How did every 1 gain weight



  • MrsLehman24
    MrsLehman24 Posts: 204 Member
    had a baby
  • Annie_Oakley
    My first bit of weight gain was when I had knee surgery in March 2011.
    Six months later, I broke my neck in a motorcycle accident.
    I've NEVER been overweight - until now...was always told to gain weight, etc.
    Such is life-I am where I am, and things are looking up now :)
  • jacobschwarz
    jacobschwarz Posts: 39 Member
  • Annie_Oakley
    First injuries then surgery, then staph infection, then steroids, then loooong recovery, then lazy.

    I hear you on the loooooooong recovery. It's a daily battle, but we get better, right? :)
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    was having issues in my marriage and i ate everything and did not work out. Since than things have restored back to normal for my hubby and I am back to working out and eating right:bigsmile:
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    Working a job that was very unpredictable. In the car driving a lot, eating fast food on the road. Trying to get a weeks worth of being home into a day and a half on the weekends. Not exercising, see the part about driving a lot, and watching TV when I was home.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Just posted the "I'm New" thread, but I strongly believe being on Paxil for 6 months caused me to gain 15 pounds. As a 35 year old woman, I have been the EXACT same weight since I was 18. All of a sudden I gained after I started that drug. I just got off Paxil, and coincidentally quit smoking as well. Having a hard time getting back down to my normal, comfortable weight...

    I was on Lexapro for 2 years and I gained about 40 pounds. I tried everything. Low carb, no carb, hrs at the gym..nothing worked. Doctor told me it was what I was eating, but I know in my heart it wasn't. I wasn't on a strong enough dose to not make me care about my weight! So, I went off of it in July and started exercising @ home and logging what I eat in Novemeber. Im about 25 pounds lighter now.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I was always very slendor, but did it the wrong way growing up. Then I was in a major car accident that put me in a state of depression. I let myself go and did not can what happen to me any longer. I went from 105 pounds to 192 pounds before I had another awakening in mylife. This lead to kickboxing and self defense and I found that I loved to work out. Now im down to 144 pounds and will not stop working out and will eat right to keep my energy to work out. I have even went back to school to get a degree in fitness and nutrition.
  • Justducky83
    Justducky83 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow, a lot of things. First off having three kids. I had my first kid and four months later I got pregnant again with my second daughter. And then almost three years later I was pregnant again just when I was starting to lose weight. I quit smoking a couple years ago and I think I used food in place of the cigarette and just started eating to much. I was eating way to much food and food that wasn't healthy for me. I also write books for a living which doesn't get you out of the house and active that much. So its a combination of a lot of things, now just a matter of doing something about it which I am! Good luck everyone!! Add me if your in a similar boat.
  • c13hart
    c13hart Posts: 1
    I was gaining slowly..did not watch what I ate..Then my Mother and husband passed away within 6 months of each other and I became a couch potato..I was not active.
  • Annie_Oakley
    I was always very slendor, but did it the wrong way growing up. Then I was in a major car accident that put me in a state of depression. I let myself go and did not can what happen to me any longer. I went from 105 pounds to 192 pounds before I had another awakening in mylife. This lead to kickboxing and self defense and I found that I loved to work out. Now im down to 144 pounds and will not stop working out and will eat right to keep my energy to work out. I have even went back to school to get a degree in fitness and nutrition.

    Jenn, you have made an INCREDIBLE turnaround! My hat's off to you!:bigsmile:
  • jenn_if_er24
    having 4 kids in 6 years. Eating waaay too much. Getting depressed. Eating out of comfort, anger, or just bordom. Getting PPD, going on Celexa added an instant 20lbs, then 2 years later another instant 20lbs. Qutting nursing... I would say all of this together caused my weight gain. As of today I am going to track my calories on this site and see if that will help me get control of my weight. I've been "watching" my calories and excercising since Dec, and haven't seen very many results. I did read online that having taken anti depressants will slow down your metabolism. So I think that's my main problem. I also read it should come back within a year of being off of the meds. Here's to hoping so!!!
  • heymayer
    heymayer Posts: 34 Member
    It's a weak term to use because it really all boils down to self control but my cause of so much gain over the years was due to "stress eating". Often times, due to my work schedule, I literally couldn't stop to eat until 9 or 10pm. And then, having no energy to cook, I would hit a drive thru somewhere. I'd be starving at that point and my eyes would somehow be bigger then my stomach and I would order 3 sandwiches and a large fry then go home and shovel it all in my mouth while "getting caught up" on other things for the day before crashing shortly after. Basically I'd be ingesting anywhere from 1,500 to 2,000 calories at the very end of my day, then going straight to sleep and not give my body a single second to burn any of it off.

    For whatever reason I was too stupid to see this until the fateful day when it finally hit me of just how fat I was and just what exactly I was doing to myself and I have since managed to get things under control, both with my work schedule and diet. If I HAVE to eat late at night for whatever reason, I take a little extra time to find something healthy, but I also make sure to eat more during the day so that I "slow burn" and keep myself from getting that "starving" feeling.
  • MrsMrtz
    MrsMrtz Posts: 73
    ....had a baby and it has been very difficult to lose the weight (btw, my baby will be 5 years old soon - hahaha)
  • Irisballoon
    Irisballoon Posts: 54 Member
    I had a baby and then I just got really lazy and decided to eat anything that I wanted. lol
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    eating WAY too much junk food (mcdonalds, pizza hut, candy, ice cream, etc) and not exercising a lot. I was definitely an emotional eater! I still am but have learned to control it/allow for cheats!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    stopped exercising but didnt stop eating
  • gleechick609
    Eating out all the time with the boyfriend. Going to fast food joints on my lunch break. You name it, I ate it. Now, I still do that but I portion control every thing and exercise 3-4 times a week. Dropped 52 lbs in 8 months. Boom.
  • weathergirl320
    thyroid disease and listening to every thing that conventional diet wisdom told me to do. now i do the exact opposite of whatever mfp says or the fda or any other conventional diet advice. i have lost 34 lbs and 11 left until my goal
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    Having 2 kids!!! Had a kid gained 45lbs, lost it in one year. then 2yrs later had another kid and gained 40lbs. It took me 18mos to loose the weight that time. Now I'm just maintaining. But if I get off track its easy to start gaining again, darn kids. LOL. but they were worth it!! I just never had to watch anything before I had them.