles with the younger generation and the gender prejudice. :frown: I was a school administrator for a long time and even in this fairly balanced field of education the men outnumber the women by a whole bunch at the senior level. I dropped out of the race three years ago when I took a year off to travel with my DH and J’boy. I came back as a classroom teacher and I love every minute of it. When people ask me if I miss “the big time” I say how could I? Now I get all of the fun, none of the paperwork and none of the politics. :bigsmile:

    Lulugrand: Hi there sunshine! :bigsmile:

    Sarah: What a challenge, to have to sample food for a living! :huh: And give honest feedback to amateur cooks. 2 different kinds of fish and chips???? I am so with you on the red wine, it’s my downfall and my great delight. My strategy lately is to buy one really good bottle at a time and enjoy it, but I can’t over-indulge because the wine rack is otherwise empty. No will power, that’s me. Hope your trip to the gym got you fired up.

    Pam3: Tomorrow is another day indeed, and you will find your way there. :drinker: Keep moving.

    Oh dear, this is an epic post.

    Hasta pronto, amigas. Voy a dormir. :yawn:

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Saw DBF 3 times today and the difference between visit 1 and visit 3 was amazing. By the end of the day he was sitting up in a chair and watching tv when I went in. He was chatting but having problems sorting out the words, but that will come. I think he understands now what happened to him, but there are still probably bits missing.

    Strong possibility that he will be moved out of ICU tomorrow to Critical Care which is the next level up.

    For whomever it is that has mice (I forget - didn't write it down), if what you use tonight doesn't work, try a little bit of bread with peanut butter. Mice and rats just love pb. Good luck - doesn't sound like your cats are much good. They wouldn't get houseroom here if they didn't do their job. It takes all sorts to work in a family and cats have a definite role and they obviously aren't doing playing their part.

    And so to bed.......
  • scompton54
    Good Thursday morning

    I can take it slow this morning because exams start and I don't have to shop for school this morning which buys me an extra 45 minutes......bliss!!

    I did go to the gym yesterday and worked out for a good hard 70 minutes. When I got home, my son and DIL asked if we could all go to the place I take yoga classes so I did that too!! Over 700 calories burned and I didn't even eat them all back! And I felt invigorated and am now out of my slothy head space.

    Sue: squats and lunges are absolutely vile but they do great things for thighs. When they get too easy on their own, add weights.....I have a definite love/hate relationship with both.

    mazaron: If you oven bake or grill the zucchini first, it gives up its water and also improves the flavour. I like to do that with most vegetables I use in vegetarian lasagna but it does add some time to the prep. I think my red wine solution is to just not have it in the house for the most part and drink tea instead.

    Thanks for all the support and encouragement.


    Thank you all
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning!

    Sarah: Oh, yes, squats and lunges...and weights! I too have a love/hate relationship with them. But you are so right...they sure do the trick for thighs and butt, AND are very necessary for good down-hill skiing. I am headed out to MT Feb 9 for almost 2 months and I am upping my squats in preparation for the mountain! (Good for you for all your exercise yesterday too!!! Bet you feel great today!)

    jb: Love your salad ideas and the volume of veggies sure do help keep the hunger away don't they? I love to roast a few pans of assorted veggies (thanks to Mary/sister veggie queen) with a bit of olive oil and sea salt and they are great leftover snacks by themselves or in an omelette, on a salad...I too live for my glass of wine or 2 but have been trying to eliminate it when I am able to in order to move that scale. I KNOW I will want my glass of red after all day skiing!:drinker: (I also will try your muffins this weekend!)

    Genealace: So glad to hear about DBF's improvement!

    Mary: Welcome!!! You have found a great place for friendship and support! Good luck on this journey:flowerforyou:

    Nancy: Love your straight line "visual" message. That's a good one.....

    Pam: I am sorry that you have to sell your home when you don't really want to...it's hard enough to deal with when you really WANT to. Thinking of you...take care!

    Barbie: Good for you...all those steps. You are showing us how to do it, as always:flowerforyou: (and dates...yum...good idea!)

    Good friend coming in for the day/night on her way to FL...need to go get my exercise in. We have a very foggy day here so I may do one of Leslie's inside walks for a change. Have a great day, wherever you are:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Love reading about everyones busy lives and ways to stay fit and focused. Loving my new protein shake for breakfast. Hoping it keeps me full longer.

    Sent my two off to school today in fog and rain. It is so dark it seems like 5:00 already. Must get motivated to get moving!! :drinker:

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Morning phone call to hospital was a good one - likely that DBF will be moving out of Intensive Care to another ward today. He had a restless night, but is talking and taking notice of life. Funny last evening because he had a tv and was watching basketball which he loves, but was so focussed it was hard to get any reaction from him when I was leaving - just kept saying "good, Detroit is ahead." or whatever way the score was going.

    My brother popped in for a few minutes and we exchanged some books.

    Sneak peeks are looking good - just don't want to spoil it at the weekend, but without DBF to go out with, perhaps it will be a good one.

    Need to go out and shovel/chop some ice because I'm killing the bottom of my car every time I go in and out. That will earn me some exercise for today.
  • BigSusan
    Hi all! I'm overwhelmed by this thread, so I'm just saying, "hello" for right now until I gather my thoughts. My history can be picked up at http://www.chronic-connections.net/ and I'll write a bigger hello when I settle down. As an incurable optimist, I have ignored the fact that I am wheelchair bound (in a lying down position) and the only potential escape is a tricky surgery, which my doctor won't perform until I get my weight back down by about 75lbs. I will conquer this difficult task (complicated by multiple medical issues) because I have a daughter who has inherited my disease and she needs my help to live an enriched life.

    Thank you all for your posts, and I look forward to chatting with many of you in the future!

  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning everybody - been a busy few days and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse :indifferent:

    Carol - good luck with the interviews :flowerforyou:

    Jackie - wow China and a cruise....I'm so jealous and you can prattle on anytime - isn't that what we're here for?:bigsmile:

    Sarah - Good for you for not gaining - if I was HAVING to eat everything like that I wouldn't be able to stop at just one bite - good for you and yes we all want our 'adult children' to be exempt from any harm and in my case - I think my son needs some life lessons to realize how good he really has it.... :heart:

    Kackie - thanks for you 5 tips and yeah - it is easier said than done but most things that are worth it are. I have way too much on my plate for the next 3 months so the part about 'no wine' might be an issue - what am I saying :ohwell: it WILL be an issue I'm sure but the one other thing that I do is like you said - move more - eat less - except I say :if I eat or drink more you'd better move more" and I usually try to stick to that :laugh:

    My boss (who is probably 15-20 years younger than me) brought me in a new exercise block becasue he knows I'm trying to lose weight - the smart *kitten* - I could have killed him. It looks like one of those yoga blocks and I thought cool - I'll google how to use it properly - he said turn it over it has instructions on it.....it says and I quote " place block on a flat surface, stand up - walk around the block twice - then sit down. You've just walked around the block two times that's enough exercise for somebody your age!" :grumble: :grumble: I told my co-worker to hold him down while I beat on him....

    Genealace - glad to hear things are looking up for you and DBF...sorry have to ask - what does DBF stand for again? :blushing:

    BigSusan - hang in there with the rest of us....we're all here to help each other in anyway we can. for me - just reading the posts helps put me in a better place.

    welcome to all the newcomers and to everybody else stay focused and we'll all get the results we want....hopefully lol :bigsmile:

    on that note ladies - back to work I go..... I don't always get to comment on everybody's status' but I too like Laura :wink: love reading everybody's posts and and thinking positive thoughts for us all....

    have an awesome day everybody! I'm off to physio after work again so I'm sure I'll be sore tonight :noway: but it's a good sore I guess :laugh: have a good evening and I'll try and check back in again tomorrow if not later today.
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all .....

    :happy: yey! ...2 days of "Not being naughty" ....by that I mean not eating the chocolate cake DH "made" me bake last weekend, or not eating the crisps or chocolate! Xmas was a nightmare and I found myself quickly eating the chocolates to get them out of the way...so I couldn't eat them!! Weak willed or wot!! But ...I'm sure once I keep logging what passes my lips I can be motivated again.
    :sad: I'm still trying to get going on the exercise .....the Zumba class keeps e.mailing me but I don't have the car to get there and my previous lift doesn't go either. I know...excuses, excuses!
    Sooo ... I'm going to say ....I'll get out my latino tone DVD. There..I must do it now!!

    :laugh: I was woken this morning by DH shouting "We've got it!!" ...it being THE mouse! Great I thought! ...only to hear .."!!**!** or the like!!
    :ohwell: When DH reached to pick up the trap...said mouse managed escape from it and run ...Yep! back under the radiator. We've seen the tail so it's still alive. Tonight we'll try again ...let's hope it hasn't got a good memory regarding the trap!. I may be out buying that peanut butter if the biscuits don't work again...or a better trap maybe!! I love peanut butter!!
    And ...yep! the cat's are hopeless!! We have had a few dead mice though..laid out neatly on the step but methinks they now think it's beneath them to have to work for their munchies!!

    I'm hoping we'll do some dancing on this next cruise. We had thought that, for the first one and did lessons...mainly Latin and a bit of ballroom. You know what thought did, don't you? My shoulder still hasn't really recovered (rotator cuff injury) from some sort of dance manouevre and DH is loath to start again!! but ...we're meeting another couple on board who "Dance" so maybe we can get some instruction and motivation from them!

    And ...from the look of the steps on the Great Wall of China methinks I may get a bit of exercise while sightseeing. We've quite a rigorous timetable before the cruise so I should avoid putting on weight ....maybe!!

    :drinker: Well folks ...tomorrow starts the weekend. DH and I have become mystery shoppers/diners and have a restaurant to assess on Sunday. It's a carvery chain so I should be able to make those healthy choices.We're enjoying doing this ...it doesn't bring in many pennies but it's given us a few free meals and the odd things we've had to buy, as well as the petrol costs.

    Cold here tonight. White stuff forecast .....I think we'll stay in the warm....:bigsmile: with the mouse!!

    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hello Ladies:

    I am sitting at work andworking hard as you can see :laugh:

    Jane - I hope your doctor's appointment goes well and that he/she can fix your knee up without major problems :flowerforyou:

    Debbie - Isn't it amazing how quickly we forget that these little ones can grow up so fast :happy:

    Cindy - how awful for poor Elaine, that seems like it was pretty insensitive on the part of the staff. On another note, when do you leave for the Bahamas :glasses:

    Kate - sounds like you too have your hand full right now. I hope everything will be alright for you but n the meantime I am sending hugs your way :flowerforyou:

    Jeannie - hope your DH is okay :flowerforyou:

    j_b2011 - thanks for the recipe, it looks pretty good :smile:

    Carol - here's wishing you loads of luck for your jobs. I hope you get the one you want. Fingers crossed for you, eyes too :bigsmile:

    Jackie - so good to hear from you again after so long; our little world traveller :laugh: Sounds like you have been having a heck of a time in the past while and with twins coming up, you will be busy still for a while to come. You will have to fit all your travels in before the births :laugh:

    Laura - so glad your audit was not too bad for you :drinker:

    Pam - I don't envy you downsizing. My DH and I are talking about doing that shortly, like in the next few months, so I can appreciate how you are feeling :flowerforyou:

    Susan - hope your DH is okay too:flowerforyou:

    genealace - so glad to hear that your DBF seems to be a little better and appears to be on the road to recovery :drinker:

    shmogo9 - I gotta say, I love your bosses's sense of humor, really, it was funny :laugh:

    They are calling for some wicked winter weather in the area where I live so I am not looking forward to the commute home at all; they are calling for freezing rain in our area :grumble:

    Anyway, I will check back later.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Hey everyone! Just surfacing for a minute to say "hi!"

    I'm way behind...Will you forgive me for not replying in detail yesterday and today? Life is moving at a dead run and I'm jogging to keep up (do I get to count that as exercise?)

    I do want to thank jb for the muffin recipe. Gotta try that.

    Things are crazy and I have got to avoid my old pattern of stress snacking. Healthier choices and lots of exercise!

    It's supposed to be nice here Saturday so DH and I are hoping to go on a long walk along the C&O Canal Towpath. I'm interested to see how far I can walk. Should be interesting considering that when I started at 319 lbs a mile would do me in - I'm shooting for at least 10-15 miles. Tonight as a dress rehearsal I'm going to do the Walk at Home 5-Mile walk.

    Best wishes for the rest of your Thursday!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say howdy! This week seems rather slow to me - will Friday ever come?? Tonight I will go for my final swim for the week. I am glad that I am getting back to regular exercise - it does make me feel better about myself. Hope you all have a great Thursday, and take heart, Friday is just around the corner! :tongue: Mary

    Edited to say: I see we are at 476 posts. Remember, the thread is locked at 500, but if you look in the last post, you will see a link to the new thread that says this topic is continued here. See you on the other side!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Hi just had a nice relaxing bath. Did a whole mess of ice chopping/snow clearing this morning so that I can get my car out without killing the underside.

    Had a little visit with DBF (Dear or Darling Boy Friend) around lunch time and will be going back shortly for an hour or so before I go to my knitting group. Then I'll pop back in to see him on my way home. He hadn't moved at that point, but I think it is in the plan for today. I took in his shoes, socks and dressing gown and toothbrush.

    Lousy weather forecast for here later today and overnight - more snow and even more freezing rain. Snow I don't mind, I hate the freezing rain.

    I think my hair is dry enough to go out. Don't want to catch a chill.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I was going to post a warning to watch out for a new thread coming along soon, very soon, but Mary beat me to it.

    I'll reiterate for all our newcomers please note that when the thread gets to 500 messages anything you write to this one, will fly off in to the wild blue yonder never to be seen again.

    Look for the link on the post number 500 and come and join us in Part 3.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    I can't believe part 3 WOW. 1 more night of graveyard. Not a good night last night, twist my knee just by stepping wrong. But I'm going to keep moving just a little slower now. Not that I was moving real fast to begin with. Congratulations to all the new grandbabies. If you lost weight a big cheer YAHOO!!!. And if you are still sticking with it way to go. Welcome to all the new comers. And my thoughts and prayer are with everyone who are going through tough times. And if you are on vacation enjoy.
  • kleinbuenstorf
    Hello everyone, :flowerforyou:

    my Thursday was filled with 5 mile walk, lunch with GF and I had a big juicy Burger :bigsmile: ,errands and late afternoon yoga class !!! :happy:

    Sarah - great workout and kudos for not using all your extra calories!!:drinker:
    Genealace - So glad BF is doing so much better!!:flowerforyou:
    Big Susan- One step at a time!! We all had to do that!!:wink:
    Jackie- or should I say " O Great Hunter" :laugh: Good luck on your "Home Safari"!! Have fun with your dinner and then get to work on getting in shape for your wonderful trips!!
    Cathy- stay safe on those icy roads!!!:smile:
    Virginia- you absolutely can count that as exercise!! Keeping up with life takes mega calories!!! :bigsmile:

    Now, for some down time and then maybe a big salad!!!! :happy:

    Have a great evening, :flowerforyou: