
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Been a tough week. Been burning the candle at both ends. With Work and family being pulled in 2 different direction. Had a bad Headache it has come back again for the 2nd time this week. But I did get a really good upper workout tonight. Made some summer sausage. Have it all ready for the smoker tomorrow. With the mixing grinding and stuffing. My shoulders are burning.
    Welcome all the newcomers.
    Congrats to all the new baby's.
    If you lost weight or inches. (YAHOO) .
    If the scale isn't moving don't get to discourage. We have all been through it.
    My thoughts and prayers are with all who are going through some trying time.
    Just remember we are here for you. Even it is just to vent.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Just a quick hello before go off to bed. I didn/t really do too much exciting today. I did get to the mall with DH and got in an hour of walking. Only thing is, that's all we did. Not bargain shopping! Maybe tomorrow I will get out to walk by myself!:bigsmile:

    Glad to hear so many of you are doing so well with the healthy eating and the exercise. Keep up the great work

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It's been a bit crazy for us. MacBoy told me on Wed. that he was in bad shape and needed to see a counselor or check into the hospital. So Thurs. we went to see our Family Doctor who referred us to some places and we called ahead to the ones that took our insurance and found only one with open beds. They are an 'unlocked' facility so everyone is there voluntarily, no violent people, etc. But no adolescent program so only one even close to MacBoy's age.

    The first thing they did was adjust his meds and it's made all the difference. His old shrink had him on a low dose of the antidepressant and high of the anti-psychotic even though he was very depressed and not particularly psychotic. MacBoy didn't like her and I had never been overly impressed and this just sealed the deal.

    He's got appointments with a new shrink starting in March set up already and I bet they let him out this upcoming week.

    Though they said they wanted him to stay a week which means they would want to release him on the exact same day that Mini-Mac is getting her tonsils (and possibly adenoids) out! We already told him no on that one. He can wait until Friday!
  • Toodletoo
    Toodletoo Posts: 4 Member
    Ok, my first day on this site. Have been doing weight watchers and lost 32 ponds since April. Ready to lose 30 more. Really need support!!
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Well, I didn't have the best weekend, but then again, it wasn't the worst, either. I have a hearing tonight that is really causing a lot of stress, and I let it get the better of me yesterday. It's an occupational hazard. tomorrow I'll be on the other side of it and can breathe again.

  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Hello, Hope everyone had a great weekend. I was a bit off track at our brunch yesterday for our son, but I ended the day ok. I've lost the 4 pounds I gained after I started here in January, so hopefully I'll finally loose some "right direction" pounds by the end of the week.

    I've been reading a thought provoking book "Why we Get Fat: And What to Do About It", by Gary Taubes. I have struggled with blood sugar issues this last couple of years so I'm particularly interested in his thoughts on how hormones play in weight gain and loss. Has anyone read it?

    Wishing everyone a great week!
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Well, I didn't have the best weekend, but then again, it wasn't the worst, either. I have a hearing tonight that is really causing a lot of stress, and I let it get the better of me yesterday. It's an occupational hazard. tomorrow I'll be on the other side of it and can breathe again.


    Good luck Eileen!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good Monday to all, :happy:

    Boo Hiss, I don’t mind loosing on the curling rink and I really like loosing on MFP, but I’m up three (3!!!) pounds :sad: on the scale since Friday. I sure can’t loose three pounds in three days, don’t know how I could gain that much. Here’s hoping it’s water, or sodium, or some other anomaly that will drop as fast as it appeared. I’m definitely back to real life today!

    Great weekend, Sarah! Cross-country skiing is a lot of work, I am glad you had fun too. Your daughter’s PhD sounds fascinating.

    What seems to help me loose weight? Eating oatmeal for breakfast, cutting way back on bread products and alcohol, no food after supper, and most important - portion control!

    Westernjoy I hope you have an easier time this week.

    MacMadam, It sounds like you’ve made a good move for your son in finding him a new psychiatrist. Stay strong, I'm pulling for you! :flowerforyou:

    Eileen, I hope your hearing went well. Exercise relieves stress. My new mantra: "Treadmill, not wine. Treadmill, not wine" :happy:

    Realpure: Can’t think of a better reason to be off track than brunch for a son. Today’s a new day.

    OK, as stated. Today's a new day. I am back ( though still doesn't seem fair that one weekend off should cost three pounds! :grumble: )

    Thanks for listening.

    Hasta pronto,

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning ladies,

    i had been feeling iffy the last few days(my youngest had a cold)anyways i have it now....honestly between the stomach flu and now this cold i really need february to be over with....and my eating has been off the charts....though i am logging regardless if the numbers end up in the red......yesterday i took the day off and rested but today i cant do that.....
    hope you all have a wonderful day:flowerforyou:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Monday. Weekend went by too fast, dinner tonite with "my friend" so will try to make good choices. He too is trying to lose weight, so no alcohol with dinner. I got this quote in my email today:

    Just because you don't see results after a day or even a week, don't give up! You may not see changes, but every smart choice you make is affecting you in ways you'd never imagine.

  • Hi Ladies...looking forward to spring as well. This winter in CT has been pretty much snowless but it still feels so very long. At least I was able to get out and walk more than most winters. If it wern't for my bellydance classes 2 night a week, I would not bother to get off the couch. Anyway thanks for keeping this message board...need some motivation and support from like minded women right now. Down 8 pounds from September but seem to be stuck at my present weight (plus or minus 1-2 pounds) I know if I get off my butt and excercise more it will go away. Come on spring!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Hello ladies :drinker:

    The scale hasn't budged for weeks , but my clothes are fitting looser and looser so I'm calling it progress. I had a wonderful birthday Thursday, thanks mostly to that full body massage and a niece who has also jumped on the clean eating bandwagon. I still feel a teeny twinge in my lower back when I move the wrong way, but am finally confident I can resume exercise without creating further damage.

    We had a Valentine banquet at church Saturday night. I have to honestly say the starchy things like bread and potatoes we're even a temptation for me. But I did indulge in the chocolate fountain with several skewers of strawberries. We've been eating healthy for long enough now that when we cheat even just a teeny bit our digestion revolts, so temptation grows less and less all the time. We just FEEL so much clearer and energetic! It also helps that I have found several clean eating websites with yummy recipes that satisfy our desire for an occasional treat. My current favorite is breakfast cookies made using oats, coconut, nuts and fruit. The hard part was finding unsweetened coconut!

    Its time to stop playing on the pc and get on the elliptical. As you all know, talking about it, doesn't change a thing. Its the doing that counts.. and I haven't been doing much of it lately.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Rainy Portland morning. Not exactly jovial; dark sky, dripping. On a happier note, Monday is always the perfect day to regroup.

    So here I go making promises: Revise, reform, remodel and reorganize my food plan after a 3 days of blunders. I slipped, tripped, stumbled and fell into a wild-goose chase of eating....mostly in the evenings which worries me a bit. I lost what little control I thought I had and although it wasn't horrible, it's cause for concern. I'm not going to dwell. Just file it away under "dangerous weekends", fugettabout it and move on. Looks like a few of us had the same sort of weekend.

    Salad Sistas! We must get together and have a virtual pinky-swear for today and all of this week. Almighty salad, how I love thee! You wouldn't know it by looking at my foods for the last 3 days. Potassium count has been significantly lower than usual and a swift kick to my own rear is in order.

    Put a smile on and let's get started with a good week. :smile:

    :^) jb
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning everybody :drinker:

    Darlene - thanks for your comments - I really hope I don't need to get another plate made - I'm off to the dentist AGAIN after work today to grind down some more teeth - actually think it might be the plate that they have to take down a bit....and definitely because of my overbite and I just can't figure out why there's such a problem since they took so many different impressions and molds of my teeth and bite....geesh :grumble:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome and/or welcome back Jenoflexington, laila101, harmonysnana, Toodletoo,

    Jane - good luck with your surgery :flowerforyou:

    Geri - motivation to exercise? I heard somebody on one of the daytimes shows say - motivation can come and go - you just need to make up your mind to move! I started by standing up and then sitting down - up and down - through all the commercials for the shows I was watching on TV....it helps to get started - now I have a friend that comes over and we work out in my 'gym' in the basement...a friend always helps to support and motivate - for me anyway....and yes going to the gym when you're over weight can be very intimidating, especially with all the hard bodies showing off lol....good luck in your journey - I'm sure things will fall into place and once you start seeing the results that will be your motivation!

    Darlene - I love the quote :Strategy is stronger than willpower" - it sure is sometimes! and I too wear progressives lenses and it took some time getting used to them - where to look etc. was quite dizzy at first. Also, my second pair were better and the frames were a little larger- sometimes if the frames are too small it's such a small variance that it makes it hard too. Good luck - hopefully things will settle for you BUT if not soon, go back to the eye place and get them to adjust if necessary - don't want to ruin your eyes if the lenses aren't lined up properly....just my 2 cents on the issue :ohwell:

    Virginia - can't wait to see the new avatar :love:

    Renny - I find I go over my sugar levels when I eat too much fruit....I know it's good for you so I do it but it bugs me that it shows over the limit on sugar yet I'm under my calories most days :noway:

    Cathy - absolutely you can only do what you can do - stress is the worst thing for anybody trying to lose weight - stay strong and let the chips fall on somebody elses shoulders :happy:

    FabulousFifty - I love your pic lol....that is so cute! :wink:

    Barbiecat - your dogs are so cute - and probably very good company on your walkts!

    Linda - I agree with your post - don't go under 1000 calories a day - definitely slow down your metabolism and put your body into starvation mode - been there - done that! :grumble:

    Nancy - love the loosing quote...lol...it's all about having fun - if you win - bonus if you loose - you at least had fun and worked off any of the "good calories" or "indulgence calories" :wink:

    Marcelynh - good luck with the new grandbaby....hope all goes swimmingly for your daughter! :heart:

    Sarah - GOOD FOR YOU 1691 calories burned...wow...I wish - congrats on a job well done :drinker:

    Eileen - deep breaths and one step at a time :flowerforyou: we always come through the other side :drinker:

    I hope everybody who is under the weather feels better soon and everybody who is feeling better - glad to hear it too! (how's that for summarizing - need to be quick - I'm at work today :laugh: )

    MacMadame - hope all works out well for MacBoy {{{hugs}}}

    realpure - let us know how the book is....I've been reading Jillian Michaels Master your Metabolism and yeah - it's quite an eye opener as to how hormones play a role in your weight gain and loss...

    Nancy - I wish I could adopt your new mantra "treadmill not wine" if only :noway: and you will get back on track - you've done so well already don't beat yourself up...it happens and now it's behind you. I don't believe in deneighing yourself on special occasions or events - just do what you have to to get yourselve back on track afterwards....

    Pam3 - hope you feel better soon - and yes it's a good idea to log everything even it you go over...keeps you accountable to yourself...

    AHealthierSuz - glad to hear you're not letting the scale dictate your progress...inches lost are wonderful arent' they?:heart:

    jb_2011 - good attitude :flowerforyou:

    okay - phew - back to work I go....then back to the dentist later - have a GREAT DAY everybody !

    take care
  • BlueEyedRedhead
    BlueEyedRedhead Posts: 5,169 Member
    Hi! Just found this thread and decided to join you all!
    My February goal is to break through my plateau and get the scales moving again!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Surprised myself by doing 20 minutes on the elliptical first day back. Those exercise endorphins are pumping! :happy:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's Monday - once again time for you all to snooze while I give you my weekly goal accountability report. Please feel free to move on to more interesting posts and skip mine!

    February, week 2: Still doing pretty well with my goals, so they are doing their job of keeping me focused. I have successfully logged every bite, lick or sip of the day 6 out of 7 days, putting me at 11 on my goal of 21 days this month. I did click complete diary and all were within the calorie range that I committed to, 1200-1700. My average intake was 1544.
    My goal of exercising at least 21 days is also progressing nicely. I exercised 4 days, my totals being 375 minutes and 2598 calories burned, per MFP calculations as I don't have a HRM. I am at day 8.
    I continue to focus on my motto of the month. No progress yet on my journal or my updated profile, but thankfully, February has 29 days this year, so I have been given an extra to accomplish my goals. You know, a procrastinator's dream!

    Once again, boring report done, you can all wake up now! The establishment thanks you for your attention, or at least your polite lack of attention!

    Linda, I did some research on the Red Lobster website, and found that the info that you entered was accurate calorie and carb counts for the 2 skewers of shrimp, broccoli, and rice pilaf combined. Did you manage to stay away from the biscuits? If so, you are a better woman than I am!

    Nancy, in regards to your 3 lb. gain: I don't know if you saw this link that I posted earlier this month, but it may help explain the scales. http://www.healthdiscovery.net/articles/scale_lies.htm

    Now to everyone ~ have a wonderful Monday! Mary
  • I had a pretty good week last week - down 2 pounds!

    A little frustrated today. I wanted to add strength training to my workouts so I ordered Les Mills Pump. The clips for the barbells don't work. After a frustrating morning of trying to get a live person in customer service I am told it is a known problem and they will send me new clips and I should have them in 5-7 days. Ok, but I wanted to workout today.....and this week...while I am motivated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh well it is just how the world works these days you can't even enjoy spending your money.

    Hope everyone has a great week!!

    p.s. - I am getting lost in the length of this thread. Anyone else? Has there been any thought to starting a Women Ages 50+ Group? Just putting it out there ;)
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Okay...It is the day before Valentine's Day and it will be my FIRST valentine's day without chocolate or red wine. Scary:huh: However, I am on a good roll - I will stay go out to a restaurant with my sweetie but have a lean, healthy meal. Wish me luck!
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    good idea. I think