Language Does Matter!



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't like to argue. But I do like to judge. And read grammar books.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    How do you like my strawman?

    A strawman, you say? This sounds like another lovely project!
    Do you have instructions for this, good sir?

    It would involve straw of some sort. Maybe hay.

    Oh, and a man. Definitely a man.

    Apart from that I got nuffink...

    *heads off to find a man*

    Pffffft. Good luck with finding one of those on this board my fragrant pot pourri of loveliness.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    People who aren't good at spelling/grammar are usually on low carb.

    It's the inshulin. I knew it!

    NO MAN, it's the ketones, makes people dum cause they're brain runs on glucose, but they don't consume carbs.

    If I had a clue what you were talking about I would agree with you. Definitely. Are the ketones near Florida?
  • MellyMartinson
    MellyMartinson Posts: 43 Member
    I'm an ESL teacher, and it SHOCKS me that native speakers mistake you're/your and their/there/they're.
    That shocks you? They're three words that sound the same, it doesn't surprise me that some people get it confused. I know the difference but that doesn't mean that you won't ever catch me accidentally typing there when I mean their.

    Proper grammar comes naturally to some of us, so it's easy to not realize that it really can be a struggle for some people. It doesn't mean that they don't care or that they're stupid and it certainly isn't a reason to start feeling better about yourself.

    Why not worry about real problems and not petty things like how someone spells or types...this isn't a classroom.
    These are things that should be taught in elementary school. Having proper grammar and correct spelling is important. It is very important to my employment and my everyday life. We can agree to disagree.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I'm an ESL teacher, and it SHOCKS me that native speakers mistake you're/your and their/there/they're.
    That shocks you? They're three words that sound the same, it doesn't surprise me that some people get it confused. I know the difference but that doesn't mean that you won't ever catch me accidentally typing there when I mean their.

    Proper grammar comes naturally to some of us, so it's easy to not realize that it really can be a struggle for some people. It doesn't mean that they don't care or that they're stupid and it certainly isn't a reason to start feeling better about yourself.

    Why not worry about real problems and not petty things like how someone spells or types...this isn't a classroom.
    These are things that should be taught in elementary school. Having proper grammar and correct spelling is important. It is very important to my employment and my everyday life. We can agree to disagree.
    No, that's the thing. We DON'T disagree. I absolutely agree with your last statement. Not once have I said that it's unimportant. Some how no one seems to understand that. It's the ignorance and judgment that bothers me, the inability to realize that what comes easily to some is a struggle for others that doesn't automatically equal stupidity and laziness. Do you get what I'm trying to say?
  • Mera_Mera
    Oh, English! The English language is by far one of the hardest language I've learned. Too many words that are similiar.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    Language evolves, deal with it.

    So, the evolving of language means we should not try to keep up and have some comprehension of it and how to communicate properly? Or, did I take that the wrong way?

    It can be an evolution of language. There's a reason why we don't speak like Shakespeare. Language is ever-changing, and there are some scholars that even argue for the teaching of Ebonics, widely considered to be horrid way of spelling and extremely grammatically incorrect.

    I do think Language is important and it does matter SOMETIMES. But I also think Geography, History and Math is pretty important. I'm not going to knock anyone for not understanding basic arithmetic, or World History or not knowing where Lebanon is on a world map.

    On top of that, I don't think grammar is reflective of a person at all. Rather, grammar,among many other things, is reflective of the poor state of our education.

    But we can still read and understand Shakespeare some 500 years later without too much of a translation (meaning one does not need a degree in Literature to understand Shakespeares plays). And to be honest, I also find it a problem when people cannot do basic arithmetic (I will give a pass on algebra or calculus) or cannot find their own State (or any other State) on a map. These are basic skills. Yes, we make mistakes. However, there is a difference between unintentional mistakes (e.g. typos) and ones made because the person doesn't care or doesn't know any better. Does that mean we have a poor state of our education? Perhaps, but it takes more than the teachers (or the school system) to educate a person. They have to care and desire it. I don't have the greatest of grammar or spelling skills myself, but it's not that hard to look up the rules online or in a book.

    Okay, but will people in Shakespeare's time understand any of us? They'd probably hate our way of speaking, and writing and if granted the opportunity, will definitely make a thread titled Language doth impertinent or whatever, I hated Shakespeare...-.-

    I would recommended a great book on America's educational system, but I forget the title, and I'm too lazy to look for it. But it's a huge eyeopener. It's really sad that there are many schools that don't possess even the basic things to teach children. I'm talking about textbooks from decades ago. And the schools, themselves, are in horrendous conditions. Desks are falling apart, and walls are peeling. It just makes you wonder. How can you expect someone to excel, or care or have a desire to learn, when they're being taught in hopeless places?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    yeah how did you know, that's how Dr.Atkins died, he slipped on a ketone.

    No, no that's an urban legend. Stop trying to discredit his work! He slipped on a Keystone cop. I hate misinformation.

    Here endeth my lessonaire on the import-ance of the playFUL use of langour and age above fixeth structure.

    If anyone has a problem with this please take it up with my editor. Or The Editors cos they rawk.
  • piebird79
    piebird79 Posts: 201 Member

    I also know how to make a pirate hat from a folded newspaper. :smile:

    Can you please share your knowledge? I really need a new hat.

    Here you go:

    How to make a paper hat

    1 step: Get Newspaper or normal paper sheet

    2 step: Fold on center . Position the folded crease at the top of your workspace.

    3 step: Fold top corner to the center line, creating a diagonal crease.

    4 step: Fold the other top corner to the center line, creating a diagonal crease.

    5 step: Fold up the bottom edge, top layer only, to cover the edge of the two previous folds.

    6 step: Turn over the paper.

    7 step: Fold in the left outside edge partway to the center of the paper.

    8 step: Fold in the right outside edge partway to the center of the paper

    9 step: Adjust to fit. The distance between the outside edges can be adjusted, more or less, to fit the size of your head.Fold up bottom edge

    10 step: Open the hat, and place on your head.

    Thanks! I need this for my daughter's 6th birthday party coming up in a couple of months.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    How do you like my strawman?

    A strawman, you say? This sounds like another lovely project!
    Do you have instructions for this, good sir?

    It would involve straw of some sort. Maybe hay.

    Oh, and a man. Definitely a man.

    Apart from that I got nuffink...

    If the strawman requires a hat, I know how to make one.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I'm an ESL teacher, and it SHOCKS me that native speakers mistake you're/your and their/there/they're.
    That shocks you? They're three words that sound the same, it doesn't surprise me that some people get it confused. I know the difference but that doesn't mean that you won't ever catch me accidentally typing there when I mean their.

    Proper grammar comes naturally to some of us, so it's easy to not realize that it really can be a struggle for some people. It doesn't mean that they don't care or that they're stupid and it certainly isn't a reason to start feeling better about yourself.

    Why not worry about real problems and not petty things like how someone spells or types...this isn't a classroom.
    These are things that should be taught in elementary school. Having proper grammar and correct spelling is important. It is very important to my employment and my everyday life. We can agree to disagree.

    The reason it shocks me is that I have never, EVER had a student make these mistakes. If people learning the language as a second language can get it right, why can't L1 speakers?
    I'm not "feeling better about myself" in any way shape or form. It's basic grammar, taking pride in being able to use it is like taking pride in tying my shoes.
    It's my JOB to know grammar :/
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    It is a recipe for an apparatus that feeds birds.

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member

    I'm glad you asked!

    What you'll need:

    Pine cone
    Paper plate
    Butter knife
    Smooth peanut butter
    Ribbon or yarn

    How to make it:

    Cut a long length of yarn or ribbon to hang the bird feeder.
    Tie the ribbon in a knot around the pine cone near the top (about 3 sections down).
    Tie a knot in the end of the ribbon.
    Use the knife to get a large clump of peanut butter on the paper plate.
    Use the knife to spread peanut butter inside the pine cone and around the edges.
    Sprinkle the birdseed over the pine cone.
    Roll the pine cone in the birdseed that is on the plate.
    Hang the bird feeder on the tree.
    Enjoy watching the birds eat their treat!
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Yes! English is not my first language, so it's difficult for me to understand sometimes when people misspell things =/

    And, I can differentiate between you're/your, their/there/they're, breathe/breath, etc...
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I'd like to add that even those whose second [or third or fourth] language is English, tend to speak it more properly than those born here.

    I find this as well. I think it is because most are taught the proper language and not the slang that we have picked up over the years.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I'm an ESL teacher, and it SHOCKS me that native speakers mistake you're/your and their/there/they're.
    That shocks you? They're three words that sound the same, it doesn't surprise me that some people get it confused. I know the difference but that doesn't mean that you won't ever catch me accidentally typing there when I mean their.

    Proper grammar comes naturally to some of us, so it's easy to not realize that it really can be a struggle for some people. It doesn't mean that they don't care or that they're stupid and it certainly isn't a reason to start feeling better about yourself.

    Why not worry about real problems and not petty things like how someone spells or types...this isn't a classroom.

    Oh young does not come naturally to some. It is taught in this nice little place called school...What people do not realize is that your language skills portray education whether you like it or not. People do judge you on these types of things, so act as thought it doesn't matte and continue to write there instead of their on your resume and see how far it gets you.

    Ignorance irritates the crap out of me unless someone is attempting to educate themselves. Ask away my friends because closed mouths do not get fed.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I'd like to add that even those whose second [or third or fourth] language is English, tend to speak it more properly than those born here.

    LOL. That's a joke.

    Naww.... we don't speak it more properly, but we spell better. LMAO! True Story! :laugh:
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    It is a recipe for an apparatus that feeds birds.


    Remember I am slow.
    It''s ok. I don't judge you. Wanna hug?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It is a recipe for an apparatus that feeds birds.


    Remember I am slow.
    It''s ok. I don't judge you. Wanna hug?

    I can try, I am scared of clowns, YOU'RE A CLOWN.

    IT'S A TRAP!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I'm an ESL teacher, and it SHOCKS me that native speakers mistake you're/your and their/there/they're.
    That shocks you? They're three words that sound the same, it doesn't surprise me that some people get it confused. I know the difference but that doesn't mean that you won't ever catch me accidentally typing there when I mean their.

    Proper grammar comes naturally to some of us, so it's easy to not realize that it really can be a struggle for some people. It doesn't mean that they don't care or that they're stupid and it certainly isn't a reason to start feeling better about yourself.

    Why not worry about real problems and not petty things like how someone spells or types...this isn't a classroom.

    Oh young does not come naturally to some. It is taught in this nice little place called school...What people do not realize is that your language skills portray education whether you like it or not. People do judge you on these types of things, so act as thought it doesn't matte and continue to write there instead of their on your resume and see how far it gets you.

    Ignorance irritates the crap out of me unless someone is attempting to educate themselves. Ask away my friends because closed mouths do not get fed.
    Some people are naturally more adept at learning language, grammar, spelling, etc. That's what I mean by it "comes naturally" to some. Just like some people are very good at math, our brains work differently. And I can do without your condescending attitude. I never said it wasn't important so don't come into an argument 8 pages long with ridiculous assumptions.

    And sometimes typos happen. I'm not going to think that you're an idiot because you wrote "matte" instead of matter and I'm not going to lecture you about how they're different words with different meanings because obviously you just forgot a letter by mistake.