Chris Brown- Have you forgiven him?



  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Who am I to judge Chris Brown? He did nothing to me. Only people who know what went down is Chris Brown and Rihanna, and quite frankly I think the truth lies somewhere between her version and his version. It's not up to me to judge, that's between the two of them.

    Okay, so lets say your sister or mother or brother or father, were being abused by another family member. It doesn't matter right, because it didn't happen to you.

    I didn't say it didn't matter because it didn't happen to me, YOU read that into what I said. But please don't twist my words. What I did say was it's not up to me to judge him. And ultimately it's not my judgement call.
    But as a society we do judge people thorugh the criminal justice system. So when someone harms another person we have a collective say.
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    My thing is everyone has a past and can change. He seems to be a better person now and most of all Rihanna forgiving him. I'm sure we all have done something that we would not like to be judged by for the rest of our lives! If you don't like him then don't support him.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I could really care less, his music is good and the boy can dance. People spend way too much time being involved in celeb's personal life. If you didn't know that he beat her up, no one would have an issue with him, unless you just really didnt like his music. So maybe people people should stop caring so much about people they will never have to deal with in real life anyway and focus on the reason he was/is famous in the first place and that is music. If you don't like his music then dont listen to it. I do think the girls on twitter are just ridiculous but that is their own issues.
    I knew of a catholic priest who could give a wonderful, meaningful sermon.
    And tell a joke? He was one funny guy. Kept us laughing.
    Very talented....
    And once you get past the fact that he molested 4 boys, it's no big deal.....

    and did you know this priest? did he touch your life personally? if so then it's different than a celeb who you don't know so why do we care so much about what he or any celeb did? unless it affects you personally, people should learn to deal with their own realities and worry less about other people who they will never meet is all i'm saying.

    The problem is not that he "didn't hit me" the problem is that #1, abusing ANY woman (or man ) is not ok, and #2 the whole celebrity thing, while yes he's still just a man, what are we telling society by still contributing to his music and his carrier?

    If someone abuses another human being then I will not in any way associate with them. Well I forgive them? sure. Will I pray that they change their ways? Yep Do I wish any harm on them (other than rightful punishment)? nope but I will not be in any way shape or form associated with them
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Here's my (probably unique) opinion as someone who has lived through pretty severe abuse...

    Abuse is terrible and it causes not only the physical harm we can see (bruises, broken bones, etc), but it also can cause psychological harm.

    Someone who has been abused is going to have issues with trust and security.

    Aside from that, forgiveness is a choice that can be very healing.
    When you forgive someone, you don't do it because they "deserve" it, and it doesn't mean that you put yourself back in that situation where you could get hurt again; you forgive so you can move forward.
    As far as the abuser, their actions are going to have consequences. Unless they demonstrate true repentance - and even sometimes IF they demonstrate true repentance - people are not going to trust them again.

    So have I forgiven Chris Brown? I had nothing to forgive - it didn't happen to me. I truly wish I could see more remorse and more demonstration that he has changed, but whether or not Rihanna has forgiven him is up to her.

    Personally, I did forgive my abuser (not for his sake, since he never really did change as far as I know, but for my own sake) and don't think that he is solely defined by his abusive actions, but I certainly never put myself back in the situation to be abused by him again.
    It doesn't mean he is worthless or evil, but it does mean that I could not trust him or be around him anymore, and he certainly did deserve consequences for his actions.

    I learned from what happened, forgave, and moved on with my life instead of either going back or holding onto my bitterness or anger.

    That's all a person really can do.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    As a victim of abuse I dont understand how people are tying say this is Rhianna's fault? So what she likes it kinky, that is different from getting the **** kicked out of her. It makes sick seeing people defend him. Also to all the people saying god this and god that, this has nothing to do with him. Chris brown is nothing more than a slug. He should be prison and not getting standing ovations.

    Thank you! Also, I heard they had to bring in an audience for his performance because many didn't want to watch.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Hate him.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    And if you read my previous post, I said that you are entitled to do that, but those who choose to buy his music aren't condoning violence against women either just because they like the music he makes.

    That's where we disagree.

    Well his songs aren't about beating women so I really don't see how you make that connection. In the end, it is just about the fact that he is a celebrity and his life was televised for you to see. So now you know that he did something horrible, and that means that he should never be allowed to use his talents again.

    I said, we as a society should stand up to people who beat their girlfriends and refuse to support them by buying their music. He can try all he wants. Supporting him supports domestic violence. It sends a pretty clear message to people that you can beat your girlfriend and for it to hit mainstream and for people to not care. Usher had to APOLOGIZE for calling Brown out. NO ONE would straight up say it was UNACCEPTABLE for it to happen, and now, 2 years later he's back at the Grammy's. How is that anything but society accepting domestic violence as something that happens and is to be ignored?

    Look, we took our histories of abuse and went in different directions. Let's just be done.

    how does supporting him mean supporting domestic voilence??
    does supporting the president mean i support war and innocent lives being lost??

    its not the same. i do not support chris brown, i believe what he done was morally wrong and believe that he will carry this around for the rest of his life

    i do believe in 2nd chances. is that not what life is about, no???
    has no poster ever made a mistake they wish they could change or didnt happen???
    for those mistakes that were made, did no-one help you, forgive you, help you??

    if that was the case that no-one was ever forgiven for deeds they made, this would be a sorry, sad world to live in.

    again let me re-iterate..... i do not SUPPORT chris browns actions.

    Let me re-iterate: Beating someone is never just a "mistake" it is a CRIME. Stop equating the two.

    When you support Chris Brown it sends a message to society, "You can beat your girlfriend, Usher will apologize for calling you out on it, 2 years later you'll be at the Grammy's" Rather than saying, "You beat your girlfriend and American shunned you because you were so shameful and horrible that we stood up and said, 'You will NOT beat our women'"

    Are you really so blind that you can't see that?
  • Siena_Risley_13
    Hate him.
    X2 HATE HIM!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  • tamerkins2
    Wow. I'm amazed at all the "I'm not here to judge" talk! Especially from women! Is the word 'forgiven" the wrong word, maybe? For crying out loud, he beat the *kitten* out of his girlfriend (yes, we know he did it, come on, don't give me that crap ....) then he gets a standing ovation at the Grammy's. Isn't there something just off about that?

    But you're right: I guess I better not judge either. Because if he had done that to MY daughter I would go beat the *kitten* out of him myself. :explode: So you won't judge me when I do, right? wtf.... stumbling away in confusion.....

    I am also surprised by the number of women that back his behavior..

    i dont back his behaviour AT ALL. its disgusting and agree it sould not be tolerated.

    this isnt about what he has DONE in the past its about wither he has been forgiven, so to answer the OP question. yes. i have forgiven chris brown

    No, if I ever beat the crap out of my husband or daughter or anything like that, I don't really expect to be forgiven. Also, he claims he solved his anger problems and wasn't like that anymore. A few weeks later, he was on some talk show throwing a chair through a window because he was angry. Maybe that was his second chance...
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    As a victim of abuse I dont understand how people are tying say this is Rhianna's fault? So what she likes it kinky, that is different from getting the **** kicked out of her. It makes sick seeing people defend him. Also to all the people saying god this and god that, this has nothing to do with him. Chris brown is nothing more than a slug. He should be prison and not getting standing ovations.

    Thank you! Also, I heard they had to bring in an audience for his performance because many didn't want to watch.
    Its sicking
  • modgirlrachel
    modgirlrachel Posts: 44 Member
    To quote Andy levy, "as long as you can sing, you can beat the living hell out of a woman and other women will still love you"
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Who gives a crap about Chris Brown or that smutty,smash face Rihanna. The real world has real world problems!

    news flash: domestic violence is a "real world problem"
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    And if you read my previous post, I said that you are entitled to do that, but those who choose to buy his music aren't condoning violence against women either just because they like the music he makes.

    That's where we disagree.

    Well his songs aren't about beating women so I really don't see how you make that connection. In the end, it is just about the fact that he is a celebrity and his life was televised for you to see. So now you know that he did something horrible, and that means that he should never be allowed to use his talents again.

    I said, we as a society should stand up to people who beat their girlfriends and refuse to support them by buying their music. He can try all he wants. Supporting him supports domestic violence. It sends a pretty clear message to people that you can beat your girlfriend and for it to hit mainstream and for people to not care. Usher had to APOLOGIZE for calling Brown out. NO ONE would straight up say it was UNACCEPTABLE for it to happen, and now, 2 years later he's back at the Grammy's. How is that anything but society accepting domestic violence as something that happens and is to be ignored?

    Look, we took our histories of abuse and went in different directions. Let's just be done.

    how does supporting him mean supporting domestic voilence??
    does supporting the president mean i support war and innocent lives being lost??

    its not the same. i do not support chris brown, i believe what he done was morally wrong and believe that he will carry this around for the rest of his life

    i do believe in 2nd chances. is that not what life is about, no???
    has no poster ever made a mistake they wish they could change or didnt happen???
    for those mistakes that were made, did no-one help you, forgive you, help you??

    if that was the case that no-one was ever forgiven for deeds they made, this would be a sorry, sad world to live in.

    again let me re-iterate..... i do not SUPPORT chris browns actions.

    Let me re-iterate: Beating someone is never just a "mistake" it is a CRIME. Stop equating the two.

    When you support Chris Brown it sends a message to society, "You can beat your girlfriend, Usher will apologize for calling you out on it, 2 years later you'll be at the Grammy's" Rather than saying, "You beat your girlfriend and American shunned you because you were so shameful and horrible that we stood up and said, 'You will NOT beat our women'"

    Are you really so blind that you can't see that?

    well quite clearly i am that blind. need to get my lenses checked. thanks.
  • tamerkins2
    My thing is everyone has a past and can change. He seems to be a better person now and most of all Rihanna forgiving him. I'm sure we all have done something that we would not like to be judged by for the rest of our lives! If you don't like him then don't support him.

    He got angry and threw a chair through a window!!! So, I am not sure he can or will change. What would be his motivation to change his behavior now? He knows he can get away with it - still sell records, win grammys, etc.
  • tamerkins2
    And if you read my previous post, I said that you are entitled to do that, but those who choose to buy his music aren't condoning violence against women either just because they like the music he makes.

    That's where we disagree.

    Well his songs aren't about beating women so I really don't see how you make that connection. In the end, it is just about the fact that he is a celebrity and his life was televised for you to see. So now you know that he did something horrible, and that means that he should never be allowed to use his talents again.

    I said, we as a society should stand up to people who beat their girlfriends and refuse to support them by buying their music. He can try all he wants. Supporting him supports domestic violence. It sends a pretty clear message to people that you can beat your girlfriend and for it to hit mainstream and for people to not care. Usher had to APOLOGIZE for calling Brown out. NO ONE would straight up say it was UNACCEPTABLE for it to happen, and now, 2 years later he's back at the Grammy's. How is that anything but society accepting domestic violence as something that happens and is to be ignored?

    Look, we took our histories of abuse and went in different directions. Let's just be done.

    how does supporting him mean supporting domestic voilence??
    does supporting the president mean i support war and innocent lives being lost??

    its not the same. i do not support chris brown, i believe what he done was morally wrong and believe that he will carry this around for the rest of his life

    i do believe in 2nd chances. is that not what life is about, no???
    has no poster ever made a mistake they wish they could change or didnt happen???
    for those mistakes that were made, did no-one help you, forgive you, help you??

    if that was the case that no-one was ever forgiven for deeds they made, this would be a sorry, sad world to live in.

    again let me re-iterate..... i do not SUPPORT chris browns actions.

    Let me re-iterate: Beating someone is never just a "mistake" it is a CRIME. Stop equating the two.

    When you support Chris Brown it sends a message to society, "You can beat your girlfriend, Usher will apologize for calling you out on it, 2 years later you'll be at the Grammy's" Rather than saying, "You beat your girlfriend and American shunned you because you were so shameful and horrible that we stood up and said, 'You will NOT beat our women'"

    Are you really so blind that you can't see that?

    Agree! Agree! Agree!!!
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Forgive him? What did he do to me? He didn't beat me! If he was Chris Brown from around theway, we would have never heard about the case. He probably would have gone to jail for a night or two and the woman would probably have posted his bail. It was a big deal because he was Chris Brown the entertainer. Obviously, Rhianna has forgiven him or moved on. If you don't like the man, don't buy his music.

    Exactly, Amen sista!

  • KMSForLife

    well quite clearly i am that blind. need to get my lenses checked. thanks.

    Since you brought it up - may not be a bad idea . . .
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I do forgive him one reason is because of the songs Rhianna has released since the incidient....some of them actually promoting violent and unhealthy relationships....

    S&m does not = unhealthy relationship

    just b/c she likes s&m (or at least sings about it) does not make abuse OK. S&M is about respect and trust, that trust can be broken both in and out of the bedroom. and, believe it or not, it's even possible to rape someone you have had rought sex with in the past.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member

    well quite clearly i am that blind. need to get my lenses checked. thanks.

    Since you brought it up - may not be a bad idea . . .

    yeah al get right on it...
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Forgive him? What did he do to me? He didn't beat me! If he was Chris Brown from around theway, we would have never heard about the case. He probably would have gone to jail for a night or two and the woman would probably have posted his bail. It was a big deal because he was Chris Brown the entertainer. Obviously, Rhianna has forgiven him or moved on. If you don't like the man, don't buy his music.

    Exactly, Amen sista!


    IT WAS A BIG DEAL BECAUSE IT WAS POSTED IN THE MEDIA! HOLY CRAP. I would feel exactly the same as I do now, if the situation were about some "regular" person.