

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hope all is going well with everyone.Went to ortho dr.Hopefully,he`ll be able to schedule surgery for next wed or thurs.
    Should find out more in the am.
    Have a good night.

    good luck jane, with your surgery:flowerforyou:
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    HI~~Adjusting to living with son and family.Very challenging.
    Surgery for knee repair is scheduled for wed at 11.
    Will be glad to get this behind me.
    Have a good week-end.

    Good luck with your surgery...

    Hugs Darlene
  • carolpom
    carolpom Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone! Day three for me... my modest goal this month is to stick within my calorie count, aerobics 3 times per week and pilates once a week. Goal is to add weight training next month.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    :mad: No, the pounds do not come flying off. That is not how it works for women over a certain age. Skinny people will never understand!!!
    How true! Age does make weight loss a little more difficult, but even a lot of younger people have unrealistic expectations. At any age, we didn't gain 5 or 10 lbs in a week -- why do we expect to LOSE the weight that quickly? :huh:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning! About 5-7 new inches of snow so the skiing should be great:love::love: :love: I didn't wear HRM yesterday, so am anxious to see actual calories burned vs what MFP says. I always put down less time spent exercising when I use their numbers because I know they tend to be too high.

    Dtucker: I think that your goals seem just right! You have done very well in 8 months...and slow and steady wins the race, right?

    Michele: And I can't keep up with you and all of your activities ether! You fit a lot into one day!

    Barbie: I love the idea of "background music" to your day!

    I know I burned a lot of calories skiing yesterday but I was also VERY hungry in the evening. I made a healthy avacado snack and lots of veggies with a bit of DH's leftover steak for our dinner, but nibbled on graham crackers I found in the cupboard afterwards. That is my problem with a very intense day, and I have to figure out a better way to manage food intake so that I don't end up eating empty calories I don't need.

    Better go get breakfast. Take care, everyone! kackie
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Saturday, Weighed myself this morning, it went down 1.2 lbs plus measurements last nite something is working, why do we get so discouraged, like someone said we didn't gain this weight overnite why do we expect it to come off faster is it because we are watching the scale? When we are eating and happy we (well at least me) never once checked the scale, I never owned a scale till recently, when I realized how unhealthy I was.

    Going to be a good day, meeting with a potential part time job offer for medical billing and coding for some extra cash, and spending the nite with my favorite little man, my Grandson is spending the nite.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Hoo boy!! I'm listening to this little guy <
    yell his head off. He is NOT interested in his morning nap. I know his teeth are bothering him. He looks so cute with his one tooth and another trying to pop through. I sure hope he gives up soon. I so hate to hear him cry. :sad:

    I have been plagued with pine pollen this past week. Here in north Florida everything is lightly covered in orange pollen. Ugh! Benedryl to the rescue.

    If you know who ever gets to sleep, I am going to leave him with gramps and get some lettuce planted. The crop I planted in the fall is so old it's getting bitter. I should have replanted in January but didn't get it done.

    No pounds lost lately but I will keep plugging along doing my best to eat right and getting to the gym 5 days a week. I told myself when I started this that I was going for healthy not some specific weight. I have a good bp and all my other stats are fine, so I am succeeding at the health thing.

    Dang! Poor baby is really steamed.:noway:

  • seaglass2
    Happy Saturday! We are having some light snow today in southeastern PA, just enough to be pretty.

    Jane - Good luck with your surgery.

    Marcelynh - How exciting a new grandbaby! Do you know if it is a boy or a girl?

    Carolpom - You have set up realistic goals that is important!

    Linda- I agree it is so much harder to shed pound post menopause. I wish someone had let me in on that fact and I got things under control sooner.

    Kackie- I am like you, I eat well and exercise but I do look forward to the treats - chocolate to be specific!

    Sherry- Good luck with the interview!

    Faye- He's adorable! Hope that tooth breaks though soon. Allergies stink! I have a feeling with the warm winter we are going to get hit full force this spring in the northeast.

    have a great healthy day everyone!
  • Tonigirl519
    Tonigirl519 Posts: 39 Member
    I joined MFP on my phone sometime in 2010..but never really used the app. I'm a WW online person since July 2011..so I didn't used the MFP app. But I've actively been using it for about 35 days now and am down 5lbs. Which it great for a woman soon to be 55. My goal is to lose 5lbs and then once I reach that goal...then 5 more lbs.
  • deethinner
    deethinner Posts: 43 Member
    I'd like to join too.
    My goal is to lose my weight, get off blood pressure meds., be healty, not eat my extra calories and just plain ole feel good about myself.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    The title says Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

    > I'm over 50, Just saying.... :flowerforyou:

    How did you do with your goals for January?

    > Horrible - wasn't real honest to myself. :blushing:

    What goals have you set for February?

    > To start watching my nutritional intake closer / keeping my calories inside my flex area. :drinker: My clothes are snugging up on me! :angry:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Well good morning and happy weekend. Hope it's a good one!

    I'm having a few thoughts about this 800-1000 cals a day deal. Trying to digest the idea of cutting back yet again in order to drop the next 9 pounds and reach my goal. Although it really took a major amount of concentration, a couple of weeks back I managed to eat right around 1200 for a few days in a row without dying from starvation. Surprised the heck out of me! :laugh:

    I don't lose when I eat back my exercise calories, either. That's just how it is. Bottom line is I have to eat less and move more.

    Oh, does anyone remember the song "Chicken Fat" from when we were in grade school gym class? "Give that chicken fat back to the chicken and don't be chicken again..."

    Ok out of this chair I go - let's move it :flowerforyou:
    :^) jb
  • sonpowered
    sonpowered Posts: 3 Member
    I just started searching MFP community today, but joined in May 2011. After just a few minutes of reading others' posts, I believe I have found a good place for motivation and accountability. Yeah!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I had a weight drop today on my scale and that was a new low for me...so I am excited. It is such a slow, gradual process for me. I think coming back here and reading everyone's comments really help me to just keep trying every day.
    I am very tired today....just feel like taking a nap. I tutored one student this morning and he was tired and sick this morning. I think I just want a PJ day.

    Kackie...Your ski vacation sounds wonderful. I also find that when I really get a lot of exercise, I can feel very hungry.

    Jane...I hope the knee surgery goes well for you!

    Have a good day,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    Hi Everyone! Day three for me... my modest goal this month is to stick within my calorie count, aerobics 3 times per week and pilates once a week. Goal is to add weight training next month.

    Welcome, Carol, you've come to right place for support........after several years of wanting to do weight training and not being successful, I read "Strong Women Stay Young" and started and at home program that has been working great for me......I wish yu the same success.:bigsmile:
  • auntholly
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
    Working on flylady.com stuff and getting to the gym
  • auntholly
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    A cold and blustery day here in WNY. I don't think I am going to get my walk in today. I could go to the mall, but it is pretty snowy out. I decided that riding my recombinant bike at a low resistance can't be any more strenuous than walking so I took a slow 30 minute ride.:bigsmile: As long as DH and DDs don't find out!:devil:
    We just made reservations for this summer for 4 days at a cabin in the Adirondacks. I hate having to make decisions so far in advance. Right now, I am looking forward to a week in Myrtle Beach in April.

    Michele & JB,- I also cannot lose if I eat my exercise calories back. Even at 1200 calories a day, and exercising 200-400 calories at least 6 times a week, my weight loss was very slow, some weeks losing none, some only .2. A pound lost in a week was almost unheard of.

    dtucker- no 2 pounds for Feb is not lame. see above- It took me 2 years of 1200 calories and almost daily exercise- zumba, spinning etc- to lose my weight. I still have a few pounds to go. It is my goal to lose 3 pounds by the middle of April!

    Salad sistas- I joined you today with spinach and hard boiled egg. It was very good.

    Going to my sister's tonight for taco soup for dinner. I am taking my bottle of Cream de Cacoa wine since it is the week-end, I'm going out for dinner, and I won't be drinking it alone.:devil: Besides, we will make it our dessert.

  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I had a weight drop today on my scale and that was a new low for me...so I am excited.

    Way to go, awesom!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    Michele & JB,- I also cannot lose if I eat my exercise calories back. Even at 1200 calories a day, and exercising 200-400 calories at least 6 times a week, my weight loss was very slow, some weeks losing none, some only .2. A pound lost in a week was almost unheard of.


    i am with you all.....i also lose VERY slowly,,,and i have to keep my body guessing, so some weeks ill eat 1250 calories and some weeks ill eat my BMR approx 1500...i also burn a large number of calories but its best when i dont eat them back....losing weight after 50 is just a slow process and a very detailed one...keeping my logs helps very much...good luck