If it fits in my daily calories...



  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member
    Has anyone seen the pink slime that burger is made of? Because that is not supposed to be eaten. I don't care what other people eat, so I don't see why it should bother you, but you obviously have the more healthy outlook by not eating those things yourself. Getting the right balance of nutrients and avoiding artificial foods gives me more energy than when I was concerned only with the number of calories I was consuming.

    not all burgers are made of pink slime...

    Jeez. Take it easy with the fearmongering bullsh!t
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member

    I agree 100%, it hurts me to see people eating 1200 kcal of junk food, and losing (sure they are on deficit after all)
    I don't get how they refuse to understeand that the bigger your deficit the more you have to try to eat nutrient dense foods

    but you can't help everybody
    delete from friend list and move on...

    It HURTS you?? What strangers eat?? therapy might help you...eventually....
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
    If you're going to eat a burger....make it a REAL burger, not some skimpyassed cardboard POS. And plan for it...like me


    Oh, dear, sweet, Jesus......... I think I just had a burgasm........

    Nom nom nom... Lets split it Gale. Half the calories ;) lol
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    People asked why it bothers me... after reading through this thread, I have found my answer. It bothers me because its loaded with fat, sodium, cholesterol and who knows what else. If I never ate another burger in my life, I would be okay with that. Everyone is different. My topic was not "EVERYONE MUST FOLLOW WHAT I DO" It was my opinion. and I am pretty darn happy with the turn out.

    Unfortunately, what you said bothered you was OTHER PEOPLE saying "if it fits in my calorie goal, I'll eat it." You most certainly were saying you believed everyone SHOULD "follow what you do." You DIDN'T say it bothered you to EAT those foods, but that it bothered you that OTHER PEOPLE ate them. You opinion is fine--so long as it applies ONLY to you.
    ^^^^^^^ THIS -I think the OP was just bored between workout and saw someone eat something she didn't like and BOOM! Cranked out this beaut of a thread :tongue:
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Im not gonna eat anything I shouldn't till I get to my goal. Dedication will get me results. The cheeseburger isn't going anywhere. You can eat anything you want when your kids dont have to worry about your breathing, etc. If it hurts, that means its addicting. Thats like saying a crackhead should be able to splurge on crack "every once in a while". Most of us are un-healthy. Lets do this. Put the burger down!!!!

    Crack is a bad example, because crack only exists because cocaine is illegal. Had we not passed laws in the 1930s that banned substances like cocaine and marijuana, drugs like crack and meth wouldn't be needed, and wouldn't have been invented. Crack and meth are cheaper and easier to transport than cocaine, and in an illegal product, easy to hide and transport, and cheap, trump safety concerns. Most problems with drugs can be traced to our prohibition of them. Alcoholism was very rare pre-18th Amendment. We'd do better to legalize, educate (using real information rather than scare tactics), and tax the he11 out of them.

    Use and abuse are not the same thing. Almost everything can be used, or abused, and almost anything you can become addicted to. If your hypothetical crackhead is using but not abusing, there is no reason s/he can't have some once in a while, from a purely health viewpoint. (The legal issues are outside this discussion.) MOST PEOPLE who are overweight are not addicted to food, and there is no reason they can't splurge once in a while.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    The question that comes to mind is Why would they eat it if they really knew how bad it was for their health?
    I mean moderation is key. I don't know you or your lifestyles and I don't look at peoples food journals and judge them either.
    Everyone has a reason behind why they ate what they ate. That is fine.. Just don't let the "excuses" get the best of you. We are all here for the same or similar reason(or at least that's what I thought).

    Because they effing LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Most of THESE people are not using "excuses"..... they are saying they WANT TO EAT IT. Now, step off your high horse, so I can make it into a tasty burger.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    Moar burgers

    Double smoked blue cheese juicy lucys topped with more cheese, pancetta and Frank's Buffalo Hot and some roasted brussels


    1st burger pictured is my goal meal for tonight, except I have no idea how to make that BUT YUMMMY
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Now, step off your high horse, so I can make it into a tasty burger.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    To each their own, people.
    No need to condescend someone for their eating habits. Different things work for different people.
    I will take some of that crack though. I need a workout booster.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    To each their own, people.
    No need to condescend someone for their eating habits. Different things work for different people.
    I will take some of that crack though. I need a workout booster.

    All I have to say is Crack+Shake Weights.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    To each their own, people.
    No need to condescend someone for their eating habits. Different things work for different people.
    I will take some of that crack though. I need a workout booster.

    forget the crack, pass me a horse burger
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    To each their own, people.
    No need to condescend someone for their eating habits. Different things work for different people.
    I will take some of that crack though. I need a workout booster.

    All I have to say is Crack+Shake Weights.

    Now that just sounds like a good time!
  • Billywoo
    Billywoo Posts: 141 Member
    Cap'n? Really dude... You can go ahead and count your calories but if your food is gargage, its garbage. Period! You are what you eat big guy...
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    If you're going to eat a burger....make it a REAL burger, not some skimpyassed cardboard POS. And plan for it...like me


    Oh, dear, sweet, Jesus......... I think I just had a burgasm........

    :happy: :laugh: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Now I need to go and find something to clean my keyboard - I've sprayed it with really bad for you diet pepsi!! :laugh: Thanks for that laugh!!
  • Billywoo
    Billywoo Posts: 141 Member
  • Buttercupmcgee
    Buttercupmcgee Posts: 95 Member
    I'll be Burger King and you be McDonald's--I'll have it my way,and you'll be lovin' it.

  • fashionista954
    fashionista954 Posts: 98 Member
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    The question that comes to mind is Why would they eat it if they really knew how bad it was for their health?
    I mean moderation is key. I don't know you or your lifestyles and I don't look at peoples food journals and judge them either.
    Everyone has a reason behind why they ate what they ate. That is fine.. Just don't let the "excuses" get the best of you. We are all here for the same or similar reason(or at least that's what I thought).

    Unfortunately, a smart individual would ask that about nearly everything available in grocery stores these days. With food dyes, added sugars, fat (a little of which is considered healthy), TRANSFAT, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and all the other chemicals that make our "food" enjoyable - if not downright addictive - to think the way you do, your **ONLY** option is to grow/make everything you want to eat. To object to the fat in a (presumably fast-food) burger but not all that other stuff is the same as ignoring the fat in a burger. Some people claim food dyes lead to autism. A diet high in added sugars increases your waist and your chance of type 2 diabetes, which can lead to heart problems, stroke, poor circulation, a less effective immune system, vision problems, and other not-so-fun stuff. Studies are also finding that some cancers can use sugar to develop. MSG....don't even get me started on that.

    So, have you started your own farm? If not, then what are your excuses?

    Some people also claim vaccines cause autism. However, science has disproved this, and the original study has been withdrawn because the data were faked. The point is, not all studies carry the same weight (pun NOT intended), and what is true now may be false next year. While a diet lower in sugars and transfats is a good thing, it's really not clear that moderation is somehow worse than a strictly "clean" diet.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Im not gonna eat anything I shouldn't till I get to my goal. Dedication will get me results. The cheeseburger isn't going anywhere. You can eat anything you want when your kids dont have to worry about your breathing, etc. If it hurts, that means its addicting. Thats like saying a crackhead should be able to splurge on crack "every once in a while". Most of us are un-healthy. Lets do this. Put the burger down!!!!

    I'm sorry that you have breathing problems, and that your kids have to watch you deal with that. I hope you will all be healthier because of it. However, two things I see wrong with your post: 1. crack is illegal, and for good reason: it is TRULY addictive, and people will hurt others or themselves to get it, and they do things they shouldn't when they're on it. 2. Can you show evidence of addictive qualities in burgers?

    The fact is, if necessary, everyone COULD stop eating burgers. In most cases, it's not necessary. Plus, when prepared at home, it can actually be a decent/healthy meal. Keep in mind, a little fat is good for you. Also, many people on here have made appropriate sacrifices in an effort to get healthy. One burger every few weeks won't kill most people.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I've been doing what works for me, which is eating a restricted number of calories but still eating what I want to (for the most part). Do I make the most healthy choices? No. Is it working for me? So far, yes. It's working because it's something easy for me to stick to, because when I try to change too much about my diet at once I get overwhelmed and give up. Why you are worried about it is beyond me.